Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole



I've saida lot of things in my life. Not a lot bothers me. I don't consider myself a super-reserved person. Things some people take offense to, I roll my eyes at. My motto has always been, life is too short to worry about being uptight about what you say.

Well, at least before Orla, my half-sister I never knew about, I used to believe that. Since she came into my life, all I do is worry about what I say. Talking can now get people killed. But nothing has ever come out of my mouth that I regret as much as what I just said to Nolan.

His eyes turn to slits. He barks, "What did you just say?"

I hold my breath. All I want is for someone to protect me. Orla doesn't let a day go by without harassing me. My entire life is in shambles, and I never thought I needed anyone to protect me before she hunted me down. Since Liam met Hailee, I haven't worried about the Baileys getting to her. It only took one look to see how he'd kill anyone who attempts to harm her. I just wanted to come here tonight and leave with the same thing.

God, I'm stupid. But desperation makes people do crazy things, as I'm quickly learning.

I'm drunk and don't even know why I would say what I did. I hate that my blood makes me a mafia princess. Every time Orla tells me what I am, or when she made me visit my father in prison, and he called me it, I cringe inside. So why I chose to reveal it to Nolan doesn't make any sense.

Before Orla, I dated my fair share of bad boys. They were all sexy with a flair of danger. My dating life ceased after her arrival. Yet, none of them compares to Nolan O'Malley.

When Liam told me Nolan was into algorithms and the most intelligent guy he knew, I assumed he would be a boring nerd. He walked into the bar, and I thought he was Killian, the boxer. Everything about him screams bad boy athlete and not a tech geek. His neck, right arm, and hand have tattoos all over them. An open-mouthed, fierce snake is inked on the front of his neck. Celtic symbols and swords intricately weave together in the design. A few strands of silver run throughout his reddish-brown hair, matching his perfectly groomed short-cut beard and mustache.

Underneath his gray, form-fitted T-shirt is chiseled perfection. All that is mesmerizing enough until you see his eyes. They're green globes of smoldering intensity you could get sucked into and stare at for hours. My first look into them sent heat straight to my core, and it's something I've never experienced before.

He's everything Irish, bad boy, and dangerous. Like the other O'Malleys, you immediately feel his ferocity and virility. Every one of them is good looking, sexy as sin, and not to be messed with. I'm sure any of them could protect me against Orla and my father, yet, Nolan is the one I can't drag my eyes away from.

And now, he's stolen my breath with the hatred, rage, and betrayal in his eyes he's pinned on me.

I barely hear Hailee's voice when she says, "Gemma. What did you say?"

Nolan doesn't flinch. In a low, menacing tone, he repeats, "Say it again."

The room becomes silent. My chest tightens, and blood pounds so hard between my ears, I get dizzy. I attempt to slide off the table, but Nolan grabs me by the throat and makes me look at him.

My flutters go crazy in both fear and lust-filled desire. My head spins from too much alcohol.

"Nolan! Let her go!" Hailee yells.

"Nolan!" Liam growls and pulls at his arm. "What the fuck is wrong with you two standing there?"

Nolan's flaming green eyes never leave mine.

"Let her go," Declan barks.

Nolan releases me, steps back, and seethes, "Get out."

The next few minutes are scary. Liam attempts to go after Nolan, the O'Malley brothers step in, and Finn pulls Liam back. Words fly fast and ugly, and Nolan points to Hailee and me. "Ask the Bailey sisters."

My insides quiver harder. This isn't the way for Hailee to find out we're Baileys. Plus, Orla threatened to kill my mother if I told anyone. For months, during every difficult moment, I've not said anything. And now, I've put the people I love the most in danger.

Hailee firmly says, "My sister is obviously drunk. Our last name is O'Hare."

"How long have you been spying on us?" Nolan fumes. The loathing in his eyes is so deep and painful, it makes me hate myself. I don't know why he thinks I would spy on him, but it's clear he believes I would.

"I swear to God, Nolan, if you don't stop these accusations, you're going to leave in a body bag," Liam warns.

