Until Love by May Gordon


The last few days have been chaos as everything gets figured out. Nico and the cops gave me a lot of shit for going in alone, and there was quite a few favours needed to be called on to smooth it over but the result was the same regardless, and I don’t regret it. Donovan Bennet and his whole organization have been arrested thanks to the evidence I gave the FBI. To save himself, Max agreed to flip on Donovan after enough pressure was placed on him. Rose and Posie spent some time in the hospital to monitor them due to their injuries from the accident, luckily none were serious.

We’ve been relaxing at home since their release, but that’s about to change as July called to let us know Princess is stabilized and can have visitors. Posie is itching to see her, so the two of us are heading there while Rose decided to stay behind to rest.

July is waiting at the desk, her face grim. She expertly distracts Posie with the help of her assistant with the new kittens while she pulls me aside. I knew it wasn’t good news.

“I needed to amputate his leg Robert, but I assure you he’ll make a full recovery and can be released within a week.” She then goes on to ensure that Princess will still have a very normal life. “I’m not sure how Posie will react, so be gentle with it ok.”

“I will,” I agree, feeling guilty that I hadn’t thought of warning Posie just how bad Princess leg was. It’s just that she’d already been through so much and I wanted them to recover before throwing this at her. July gives me an understanding look, then encourages me to do so now before we go back. When she gives us privacy, I pull Posie aside and kneel in front of her and take her hands in mine.

"Princess was hurt pretty bad in the crash. They had to remove his leg," I explain, wanting to be gentle without sugarcoating it.

She sucks in a breath and her eyes get watery. "Will he be okay? Can he still walk?"

"Yeah, kid,” I promise. “He’ll still can play with you and do everything else he could before once he heals. In a month, we’ll be right back on that lake again."

She nods in understanding. "We’re all a little damaged." There she goes again with the wise beyond her years comments. "I still love him all the same." And somehow, I feel like she's talking about me now, too.

"He'll be better than ever," I tell her, which seems to ease her worries. With a kiss on her forehead I take her hand and we enter the back room and spot Princess, his tail starts thumping when he sees us, making us both sigh with relief. His ears are perked and he lets out a little bark as Posie sits next to the cage and gives him lots of pets and kisses.

"Hey." I turn to see Nico standing in the doorway and walk over to him. Leaning against the wall, we each watch Posie and Princess’ reunion. "You have any idea how proud of you I am?" Nico may not be my father, not that I know who mine is, but he’s always been the closest thing to it for me. His compliment means the world to me, as does he. I don’t think I’ve ever told him that, but I feel the emotions and the weight of his praise coke my eyes with unshedded tears.

"Thanks, but I was just protecting what's mine. You and every other Mayson man taught me that." Then he does something he hasn't since the day I flew out for basic training. He pulls me in for a hug. After all these years, all the shit I've been through, I forgot that I can rely on my family here. That they’ll never think less of me. I shouldn’t have stayed away as long as I did.

"When can we take Princess home?" Posie asks, interrupting our tender moment. Honestly, I'm glad she did. It was getting way too emotional.

"Soon," I respond.

"July needs to finish helping him first," Nico adds. Turning to me, he says, "Stop by the house again for dinner when you’re all up for it." Then he tells us goodbye and heads out.

Posie and I spend as much time with Princess as we can before we need to let him get some rest. We decide to stop by the bakery to visit Alice, as well as pick up Rose's favorite treats. After answering all of Alice’s questions, we end up bumping into Cobi and chatting with him for a bit. Posie tells him all about Princess and his three magical legs and he plays along, listening to her wild stories without scoffing at them. We promise to get together soon, then depart.

Sage pulls in behind us when we get home and I hand Posie the baked goods. "Go take these to your mom." She gives Sage a wave, then heads inside. He doesn’t get out as I walk toward him, but he does roll down his window.

"Hey, man. How is everyone?"

"Healing. A hell of a lot better without that shit hanging over their heads."

"That's great." Retrieving a folder of paper from his passenger seat, he passes it to me and says, "Here’s the information for the adoption lawyer and papers you wanted. He's good and knows the situation. He said it shouldn't be a problem."

"Thanks, for everything," I let him know with a grateful look. “I appreciate it.”

"Anytime. I'm always here for you, you know that." I do know. "Next week, let’s get everyone together and spend the day at the lake. It’ll be nice."

Months ago, a suggestion like that would be a hard no because I’d be too concerned with the number of people there, worried I’d be triggered. But now it sounds like something i’m looking forward to. "Yeah, we’d like that." We talk a little longer, then say our farewells. Inside, Rose and Posie are on the couch eating the baked goods and giggling.

When they hear me come in, Roes turns and smiles. "Welcome home."

Fuck, those simple words make me almost burst into tears. After years away, fighting war after war, I returned a broken man, struggling to cope every day. I had no idea how I’d survive it…. until love saved me.