Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 11

Fog growled at a guy who started to say something to them. The guy put both hands up and took a step back.

“What was that about?” she whispered as they continued to walk down the hallway.

Fog put his arm around her, tucking her into his side. “You don’t have my scent on you.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“You’re fair game until…I get my scent on you,” he explained.

“Fair game as in…?” She had an idea where he was going with this.

“As in, other males will show interest in you and vie for your attention. They might even challenge me for you.”

“Challenge you! Like, try to fight with you?” She licked her lips.

“Yep, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Oh my gosh!That was crazy! “Are you afraid?”

“No!” he grunted. “I’m strong and capable. Let them try to challenge me.” His eyes seemed to darken. His whole frame grew taller.

“If I understand this whole thing correctly, the only way to get your scent onto me is by…us having sex?”

“Yep. It would make things a lot easier. Even then, we would need to have sex a lot before my scent was on you. Until then,” he looked at her pointedly, “you’re technically fair game.”

Riley noted how the men they passed looked at her. How they appraised her. One even winked. Fog gave an unexpected snarl. He sounded like a lion. Make that an angry lion.

She jumped, holding back a squeal.

“Sorry,” he muttered once they had moved on. “I will be expected to react in a possessive manner. To fight for you if need be.”

“I feel like I landed on another planet.” The shifters were looking at her with hunger in their eyes. “I must say, I’m a little nervous right now.”

“Nothing will happen to you, I—”

“Introduce me to your female, Fog,” one of the guys in the hallway said. He bobbed his brows at her.

Oh shit!

“Not right now, Drizzle. We’re on our—”

The guy, Drizzle – unfortunate name – sniffed at her.

Fog put her behind his back. His chest was puffed out. His eyes blazing. He growled; the sound was a low rumble that she felt deep inside her. “Back off!” he warned.

“This female is available.” The guy shrugged. “I’m well within my rights to talk to her. My name is Drizzle,” he said to her, trying to look around Fog’s massive body. “Do you want to—”

“You can turn around and fuck right off.” Fog’s voice was deep and low. He seemed to grow in size.

“I’m with him,” Riley said. “With Fog. We’re testing compatibility. I’m not interested.” What if someone else actually won her? Would they take her away? This was scary. Riley didn’t like it at all.

Drizzle laughed. “Testing compatibility. Is that right? I’m afraid, if that’s true, you’re not doing it right, Fog.” He laughed some more.

“It’s none of your business,” Fog told the guy. His voice was still low and even, but Riley noticed how his hands had curled into fists. “I suggest you back the fuck off.”

“Of course it’s my business. I want to speak with the female. The human isn’t—”

It happened so quickly that if she had blinked at that moment, she would have missed it. Fog hit the guy. He hit Drizzle square in the jaw. The sound the blow made was a mix between a dull thud and a crack. The shifter flew backward and hit the wall, sliding down onto his ass. He groaned, cupping his jaw with his hand. His eyes were clouded with pain and confusion.

“The human is mine!” Fog snarled. “Would anyone else like to speak with my female? Or hit on her? Or ogle her. Anyone? I would be happy to teach all of you a lesson.” His muscles looked bigger than before as he walked a circle around her. His eyes were narrowed as he looked from one guy to the next.

Everyone who was close by looked away or down at the floor. A few of the shifters turned and walked away, going in the opposite direction.

“The female is mine!” Fog snarled. “Do not let your snouts fool you,” he growled. Then he wrapped his arm around her, looking down at her face. His gaze softened. “Are you okay?”

She nodded.

He tucked some hair behind her ear. “Good.” The move was so tender. So real! It took her a moment to backpedal. To remind herself that Fog was just pretending. It was a good thing, too, since he wasn’t her type. Being human was top of the list. Also, he was just too good-looking. A guy like him and a woman like her would never gel. They had different outlooks. Just pretend. All good! she said a few times inside her head.

“You won’t lose, will you?” she whispered.

“Not a chance!” She could tell that he meant every word. It made her relax a little. Maybe bask a little. Riley really had landed on another planet. In a place where beautiful men fought for her attention. Literally fought with fists. It was surreal.

Not men.


