Taming Lucinda by Normandie Alleman

Chapter 16


"I was thinking since she's planning on a garden party, we should stick with finger foods and things that aren't likely to drip or spill," Chloe said, flipping through her binder of tried-and-true recipes. Most of them had been featured on her show or would be in the upcoming season, so I knew they'd all be delicious. Chloe's viewers loved her for her sweet disposition and southern charm, but they also loved her because her recipes were simple enough to recreate at home and incredibly tasty.

Realistically, it should've been Ivy picking out the food for her wedding reception, but she wasn't going to come in from Utah just for a tasting. Like me, she trusted Chloe to make something mouthwatering and unforgettable. Chloe didn't even need my input, truth be told, but she still struggled with fully taking the reins. She always looked to me for approval.

It was much better than Dynassy and Ivy's predilection for doing whatever they wanted without any regard for how it would affect me.

Though, these days, their actions didn't really reflect on me. They were all adults now, with their own reputations separate that of the Barnes Family.

"Good thinking," I said, nodding along as she flipped page after plastic-sleeved page.

"Have you ever considered putting together a cookbook?" I asked, pulling her binder toward me. "These little notes you've made in the margins—people would love that."

"You think?" she asked, wrinkling her nose. "I'm not sure I'm author material, Lucinda. I wasn't exactly a scholar..."

"If braindead athletes and popstars can write autobiographies, I think you can handle a cookbook," I encouraged.

Chloe wasn't convinced. "Don't they hire ghostwriters?"

"We can get a good editor. Something to think about," I said, patting her hand. "It would be less hectic than a restaurant. Maybe give you some down time for starting a family...?"

"Doubtful," she chuckled. "But a cookbook might be fun. I'll think about it."

"Most of the work is already done here. Write some cute little stories about cooking with your family when you were growing up and maybe come up with a few exclusive recipes and the rest of the work is in photography."

"We'll see," she said, still laughing. "What do you think about for the reception, though?"

"I think whatever you choose will be perfect."

"That's not helpful, you know."

"It's true, though. You're incredibly talented. It's no wonder your show has been such a hit."

She blushed, looking away, trying to stay modest. That was Eduardo's influence keeping her grounded, keeping her from getting a huge head and ruining her life like I had.

"From what I hear, you're going to have another hit on your hands soon," she said, nudging me with her elbow.

"I am?" I had optimistic expectations for Ivy's wedding special, but I didn't think a one-off could be classified as a 'hit.'

"With Cole? I heard he's getting into the business. I'm sure he'll be amazing."

"Not a chance. He has no interest in doing TV," I laughed. I was still a little disappointed that I hadn't been able to change his mind, but I respected his choice even if I couldn't understand it. His decision did put a damper on my dreams of launching a Barnes Living brand, though.

"That's not what I heard," Chloe said, eyebrows raised, a big smirk spreading.

"What have you heard?"

Her expression sobered when she realized I wasn't just playing coy with her. "Nothing concrete," she said. "Some crew people were talking about a pilot someone was planning and—Oh, no, Lucinda. I'm so sorry. I just assumed you were producing—"

"I'm not," I said, ice in my veins.

Why didn't he tell me he'd changed his mind about having a show?

Why did he go behind my back about it?

I would've matched any offer they made. He had to know that.

Which meant the only other answer was that he didn't want to work with me.  It was too bad. We could've done something incredible together.

Instead, he had to be like everyone else. Out only for himself. Willing to move on from me at a moment's notice when it was convenient.

"I'm sorry," Chloe said again, reaching across to rest her hand on my arm. "Maybe I've got it wrong. Talk to him and find out what's going on. I can't believe he'd go behind your back like that. He knows how important your production company is to you."

"It's fine," I answered with an even coldness in my tone. "Let's focus on Ivy's wedding. What are your top ten? We'll narrow it down from there."

It was easier to bury myself in work and planning than to think about Cole's betrayal.

No matter how much I tried to forget about it, though, those thoughts kept pushing their way to the front of the line, shoving everything else out of the way. I had to know.

All things considered, I didn't want to go right to the source. I didn't want to give him a chance to talk his way out of it or distract me with his sex appeal. Instead, I used my contacts in the industry to ask around for the information I needed.

And what I learned was not reassuring.

He'd gotten a call from Nancy Carhouse at Modern Living. It wasn't a long call, but she'd sent him an offer afterwards.

Chloe's gossip proved to be right on the money too. Cole had already done a screentest. The plans for a pilot were already underway.

