Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole


Nolan O'Malley

Sean's warningsends new chills down my spine. "The Baileys are coming for you. Watch your back."

It's not the first time he's warned me about something. I react the same way I always do. I sit up in bed and scrub my hands over my face. Cold sweat coats my skin, and my racing pulse doesn't seem to slow. No matter how many slow breaths of oxygen I inhale, my dead brother's face and voice don't go away.

After several minutes, I go into the bathroom and take a shower. It's four in the morning, but anytime Sean visits me in my dreams, which is happening more frequently these days and always with the same warning, I never can fall back asleep.

The hot water turns cold. I step out then debate about going to the gym but turn my laptop on instead. After a few hours, I pump my fist in the air. "Fuck yeah!"

I finally figured out the algorithm I've spent the last several months trying to decipher. Declan hacked into the server, and all the pressure was on me to do my part. It's the last significant piece needed to take down Jack Christian's company. My cousins, brothers, and I have to wait until it goes public, but once the price gets high enough, we're going to short the stock. We'll make billions as it falls. Everything Jack and his slimeball business partner Judge Peterson have worked for will go down the drain. Mack Bailey, Jack's other buddy, will also lose millions.

However, my excitement is short-lived. The hatred I have for those three men runs so deep, even financially destroying them isn't enough. Until all three of them have suffered and die, nothing will make me rest. Not one of them deserves another moment on this earth. The amount of anguish they've brought upon my family is enough for several lifetimes. When the day comes, and they're nothing but ground flesh scattered in Lake Michigan, that's when I'll maybe be able to regain some sense of peace in my life.

It's something I've not felt since my father died. A Bailey killed him. To screw with my family more, the Baileys set my brother, Sean, up with the Rossis, an Italian crime family. They killed him, and since then, any remaining tidbit of calmness or happiness has died.

A war rages inside me. I do the only thing I know how to try and control it. I put my socks and sneakers on then step outside. The cool morning air smacks me in the face—not atypical for Chicago. It's still dark out as I run along the shoreline and get to my family's gym.

My three brothers and two cousins are there. It's a rare occurrence for all of us to work out together. Killian and Liam are in the boxing ring with my uncle Patrick. He's been their trainer for as long as I can remember.

Finn spots Declan while he does bench presses. Declan is struggling to finish his set. I approach them, and Finn taunts, "Stop being a sissy and finish it strong."

Declan lets out a final grunt, pushes the weight up, and Finn helps place it back on the rack. Declan sits up, wipes the sweat off his face, and pants hard.

"I cracked it," I reveal.

Declan and Finn turn their heads toward me.

I continue, "Before I rewrite their algorithm, I need you to be ready to hack in and erase the blueprint."

"Don't do it before we're ready," Finn warns.

"I'm aware," I snap, pissed he would even think he needs to remind me. I know the plan and my role in it. Everything has to stay as is and profitable. Until the company goes public and the stock price hits what we've assumed it will, we can't disrupt anything.

Finn crosses his arms. "What's got you all riled up this morning?"

I ignore his question and turn to my brother. The last thing I'm going to do is go into detail about how my dead brother is constantly in my dreams, warning me about the Baileys coming after me. Or maybe Sean means all of us. Either way, I don't want it to come to fruition. I'd love to take out every human being who has Bailey blood flowing through their veins before I learn what Sean's warning refers to.

Before my father's death, I never thought I would kill anyone. My nana made us promise to stay away from my uncle Darragh's mob business. When Sean died, everything spiraled. Now, every thought of stealing the last breath from a Bailey brings me joy.

Killian killed Lorenzo Rossi, the son of the head of the Italian mafia. In conjunction with the Ivanov brothers, he pinned it on the Petrovs, another heinous crime family who has a vendetta against them. A silent war began between the two families. From time to time, it requires us to step in and take men from both sides out to keep the power even. It's something I never thought I'd do.

When Killian told Declan and me what he did, Liam and Finn were still in prison. My brothers and I had a small construction firm. Since then, we've shut it down. That one night changed everything for us.

