Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 27

“You will let me go in there!” Melina shouted from outside. The door to the apartment stood open. There were several guards in the hallway and several more on the patio outside. They were there to ensure that Riley didn’t escape. “Let me in right now or so help me…!” Melina shouted.

“We have our orders,” one of the guards said.

“You were told not to let me escape. To keep an eye on me while I packed up my things,” Riley said.

“Exactly, female.” The guard was stern, eyes narrowed.

“My name is Riley. Call me ‘female’ once more, and I’ll kick you in your other shin.”

He took to looking sheepish.

“There was no mention of not allowing visitors,” Riley went on.

“I don’t know about that.” The same guard looked unsure. “I’m sure the prince will not have wanted you to receive visitors.”

“What’s going to happen? Melina is here to say goodbye and to help me pack. With all of you around, I won’t escape. What harm could it do? Please.” She wasn’t beyond begging.

“Please,” Melina chimed in. “An hour is not a very long time. Riley needs help packing.”

“Actually, I have half an hour left, and I haven’t even started yet.” She burst into tears.

“Don’t cry, fe…Riley. Yes, you can help her,” the guard told Melina; he looked flustered.

“I’m so sorry!” Melina said as she walked inside the apartment. She put her arms around Riley and hugged her tight.

It only made Riley cry harder. “It’s all my fault.”

“No. Hey,” Melina said, pulling away. “Don’t say that.”

“They put Fog in a cage. They’ve locked him up like an animal. They’re going to beat him and cut off his balls.”

“I don’t think they’ll go that far. The cutting off of appendages and limbs hasn’t been carried out in many years.”

“Holy shit! Here I was hoping you would tell me that it’s just a dragon turn of phrase. That Storm didn’t mean it. He said that Fog would be broken and bleeding by the end of the day. He talked about flaying him.”

Melina winced.

“What?” Riley felt her heart beat even faster than it already was. “Tell me he wasn’t serious.” She felt the blood drain from her body.

“They still carry out floggings from time to time. Fog is strong.”

“I’m so sick of people telling me how strong Fog is. Just because he’s strong doesn’t mean he can take being flogged and having his damned balls cut off.” She sat down on the edge of the sofa. “I have to leave soon. They’re making me go.”

“I know, and I’m so sorry. I know you wanted to stay here until you got your friend back.”

“It’s not just that anymore. It’s Fog.” She cried harder, wiping at the tears. “I’m in love with him. You were right. I’ve been hiding behind all my rules. Hiding behind my list. Using them as a crutch, as a wall. I knew I was doing it, and it suited me just fine. Until Fog came along. I had a taste of life, of love…of living. I want to be with him. I can’t leave. I can’t even be here for him through all this.”

“That’s so wonderful. About the two of you, that is.” Melina smiled.

“It’s not wonderful! I’m being banished.”

Melina rolled her eyes. “Back to Fog being strong. Not just strong, he’s damned stubborn too. When he fixates on something, there’s no getting him to let it go. In this case, that something is you. He’ll find a way for the two of you to be together. You’ll see. You need to go back and then hang in there.”

Riley shook her head.

“We’ll be here for him. He has friends. Once he’s back on his feet, know he’ll come for you. I told you that dragons don’t just simply fall in love; they fall with everything. They fall both heart and soul. It isn—”

“Let me through!” a woman said.

“Not you too,” the same guard from before said.

“Please let her in,” Riley shouted.

Azure walked through the door. Her face was pale. “I’m so sorry. Ice said that they have Fog in a cage and that Avalanche is still down there in the caves.”

Riley started crying all over again. She grabbed a Kleenex and blew her nose. “I’m sorry. This is a disaster. It’s all my fault. I begged Fog to try to rescue Ashlyn. By the time I tried to talk him out of going, it was too late. He wouldn’t listen.”

“Fog and Avalanche make their own decisions. They’re grown-ass shifters. Don’t take that guilt on yourself. It isn’t right,” Melina said.

“I pushed hard, though. I needed someone, anyone, to rescue my friend. Now Avalanche is in danger too, and Fog is in a cage.”

“Ice just told me that if anyone will make it out alive, it’s Avalanche, and I tend to agree.” Azure sat down on the sofa across from them. “I’m sorry. I would have come sooner, but Ice and I had an appointment with the healers. We had already moved the meeting out by two hours, and so… What?” She cocked her head at Melina, who was smiling. Then her cheeks turned pink. It happened in an instant. Azure looked down at her lap for a few seconds before looking up. “I’m with whelp.” She touched her belly. “You already knew that, even though we haven’t said anything to anyone.”

“Of course, I knew.” Melina jumped up, giving a yell. “I’ve been waiting for you to tell me already.” She raced over and hugged Azure, who was crying.

“I’m sorry. It must be these damned hormones.” Azure flapped a hand in front of her face like a fan.

Melina let Azure go. “That’s wonderful news. Congratulations.”

“I’m very happy for the two of you,” Riley said through her tears, handing Azure the box of Kleenex.

“Thanks.” Azure took a couple. “I think this whole situation is terrible. I can’t believe it. Surely—”

There was a knock at the door. “It’s time,” a guard said; he filled the whole space.

“What?” Riley looked at her watch. “I still have ten minutes left. I only just started packing. Her almost empty bag was lying open next to the closet.”

“I’m sorry. I was instructed to fetch you now. It is time to go.” At least the guard had the respect to look ashamed.

“No, but—” Riley started to say.

“It’s best you go,” Melina said. “Arguing won’t help. I’ll pack your things and have them sent to you. Better yet, they’ll be here for you when you get back.”

Riley nodded. The odd tear was still sneaking out, but she mostly had her waterworks under control. She said a quick goodbye and gave each of them a hard hug, then turned back at the last minute. “Please don’t let him go back down there.”

“We won’t,” Melina said. “The royals have forbidden it.”

Dread filled her. Like that had ever stopped Fog. In fact, it would incite him further. Melina had been right. Once he fixated on something, he wouldn’t be able to let it go.

Oh, Fog!

Riley concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other. This was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do.