"It's true," I whisper, not able to lie with Nolan glaring at me. Plus, I've never been a liar before Orla showed up in my life.

Hailee spins on me. Her eyebrows pinch together. "What are you talking about?"

My stomach churns, and bile starts rising from my gut. "I'm going—" I put my hand over my mouth and run out of the room.

"Gemma!" Hailee yells, following me.

As soon as I get into the bathroom, I get sick. My sister holds my hair and rubs my back.

When I finish, I sit against the stall. Sweat and tears coat my cheeks. Hailee hands me wet towels, and I wipe my mouth, then start crying. "I'm sorry."

Hailee sits next to me and pushes my hair off my face. "Gemma, I'm so lost right now."

There's so much to tell her, and I don't even know where to start. Now that I let the cat out of the bag, I can't go backward. My sister isn't going to pretend I didn't say it. Through endless tears and all the fear I've felt over the last few months, I tell her things our mother should have told us.

I explain that our father is Rory Bailey. We have a half-sister named Orla, and she made me visit our father in prison. I watch the horror in my sister's eyes grow as I disclose our father's threat that we take our roles in the family and marry the men he chose. If we don't, he'll throw us in his whorehouse. The faces and voices of men breaking women in when Orla made me go and watch still haunt me. I tell her how Orla has been following me for months. Everywhere I go, she shows up or has one of her men there to scare me. They are mob, and Orla threatened to kill my mother if I told anyone what I knew.

Hailee tries to comfort me the entire time, but I've lost all ability to control my emotions.

I wipe my face. "Liam will protect you. I-I need to find someone to protect me, too. Please. I don't want to ever see them again."

"Shhh. We need to get out of here, Gemma. Let's go home."

More truths I've been hiding come out. I don't know where to go. Orla infested my apartment with rodents and bugs. I lied and said it was another tenant in my building. And I can't stay at my mom's anymore. I'm too afraid I'll tell her. Hailee keeps insisting we need to talk to her, but I'm scared she'll die. I beg her not to tell anyone.

She puts her shaking hand on her cheek. "Okay. I won't. Let's go home. We can't stay here all night."

I allow her to help me up. She goes to open the door, but I put my hand on it and stop her. "He wants to see you, Hailee."

Hailee's eyes widen. "I'm not—"

"Do you think Liam can kill them? Especially her. She's... Hailee, she's so horrible." I fall apart again.

Hailee freezes.

My Pandora's box is open, and I can't seem to keep anything in anymore. "She's everywhere. On my phone. In my building. At my work. Anywhere I go, she shows up. I'm going to go crazy."

Hailee tugs me into her again, and I sob. As much as I want to stop crying, I can't seem to. I wish I were strong how I used to be, but all I feel now is weak. Hailee instructs, "Let's go. We'll talk to Liam about how to protect you." She leads me out of the restroom. We take one step out and stop.

The O'Malleys are all lined up against the wall, scowling at us. A new fear fills me. I can't tear my eyes off of Nolan's.

"Is she lying?" Liam growls.

Hailee defiantly sticks her chin in the air. "My sister isn't a liar."

More guilt pierces my heart. I've been lying to my sisters and mom about things. My job, home infestation, and hundreds of other white lies I've told over the last few months trying to protect them.

"But you are?" he hurls back.

"We didn't know!" I cry out, not wanting Liam to hate Hailee. I've never seen my sister so happy with anyone, and Liam protects her. I don't want my inability to keep my mouth shut to hurt them or put my sister in more danger.

Hailee tugs me closer. "Why are you so angry about this? We're the ones who should be upset. We're the ones who just learned we're part of some family we've never heard of."

"Are you kidding me?" Nolan growls, and I jump. He's so mad. I don't know the history of the Baileys and O'Malleys, but Orla wasn't happy when Hailee started seeing Liam. Since then, Orla has stayed away but still calls and texts me daily.

"Nolan," Declan warns under his breath.

Hailee quietly asks, "Liam?"

