Dirty Boss Daddy by S.E. Law



Our car pulls up in front of the Wilshire Hotel and Josie and I step out and grab our bags. My friend whistles as she stares at the hotel in admiration. “Wow. This place really lives up to the hype, doesn’t it?”

I look up at the enormous building, which is both solid and elegant at once.

“Yeah it does, doesn’t it?” I say softly. “I’m so glad to be going to this conference.”

After all, it’s been a week since I broke up with Ronald, and I’ve barely slept since. I know that getting rid of that scumbag was the right thing to do, but still, it hurts. The next few days at work were a blur, and I avoided Ronald at every possible turn. Fortunately, on Friday, his desk was empty and clean. I have no idea if he was fired or merely transferred to another department, but I don’t care. As long as I don’t have to deal with that jackass anymore, then I’m good with it.

But now, Josie and I are here for a conference along with a few of our other co-workers, and it’s nice to get away from Manhattan. The city was becoming too much for me and this respite in Atlantic City is much appreciated. I’m going to enjoy the trip by treating myself to spa appointments and deluxe restaurants, even if we’re here for work too.

A porter offers to ferry our bags inside and Josie and I follow him into the Wilshire. The hotel is grand inside with a fountain sparkling in the center and marble columns that remind me of a Greek temple. Plus, the foyer is almost like a small town buzzing with life, given the elegantly dressed guests as well as the liveried staff scurrying about. Josie nudges my elbow while we get checked in, and she’s got a big smile on her face.

“See? I told you that you had to come. Aren’t you glad you listened to me?”

I roll my eyes and laugh. “I still don’t want to go to this conference because they’re always so boring, but you’re right. Escaping to Atlantic City is exactly what I need.” But then a thought strikes and I frown. “Yeah, but what if Ronald is here? The last thing I want is to run into him if he’s still working in advertising.”

Josie sticks her finger in her mouth like she’s gagging. “Who cares? That guy was so gross that I’m puking just thinking of him. Honestly, I’m glad you finally ditched him, girlfriend. You deserve better than a measly, wimpy coward.”

I nod sadly.

“I know, right? He showed my naked pics to another man! Who does that? Plus, not just another man, but Ligne’s CEO! Oh god, I hope I never have a meeting with Malcolm Neuwirth because I’d be so embarrassed. He’s seen my breasts and pussy!” I lament.

Josie merely slings her arm around my shoulders as we head up the elevator. “No worries, you know how guys are about that kind of thing. They never really remember, and it all blurs in their mind in a huge hodgepodge of pussies and boobs. I’m sure Mr. Neuwirth won’t even realize it was you,” she says reassuringly. Then, we stop in front of my hotel room door. “But now you’re here, you’re single, and you’re free!” she sings, doing a little twirl in the hall. “Just imagine all of the scandalous things you can get up to in Atlantic City now that you’re rid of that douchebag Ronald!”

I laugh, and pull out my keycard.

“Well, I’m not really looking to meet anyone, but I guess you’re right. Thank god Ronald’s gone. I haven’t had to look at his face all week, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

Josie merely giggles.

“I know what you mean, but stop talking about that loser, girlfriend! How are you going to leave him in the past if you keep gabbing about him?” Then, she waggles her eyebrows at me before moving down the hallway to her own room. “I know something spicy is going to suck you in while we’re here. Something that makes you forget your own name, it’s that good.”

Laughing, I shake my head at her and then wave before stepping into my hotel room. It’s beautiful, and certainly nicer than any room I could have booked for myself. The walls are a soothing dove-grey, and there’s a king-size bed in the center made up with cream-colored linens. A small desk pushed against one wall leads to the bathroom, and to my surprise, there’s even a small balcony when I open the sliding glass door. Wow, this is really nice.

As I step outside, the ocean breeze blows over my shoulders and I take a moment to close my eyes and lift my face to the sun. Warm rays bathe my skin, and immediately, I feel more relaxed. This trip is exactly what I need, and I’m going to enjoy my time here, definitely.

Suddenly, my stomach growls and I giggle. I skipped breakfast this morning, and now, the beast will not be denied. It’s too early for a big meal at a hotel restaurant, but the coffee shop on the lobby level, La Verve, looked like it had some pastries and maybe even sandwiches. That would be perfect.

Grabbing my purse, I make my way downstairs. The elevator opens to the expansive lobby, and I immediately spot La Verve off to one side. It’s a cute little shop with white walls, wooden tables and chairs, and an overall rustic feel. Even better, they have a decent menu, and feeling especially hungry, I order both a Chicken Caesar sandwich and the Ultimate Avocado BLT, along with an iced caramel latte. I’m sure anyone who sees me with two sandwiches all to myself will think I’m a pig, but I’m so hungry that I don’t care. I don’t know these people, so they can believe whatever they like.

With my tray in hand, I take a seat at one of the few available tables near the front window of the coffee shop. There’s music playing softly over speakers in the ceiling, and I find myself bobbing my head as I listen along and take a big bite. Wow, the avocado hits the spot with its creamy, subtle flavors, while the roast chicken is so juicy that liquid spurts all over my tongue. This is incredibly delicious and I literally moan a bit with satisfaction.

But then my eyes pop open because of course, at that very moment, Malcolm Neuwirth strolls into the coffee shop. What’s even worse is that his sees me too, and the overstuffed mouthful of food I’ve suddenly forgotten how to swallow. OMG, how can this be happening? I probably have chipmunk cheeks, bulging to the utmost as I try furiously to chew.

