Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole



Nolan's fingersslip under the fabric of my suit. Tingles erupt under his touch, racing up my spine. Something warm slides over my belly button. He pulls the side ties of my bottom and yanks it away from my body. His hot breath hits my ear. "You awake?"

"Mmm." I open my eyes, inhaling his sandalwood and coffee bean scent. There's no more sunlight, and everything is dark. The sound of the water gently moving around the ship is the only thing I hear. All day, we spent sunbathing or in the pool, drinking with the others. It was full of laughs, kisses, and Nolan's warm flesh against mine. At some point, we crawled onto the oversized mattress inside the cabana. I must have fallen asleep. I yawn and sleepily question, "How long have I been comatose?"

"A few hours." He licks my lips then slides his tongue in my mouth the moment I part them. I reach to pull him close to me, but he grunts, pins my wrists over my head, then binds them together with something soft.

My flutters expand in my belly. "Where are Colin and Madison?"

Nolan locks his green flames on mine. "In their room napping before dinner." He wraps his fingers around my wrists. His lips trail my neck, down to my breast, and he rolls his tongue on my nipple.

I'm not sure when he removed my top, but I'm not going to question it. I arch my back and attempt to reach for him, but the cloth restraints stop me.

"I've waited to do this since the moment I met you," he mumbles then sucks on my breast while circling his tongue on my hardening pebble.

Zings fly to my core. I moan, "Oh..."

He drags his tongue over my cleavage, down my torso, and spends a few moments licking my belly button. His finger moves over my clit, but it feels warm like when I woke up.

"What is that?" I breathe.

He inhales deeply above my pussy, places his finger to my lips, and orders, "Suck it all off."

I open my mouth, and his finger glides inside. Sweetness erupts on my taste buds.


I obey his command, and he dips his face over my sex. His other hand V's my wet folds. His tongue snakes over my clit, teasing and tasting me, as if I'm a gourmet meal to be savored and not rushed.

Whimpers fly out of me. He pulls his finger out of my mouth and plays with the nipple he sucked earlier.

Zings ignite and roll from my toes, up my body, until I'm sweating. "Nolan! Oh God!" I yank my arms, but they don't go past my head.

"I tied your wrists for a reason, princess," Nolan taunts then returns to torturing me with his mouth.

Adrenaline feeds my cells. The quivering in my belly expands everywhere. I squeeze my thighs against his cheeks.

Nolan groans then removes his hand from my pussy. He scrapes his beard on my inner thigh and nibbles on my clit.

"Holy...oh...oh God!" I cry out, trembling harder.

A long, wide object slides against my inside walls. Nolan's lips latch onto me and I explode, spasming against whatever he inserted inside me. I inhale sharply, and his wet, slippery finger bypasses the hard ridge of my forbidden zone.

"Nolan! I...oh..."

He doesn't release me, just flicks me faster and inches his digit in and out of me before adding a second.

There's no more room inside me, full of whatever he put in me and his fingers. I writhe, arching my back and gripping the cloth that binds me. My cries become louder, and a drop of sweat rolls down my cheek.

When I think I can't take anymore, he lunges over me, presses my knees under his torso, and sinks into my ass.

I gasp, closing my eyes, the sensation of him too much and perfection all at once. I thought he used all the available space in me before, but this feels like ten times the volume.

A deep rumble escapes from his chest. He places his elbows next to my head and palms it. "Jesus, Gemma," he mutters and fucks me with his sugary tongue.

I open my eyes. He pins his smoldering stare on me, thrusting his cock slowly, going deeper and deeper as I kiss him back with everything I have.

A click fills my ears, and whatever he inserted in my pussy vibrates then begins thrusting opposite Nolan's cock.

"!" I manage to get out.

"Christ, you're perfect," he growls.

My fingers grip the cloth restraining my wrists. The earthquake inside me resurfaces. I arch my back into his warm flesh, whimpering in his mouth.

He pulls his face away, taking shallow breaths, and strokes my cheek. It's sweet and tender, and there's no more questioning what Nolan thinks of me. He loves me. I see it. Before today, I did, but I wouldn't allow myself to believe it. Now, I do.

As if he knows I need to hold him, he shimmies his hand up my arm and unties the fabric. My limbs fly around his shoulders, and my fingers slide through his hair. In a shaky voice, I whisper, "I love you."

"That's good because I'm not giving you up," he claims. His lips press into mine in a dizzy concoction of everything Nolan. It's possessive. It's passionate. It's all the things I've always wanted but never received from anyone but him.