"Your family helped murder our brother. It was after they killed our father. Let's start with that," Nolan barks then returns to shooting me a look so hateful, I want to die on the spot. It's not just his wrath. It's the pain and suffering swirling around it.

I tear my eyes away and turn to Hailee. "We need to go."

Hailee furrows her brows and quietly replies, "Let's go." We take two steps, and Liam steps in front of us. "The door is that way." He points to the back exit, and a new fear ignites that I didn't consider.

Is he going to kill us?

Hailee continues to be the strong one. She confidently states, "We aren't going in the alley. We're going out the front door. Now move, Liam."

His face darkens, creating a new chill in my bones. He declares, "No. My car is parked out back. You're coming with me."

My voice shakes. "You're going to hurt us now? Because we're part of a family that we don't want anything to do with?"

"Don't fall for it," Nolan warns.

"Watch your mouth," Liam barks.

Nolan steps toward him, but Killian grabs the back of his shirt. He yanks him backward.

"Get off me!" Nolan shouts.

"I said to calm down," Declan orders. He and Finn exchange a glance. They form a wall around Nolan.

Finn motions toward the door. "Go."

Liam puts his arms around Hailee and me and swiftly guides us past the O'Malleys and into the alley. His driver, Knox, opens the back door of the vehicle. He repeats, "Get in."

I look at Hailee for permission. I'm not sure what to do. Is it safe to go with him or not?

Neither of us moves. Liam quietly says, "I'm not going to hurt you, Hales. We can't stay here right now. Let's go."

She grasps my waist, as if to steady herself. "How do I know you won't hurt us?"

He glances at the sky then her. "I'm not the one who's changed, little lamb."

Hurt fills her eyes. "You think I have?"

"Didn't say that," he replies.

Her eyes turn to slits. "Didn't you?"

He avoids answering her. "Get in."

"Where are you taking us?" I demand.

He doesn't take his gaze off my sister. "My place. We need to talk."

"What if we don't want to go?" I ask. I wanted the O'Malleys to protect me, too, but now it seems like I might have invited more danger into our lives.

Liam glances over his shoulder at the door then at me. "Would it be better to go to your mother's? After all, I do have questions for her."

"No!" I blurt out then begin sobbing again.

Hailee firmly commands, "Get in the car, Gemma."


"Please. Do what I ask." Her blue orbs beg me to obey her.

I climb in, not sure what else to do but trusting Hailee to make the right decision for us. The door shuts then the front door closes. I sit in the car, staring out the window into the blackness, wondering how I could have screwed up so badly.

Several minutes pass, and Hailee rips the door open. "Gemma, get out."

Liam says, "Hales—"

She spins. "They've threatened my sister. They want to kill my mother. My father, who I didn't even know the name of until tonight, has plans for Gemma and me. They scare the shit out of me. And if you aren't going to help us, then I don't have anything else to say. I don't answer to you, Liam."

He slams the door shut and steps forward so she's against the car. I debate about getting out of the other side, but Knox rolls the divider window down. He turns and attempts to joke, "Rough night?"

I don't answer. I put my hand over my face, wishing I could control my emotions. For so long, I covered it all up. The only time I cried was in bed when I was alone. Now, I can't seem to stop it. And I'm embarrassed I flirted with Knox earlier when Liam picked us up.

"Oh shit. Sorry, Gemma. Here." Knox hands me a box of tissues.

"Thanks," I manage to get out.

More time passes. My heart never stops racing, and I think I might get sick again. The door finally opens, and Liam and Hailee get in.

He protectively wraps his arm around Hailee, and she closes her eyes briefly, then refocuses on me. Concern and confusion lace her expression.

The ride to Liam's is quiet. I don't dare speak, afraid of what else I might say. When we pull into his driveway, another car parks behind us. Lights fill the backseat, and a door slams. New anxiety floods me. Is this a trick and Liam is going to hurt us?

He glances out the window then quietly speaks in Hailee's ear. "I'll handle this. Take your sister inside."

She asks, "Who—"

There's a knock on the windshield, and I jump.