But the gorgeous CEO doesn’t seem to mind. Recognition flares in his blue eyes as he casually strolls over. Damn, the man is so handsome that I almost forget my own name. His hair is as black as charcoal, and his skin is shaded with a deep bronze tan. Even in his slacks and button-down shirt, I can tell that this is a man who works out. His chest is broad and solid, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a six pack underneath that white fabric. Long legs eat up the distance between us, and my mind starts going haywire.

Shit, shit, what do I do? Grabbing my latte, I take a huge gulp, forcing myself to swallow the bite of sandwich in my mouth. Then I look down at myself and frantically start beating away the crumbs covering my chest. Of course, it doesn’t help because the crumbs seem to jump up and land right where they were. Even worse, I’m still in my travel-stained top and loose jeans, and no doubt my hair looks like a rat’s nest. Ugh. How could my timing be worse?

Still, I force myself to smile as he walks up to my table.

“Hi Leslie, is it? I’m Malcolm Neuwirth. I think we both work at Ligne in NYC.” He motions towards the small open chair at my table. “May I join you?”

I nod a little too fast. Does he recognize me from my nude photos or from my photo in the company directory? Unfortunately, I’m too shy to ask and manage to stammer, “Um, yes. Yeah, of course.”

My palms are sweating as the handsome man takes a seat across from me. OMG, even sitting he’s still so huge! His broad shoulders seem to block out the rest of the café, and those blue eyes are dazzlingly intense. I literally feel faint being in such close proximity to the alpha male.

“So, how’s the trip been for you so far?” Malcolm asks in a low voice. “You’re on the fifth floor at Ligne, right? I hope your hotel room is nice.”

I begin babbling like an idiot, praying he doesn’t notice the two sandwiches I have in front of me.

“Yes, I sit in a cubicle in the middle of the fifth floor, and the Wilshire’s great, thanks. My room’s amazing. I have the most beautiful view of the beach, and it’s honestly going to be hard to leave the comfort of my bed to attend this conference.” As soon as I say the words, I want to clap my hands over my mouth. Malcolm’s the CEO of the company that’s sponsoring my conference seat, and he probably thinks I’m a slacker now. “I mean, it’s really nice but I’ll be at every talk for sure. I wouldn’t miss a session! That’s why we’re here, ha ha.”

Malcolm chuckles too, and I swear that the little laugh lines by his eyes make him seem more handsome than before.

“It’ll be an informative conference, but it’s fine if you don’t go to every session, sweetheart. You’ve got to pick and choose with these things because some of the panels are just bullshit. I mean, did you see the one called, “Color Theory as Applied to One-Click Purchasing?” I’m not saying it’s total bullshit, but I really don’t want to listen to how Amazon is a genius for having yellow buy buttons.”

I giggle.

“You’re right, some of the panels did seem a little doubtful, but who knows? Maybe we can learn from the industry giant.”

“Maybe,” says Malcolm with a grin. “Anyways, life should be about more than just work all the time. That’s all I’m saying.”

I can’t help the smile that crosses my face. “Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t be much of a life if we never had any fun,” I add softly. But then I tilt my head and ask curiously, “Mr. Neuwirth, do you come to all industry conferences? I know Ligne has some employees here, but I thought it was mostly just low-level staff like myself.”

Malcolm throws his head back and laughs, showing off a bright white smile.

“That’s a good question because no, actually I wasn’t supposed to attend this one, but I had a break in my schedule so I decided to make the trip. My secretary said I should do it, seeing that I’ve been working so hard.” Then, he pauses and those blue eyes twinkle. Oh god, I just know he recognizes me from my nude snaps. I’m going to die from embarrassment. But he merely smiles and stands then, towering over my small frame. “Well, I’m glad to finally meet you, Leslie. I’ve heard of you at Ligne.”

I gulp. “You are? Really? How?” I finish in a whisper.

He grins mischievously. “Have dinner with me tonight and I’ll tell you.”

The invite has a subtle command to it, and a delicious shiver runs down my spine. Goosebumps dance across my skin and it takes me a few seconds to remember to breathe.

“Um,” I say. “Um, sure. Yes.”

“Great,” he grins, throwing me a wink. “I’ll meet you at your room at six?”

“My room?” I ask, stupefied. “But how do you know where I’m staying?”

He cocks his head at me.

“I’m the CEO remember? And I own Ligne NYC, so in a way, I’m paying for everything.”

I gulp, my cheeks going red.

“Okay sure, Mr. Neuwirth. Sounds good. My room it is then. I’ll see you at six.”

He winks.

“Wear something sexy,” is his last command, and then he strolls away. I gape, watching his broad back disappear. Holy crap, did the gorgeous CEO just tell me to wear something sexy for our date tonight? Not only that, but is this a date? It doesn’t feel like a corporate event, that’s for sure.

Suddenly, this isn’t a business conference anymore. I have the sneaking suspicion that Malcolm Neuwirth wants more from me than just some conversation, and the truth is, maybe I’m ready to give it to him. After all, he’s already seen what he needs to see, and the alpha male likes it. So what if I give him what he wants? Two can play at this game, and suddenly, I’m warm with anticipation at the prospect of sparring with the handsome CEO.