Before my nana died, Darragh had promised her he would keep us away from his business. Part of me believes he feels guilty and it's why he allowed us to stay out of the drug and gambling side of the family activities. Instead, he had my brothers and me focus on Liam and Finn's plan to take down Jack Christian's company. He knew Declan and I played around on our computers as a hobby. Little did we know how closely our uncle monitored our pastime.

Once this deal goes through, the future income stream for our family will come from legitimate sources. Well, minus the way we got our funds to start the new tech company we'll create.

We allied with the Ivanovs. They aren't a true crime family. Their businesses are all legit. However, their ruthlessness is nothing shy of ours. Overnight, it felt as if my entire world shifted. The rage I felt over my father and Sean's deaths momentarily lifted when my brothers and I hunted Crosby and Cullen Bailey down. They orchestrated Sean's death and were two high-up members of their clan. It was the first time I ever sliced a man to pieces. The first cut felt like a sweet release. Some men might black out their wrongdoings, but I remember every moment of those few days. At times, I hear their screams and see their faces. I smell the decay and bodily fluids. When the flashbacks occur, the faint shimmer of relief fills me before returning to feeling all the rage I keep inside me.

Declan wipes his face another time then rises. He squints. "It won't be a problem. What's going on?"


He studies me. "It's not like you to snap. Did something happen? You should be ecstatic you got the algorithm."

"I'm fine. I just didn't sleep well," I admit.

"You need to get laid. It'll make you sleep like a baby," Killian booms from behind me.

I spin and ignore him. My little brother thinks most of his issues can be solved through his cock. It's nothing new. Usually I'd laugh, but I'm not in the mood. Everything feels off since I woke up. My run did nothing to release any of my anger or grief. I state, "Tell Darragh I cracked the algorithm."

Liam's eyes widen, and he sighs in relief. He pats me on the back. "Your next drink is on me."

"Don't get too excited. I need to figure out how to create a better one to replace it," I warn him.

He pins his fierce gaze on mine. He confidently states, "You will."

"They set the date yet?" Killian asks.

Declan grabs a bottle of water from the nearby fridge then tosses one to Finn. "No. All speculation. Eric said they're estimating three to six months." Eric's one of the hedge fund traders who set up dozens of offshore accounts and positioned us to profit from the fall of Jack's company.

The pressure to figure out an algorithm better than Jack's reignites. It may take months for me to figure it out. I don't have a minute to waste. If I don't create it before the company goes public, we're screwed. I ask Finn, "Did you get the dirt we need on them?"

His face hardens. "Not yet."

"We will," Liam assures us.

My chest tightens. If they don't get dirt on Jack and the judge, it creates a possible hiccup in our plan. I ignore the nerves rising in my chest and walk toward the punching bag. I need to pound something and ease some of the unsettled anxiety I can't seem to shake. I grumble, "I have shit to do today."

I grab a pair of fingerless gloves and hit the bag until my arms burn and sweat pours out of me. I add in sets of push-ups, sit-ups, and planks then go back to the bag. After several rounds, Killian comes over. "You gonna tell me what's eating you?"

"Nothing," I reply and punch the bag again.


"I didn't get laid last night, remember," I jab.

"Nolan," he firmly states.

I stop punching and sigh. I stare at the ceiling and try to add more oxygen to my lungs. I finally admit, "Sean's been in my dreams again."

Killian shifts on his feet. He clears his throat. "What's he saying?"

The tightness in my chest returns. I meet my brother's eyes. "The Baileys are coming for you. Watch your back."

The loathing in Killian's expression at the mention of the Bailey name is like a dragon breathing fire. He grinds his molars then says, "We're going after them this time. They aren't getting any more O'Malleys."

I hesitate then glance behind me to double-check no one is around us. I don't want everyone else to know. Killian has had dreams before, too. Declan hasn't, and I don't want Liam and Finn to know. I'm unsure why, but I don't. I confess, "It's not the first time. He's talking to me almost every night."

Killian steps closer. "Darragh increased our surveillance. They can't move without us knowing about it."