"Let's go, Gemma." Hailee opens the door and gets out. She reaches in to help me out.

I take her hand, step out, then say, "Thanks. I—"

"We need to talk, Liam," Nolan's voice rings in the air.

I freeze, not expecting to see him again. I gather the courage to turn.

Liam gets out. "Not tonight. We'll talk tomorrow."

"No. I want to know why she said what she did," he seethes, scowling at me.

"We already know why," Liam claims.

"No. We don't know why. We know what she said, and that's it. I want to know why she said what she did to me," Nolan demands.

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have," I admit, ashamed about what I said, what it represents, and how this entire night is my fault.

"Gemma," Hailee warns.

"Hales, take your sister inside!" Liam explodes.

"Come on." She attempts to guide me away, but I can't tear my eyes off Nolan's. Every part of me wants to make it right. I didn't know the Baileys killed his father or brother. I understand why he's so upset.

"Tell me," Nolan says to me.

Liam tries again. "Nolan—"

"Were you targeting me?" he asks.

"What? Nolan, go home. Don't you dare harass my sister," Hailee barks.

"Stay out of this," Nolan bites back.

"Don't talk to my woman like that," Liam warns.

"Your woman is a Bailey," Nolan growls.

"You have a five-second warning, and then I'm going to—"

"I'll tell him why!" I cry out.

The air turns silent. Nolan's green eyes seem to glow hotter next to Liam's. Nolan growls, "Tell me."

Nerves jump around my belly. "Can I tell you without Hailee and Liam?" What I said is embarrassing. I don't want my sister to hear it. Nolan deserves an explanation, so I'll deal with his anger.

"What? Gemma, no!" Hailee insists.

Liam starts to agree, "Yeah. I don't think—"

"Fine. Get in my car," Nolan thunders.

Hailee tugs me into her. "No. She's not—"

"Stop!" I shrug out of her grasp. "He has a right to know. I shouldn't have said it."

"What exactly did you say?" she asks.

"Nothing you need to know." I walk toward Nolan's car.

Hailee threatens, "If you hurt her—"

I spin.

Nolan declares, "I don't hurt women. I'm an O'Malley, not a Bailey. You should learn the difference."

"You grabbed my sister's neck," Hailee points out.

Nolan shakes his head. He keeps his eyes on Hailee and calls out, "Gemma, did I hurt you?"

My lower body pulses at the memory. I shove my ego to the side, clear my throat, and admit, "No."

"Did you like it?" More arrogance fills his voice.

Hailee glares at him. "You're an—"

"Yes," I hurriedly insist.

Hailee gapes at me. "What is wrong with you?"

I'm tired, over the entire evening, and not into being judged for what turns me on, especially after months of feeling nothing but fear. My sister never dated any bad boy before Liam, but I know what they're like. "Don't be a hypocrite, Hailee. I'm sure Liam is no saint around you." I open the door and slide into the car. I twist my fingers in my lap, watching Nolan swiftly approach the vehicle.

He gets in, and the air fills with a mix of sandalwood and coffee beans. I breathe deeply, trying to calm down, but it just sends my stomach in more flutters. Nolan's hardened expression turns on me. He demands, "Start talking, Gemma."

I open my mouth but shut it, not sure what I'm going to say.

"You wanted my attention. Now you've got it. Speak," he roars.

I understand he's mad, but now I am, too. My delivery is a mix of apprehension and attempted confidence, "Just give me a minute. You don't have to be so nasty."

"Says the Bailey mafia princess herself," he spits.

I close my eyes and turn away, ashamed of what I said. I whisper, "I'm sorry. I hate who I am."

He leans over the console and turns my chin. I gasp, and he enunciates, "Why did you say it?"

"I-I..." Tears fly fast down my cheeks and over his fingers. "You don't understand what she's done to me."

"Who is she?"


His eyes turn to slits. "What about her?"

"She's...she's our half-sister. We don't have the same mother, and I didn't know about her until she tracked me down. She's stalked me for months. Every day, she texts or calls me. There are always new threats and—"

"Give me your phone, now!" Nolan's expression morphs. I don't know what to think of it.