It warmed her deep inside, which was disconcerting given the situation. The warmth remained, despite her confusion. Then again, she could psychoanalyze this. There were a ton of reasons why she liked the attention. Why she craved more. Why it was the complete opposite of what she needed. Riley decided not to dwell on any of them. It wasn’t worth it. As much as it warmed her, it also scared her a little. The rules were different here. Everything was different. She didn’t like different.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Fog asked.

She nodded.

“You should probably put your arm around me too,” he whispered.

“Oh…of course.” She slid her hand around his waist. “I’ll have to try to remember that we’re together…sort of.”

“It’ll take some getting used to for me as well. I’m sorry about all of this.”

“What do you mean, you’re sorry? I’m sorry! You got into a fight over me.” Holy crap! She still couldn’t believe it.

“I don’t mind fighting. Besides, it wasn’t much of a fight,” Fog said, turning them down a quieter hallway.

“Not at all. You have some right hook. I’ve never seen anything like it. They were all afraid of you.”

“They had better be,” he practically snarled. “I went easy on Drizzle. I won’t go easy on the next one. You might want to look away if I fight again.”

Riley felt a little tingle of awareness run through her. She almost stumbled over her own feet. Thankfully, Fog still had his arm around her, so she didn’t so much as falter. In the dark ages, women would pick men based on how well they could protect and provide for them. Those days were long gone. Riley could provide for herself, and in any normal situation, she didn’t need protecting. These were not qualities she needed or wanted in a man. Best she keep her head on straight.

“We’re nearly there,” Fog said. “Remember, don’t say too much. You’re here to explore if there’s anything more between us.”

“I know the drill.”

“Good.” He let her go and opened a door, and then stepped to the side so that she could go in.

“Hey!” A pretty lady smiled broadly. She was wearing a one-piece in a beautiful mustard color. She had a tan belt cinched at her waist. Her hair was a riot of blond curls. Her eyes were bright. “You’re totally rocking that look, by the way.” The woman looked her up and down. “Wow! Who is this gorgeous gal?” She winked at Riley as she spoke to Fog.

“Melina, this is Riley. She’s going to be on dragon territory for…a while. Uhhh, she unexpectedly found herself here, and…”

Melina put her hands on her hips and looked at Fog like he’d lost his ever-loving mind. “You mean that she was abducted, escaped, and is now here at the lair?”

“Something like that,” Fog muttered. Riley liked her already. And found herself smiling.

“Excuse my manners.” Melina went on. “Come on in. Fog sent me a message to let me know you were coming. He told me you didn’t want to talk about what happened to you. You poor thing. I’ll have you in a new wardrobe in no time.” Melina put her arm around Riley. In some ways, the other woman reminded her of Ashlyn. She was sweet and kind and so warm and welcoming. Yet tough as nails. You could see it. It brought a lump to Riley’s throat.

“Thank you.” Riley smiled, clearing her throat.

“I’ll see you later,” Fog said. “Don’t leave the salon without me. Have Mel call me to fetch you.”

Melina laughed. “Yeah, the guys will have a field day with you running around unsupervised.” She patted Riley on the shoulder. “Don’t look so nervous. They would hit on you and follow you around like lovesick puppies, but they wouldn’t hurt you. Dragon males are like big teddy bears.”

“I’d hurt them if they hit on Riley,” Fog grumbled. “It would be better if you call me when you want to leave,” he said to Riley. “We can avoid a whole lot of bloodshed that way.”

Riley nodded. That tingle of awareness was back. It was irritating. Even though Fog was most definitely not her type. Not even close! She was attracted to him. Hopefully, it wouldn’t complicate things. It was irritating, to say the least. Especially since he could be quite rude. He had rules?! Huh! There was just no way she was giving in to that nonsense.

Fog put his arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. Riley tried to relax against him. She went through the motions of hugging him back. He planted a kiss on the top of her head, which was…sweet. Rule three in her book. Sweet! No-freaking-go! “Bye,” she managed to eke out, watching as he left.

“I won’t discuss what happened unless you want to talk about it,” Melina went on before she could say anything. “I have some fantastic outfits to show you. Dresses that will look amazing on a gorgeous figure like yours.”

