Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole



Miguel's is a dive bar.It's dark, has loud Latin music at all times of the day, and you can smell the chefs smoking weed in the kitchen. Their margaritas are two for one at lunchtime, and Nolan and I have had several. Most of the crowd has died down, except for the regulars.

We're sitting in the back booth. I sink farther into his chest. We've laughed since we got here, lost in our own world, without anyone interrupting us but the server from time to time.

"I think it's time for me to clean you up," he murmurs in my ear then takes his finger and smears nacho cheese on my lips. He slowly licks the width of my lips until it's gone. Then he glides his tongue in my mouth and possessively takes control of our kiss, fisting my hair, and sliding his other hand in my pants and palming my ass. His tongue is an intoxicating mix of tequila and jalapenos. He could assault me every day with it and I'd be in happy paradise.

"Did you enjoy your cheese?" I mumble.

"Mmhmm." He kisses me deeper then moves his lips to my neck. "One of these days, I'm pouring honey all over you."

I softly laugh. "Why honey?"

"Caramel will burn." He pushes my shirt to the side and sucks on my collarbone.

"Why caramel?" I breathe.

He moves his face in front of mine. His green eyes brighten. "It's sticky. I might have to lick you for hours to get you clean."

I bite on my lip. "Well, I wouldn't want to deny you that."

He grins. "I think we need a restroom break, don't you?"

I smirk. "Is this your way of asking me if I want to screw you in the bathroom?"

"No. They don't clean very well here. The men's room is a mess," he states.

"Okay, then why—"

"Stop asking questions. Get your sexy little ass up, or I'm going to bend you over this table and smack you in front of the regulars."

"You wouldn't." I laugh.

His arrogance comes out as a hard sniff. In a solemn voice, he warns, "Want to bet?"

I'm unsure if he's joking or not, but I decide not to call his bluff. I rise, and he quickly escorts me down the hallway, which is even darker than the restaurant. He pulls me into the men's room.

"I thought—"

"Shh." He pulls a quarter out of his wallet and shoves it into a machine.

"They have a condom machine here?"

A packet falls. He wiggles his eyebrows then grabs the foil square. He guides me back into the hallway, toward the exit sign.

"Are we going outside?" I ask.

"Shh," he reprimands again. Right when we get to the exit, he opens a side door and pushes me inside. It's pitch black, and the walls shake as if they're going to break apart from the music.

My skin crackles with anticipation. "Where—"

His spicy-sweet tongue slides against mine, and he backs me into the wall. My nerves become electrified with the vibrations coming off the cold drywall and Nolan's body taking possession of mine.

In under a minute, my jeans are at my ankles, and his hands grip the back of my thighs, holding me up. He sinks his cock in me in one thrust, and I cry out, "Holy!"

"I'm not holy, princess. I'm a sinner," he growls. His green eyes glow like an unfed animal, and he reunites his mouth with mine.

The life I always feel when I'm around him intensifies. I grasp him, closing my eyes, buzzed from alcohol and him. All my worries fade. I forget all my fears and realities.

Men's voices speaking in Spanish ring through the air. The smell of weed mixes with the scent of our arousal. Nolan leans into my ear. "I'd say let's go take a hit, but you already make me high." He flicks his tongue on my lobe.

I inhale his scent, breathing in the essence of him, wanting nothing more than to get any part of him in me I can. His erection glides against my walls, creating currents of endorphins ready to explode in all my cells. My whimpers turn into loud cries, competing with the festive music.

"Jesus. You always feel so good, Gemma," he mutters then thrusts faster.

"Oh...oh!" Adrenaline batters my being and completely unravels me. It's a mayhem of explosions in every atom of my body. I tug his hair, trembling in his arms.

"Fuuuuuck," Nolan groans, stretching my body farther as he erupts deep within me.

A minute passes as he catches his breath. He returns to my mouth and kisses me with the same intensity as when we first got into this room. When he pulls back, I'm still breathless.

"Are you ready for me to pay the bill?" he asks, his green eyes full of cocky amusement.

I laugh. "Maybe you should release my legs and let me put my pants back on first."

He chuckles, pecks me on the lips, then puts me back on the ground. He bends over and pulls my jeans up. It's still dark, and I can't see anything except his green eyes.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"No idea."

"You don't know what room this is?"

"Nope. But I always wondered."

I burst out laughing, and he opens the door. My eyes take a minute to adjust to the light even though it's not much brighter.

Nolan quickly guides me through the restaurant, throws cash on the table, and leads me to the car. Day is turning into night. We get in the back seat. He puts his arm around my shoulders.

I sink into his warm chest and tilt my head up. "Thanks for a fun lunch."

He grins. It's an expression I love on him, but I don't get to see it very often. "It was. I like us this way."

