Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole



A Few Days Later

A phone rings,waking me up.

Gemma stirs on top of me. Her groggy voice answers, "Hello."

I open my eyes, and she lays her head on my chest with the phone against her ear.

"Who is it?" I mumble, still getting used to the morning light.

Gemma replies, "Yeah. Where else would I be? It's super early in the morning." She yawns.

"I agree. Too early for talking." I yawn, too.

She traces my Celtic cross and says, "Nolan." She moves the phone away from her mouth and pecks me on the lips before asking, "What's going on that you had to interrupt my beauty sleep?"

I palm her ass and grunt. "As if you need beauty sleep."

Gemma furrows her eyebrows. She frantically questions, "Now?"

I refrain from cursing, knowing we're about to have our morning ruined.

She groans and sarcastically remarks, "I almost forgot all the realities of our awesome family dynamics."

The hairs on my neck rise. Anything to do with the O'Hare women never seems straightforward.

"See you soon. Bye," she chirps and hangs up.

I ask, "Who was that?"

"Hailee. She's coming over."

"What's going on?" I demand.

The same look Gemma gave me in the hospital appears. She claimed it was sister crap, but she didn't convince me it's not more. I asked her several times last night. She kept avoiding talking about it. Her eyes are focused on my tattoo as she traces it. I get the same response from her. "Just sister drama. Nothing for you to worry about."

I tilt her head so she can't ignore me. "Gemma, if something is going on—"

"It's nothing you need to worry about. I've told you this." Her voice is firm, but something in her eyes tells me there is more to whatever is going on between her and Hailee. She closes her eyes. "Please. You have O'Malley issues I'm not privy to. This is an O'Hare matter. Just let me deal with it on my own."

My pulse beats hard in my neck. I take a deep breath. She's right. I don't allow her access to every O'Malley issue. It's only fair I give her the same courtesy. Against my gut, I agree, "Okay."

She opens her eyes and exhales hard. "Thank you. I should get something to wear besides your T-shirt before Hailee comes."

The doorbell rings.

I give her a chaste kiss. "Stay here. I'll grab something from your room and answer the door."

She smiles, lighting up the world. The strange feeling in my chest rises. Every day, it's getting stronger, and I'm still not sure what to do with it. She chirps, "You're spoiling me now."

I pat her ass and rise. Without thinking, I blurt out, "Maybe you should get used to it."

She bites on her lip, and her cheeks flush. My heart pounds against my chest. She softly replies, "Maybe I should."

I wink. "I'll go grab your clothes." I throw on my pajama bottoms then go into her room. I select a black satin pajama set and take it to her. "This is nicer than my T-shirts you always wear."

"I like your T-shirts. They smell like you."

The flutters in my chest intensify. "I better get the door." I leave the room and answer the door. Gavin is standing next to Hailee. She gapes at my torso.

I tease, "My eyes are up here."

"Shut up." She shoves past me. Heat crawls up her cheeks. "Where's Gemma?"

I motion for Gavin to come inside. "Good morning to you, too, Hailee. Gavin, you want some espresso?"

"Nah. I'm good. Thought you didn't drink coffee?" Gavin asks.

"The princess requires it. She isn't a fan of my morning drink," I report, even though I make Gemma a smoothie without the raw egg.

"Smart girl. That shit is gross," Gavin replies.

"See, I'm not the only one who doesn't agree with raw egg smoothies." Gemma smirks, stepping through a doorway and into the room. She's wearing her black silk pajama shorts and a matching button-up top. My morning wood gets stiffer, and I make a mental note to see what other outfits she has in her room.

Hailee suspiciously glances between Gemma and me. "You two do know it's past eight, right?"

"Your point?" Gemma asks.

Hailee rolls her eyes. "The rest of the world is awake and has clothes on."

"Clothes are overrated," Gemma chirps. She takes a mug and fills it with espresso. "Want one?"

Hailee replies, "No, thanks. Can we talk in your bedroom?"

Gemma's face falls. "Sure." She motions for Hailee to follow her.

My radar that something isn't right and it's more than just O'Hare drama goes off. I tell myself to stop thinking the worst all the time and give Gemma the benefit of the doubt.

Gavin clears his throat. "You got a minute? I wanted to ask you something."

"Sure. What's up?"

Gavin shifts on his feet. He nervously runs his hand through his chestnut hair. "Luke saw Bridget and the kids."

The blood drains from my face. It's been so long since we heard anything from Sean's wife. And we all miss her and my nieces and nephews more than anyone could ever imagine. "In New York?"

"Yeah. You know my brother. Can't stay away for more than a month from that city."

Worry fills me. I hate not being able to see or watch out for them. "Are they okay?"

He nods. "Yeah. They were finishing their dinner. Bridget's father, Tully, was there. Luke talked to them for a few minutes then went to leave. He got in his car, and he said something told him to wait. Tully escorted Bridget and the kids to his car. But he didn't go with them."