I snort. "You and I both know it's a false sense of security. It's like having a gated neighborhood without someone standing at the entrance with a machine gun. You think you're safe. You don't lock your door at night. And then people end up dead, and everyone asks how it happened."

Killian's jaw tightens. "They aren't getting to us again."

As much as I want to believe my brother, I can't shake Sean's warning. "I have to go. Who knows how long this algorithm is going to take to create."

"You showering? I'll drop you off on my way home."

"No. I'm going to run back. I'll see you later." I step past him.

He calls out, "Nolan."

"Yeah?" I glance back.

He firmly states, "I promise you, we're the ones in control this time."

"Your arrogance has always been your downfall, little brother. None of us can afford to assume the Baileys can't get to us," I warn.

"It's not arrogance. We aren't naive anymore. If they did surprise us, we wouldn't hesitate to handle them accordingly," he boasts.

I consider his words and can't deny that if any Bailey dared step foot in front of us, we wouldn't hesitate to deal with them differently than before my father or Sean died.

"Don't get cocky," I order then leave. I run back to my house, take another shower, and turn my computer on. I make the same smoothie I drink every morning then get lost in my work. Every avenue I take leads to a dead end. By nighttime, my eyes are burning from staring at the computer screen too long, and my stomach is growling. My phone rings and I answer, "Killian. What's up?"

"You still staring at the computer screen?"

I chuckle. "Yep."

"Take a break and meet us at the pub. It'll still be there tomorrow."

My stomach growls again. "All right. I need to eat anyway. But I'm not staying all night. I need to get back to this."

He groans. "You've got time."

"You don't know that," I reply.

"Yeah, I do. Now get your ass to the pub."

I glance at the clock on the wall then outside. It's already turning dark. "I'll see you soon." I hang up, throw on a pair of jeans and a fresh T-shirt, and my doorbell rings.

I slide my feet in my shoes and look at the security screen on the wall. Surprised, I open the door. "Darragh. What are you doing here?"

He steps past me. "Your place was on the way. Killian said you're going to see Liam tonight?"

"Word gets around fast," I mutter. Somehow, Darragh always knows everything that is happening.

He ignores my statement and takes off his tweed cap. His steel gaze assesses me. "I heard you figured out the algorithm?"

"Yeah. But I don't know the new one yet," I admit.

"But you will?" he asks.

No pressure.

I straighten my shoulders. "I'm working on it."

Darragh nods. His voice turns colder. "When you see Liam tonight, tell him it's confirmed."

The hairs on my arms rise. "What is?"

"The Zielinski boys. Just as we planned."

I freeze. Darragh pinned a crime Boris Ivanov committed on Bruno Zielinski's sons. Bruno is the head of the Polish mob. He and the Rossis formed an alliance. Darragh also framed the Rossis for killing Bruno's sons to break up their agreement.

"I'll tell Liam."

He pats me on the back. "Good. Let me know when you figure out the algorithm." He leaves, and I follow him outside. I get in my car and drive to the pub since I'm not drinking. No matter how much Killian tries to get me to stay and drink, I have to figure out how to make this algorithm a priority. I'm eating dinner then going home.

The pub isn't far from my house. Within several minutes, I park the car and step inside the pub. Liam and Hailee are at the bar, and he waves me over. The regulars attempt to talk to me, but I beeline toward him. "Liam. Your dad said to tell you it's confirmed."

His face darkens. "It went our way?"

I nod.

A woman next to him clears her throat, and I glance at her.

Jesus, help me.

There's a familiarity about her. She looks a bit like Hailee, but instead of appearing innocent, she has a confident, eat-me-up-and-spit-me-out aura about her. Hailee has cool blonde hair, but this woman's is strawberry-blonde. Against my will, my eyes drift down her body. I force myself to tear my gaze off her cleavage and perky breasts. I continue staring at her then finally find the power to stop ogling her. But it's too late. Her cheeks burn bright red, making her blue eyes pop even more, causing my dick to become hard as steel.

Play it cool.

She's trouble.

