Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 9

“Bullshit!” Storm growled.

“I mean it,” Fog tried. “We’re into each other. I’m on the list to find a mate. I’m well within my rights to test compatibility.”

“The only reason you want to keep her here is to help her put together some half-baked plan to try to save her friend. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

“I think she has a spectacular rack. I want to bury my head between her—”

“Bullshit!” Storm opened his laptop. “If you’ll excuse me, I have work to do. I’m headed to one of the mines this afternoon. I haven’t stretched my wings in a few days. If I don’t get done with this, I can’t go, and I’ll get cranky. My mate hates it when I get cranky, and that has ramifications.” He sighed. “Our mates are already mad about some of the decisions being made at the top level. I don’t want to piss her off anymore. Do you get what I’m saying here?” He widened his eyes.

“I find the human delectable. Her lush thighs, her lush every-fucking-thing. Those big blue eyes. I could barely hold myself back last night. All I wanted was to bury myself—”

“I struggle to believe you. She’s…full of shit. She’ll give you a runaround about everything. I don’t think she’ll let you get anywhere near her lush thighs. Back to her being full of shit!”

“Oh, and your female is meek and mild and does everything you tell her to, no questions asked?” He smirked at the prince.

Storm leveled him with a stare. “I know you’re up to something. I just know it. You don’t want to test compatibility. I’m not stupid. Take her back to her home. Let’s be done with it. Thunder has forbidden you from discussing anything with anyone. No one will join your rescue team without information.”

Fuck!It was true. Although, the tribe knew that the cave dwellers had a human. That was general information. Fog was sure he would find males willing to help out.

“I don’t plan on going on some suicide mission,” he lied.

“Good, because make no mistake, it would be suicidal to embark on such an undertaking. Don’t do it! If you make it out alive, you would be in a world of trouble. Thunder will have your ass.”

“I thought he wanted my balls,” Fog muttered.

“Don’t be a wiseass! Leave this alone. Take my advice on this. You are not compatible with this female.”

“That’s my decision to make. Not yours!” There was a definite edge to his voice. Fucker!


“I stand by what I said when I first sat down. I want to test compatibility with Riley. This has nothing to do with her friend. I have no intention of launching a rescue mission. That’s all.”

“Fine,” Storm snarled. “You will start testing compatibility sooner rather than later. As far as everyone is concerned, we’re putting a team together to go after Ashlyn. Nothing has been decided yet.”

“That’s not true.” His eyes narrowed. This would make finding others to go with him impossible. Why would anyone agree if a team was already going? Fuck!

“Do you want the female to stay?”

Motherfucker!“Yes.” He grit his jaw.

“It’s looking good that a team will be sent. That’s what you need to say if anyone asks either one of you. Then you should know that I’m watching her closely myself because I don’t believe a word of this. I still stand by my initial response.” He paused, holding Fog’s stare. “Bull-fucking-shit! It won’t be long before that becomes apparent. This is not some hotel facility for humans.”

That statement pissed Fog off. This whole thing pissed him off. He couldn’t believe the royals were being such pricks about this. It wasn’t fair. “Please keep in mind that Riley has been through a lot. She will need some space before—”

“Already with the excuses. Go to your female.” He snorted. “Test compatibility. My money is on her being gone within days. I don’t believe you. Prove me wrong.” He opened his computer.

“I will.” Fuck! “No problem. You will eat your words when I mate this female.” What was he saying?

Storm smiled. It was the first smile he’d seen from the male in the longest time. “I’ll believe it when I see it. No, I’ll cut my left ball off at the mating ceremony and present it to your mate on a platinum tray. How’s that?”

“I’ll hold you to it.” Fog needed to shut the fuck up.

“If it comes to light that you’re lying, I’ll have both of yours.” Storm narrowed his eyes. “Close the door on your way out.”

Fog had to hold back a couple of choice cuss words. Not rescuing the human was wrong. Lying about it was just about as wrong as it got. Keeping all of this a secret from the tribes was seriously fucked up. Fog intended to right the wrongs. If he had to pretend to be testing compatibility in the meantime, he’d do it. If it meant taking her to his bed, he’d do that too. If it meant arguing for an hour first, then so be it. Nothing like a good anger fuck to fire the blood. Fog doubted that any of Riley’s rules were the fun kind. He was beginning to look forward to breaking each and every one of them.