Blood pounds between my ears. "Where did he go?"

Gavin pins his brows together. "He got in a car with Angelo Marino."

Goose bumps break out on my skin. Angelo is the head of the Italian mob in New York. He hates the Rossis, but I still don't know what business Tully would have with him. "Did you talk to Liam or Darragh about this?"

Guilt crosses Gavin's face. "No. Out of courtesy, I thought it was best to talk to you or your brothers first, since it regards Sean's wife and kids."

I pat his back. "Thank you. I appreciate you telling me. For now, can we keep this between us?"

"Of course." He opens the door and steps out.

I go into the bedroom and pick up my phone. I text my brothers.

Me: We need to talk at some point today.

Declan: Is shit hitting the fan?

Me: No. But I just learned something, and I'm not sure what to make of it.

Killian: Your dick got hard, and you wonder why you want to stroke it?

Me: Did you set up that porn site yet so all your gay followers can watch you wank yourself off?

Declan: It's a shame to have all those videos you take of yourself go to waste, Killian.

Killian: Did you get your prescription for the blue pill yet, Declan?

Declan: Told you, little bro. My dick is stronger than steel. But I worry about yours with some of those lasses you've shagged.

There's a knock on the door.

Me: I'll text you later to meet up.

I open the door, and my gut sinks. In an unfriendly tone, I ask, "Molly. What are you doing here?"

Hurt appears on her face, and I instantly feel guilty. She holds out a plate with foil over it. "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time? My mom and I were making cookies and made extra to say thanks for fixing our laptop again. And I have news about Colin."

I sigh and open the door.

There's no time like the present. I might as well get this over with.

"Come in." I sit on the couch and motion for her to sit in the chair across from me.

She puts the cookies down, takes a seat, and beams. "My brother arrives Saturday. My mom wants to have a surprise party for him. Can you come?"

I can't help but smile. I haven't seen Colin in years and miss him. Plus, it'll be great to hand him the reins back and not have to watch over his mom or Molly, especially since it bugs Gemma so much. "Sure. I talked to Colin last week, but he said he didn't know when he was flying out."

Molly's smile grows. She excitedly reveals, "He called this morning. Well, I should go. I know Gavin is waiting for you outside."

Hailee steps into the room. "Hi, Molly! He's with my driver."

Molly's face falls, and she scrunches her forehead. "Oh. Hi, Hailee. I didn't know anyone else was here."

"Gemma's showering then we'll be leaving," Hailee informs her.

Molly's face turns red. She looks at me in question. "Oh. Sorry. I didn't know she was still here."

I shift in my seat, not happy I have to tell Molly my business, with Hailee breathing down her neck. It may be inconvenient Molly likes me, but I still don't want to hurt her. I admit, "Yeah. She lives here right now."

Molly looks at the floor. Her hand slightly shakes and she rises. "Right. Okay. I'll see you later." She starts moving toward the door.


I follow her. "Molly. Hold up."

She freezes, takes a deep breath, then spins. She forces a smile, but I know her well. She's about ready to cry, and it makes me feel horrible. She raises her eyebrows.

"Thanks for the cookies. I'll see you Saturday, okay?" I gently say.

"Mmhmm. Bye." She turns and quickly leaves.

The door shuts. I stare at it and sigh.

"Are you screwing her and my sister?" Hailee accuses.

I spin and growl, "What? Are you kidding me right now?"

"No. I think it's a fair question."

I shake my head in disgust. I'm beyond over Hailee interrogating me about Gemma every time she sees me. Now she's stepping into my personal business. "She's my best friend's little sister."

"So you're saying you aren't screwing her?"

My blood boils. I cross my arms. "Not that it's any of your concern, but I promised her brother when he left for a job in Europe I'd watch out for her. She's my friend. That's it."

Hailee purses her lips and tilts her head. "Does she know she's only your friend?"

I scrub my face and groan. If she hadn't come into the room, I could have set Molly straight. And I don't answer to Hailee, whether she's screwing Liam or not. "I'm not sure what it is about you O'Hare girls, but don't be spreading rumors around about Molly. She's a nice girl."

She points to the plate covered in foil. "I didn't say she wasn't. But women don't just bake cookies and bring them over to a man's house if they aren't into them."

"We're friends. She knows I like them and made extra. It's not a big deal," I claim, to shut her up. Molly has a crush on me. I see now. I'm not in denial anymore, but Hailee needs to mind her own business.

"Last week, it was a pot of fish stew," Gemma snarls, walking into the room, dressed for the day and her purse in her hand.

I scowl. After everything we went through yesterday, I expect her to cut me some slack. I promised her I would take care of it. Does she expect me to break Molly's heart with Hailee in the room? "This is getting old. Princess, why don't you and your opinionated sister butt out of my friendship?"