Unlike my brother, Killian, who always goes for the bad girl, I avoid them at all costs. They're drama, and I don't need it in my life.

I rip my eyes off her, turn and embrace Hailee, then kiss her on the cheek. "Hailee. How are you doing?"

She sweetly smiles. "Good. You?"

"I don't have any complaints."

The girl next to her sticks her hand out. "I'm Hailee's little sister, Gemma."

Gemma.I hold in my groan. Her name alone is a recipe for dirty thoughts, never mind her voice, which is the sexiest thing I've ever heard. It's like caramel dripping down your skin. Once you listen to it, you can't just wipe it away. It sticks with you.

"By a year," Hailee mutters.

Against all my restraint, I eye Gemma's body again. I take her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Nolan." The intensity from touching her is too much. She has an energy field around her, zapping me straight to my core. I drop her hand and spin toward the manager. "Hey, Darcey. Can I get a bottle of water?"

"Sure. You aren't drinking tonight?"

"No. I'm only staying for a bit. I have work to finish."

"Well, that doesn't sound like fun," Gemma taunts.

No. Fun would be putting you over my knee and slapping your naked ass.

I take a sip of my water, trying to cool off. I shrug without glancing at her.

Molly comes up behind the bar. She beams at me. "Hi, Nolan!"

"Hey, Molly."

"Thanks for fixing my mom's laptop," she says.

"No problem. Glad it's working again."

She turns to the women and smiles. "Hailee, is this your sister? You look a lot alike."

Hailee confirms, "Yes. This is Gemma."

Gemma steps closer to me, and my veins begin to hum. She gives Molly a dismissive smile and focuses on me. "So you're a computer guru? I thought you'd be the boxer, at first glance." She squeezes my biceps.

I dismiss the zings running down my arm. Gemma may be the hottest woman who's ever walked into this pub, but I don't like how she dismissed Molly. She's my best friend Colin's little sister, and my friend, too. Also, I'm not into snobs. It confirms Gemma's nothing but trouble, and I don't need any more of that than I already have. "Yeah? Well, I'm not. Nice meeting you." I turn to Molly. "Are my brothers in the game room?"

"Yes." Molly attempts not to look hurt, but I see it in her expression.

I smile at Molly, trying to make her feel better. I go to the game room, and Killian sinks the eight ball in the corner pocket of the pool table. He cockily looks up. "Hey..." He glances past me and raises his eyebrows. "Who's that with Hailee?"

I act like I don't care. "Her sister, Gemma." I grab the cue stick and twist the chalk on it.

He softly whistles. "I take it she's not a kindergarten teacher?"

I shrug. "Don't know, don't care. Rack 'em up." I motion to Declan.

He finishes his beer then grabs the triangle, placing every ball inside it. When he lifts the rack, I put the chalk down, line up my cue, and break the balls. Two solids roll into the pockets.

"Bravo!" Gemma's voice hits my ear, and I once again think about sticky caramel. Only this time, I wonder how long I'd get to lick her and what she'd sound like moaning if I put it all over her body. Then I reprimand myself because everything about her is a road I don't travel down. She's Killian's type to a T. High drama, wild, reckless, and guaranteed to take all my concentration away from the only important thing right now—figuring out the next algorithm. It's too important for our family. If I don't get it right, the O'Malleys are never getting out of the drug and gambling business. And the money involved makes everything Darragh built look like chump change.

"Hailee, is this your sister?" Killian asks.

"Yeah. This is Gemma," Hailee replies.

Killian hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. I almost jab him in the stomach with my cue. It's an innocent gesture, but nothing ever is with Killian and a girl like Gemma.

What am I thinking? A woman like Gemma has never walked into this pub before. She makes all of Killian's women look like overpriced hussies.

Declan eyes her up and replicates Killian's moves. I grip the cue tighter. Finn is the only one I can stomach watching kiss Gemma's cheek, and that's only because I know he's obsessed with finding Brenna.

When everyone has their O'Malley hands off Gemma, I casually ask, "Can we continue our game now?"

"Gemma, do you play pool?" Killian inquires.

