Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


First, I want to take the time to say thank you to my readers who spent their time supporting this story. Ever since I announced it, so many of you were there checking in and giving me encouragement to share this story. Thank you for helping me live my dream.

I want to thank my BETA readers who have been here for almost every book I’ve written so far. They are the support team that any gal can ask for.

Alycia, thank you for the amount of support you give me as a reader, but most importantly as a friend. You’ve been there since before I decided to share my stories and you’ve encouraged each one. So grateful to have you apart of my team. Literally couldn’t ask for a better soul to come along on this journey with me. I hope to forever have you on as a friend and reader.

Sabina, thank you for everything you do. You’re amazing for being there for this story while writing it and teasing it. Also, your commentary on this story was the best thing ever, it felt like I was right there next you, haha. I hope to forever have you apart of my team.

Kenzie, thank you for taking the time to read and share your thoughts on my story while being so busy with life. I’m so grateful for you and your friendship. You’re truly the best. I adore you!

Thank you to my editor Mackenzie for the work you did on my little story. For being so kind to me and helping me through all the questions I had. So grateful I came across your page and now have an amazing editor.

Camila, you know a thank you was coming at you, haha. You’re seriously my best friend from miles away. You’re the first person I pitched this idea to, and you literally encouraged and loved it since day one. Forever grateful for your guidance and don’t forget that there’s a character that is inspired by you. I adore you!

My beautiful family, my mama, my dad Manuel, my two sisters, Kristiel and Alexa; THANK YOU! I wouldn’t be me without you guys. I love you guys. Thank you, mama, for always taking the time to ask me when my next book is because you’re excited to read my next story. And for your endless support. Thank you, dad Manuel, for always taking the time to check in on me and letting me rant to you about anything going on with me. Thank you, Alexa, for letting me talk your ear off about my book ideas and how I plan to break people’s heart. You’re truly the best. Thank you, Kristiel, for understanding my art more than anyone else and supporting me. You’re the best too.

Yesly, thank you for letting me ruin any story I write for you because it’s a must I talk about it with someone haha. Bianca, thank you for asking me about my stories and the journey I’m on with sharing my dream. Love you both so much!