Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 28

Eight hours later…

Fog looked around the cage.It was small. Too fucking small. There was a mattress on the floor in the corner and a small basin and a toilet on the other side. His dinner was on the floor, untouched. He paced up and down like a caged lion. Rage bristled just beneath the surface. Fog stopped mid-stride. Someone was coming. He slowly turned as they walked into the room that housed the cage.

“Don’t even think of lecturing me,” Fog growled as he paced back towards the cage door. It had been padlocked. The entire structure was made from silver. Even though he wasn’t touching any of the metal, he could still feel the effects. He felt slightly weaker; his mind was a touch fuzzy, with bouts of nausea that gripped him from time to time, making his stomach roll.

“I wouldn’t think of it,” Ice said, keeping just short of the bars. “And that’s not exactly how you should be greeting your friend.”

Fog sighed, dropping his head for a second before looking the male in the eyes. “I’m sorry! It’s so fucked up. This is a mess.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair, clasping the back of his neck. “Has there been any word on Avalanche?”

“No.” Ice shook his head. “Nothing. They posted guards at the cave entrance. When he makes his escape, they will be there to escort him back to the lair.”

“When he makes his escape?” Fog scrunched his eyes shut. “I thought you said he was as good as dead. A lamb to the slaughter.”

“I may have been a bit harsh. I was pissed off. He’ll make it out.” Ice looked like he meant every word. “You can’t blame yourself.”

“I don’t!” Fog growled. “I blame the royals. Before we have that particular conversation, I need to know if you…” His throat worked. “If you saw Riley?” Everything in him tightened.

“No, but Azure went over earlier to offer support and to help her pack. Melina was there as well. They stayed until the guards came.”

“Fuck!” Fog’s voice was agonized. Completely unrecognizable as his own. “She’s gone.” Fog knew that she was. He knew that Storm would stick to his word. His only shock was that he hadn’t been whipped yet. It wouldn’t be long before it was carried out. Fog didn’t give a shit. He welcomed the pain. The wounds he had inside were raw and bleeding. At least, that’s how it felt. Why not have wounds on his skin to match?

“Yes. I’m sorry, Fog.”

“I’m pissed off. Those fucking royals,” he snarled.

“It’s understandable that you’re angry since they won’t send in a rescue mission. Even now that Avalanche...” Ice’s eyes clouded.

“No, that’s not the half of it. I have a better understanding of why they decided not to send a team in the first place. I’m pissed they didn’t tell us. They are keeping us in the dark like sheep.”

“Did you find out new information about these cave dwellers?” Ice’s eyes narrowed.


Fog heard footfalls. Ice too, since he turned to face the door.

Storm walked into the room, flanked by two guards. “Thunder wants to meet with you.”

“Now?” It was already after nine.

“Right now.”

“Is he going to flog me himself, or will the two of you take turns?” Fog knew he shouldn’t taunt the male, but he didn’t give a shit.

Storm ignored his outburst. “Open the door,” he instructed one of the guards. “Don’t try anything.”

Fog sighed. “I won’t.”

“I will see you tomorrow,” Ice said. “Hang in there. Good to see you, Sire,” the male mumbled, not sounding like he meant it.

Storm didn’t say anything. Asshole!

“Thank you,” Fog told the other male, meaning it. “Thank Azure, as well. I’m sure my female appreciated the support.”

The door opened with a squeak and a clang. The guard wore thick leather gloves. He stood to the side.

Fog half expected the guards to grab him as soon as he walked clear of the cage, but it didn’t happen. He narrowed his eyes. Fog walked several steps behind Storm. “What is this about?”

“I told you; the King wants to meet with you.” Fog could tell that Storm wasn’t going to divulge anything more, so he didn’t even try to garner any more information.

They were probably going to tell him in detail exactly what they were going to do to him. How many lashes; that his balls would be taken. Storm would enjoy telling him all about it. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if the bastard carried out the punishment himself. Fog didn’t care. He didn’t care about any of it. He’d bide his time until he was out of the cage, and then he’d figure out a way to get his female back.

They were soon at the main royal offices. He was surprised to see Gayleen behind her desk. He noticed that she wore jeans instead of business attire. “Hi!” she said softly as she waved at him.

The guards remained outside in the hallway. Storm walked ahead of him, opening the door that led to Thunder’s office.

The king was sitting on the sofa. He looked exhausted. His eyes were bloodshot. He wore a pair of cotton pants. “Take a seat.” The male pointed at the chair opposite him.

Fog grudgingly did as he asked.

“You should never have disobeyed direct orders.” There was no preamble.

Storm took a seat on the wingback chair to the right of Fog.

Thunder sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face, the stubble catching. “We should have informed our tribe about the cave dwellers. It has become infinitely clear that leaving you in the dark has had repercussions.”

“The fifth tribe. They’re not some creatures living under the mountains; they’re the same species as us,” Fog said.

Thunder nodded once. “I can agree that both parties made mistakes. You were out of line too, Fog. You should be left to rot in that cage. You should be flogged until the skin is taken from your back.”

Fog had to suppress a growl. The same could be said for them.

“I have an ultimatum for you,” Thunder continued. “I’m putting this offer on the table once. You will only have five minutes to decide if you want to take it or not.”

What?He felt everything in him bristle. Felt his scales rub. He didn’t like this. Not one fucking bit.

“You would get to keep your balls,” Storm said, his voice a low rasp.

Fog chuckled. There was no humor in the sound. “I am going to mate Riley; we’ll see who loses their balls in the end. I believe you agreed to a silver blade.”

Storm winced. “Perhaps if you agree to the ultimatum, we will both get to keep our balls in the end.”

“I think we’ll leave that as an aside and not part of this ultimatum.” He might need the leverage at some point. In fact, he could almost guarantee it.

Storm glowered. Fucker!

“Will you hear me out?” Thunder asked.

The King was asking him. Asking. What the fuck! He leaned back and folded his arms. “I’ll listen to what you have to say.”