"Don't ask questions and stop talking. Now, give it to me."

I dig into my cross-body bag and hand my phone to Nolan.

"Security code."

Maybe it's dumb of me to give it to him, but I don't think. "Eight-two-five-five-five-five."

He shakes his head in annoyance and taps the screen, mumbling, "Any dickhead can hack that code." Several minutes pass, and his jaw twitches.

"What are you—"

"Quiet!" he commands.

I continue watching him, and he mutters, "Gotcha!" He looks up. "She's tracking you, but your microphone wasn't on."

"I turned that off. She seemed to know everything I said, so I got paranoid," I admit.

He raises his eyes in surprise. "That was smart."

"See, there's more to me than just good looks," I tease, but it falls flat.

The amusement in his expression disappears almost as quickly as it appears. "She had access to all your emails, texts, and social media."

My skin crawls. "I only thought she was tracking my location. I turned it off on my phone, but she still knew where I was."

He puts my cell in front of me then pulls up the screen. "She put a virus on your phone that overrode the settings. It didn't have the capacity to override your microphone."

I turn away, shameful that she can infiltrate my life in so many ways, and I'm clueless and unable to stop her.

For the first time in hours, Nolan's voice turns calm. "Why is she tracking you?"

I wipe my face and keep focusing on the darkness. "She made me visit my father in prison. I didn't even know who he was until she told me. I was a toddler when my mom fled with us in the middle of the night. They said my sisters and I have to take our place in the family and marry the men my father chose for us, or he'll throw us in his whorehouses."

Silence fills the air. I finally turn. His eyes surprise me. There's compassion in them. "Why did you say what you did, Gemma?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. I was drunk, and you were ignoring me. I-I kept all this to myself for months. Orla said she'll kill my mom if I tell anyone. And now...oh God! If my mom dies..." I cover my face.

He sighs then firmly asks, "Are you going to sit here and tell me you don't know who the O'Malleys are?"

I remove my hand. "No. I know who you are. I didn't know about your father or brother. I see how Liam protects Hailee, and I-I just wanted someone to protect me from her. I..." I put the heels of my palms over my eyes to stop the tears. I quietly admit, "I think about killing myself every day. I don't know how much more of her I can take."

The silence is deafening as shame, guilt, and disgust fill me. I don't believe in suicide. I think it's the coward's way out, but having to live like this isn't sustainable. I'm going to go crazy with paranoia and fear.

The door opens and shuts. I look up. Nolan comes around the car and opens my door. He holds out his hand. "Get out."

I gape at him, wondering how he can be so heartless and cruel when I just admitted what I did. He's going to drop me off at Liam's door. I'm not sure what I expected from him, but it feels so raw.


I straighten up, trying to muster any self-respect I have left. He leads me up the sidewalk to Liam's house and opens the door. He holds out his hand. "Give me your phone, Hailee."

"What? No!" she says.

"Hailee, give it to him," I blurt out, fearful Orla might be tracking her.

"Why?" she asks.

I'm emotionally drained. I can only whisper, "Please. And stop talking."

Liam doesn't hesitate. He reaches into her purse and hands the phone to Nolan.

He gets the code from her, spends five minutes going through it, and finally hands it back to her. "It's clean."

Relief fills me.

Hailee and Liam want to know when I saw Orla last and what she calls me about. I answer their questions, regurgitating what I told Nolan, and Liam swears he'll keep us safe from the Baileys.

Then Hailee asks me about my job, and I shamefully tell her how I quit. I had to. Everywhere I went, Orla had her men threatening me. I couldn't even get a coffee or take an Uber.

Hailee blurts out, "I'm sorry I told you no. You can move in with me."

"No," Liam states.

She spins to him. "I'm not—"

"Neither of you are living on your own. You'll both move in here. I'll watch over you," Liam claims, and relief floods me.

She points to the mattress in the corner of the open space. Liam is remodeling and it's a construction zone. "There isn't even one bedroom right now."

"Gemma's coming with me," Nolan states.