Riley shook her head. “I was thinking jeans and—”

“Oh, no…no!” Melina shook her head too. “We won’t talk about how you found your way to the Air dragons’ lair, but we will talk about why you are staying. Simply put, you have the hots for Fog. Am I right?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “He’s gorgeous and really sweet. I’m not sure what I would have done without him.”

“I’m sure you want to look amazing. You’re dating. It’s exciting. I’m sure you’ll be wanting some lingerie?” Melina winked at her.

“I need a couple of sets of underwear, for sure. I hope you have my size.” She folded her arms across her chest. This was embarrassing.

Melina giggled, a bright smile on her face. “I can see that you’re nicely filled out in that department. I thought I was big-chested. You must be a good cup-size bigger. I’m sure I have a couple of things in your size.”

Thankfully, the other woman had a way of making her feel comfortable, even though shopping had never been something she loved. Particularly clothes shopping. Argh!

“Here.” Melina thrust a couple of lacy bras into her hands.

“Um…I’m not sure about red, or lace, for that matter.”

“You’re a hot blonde. I’m sure enough for the both of us. Fog will love it,” she gushed.

“We’re not quite there yet. Sex, I mean.” Riley made a face. “I don’t normally wear—”

“I saw the way Fog looked at you,” Melina said in a singsong voice. “It won’t be long before things hot up. Trust me. He’s a shifter. Now go! Try them!” The other woman gave her a push towards the changing rooms. “While you’re there, you can try this too.” Melina held up a green sundress for a few seconds. Before Riley could say anything, it was in her arms.

This was not going as planned. She looked down at the bright colors in her arms. At all the silk and lace. No! No! No! This was not for her. Cotton was breathable and comfortable. This… Riley shook her head. The thing was, beggars couldn’t be choosers. Fog said something about ordering online. Riley would pick a couple of things. Enough to tide her over for a few days. Maybe that’s all she would need. A few days. A girl could hope. The sooner they got Ash out of those caves, the sooner they could go home. Please!

She closed the door to the changing room. At least the lighting was decent. Not too bright. There were two mirrors, so enough to be able to get a front and back view, but not so many that you gave yourself a fright. Riley pulled the shirt over her head and grabbed for a bra. She snagged the pink silk number. It had lacy trim with a bow between the cups. After a few tweaks, she pulled it up over her shoulders and adjusted her assets.

Taking in a deep breath, she turned to look at herself in the mirror. Oh, good lord, no! Her boobs looked huge. They were highlighted by the lace…the bow… No! What was wrong with good old-fashioned comfortable cotton? It might not be hugely sexy, but sexy wasn’t everything.

She tried the others on. The red bra was the worst. It was all lace. She could see her nipples right through it. Riley took a deep breath, reminding herself that it would only be for a few days and that no one other than herself would see these. This was about getting Ashlyn home. Melina was being kind and helpful; she didn’t want to disappoint the other woman.

She pulled the dress over her head. It wasn’t bad. She smoothed the fabric. The color was interesting. It was a bright green she would never normally have picked out for herself.

There was a knock on the door. “What’s taking so long?” Melina yelled. “Show us what you look like in the dress. Don’t you dare think of taking it off before I see you in it.”

Us?Was someone else there?

She dropped the hem she had scrunched in her hand. Melina had caught her about to take the thing off. Riley was drawing the line at parading around in her underwear, though.

With a deep breath, she opened the door and walked out.

There was a dark-haired woman talking to Melina. She had her back to the changing rooms. She turned and smiled broadly. Wow! This had to be the most beautiful woman Riley had ever seen in her whole life. When they described hair the color of a glossy raven’s wing in romance novels, they were referring to the color of this lady’s hair. It was long and thick and shiny. Her eyes… Holy shit! They were more purple than blue. A crazy color she’d never seen before on a human. Crazy gorgeous. Absolutely breathtaking. She was tall, too. At least a head or two taller than Riley – which wasn’t hard since she was so short. The woman had long, toned legs that went on for freaking miles…and miles.


“This is my bestie Azure,” Melina said, grabbing the other woman by the arm and giving the limb a hug. “I hope you don’t mind that she popped in?”

“It’s so nice to meet you.” The woman smiled even more broadly. Her whole face lit up. Her eyes twinkled. She wore a dress the color of her eyes. It hugged her toned figure. Breathtaking! Then again, Riley would bet that she would be able to get away with wearing a sack, and she’d still be gorgeous.

