Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole



Nolan'swarm body is pretzeled around mine. He's a cocoon of safety I could get lost in, but I woke up over an hour ago, unable to stop thinking about my mom.

Could she have killed Riona?

No. It's not possible. My mother doesn't have it in her.

But I never thought I would kill anyone, and there are times I think I could kill Orla.

I attempt to move Nolan's arm, but he tightens it. He sleepily asks, "Where are you going, princess?"

I reach up and stroke the side of his head. "I was going to make breakfast. I think you need some sustenance after last night."

He pulls me on top of him. His eyes open. He winces then shuts them. "Might be a good idea based on the hammer in my head."

"Aww." I press my lips to his for a quick kiss. "I have the solution for that. Let me work my magic."

He slides his palms on the back of my thighs then tugs them so my knees are next to his hips. The tip of his erection touches my wet heat. He mumbles, "Maybe we should work it out a different way."

I softly laugh and inch my body higher on him, away from the temptation. I tease, "Eat first. Then you won't have a headache and can concentrate on me."

He opens his eyes. "Concentration on you won't ever be an issue."

I peck him quickly then push on his chest. "Let me take care of you for once."

His lips twitch. "Last night's a little fuzzy, but from what I recall, I think you're taking care of me all right."

My smile widens. "Be a good boy and release me. I'll show you how I reward you when you obey me."

He cocks an eyebrow. "Deal." He pats me on the ass cheek then lets go of me.

I roll off him, rise, and throw on his T-shirt he wore the previous night. I wag my finger. "Don't get out of bed. If you do, I'm not going to give you good boy status."

He salutes me. "Yes, ma'am."

I leave the room, fill a glass with coconut water, then take it to him. "Drink this while I'm making breakfast."

He sits up and takes it. "I think I could get used to you serving me."

"I'm usually the giver in my relationships," I state then heat creeps up my cheeks. Are Nolan and I in a relationship? Again, I'm not sure what we're doing.

He wraps his arm around my ass so I can't turn and run. "You don't think I'm a giver?"

I ruffle his hair. "Never said that. Now get the coconut water down you."

He smirks. "What do I get after I drink it, Ms. Giver?"

I smirk back. "Breakfast."

He playfully slaps my ass. "Good thing I'm starving."

I go back to the kitchen and pull out bacon, eggs, and bread. I set a skillet on the stove and ignite the burner. While it's heating up, I turn my laptop on.

My search from last night continues. I click on images. A few dozen of Riona Ryan appear. She's rarely smiling unless she's next to my father. I choose one, and it fills my entire screen.

Something feels off, and I can't put my finger on it. It's as if I know her. Surely, I wouldn't remember her if I was only a toddler? There are few things I recall about North Carolina. One was hiding in the closet with Hailee and my infant sisters. The second is my father's violence, which led to my mom's bloody body at times. The final thing is the night my mom fled with us.

I glance closer at the picture of the woman with red hair. It's remarkable how much she resembles Orla. I figure that must be why I feel like I've seen Riona before.

Nolan comes out of the bedroom in pajama bottoms. "What are you looking at?"

I slam the laptop shut. "Nothing."

He sets his glass in the sink and crosses his arms. "Had to be something."

My mouth turns dry. I blurt out, "I have a confession."

He waits for me to speak.

"I'm addicted to those pimple popper videos." It's actually the truth. I find them fascinating. I can get sucked into them for hours.

He scrunches his face. "Before breakfast?"

I shrug. "Any time of the day. The bigger, the better. I should concentrate on breakfast. Sorry, I shouldn't have pulled it up. I get nothing done when they're on." I put my laptop back in my bag.

Nolan cocks an eyebrow. My insides quiver, wondering if he's going to call my bluff. He finally admits, "I might have gotten sucked into a few videos on organ removal."

"Ewe. That's disgusting," I claim.

He picks up the pack of bacon. "More than your obsession?"

"Yeah. A lot more." I bump my hip into him. "Get out of the kitchen. You're supposed to be in bed."

Arrogance fills his face. "I'm feeling so much better. In fact, I think this should come off." He fists the T-shirt I'm wearing.

I huff. "And replace it with what?"