She laughs and flips her hair, then saunters up next to me. Her energetic buzz glides across my skin, and she isn't even touching me. "Sure. But I think I'd rather watch." She tilts her head and smirks at me.

"Suit yourself," I say and move to the other side of the table.

I line up my cue and lose my concentration when Killian steps next to Gemma. She takes a sip of her drink, and he leans down near her ear. "Want another drink?"

She puts her hand on his biceps. "Sure. You're the boxer, right?"

I screw up so badly, I scratch, and the cue ball flies into the middle pocket.

"Might want to sharpen your skills," Killian taunts.

I grunt and grab my water.

Killian holds his cue and assesses the table. Declan takes his place next to Gemma. He ogles her, and I hold myself back from smacking him. He licks his lips and questions, "What do you do for fun, Gemma?"

She bats her eyes. "I'm kind of a spur-of-the-moment gal, if you know what I mean."

Declan softly chuckles, and I swallow the bile climbing up my throat. I know his expression too well. She's a piece of candy he's ready to eat.

Caramel once again fills my mind, and I chastise myself.

"Ugh." Hailee groans at the table behind me.

"Chill. She's just having fun," Liam mutters.

"Yeah, right. Cut her off now."

Molly comes into the room. "Anyone want another drink? Nolan, are you sticking with water?"

"Yeah. I've got a lot—"

"Bring us another round, lass," Killian declares.

"I'm okay right now," Hailee chirps.

Declan taps Gemma's near-empty glass. "The rest of us need refills."

Another groan comes from Hailee. Liam and Finn both chuckle, and Molly glances behind her at Gemma, then looks back at me. "Do you want another water?"

"No, thanks, I'm good."

She smiles. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Thanks."

Molly walks out, and Gemma crosses the room. She places her hand above mine and holds on to the cue. She grabs the chalk, grinds it on the tip, and blows. "There. You're all ready now."

I don't react. I'm not my brothers and not going to drool all over her. And she doesn't seem to have any issues flirting with them, so I'm staying as far away from her as possible. The last thing I need is someone in my life who flirts with other men. Liam's ex-fiancée Megan was a flirt. She had no problem getting with our cousin, Danny, the minute Liam got arrested. The judge hadn't even sentenced him yet when she dropped him for Danny. I tell her, "You're in my way."

She tilts her head and drags her finger down my chest. Her pouty lips curve, and she makes doe eyes at me. "Am I?"


"Yeah." I step away from her and take my shot.

Molly brings more rounds, and Gemma tries harder and harder to get my attention, but I continue to ignore her. The more she drinks, the more it bothers her. Deep down, it's turning me on how much it's annoying her. My brothers continue to give her attention, and Finn talks to her, but she seems focused on getting me to acknowledge her.

The more she tries, the less I react, and the tighter my pants become. She jumps up on the corner of the pool table, crosses her legs, and leans over, revealing her perfect everything. She's drunk way too much, but everyone kept giving her more.

I've stayed longer than I should have, but I can't seem to make myself leave the room. I typically loathe drunk women unless I'm inebriated alongside them. Still, even in her annoying state, she's so damn beautiful and full of personality, I want to take her home and make up for not giving her any recognition all night.

"Time to get off the table, lass," Killian orders.

"But Nolan hasn't said please yet." She shoots darts at me with her eyes, and I finally have had it.

My balls are aching, and she's the reason. I'm starting to wonder why I'm avoiding her. I lean down to her ear. In a low voice, so no one else can hear, I say, "Get off the table, or I'm going to throw you out of here." Before I can finish telling her I'm going to take her to my house, put her over my knee, and slap the shit out of her ass, she reaches for my shirt.

She fists a handful of material and, in a loud voice, slurs, "You don't know who you're messing with."

Maybe I should just tell everyone to leave the room and fuck her right on this pool table.I growl, "Yeah? Who's that?"

She lowers her voice but not so much that Declan and Killian, who are behind me, can't hear. She huffs, defiantly glares at me, and claims, "I'm Rory Bailey's mafia princess. You can't handle what I'll do to you."