“You too, um… What did you say your name was?” Riley had been so busy staring that she hadn’t heard when Melina introduced them.


Azure!As in…as in…the woman who had broken Fog’s heart. Well, no wonder he was so cut up. Gorgeous, and she seemed so sweet, too. “It’s nice to meet you,” Riley quickly said when she realized she’d been standing there like an idiot for the longest time. “Sorry, it’s just that you’re gorgeous.” She may as well say it like it was. “I’m a little taken aback.”

Melina laughed. “Isn’t she just?” She rocked Azure while still holding onto her arm. “All she-dragons are gorgeous. Every last one. Azure just happens to be even prettier than most.”

Azure frowned. “Stop! I am not. Anyway, I wanted to meet the woman who snagged Fog’s interest.” She got serious. “Mel mentioned that you don’t want to talk about your ordeal.” She touched Riley’s arm. “I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry it happened. That you were…abducted. It’s just awful. Fog is a good guy. He’ll help you through this. I’m sure there are plans to rescue your friend?” She lifted her brows.

Riley nodded. “Yes.” Her voice was timid. All she felt was dread when she thought about Ash in those deep, dark caves. “I’m so worried about Ashlyn…she’s my best friend.”

“Do they know anything more about the creatures who took you guys?” Azure asked, her face a mask of concern.

Riley shook her head. “It was dark.” She hated lying, so she tried to stick to the truth as much as she could. If she was caught speaking out of turn, she had no doubt that the dragons in power would throw the book at her. That they would make her leave right away. “I’m just lucky I got away.”

“How did you manage that?”

“I snuck off. I think they brought us into the caves and then waited for us to wake up. The g-forces from the flight made me pass out. I woke up groggy, anyway. I snuck away. I felt so bad about leaving Ashlyn. I couldn’t…I…” She stopped for a second, trying to compose herself. Riley blinked and sniffed before taking a few gulps of air.

“Oh, hon’!” Melina rubbed her hand up and down Riley’s arm. “I’m so sorry.”

“I had to get away so that I could get help for her. I feel so bad for leaving.”

“Don’t feel bad,” Azure said. “You’re so brave.”

“I made it out. It was early morning, and the sun was up. They gave chase when they realized I had escaped but didn’t come outside. I think that perhaps they’re sensitive to light.” She shrugged, hoping she hadn’t said too much. Screw those royals, anyhow.

“That would make sense.” Melina nodded.

“I saw them too.” Azure chewed her lip. “I couldn’t see much.” Her eyes were lifted in thought as she worked through the memory. “They came this close,” she held two fingers together, “to catching me. Long story short, they took Skarn instead.”

Riley gasped. “That’s terrible. Fog didn’t say anything to me about what happened to you. Oh, Azure, you must have been so afraid.”

“I was. I thought I was a goner. It was a couple of months ago. Everything has changed since then.” She beamed.

“I still can’t believe you got hitched before me.” Melina laughed.

“I can’t believe you’re not mated yet.” Azure gave Melina a fake dirty look. “You haven’t even set a wedding date.”

Melina shrugged. “We’ll get to it in good time. We’re enjoying our engagement. There’s no rush.”

“I agree,” Riley said. “I must say, I’m not even sure I want to get married.”


She probably shouldn’t have said that. It just slipped out. “I mean, it would take an amazing man to change my mind.”

“Man?” Melina snorted and flapped her hand. “It would take a dragon, and once Fog sees you in that dress, he’s going to get to work doing just that.” The other woman appraised her with what looked like admiration. She was so nice.

Azure nodded. “I agree. Green might be your color.”

“A blonde can wear just about any color.” Melina winked at Riley. “I have a gorgeous coral dress with your name on it too.”

“I don’t want to get too much,” Riley said. “I don’t know at this stage how long I’m going to be here.” She was praying Fog rescued Ash so that they could go home.

“Nonsense.” Melina swiped that hand again. “You need to stay while they find your friend and who knows what will end up happening between you and Fog.”

“I’m so happy for him,” Azure said. “For both of you. He’s such a catch.”