His face lights up. He opens the drawer and pulls out an apron with the O'Malley logo on it. "This."

Heat creeps into my cheeks. "And then what?"

A dirty grin appears. He points to the barstool. "I'm going to sit there and watch you cook for me. And my present for being a good boy is you get to sit on my cock while feeding me."

I laugh. "Is that so?"

"Yep." He tugs the T-shirt over my head so I'm naked then puts the apron on me and ties the strings. He spins me and leans into my ear. "Remember I said I'm a giver?"

I glance at him in question.

He splays his hand on my spine and pushes me over the counter. His foot moves my ankle toward the wall. He directs, "Stretch your arms and grip the edge of the counter. Keep your eyes on your hands."

There's no thought. My body is his to do with as he pleases, and I'll enjoy every minute of whatever it is he wants me to do. I reach forward and wrap my digits around the sides of the quartz.

His hand slips between my body and the apron. He glides two fingers in me and rubs my clit with his thumb.

I whimper.

A loud crack fills the air, and a delicious sting erupts on my ass cheek. I clench his fingers and cry out, "Oh God!"

He skims his nose up my spine, breathing deeply. He licks behind my ear. "I love how you smell, princess."

My toes curl as he circles his thumb faster. I blink to focus and whisper, "I'm gonna...oh..."

More zings fly from my ass cheek to my pussy as he smacks me again, rubs it out, then repeats it. His fingers and thumb manipulate me more intensely. Incoherent sounds fly out of my mouth as I orgasm so many times, my knuckles turn white. My legs turn to Jell-O, and my knees buckle.

"That's my girl," he growls in my ear and slides his hands up the sides of my body. The scent of my arousal fills the air. He shoves his fingers in my mouth, and I suck them. His hard erection presses into my tingling ass cheek. He murmurs, "Now I get to stare at my handprint on your ass and your flushed face while you cook for me. Perfect way to start the day."

I turn my head as more heat burns my cheeks. He pulls his fingers out of my mouth and pins his arrogant green eyes on mine. I say, "Glad you're feeling better."

His lips twitch. He gives me a chaste kiss and steps back. I slowly straighten up and spin into his chest. I drag my fingers down the side of his torso. "Why did you get a Celtic cross?"

Laced in his smile is sadness. "My mother said that unless Jesus was a tattoo artist, we weren't marking our bodies up. Sean and I got drunk one night and found a tattoo artist named Jesus. We even took his card to show my mother."

I gape at him then say, "You're lucky. He did an excellent job."

"Not exactly. The guy I use now had to do a lot to make it look like this. It was pretty bad."


"Yeah. Sean's was worse. His wasn't black. It was Kelly green and red."

"No!" I cover my mouth.

He nods, and his smile leaves his face. He hesitates then says, "My brother always did crazy things. He would have liked you."

Something about that statement chokes me up. I blink hard and take a deep breath. "I wish I could have met him."

Uncomfortable silence fills the air. I want to ask Nolan how Sean got involved with the Rossis or on the Bailey's radar, but I don't. He dips down, pecks me on the lips, and squeezes my ass. "Go make my bacon."

I laugh. "Are you a bacon lover?"

He steps back and looks at me like I'm crazy. "Is that a real question?"

"Guess not." I pick up the bacon package, open it, then lay the strips on the skillet. "Do you want scrambled or fried eggs?"

"Fried, but the yolks need to be runny."

I glance behind me. "Is there any other way to eat fried eggs?"

He grins. "Nope. Want me to put the toast on?"

"No. I got it. Sit down."

He plants himself on the barstool and picks his phone off the counter then sticks the charger cord in it. "Great. I hope I didn't miss a message about Nora and the baby."

"She can't still be in labor, can she?" I ask.

He snorts. "O'Malley women all have long labors. It's like a curse."

I put the bread in the toaster and push it down. "I guess it was nice of Nora not to want everyone waiting around the hospital."

"Yeah. Hospitals are the worst. Boris said she was only dilated to a four when we saw him last night."

I flip the bacon. "That sounds horrible. Crispy or floppy?"

"Crispy," Nolan replies, like it's a sin not to eat only crispy bacon.

"Another thing we agree on," I add. "So what are we doing today?"