My flutters erupt. I admit, "I do, too."

His eyes study mine. "Have you ever been to Ireland?"

I shake my head. "No."

"Me, either. We should go. See if it's all it's cracked up to be."

I laugh. "Should I pack my bag? Can we leave tonight?"

His eyes twinkle. "Do you have a passport?"

"It expired."

"You should renew it."

My pulse increases. "You're serious about going?"

His face falls. "With you? Yeah. I think we'd have fun, don't you?"

I smile. "Yeah. We'd have a lot of fun."

He gives me a chaste kiss on the lips. "Let's fill out your passport paperwork when we get home. We can get your picture taken tomorrow."

My butterflies intensify. "Okay."

Satisfaction crosses his expression. "So, what countries have you been to?"

I turn toward him more. "I went to Cancun for spring break in college."

"So cliché," he teases.

I laugh. "Yep."

He strokes my shoulder. "Where else?"

"Canada for work. Aruba and St. Martin for vacation. That's the extent of my international travels. What about you?"

He groans. "I don't even want to admit this."


Pink creeps into his face. "My passport is stampless."

I gape at him. "You're forty-one."

He covers his face. "Ugh. I know."

"Why haven't you gone anywhere?"

He shrugs. "There's always so much going on with my family. All my trips have been short getaways to Florida or Vegas. My brothers and I didn't like leaving my nana on her own to deal with the pub. Since Sean died and Nora owns it, we're even more vigilant. We don't ever all go away at the same time. Two of us are always here."


"Yeah. When Dmitri had his bachelor party in Vegas, Declan and I stayed back," he admits.

I reach up and caress his head. "You're a good brother. Nora's lucky to have you." The car stops, and I look out the window. "Wow. That was quick. Home sweet home."

There's a loud knock and Nolan turns toward his window.

"Nolan. We've got a problem," Tiernan barks.

Nolan closes his eyes, sighs, then kisses my head. "Stay in the car for a minute."

My flutters turn to nervous ones. "Okay."

He steps out, shuts the door, and talks to Tiernan. Nolan's body stiffens. The garage door opens. A black sedan with tinted windows is parked next to Nolan's SUV. They walk over to it, open the trunk, then talk for several more minutes.

Something is wrong. I can feel it. I can't see what's in the trunk, but it can't be good.

Nolan shuts the trunk then makes a phone call. He runs his hand through his reddish-brown locks. After several minutes, he hangs up and gets back into the car.

"What's wrong?" I fret.

The previously relaxed atmosphere disappears. Nolan's hardened expression is back. He replies, "A man was lurking around the neighborhood. Tiernan recognized him from the gym. He's in the trunk."

My stomach flips. "He's a Bailey?"


My lip quivers, and I sober up. "He was watching us?"

Nolan tugs me into him. "Listen to me, Gemma. I'm dropping you off at Maksim's. You stay with Aspen. I trust his security. We're going to find out what his orders were and hopefully find out where Orla is."

Confused, I ask, "Maksim is going?"

Nolan nods. "Yes. I can't get ahold of my brothers. Let's go pack a bag."

Panic fills me. "How long will you be gone?"

He cups my face with both hands. In a firm voice, he states, "Gemma, you'll be safe at Maksim's."

"What about you?"

He leans closer. "You don't have to worry about me. We're the ones in control. Now, I need you not to freak out, pack a bag, and try to relax. I don't want to be worried about you while I'm gone."

I take a deep breath. "Okay."

He quickly kisses me. "Good girl."

We get out of the car and go into the house. I pack an outfit, one of his T-shirts to sleep in, and my toiletries.

He brings my laptop bag into the bedroom. "I thought you might want this?"

"Thanks." I reach up and lock my fingers around his head. "Do you think you'll be gone for a long time?"

"I'm not sure. I'll get you as soon as it's over."

I want to ask him what he's going to do to Orla's thug, but I know he won't tell me. Instead, I say, "I want to see him."

His eyes widen. "Why?"

"I-I just do. Please. Can I see him?"

He studies me for several moments, uncertainty in his eyes.

"Nolan. Please."

He exhales loudly. "All right." He slings my overnight bag over the same shoulder that my laptop bag is on then leads me to the garage. We stand in front of the trunk, and he nervously glances at me. "You sure you want to see this?"

"Yes," I adamantly state.

He takes the key and opens the trunk.

My heart races, and pains shoot through it. I grip Nolan's forearm so tight, I'm sure it'll leave nail marks. The goon has duct tape over his mouth and his face is bloody. He scowls, and even though his face is swelling, I'd know those eyes anywhere.


I tear my eyes off the man who haunts my dreams. I pin my gaze on Nolan. My voice shakes. "That's the man who stalked me at my work and gym."