It was plain as could be.

I couldn't even look at him when he came inside for his afternoon hydration. I made myself scarce until he left for the night.

I didn't know how to talk to him about it. My feelings were way too raw.

Way too intense.

This thing with Cole had left the realm of 'just fun' a long time ago. Somewhere between me revealing my biggest secret to him and falling asleep in the same bed fully clothed, I'd started to fall for Cole Jordan.

It was the exact thing I'd warned myself against.

It was bad enough when everyone else ignored my good advice, but even I couldn't follow it, it seemed.

I sulked for a couple more days, listless and bitter. I hadn't gotten this broken up over the last guy. The cheater. I hadn't had feelings like this for him either.

Cole was special.

Or I thought he was.

A surprise call from Eden shook me out of my daze long enough to answer, my voice hoarse and raspy from disuse.

"Lucinda? Are you all right?" Eden asked, concern in her voice.

I cleared my throat. "Fine. Just a bit of a tickle."

"You're not getting sick, are you? What's your temperature?"

"Settle down, Doctor. I'm in perfect health."

"Are you sure? I was going to see if you wanted to babysit the twins for the night, but if you're not feeling well...I wouldn't want them to catch anything."

My heart leapt.

Eden had never asked me to babysit overnight. I don't think she ever trusted me. She'd tolerated me for Nick's sake, at least until Leo told everyone about Ray. Since then, the road with Eden had been bumpier than the one out to her mother's farm.

"No. I'm not sick at all, and I'd love to have the twins over!"

"Nick has a game down in San Diego and we thought we'd try to have an adults-only night, but it's really not a big deal if—"

"Eden, really, I would love to. Bring them before the game if you want so you don't have to double back."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive! Tell them they better get excited to have a lot of fun at Grandma's house!"

"Okay," she laughed. "I'll bring them by later. Thanks."

It was just the sort of pick-me-up that I needed. Esther and I spent the afternoon getting a room ready for them and digging out some of the old games and toys from when the kids were younger.

Eden showed up with the twins not long after Esther had left for the day. I held out my arms for a hug, but they were both too shy to give me one.

"They just need a little time," Eden said apologetically.

Of course they did. They hardly knew me thanks to the bad blood between me and their mother. But hopefully that was all a thing of the past now. Hopefully we could move beyond that, and the next time Albert and Annabelle came to visit they'd dart out of their booster seats shouting 'Grandma!' before coming in for big bone-cracking hugs.

I wasn't sure I'd ever get that kind of ideal family interaction. Maybe I didn't deserve it.

"Don't worry," I assured her. "We'll be best friends in no time. Esther and I spent all day pulling out some of the toys your dad used to play with."

Albert's eyes widened and he nudged his sister.

"Toys?" Annabelle asked, tugging at the hem of her shirt.

"Yeah! Why don't you go inside and check them out?" I offered.

Eden and I both watched them scamper into the living room, both of us smiling.

"Thanks again for doing this. I know it's short notice—"

"Are you kidding? I've been waiting for this day since they were born. You can bring them over any time you want."

Eden sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry I never brought them before—"

"You don't need to apologize," I said. "It's behind us now."

"I shouldn't have put all the blame on you," she said, forging ahead anyway. "My father was an adult, and he had his own part in everything that happened. He wasn't blameless. My mom made me realize I wasn't being fair in that regard. He wasn't a saint corrupted by some homewrecker—whatever it was that you guys had, we may never be able to understand it, but I get that it was more than just sex...I don't know if that makes it better or worse, but I can't hold it against you forever. That's not fair. If Dad was alive, I would've forgiven him for it."

For once, I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I wanted to hug her, but I didn't think we were there. Between Cole and Chloe I had gotten much more comfortable with showing physical affection in the last few months. That didn't mean everyone around me was comfortable with receiving it, though. I didn't want to push too hard with Eden when she was just starting to let me in.

"Okay, well, you have my number if you need anything. And if anything happens and they need to go to the hospital, I have colleagues at CHLA. Head there and call me on the way so I can—"

"Eden, I don't think we'll be having any Emergency Room trips. It's going to be a relaxing night of baking cookies with grandma and watching movies. No daredevil stunts, I promise."

Eden made a face, then shook her head. "It's been a long time since you had twins, hasn't it? Good luck," she chuckled. Then she came in for a quick one-armed hug and made a break for it so fast that I wondered if she thought I was going to change my mind that fast.

I wasn't worried, though. I'd raised four kids in my day. Even a set of twins. How bad could it be?