He groans. "I hate to say this, but I should do some work while we're waiting for the baby. If I don't get this algorithm figured out, I'm going to be in trouble."

"It's okay. I have stuff to do on my computer anyway."

"Did anyone else get back with you about hiring you?" he asks.

My gut drops. It's disappointing not hearing back from anyone else. "No. But I thought I'd apply for some more."

Nolan states, "They're idiots not to hire you."

The toast pops up. I put a paper towel on a platter, add the bacon, and then crack the eggs into the skillet. I put the toast on a plate and butter it.

Nolan comes behind me and puts his arms around me. He softly says, "Hey."

I tilt my head up. "Yeah?"

He pins his green orbs on mine. "You're super talented. I'm proud of you for going after it. I know it sucks to not hear back or get what you want."

My heart skips a beat. "Thanks." Guilt eats at me for lying to Nolan. As soon as I can get on my laptop, I'm doing more research about Riona's death. I want to prove Orla wrong. Maybe if I can, she'll leave my mom, sisters, and me alone.

I finish making breakfast, Nolan pulls me on his lap, and we eat. After, he throws me over his shoulder and carries me kicking and screaming into the bathroom. We have some intense shower games then dress and go into his office.

For hours, I get lost reading everything I can about Riona's death. I go down the trail I've also gone down too many times since Orla appeared in my life. I research my father and anything I can find on the Baileys.

"Earth to Gemma," Nolan calls out, waving his hands in the air.

"Oh. Sorry!"

He chuckles. "Are you finding lots of new things to apply for?"

More guilt annihilates me. "Yeah. So what's up?"

"Want to go for a quick run then have sushi delivered for lunch?" he asks.

I smile. "Sure."

He studies me. "You okay?"

I shut my laptop. "All good. That sounds perfect."

We run and then shower. Once we get dressed, the sushi arrives, and we eat again before heading back into Nolan's office. Like before, I get engrossed in my search. It turns dark outside. An email pops up, and my chest tightens.

Dozens of pictures of my mother, sisters, and me are attached. We were in North Carolina. My twin sisters must have just been born. My father is in them, and I shudder. He's younger than when I visited him in prison, but his cruel eyes are the same. In almost all of them, my mother is scowling at Riona. I read Orla's message.

Think your mother isn't capable? I don't see my mother glaring, only yours. Time is running out for all of you.

The longer Istare at the photos, the sicker I feel. I can't deny my mother's stare. She looks like she wants to kill Riona. I've never seen her have so much hatred on her face.

Another email arrives.

Still don't believe me? Interesting how the scarf your mother wore in several of these pictures ended up at the crime scene, isn't it?

I clickon the attached photo and study the scarf the police officer is holding. Then I look at the other images, already knowing it's the same one.

My stomach pitches. I leave the office, grab my phone from the counter, and go into the bathroom attached to my room. I stare in the mirror, hyperventilating and attempting to pull it together.

Nolan knocks on the door. "Gemma, you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute."

"Okay. Nora had the baby!"

I splash water on my face, dry it, then force myself to smile. I'm excited about the baby, but the thought that my mother could be a murderer haunts me. And it's not about her killing Riona. If she was anything like Orla, I can't say I blame my mother. But do I know anything about my mother if she could hide this from us after everything we've been through lately?

I open the door. "Is it a girl or boy?"

Nolan has never looked so excited. "It's a girl. They named her Shannon, after my nana. Boris said she has red hair, too!"

I reach up and hug him. "That's awesome. Congratulations, Uncle Nolan!"

He lifts me off my feet and kisses the top of my head. "They said we could come visit."

"Perfect. Let me throw on some makeup and I'll meet you in the family room," I say.

He nods and leaves. I grab the phone and call Hailee.

She answers after a few rings and chirps, "Hey, Gemma."

I clear my throat. "Are you going to the hospital to see the baby?"

Hailee's voice drops. "Yes, why?"

I close my eyes. "Okay. I need to talk to you when we get there."

"Are you all right?"

"Yes. I'll talk to you soon. Bye." I hang up before she can ask any questions or Nolan catches me on my phone. I hide it in the drawer next to the bed then put on some makeup.

Nolan and I go to the hospital. As soon as I see Hailee, I drag her to the corner of the room.