Riley noted that Melina was elbowing Riley again. She liked the other woman. Liked them both, even though she was…jealous! What? Was she jealous of Azure? No way! No, that wasn’t true. Maybe she was a touch jealous, but it had nothing to do with Fog and everything to do with how utterly lovely Azure was. “Fog is definitely a catch.” She used the other woman’s words. “But we’ve only just met,” she blurted. “Yesterday, to be exact, and these aren’t exactly the best of circumstances. I feel bad trying on pretty dresses when my best friend is stuck down there. She looked at the floor. “Who knows what those bastards are doing to her.” Shit! A tear trickled out. She quickly wiped it away. “Sorry, I…I like Fog.” She smiled. “He’s probably the most good-looking guy I’ve ever met.” That was no lie. “But it’s bad timing. I just can’t see it going anywhere.” She shouldn’t be saying all this, but it was nice to talk. “Don’t say anything, please,” she pleaded. “I don’t want Storm to send me home.”

Azure’s whole stance had turned rigid. Her eyes were narrowed. “All I ask is that you don’t lead Fog on. He doesn’t deserve—”

“I would never do that.” Riley shook her head. “I’ve been upfront with him. I only just met him.”

“Dragons can be intense,” Melina said. “They fall quickly and easily. When they fall, it’s with everything inside them. They are vulnerable to getting hurt easily as a result. It’s important you know that. Don’t think, ‘Oh, it’s only been a day. It’s only been three days, or a week…’ That can be enough, trust me. That’s all that Azure is trying to say. She and Fog are friends. They used to work together.”

“I know…about you,” Riley told Azure. “Fog told me.”

“Good!” Azure nodded. “We’re still good friends. I care about him. That’s all,” Azure said, her lips curved into the start of a smile. “I worry about him. He deserves happiness.”

“You have absolutely nothing to worry about.” Because it wasn’t like that between them. Riley couldn’t say that, though. In fact, she’d said altogether too much already. “We’ll have to see where it goes.” She shrugged. “Suffice to say that I really like him. It’s probably more the case of me being more attracted to him than the other way around.” Fog reminded her of the cool kids in school. Of the jocks who had their pick of the girls.

“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Melina smiled. “I saw how he looked at you. I also noted the way you looked right back at him. There was this awkward tension between the two of you.”

“And awkward tension is good?” Riley laughed.

“Are you kidding me?” Melina gushed. “Awkward tension is the best kind of tension that there is. That means there’s tons of sexual stuff going on there.” She made this big gesture with her hands.

Azure laughed. “I would tell you not to listen to Melina, but I can’t since she’s normally right on the money about these things. Trust me, I would know. If it weren’t for her, Ice and I wouldn’t be together today.” The she-dragon and Melina shared a look.

“I wouldn’t be staying on if…” I didn’t have a friend to rescue. “Um, if I didn’t think he was hunky and sweet. He’s really sweet.” She wasn’t lying. Riley shrugged. “We’ll have to wait and see,” she said for the umpteenth time. What else was there to say?

“Talking about waiting and seeing, do the bras fit? I’m sure you look amazing in all of them.”

Amazing? Not hardly. Embarrassing was the word that came to mind. “They fit…thanks. I don’t think I’m going to take them all.” She shook her head.

“Of course you are. I only gave you four to try. I have the matching underwear already packed and ready, along with a couple of extras.” She winked.

“Extras?” She shook her head. “I don’t need—”

“They’re a gift. I insist.” Melina leaned forward and clutched Riley’s arm for a second in a friendly gesture.

“Don’t even try to decline.” Azure laughed. “It won’t work!”

“Oh, um…okay. Thank you!”

“Right!” Melina clapped her hands together. “I have a pile of other things I want you to try on.” She rubbed her hands together. “Don’t even think of getting out of this. We want to see how you look in every item.”

“Um…but—” Riley started to say.

“No buts. Here you go.” She put about ten items of clothing into Riley’s arms. “Try them on.”

Riley glanced at Azure, who gave a small shake of the head. She was smiling broadly. Riley did feel better than she had since this whole thing had gone down. Perhaps this was good for her. She nodded once and headed for the changing room. “If it’s terrible, I’m not coming out,” she warned.

“Let me be the judge of that.” Melina wagged her finger.

Crap!Riley nodded.