I turn to him in shock.

"What are you talking about?" Hailee asks, as surprised as I am.

He crosses his arms. "She knows a lot more than what she's disclosing right now. She's going to tell me everything she knows about anyone associated with the Baileys."

"You aren't kidnapping my sister," Hailee claims.

Nolan's eyes turn to slits. "The attitude toward me is getting old."

"Don't talk to my woman like that," Liam barks.

Nolan focuses on him. "Don't let your dick cloud your judgment. They're Baileys. We're at more risk because of your relationship. Whatever she knows, she needs to disclose."

Liam steps toward him. "I said—"

"I'll go with him," I blurt out. Whatever he wants to know, I'll tell him if it means he'll keep me safe.

"What? No!" Hailee exclaims.

"He's right." I turn to Nolan. "If I go with you, nothing will happen to me? You'll protect me from them?"

"As long as you don't lie to me. If you utter one untruth and I find out, I'll throw you to the wolves like a piece of raw meat," Nolan threatens.

My insides shake at the thought of him handing me over to the Baileys.

"Jesus. You are not going with him. Liam," Hailee states, looking at him for help.

"I don't lie. It won't be a problem. Let's go. I'm tired," I proclaim.

Hailee tries again. "Liam—"

"Let her go. Nolan, if she lies, you bring her to me, not the Baileys," Liam orders.

"I don't lie!" I insist. Before Orla, I never did. Now that everyone knows, there is no point covering anything up anymore.

"Good. We won't have any issues, then." Nolan opens the door and motions for me to go.

"Gemma!" Hailee tries one last time.

I spin. "What do you want me to do? Go back to Mom's? Go to your place? I'm not safe anywhere. At least if I go with Nolan, I'm protected."

"Liam already has O'Malleys watching you. You don't need to go with him," she blurts out.

I freeze, feeling betrayed. "You allowed him to have people watch me, and you didn't tell me? No wonder why I'm so paranoid. I've got Baileys and O'Malleys following me. You should have told me."

"I only told her before you walked in. Unlike the Baileys, you won't notice them. We aren't trying to scare you. It's only for your protection," Liam informs me.

I shut my eyes and shake my head. How much about the O'Malleys following me is influencing whatever Orla is planning to do to me? I open my eyes and reply, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Hailee."

"Gemma!" She reaches for me, but I shrug out of her grasp.

"Don't! I'm tired. I'm sick of talking. I'll see you tomorrow." I leave with Nolan in tow.

Hailee warns, "Nolan, if you hurt my sister—"

He spins, scowling. Anger emanates off him. "I'm not repeating this again. I'm not who you have to worry about. Liam, set your woman straight." He leaves.

Nolan escorts me to his car and opens the door. I get in, and we don't say a word the entire way to his house. He parks in the garage, closes the door, and leads me inside, straight to the kitchen. He takes a carton of coconut water out of the fridge, opens it, then holds it in front of me. "Drink this."

"I'm okay."

"No, you've been drinking and were sick. You need electrolytes. Now drink." He shakes it in front of my mouth.

I decide not to fight. I take a few sips.

"More. At least half of the bottle," he demands.

I do as he says, and when half is gone, I hand it back to him. "Thank you."

He says nothing, puts it back into the fridge, then leads me to the guest-bedroom suite. "There are toothbrushes, paste, and other toiletries in the bathroom. It's late. Go to sleep. Tomorrow, we're talking some more."

I take a deep breath and meet his eyes. "Thank you."

He opens his mouth then shuts it. He studies me for several moments. His eyes turn sympathetic. He says, "Get some sleep. O'Malleys are watching the house, and I'm down the hall. You don't need to worry about any Baileys getting to you here."

"Thank you." I express my gratitude again, only to get no response.

He nods and turns to leave then freezes. He spins back. "Don't do anything stupid, princess. Not under my roof."

I gape at him, not sure how to take his comment. Part of me thinks he meant it as a term of endearment, but the rational side of me knows Nolan doesn't trust me as far as he can throw me.