She hugs me tight. All the emotions I've been trying to choke down and hide from Nolan all day threaten to explode out of me. Hailee asks in a worried voice, "Are you okay? Liam just told me Orla cut you?"

It seems like so long ago. I haven't even thought about my thigh, consumed with whether my mother killed Riona or not. I nervously glance around to make sure no one can hear us. I reply, "I'm fine. But I need to know something."

Hailee furrows her eyebrows. "Okay. What is it?"

I lower my voice. "Did Mom say anything to you about Orla's mother, Riona?"

She shakes her head. "No. She's not said anything else besides what she revealed when we all met with her. I've not exactly been taking her calls, either. I blew her off again last night with an I'm busy text. Why do you ask?"

My heart races. I bite on my cheek, glance behind me, then tell Hailee, "Orla said something to me before the O'Malleys got to the locker room."

"About disabling the location services on your phone?"

I double-check no one is near us. "No."

In a firm voice, Hailee questions, "Gemma, what did she say?"

"I-I didn't tell Nolan or Liam."

"You didn't tell them what?"

The air in my lungs becomes stale. It's hard to breathe. I admit, "What she really said."

Hailee's eyes widen. "You lied to them?"

My eyes fill with tears. Guilt annihilates me. I've lied to Nolan after all he has done to protect me. The last day, we've come so far after everything that's happened between us, and it's tearing at my heart I can't tell him what's going on. If he finds out I lied, he's never going to forgive me. I stare at the wall and blink hard then put my hand over my mouth, trying to gain control of my unstable emotions.

Hailee wraps her arms around me. She whispers in my ear, "Just tell me. We'll figure out what to do with the information together."

I whisper back, "I-I-I researched it. I think Orla is telling the truth."

She tightens her hold on me. "About what?"

I swallow hard. "She told me she's going to destroy all of us. You, Ciara, Ella, and me. Only after the four of us suffer is she going to take Mom out."

Hailee freezes. "Why?"

My body begins trembling. "Everything matches, Hailee. The dates we left North Carolina line up perfectly."

Confusion fills Hailee's voice. "What matches?"

"The date her mother died. Orla..." I grip my big sister's hand. "Sh-she said our mother killed hers."

Hailee stares at me like I have two heads.

Nolan walks up to us. "We can go in and see the baby now." He assesses us. "What's wrong?"

I release Hailee's hand and wipe my eyes. "Nothing important."

"What did you say to Gemma?" Nolan asks Hailee.

Hailee gapes at him.

I state, "Nolan, she didn't—"

"My sister and I are allowed to talk. Mind your own business." Hailee hugs me and whispers, "We'll talk tomorrow."

I squeeze my arms around her then take a step back. I turn to Nolan and force a smile. "Ready to see the baby?"

His eyes dart between my sister and me. He reluctantly puts his arm around my back and says, "See you later, Hailee."

We go to Nora's room. Declan is talking to Boris in the hallway. We exchange congratulations with Boris and step inside. Killian is holding the baby. He kisses Shannon's head and says, "You did good, Nora."

"Time to hand her over," Nolan demands.

Nora turns to us, and her face lights up. "Hi!"

Nolan bends down and hugs her. "How are you doing?"

She smiles. "Tired, but good."

"O'Malley curse," Nolan comments.

She snorts. "You have no idea."

I hug her. "Congrats."

She holds my hand. "Thanks. Is my brother being nice to you?"

"Hey, I'm always nice," Nolan claims.

I smile. "Yeah."

Nolan holds out his hands, and Killian grumbles but passes Shannon to him. She curls into Nolan's chest, and it warms my heart. He's a natural with her. It hits me what a good father he'd make.

When it's my turn to hold the baby, I get teary-eyed again. "She's gorgeous. I can't believe all the red hair she has."

"Thank God she looks like her mother," Boris says, coming into the room.

We stay for an hour then leave. When we get in the car, Nolan asks, "What was going on between you and Hailee."

My stomach flips. "Nothing. Just sister stuff."

He slides his arm around my shoulders. "Are you okay?"

I straddle him and cup his cheeks. "I'm fine. Now tell me the dirtiest thing you've ever done in a car."