Until Love by May Gordon


Robert is quiet and clearly deep in thought about something as we drive to school. More than likely the holding pattern we’re in until my brother decides what he’s doing. I thought for sure he would’ve appeared by now, but he hasn’t. What is he waiting for? Why have Max make his presence known then just disappear? Properly all a mind game. That is his specialty.

"Can we swim in the lake after school?" Posie asks from the back with Princess beside her.

Since Robert doesn’t respond, I do. "Sure, honey."

Wanting to help Robert however I can, I reach out to take his hand, just needing the comfort from his touch. I know he was avoiding talking about some grand plan he was cooking up with Sage, and for now I don’t mind his secrecy. I know he will tell me when he wants. I love and trust him.

I look up to speak to him when I see a huge truck barreling towards us. I don’t have time to even scream, we’re t-boned on the driver’s side. The impact is so fierce I swear my bones rattle as the airbags deploy. Posie screams in horror as we begin rolling multiple times. Windows shatter, and the metal crunches as we flip. Finally stopping when we’re upside down and dangling from our seatbelts. My door is ripped open and I’m cut loose, dropping to the floorboard. Arms yank me out, dragging me against the shattered glass as it cuts me up and carry me to a different vehicle. Still disoriented, I want to know what’s going on and just who the hell they are, but I can give one good guess. Already hurting, I cry out in pain when they throw me into a van and shut me inside. Almost immediately after that, Posie joins me. Luckily, I’m able to catch her with my own body.

She has blood on her head and minor cuts all over her, but she’s alive and passed out. I'm in tears not knowing if Robert and Princess are okay. And it’s because of me and my choices. I put them and Posie in danger. I finally found happiness and know my brother is trying to take it from me. My nightmare has come true, I just hope Robert can wake us up in time to save us all.

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