"Maybe you should stop leading the poor girl on if you aren't interested," Hailee retaliates.

"Right? Glad you see it, too," Gemma adds.

I groan. "What is with you two?"

"She likes you," Gemma points out, as if we haven't already discussed this.

"Yep," Hailee agrees.

"You two, stay out of my business. Where are you going?" I ask.

Gemma huffs. "Guess your statement goes two ways, doesn't it? Let's go, Hailee."


"Don't start, Nolan. The new bodyguards are here, so I don't have to tell you my every move. Or do you have concerns about them, too?" She glares at me.

I study her for a moment then shake my head. We came so far only to move ten steps back again. "Have a good day, princess."

"Yeah. You, too, prince charming," Gemma snaps back and slings her purse over her shoulder.

"How do you two live together?" Hailee questions, glancing between us.

Neither of us answer. Gemma gives me one final pissed-off look then they leave.

"Damn it!" I mutter and watch them get into the car with all the bodyguards. Several minutes pass before my insides calm down, but something nags me, and I'm not sure what.

I go into the kitchen and make my smoothie. I gulp it down then shower. The entire time, the uneasiness I felt when Gemma left only grows. Cold water starts to hit my back. I turn off the water, dry off, and my phone rings. I answer, "Liam."

He barks, "Did you let Hailee and Gemma go to their mother's on their own?"

My pulse increases. "I didn't know where they were going. But the bodyguards are with them."

"I'm pulling in. Get your ass in the car," he bellows and hangs up.

Shit. Shit. Shit!

Something is going on. I should have listened to my gut. I quickly get dressed and get in the car. I ask, "What's going on?"

The driver reverses, and Liam scowls. "Gemma lied. Orla didn't cut her because she turned off her tracker. She said Jane killed Riona. Hailee and Gemma researched it. They think it might be true, and Hailee also thinks Jane and Riona were sisters."

My stomach pitches. Not only did Gemma lie to me, but she did it several times. I swallow hard. "So Jane would be a Ryan?"

Liam's face turns darker. "Yeah. It looks like the O'Hare women have Bailey and Ryan blood running through them."

I grip the edge of the seat. The Ryans are just as bad as the Baileys. The two crime families have had an alliance forever. "How did we not know this?"

Liam clenches his jaw. "I'm not sure."

"Wouldn't Darragh have known this?"

Liam gazes out the window. He sniffs hard and lowers his voice. "I don't want you to repeat this."

"Okay. You have my word."

He turns to me. "My father's cancer is getting worse. I think it's affecting some of his memory and decision-making skills."

I inhale deeply. "Then you need to take charge."

"Go against my father?"

I tap my fingers on my thigh. "We all love and respect Darragh. But the clan can't afford long-term effects of him making bad decisions, and you know it."

The car parks on the curb of Jane's building. Liam doesn't say anything, and we go inside. Since he added protection on Jane and the O'Hare sisters, we have immediate access to all of their buildings. We go directly to Jane's unit and stand outside, neither of us talking.

Several minutes pass. The door cracks open and then slams shut. Liam spins in front of it, and I step next to him.

"Mom! Stop acting like a crazy lunatic!" Hailee yells.

"What do you think your father will be like? This isn't lunacy. You don't know what lunacy is," Jane's voice fires back.

Liam and I glance at each other.

"Mom!" Hailee yells again.

Jane says, "Go sit down. You aren't leaving until I'm ready to go."

"Get out of our way," Gemma cries out and then shrieks in pain.

The handle turns, and Hailee screams, "Move!"

Liam shoves his way through the door with me in tow. I tug Gemma into me. Her cheek is bright red with a hand mark on it. I seethe, "You hit her?"

Jane looks at Gemma as if she didn't even realize what she did.

I pull Gemma's head to my chest.

"Oh God. Gemma! I'm sorry! I..." Jane puts her hand over her mouth and breaks down crying.

I breathe through my nose, trying to stop myself from doing something I'll regret to Jane.

"We're leaving now. When you've calmed down, you can talk to your daughters. Until then, stay away. But know this, Jane Ryan. You and your daughters are under my watch, my orders. If you attempt to leave Chicago without my blessing, you won't get past your front door. Understand?" Liam threatens.

Jane's face completely crumbles. We whisk Gemma and Hailee to the car. I put my arm around Gemma, but the shame and pain on her face almost cripples me. And I wonder how much more she can take.

The one thing that sticks out from our conversation is what Hailee reveals.

"My mom thinks we should run. But they'll find us, won't they?"

I swiftly answer, "They had to have been watching you for years. It's not possible to escape them. For whatever reason, they left you alone all this time. Running again will only get you all killed."

Gemma shivers, and I tighten my arm around her. If Jane thinks she's taking my princess out of Chicago, she's going to deal with my wrath. I'm not letting Gemma anywhere out of my sight.