There's another click near my ear, and the vibrations intensify. Nolan thrusts faster, and I come so hard, I soak both of us, screaming out his name. My nails dig into his shoulders, and my body convulses under him.

"That's it, princess." He pounds into me again and groans, "Fuuuuck."

My vision turns white. His cock stretches me to the point I'm sure he's going to break me, along with all the endorphins bursting in every inch of my body. He collapses over me and buries his face into my neck.

There's a click, and the vibrator stops pulsing. Nolan and I stay quiet, except for our lungs trying to find oxygen. I don't let go of him, and he doesn't move for several moments.

He finally lifts his head off me, shimmies down my body, and I stretch my legs. He removes the vibrator then scoops me up in his arms.

"Whoa! Where are we going?"

He grins. "Hot tub. You have honey all over you."

I softly laugh. "You were busy while I was asleep."

An arrogant expression floods him. He steps down into the hot tub then positions me on his lap. "Guilty."

I drag my nails over his shoulders. "Thanks for planning this trip."

His thumb strokes my hip. "It's nice to forget about everything for a bit, huh?"


There's a loud boom, and an array of colors explode in the sky, lighting up an island in the distance. He tightens his arm around me, and I realize what day it is. I muse, "It's Fourth of July?"

Sadness mixes into his expression. "Yep."

I stroke his cheek. "What's wrong?"

He glances at the sky and takes a few deep breaths.


He studies me for a moment then quietly admits, "It's the anniversary of my mother's death."

I reposition myself over him so I'm straddling him. I cup his face. "I'm so sorry."

His expression hardens. "It was a long time ago."

I gingerly ask, "But it still hurts?"

He licks his lips, sighs, then slowly nods.

My chest tightens. I pull him as close to me as possible and kiss his head. He lets me hold him for a moment then glances up. "When this shit with your father and Orla is over, can I take you to Ireland?"

I sink on his thighs, so I'm face-to-face with him. "Sure. I'd love to go."

He stares out at the blackness of the lake. "My mom always wanted to go and didn't. She would talk about things she would do someday but never did. Then one day, she was just gone." He swallows hard. "I don't want to end up like her."

I quietly admit, "Sometimes I worry I'll die, never achieving the things I wanted, or doing anything memorable or of value. Then all my time on earth will be one big wasted event."

He slides his hand up my back and fists my hair, holding my head near his. "Nothing about you is forgettable."

"Says the man who has to protect me wherever I go."

He furrows his eyebrows. "What does that have to do with it?"

"I can't really go out and conquer the world right now, can I?"

"I happen to think you're tearing it up," he says.

I snort. "You don't have to patronize me."

He huffs. "I'm not. You should know me well enough by now to know I don't do that. And any other woman would crumble in the situation you're in. But you don't. So why don't you give yourself some credit."

"I don't crumble because I have you," I blurt out. My cheeks heat, and I shamefully turn away from him.

He grips my chin and makes me look at him. In a firm voice, he claims, "You don't crumble because you're strong. And the moment you own it, you'll understand Orla doesn't stand a chance against you."

"What do you mean?"

He strokes his thumb over my cheekbone. "Orla's a bully. She believes you're weak. You aren't. She doesn't have any more physical strength than you. The only difference between you and her is she owns her power. She's arrogant and underestimates you. If I put both of you in the ring and had to place a bet, I'm putting all my chips on you, princess."

I smile. "Patrick did say I have a mean right hook."

Nolan grins. "That's right. And I wouldn't want you to unleash a kick on me, either."

I circle my arms around him and lean an inch from his mouth. "Maybe you should show me how to use some weapons."

His body stiffens, jaw twitches, and he studies me.

I lightly drag my nails over the back of his neck. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

His chest rises then slowly falls. He cautiously states, "Maybe I should."

I initially said it without much thought, but it suddenly seems like a good idea. I blurt out, "Yes, you should."

Silence fills the air, making the sound of the lapping water seem louder. Blood pounds against my skull as Nolan's eyes harden. He finally probes, "Would that make you feel more in control?"

Will it? I'm not sure, but an obsession to understand how to use weapons and defend myself against Orla and my father roots itself in my gut. "I-I don't know. But it won't hurt, will it?"

More deafening silence surrounds us. He never stops assessing me. It's like he can see the wheels turning in my head. He opens his mouth, shuts it, then studies me further.

"Why are you hesitating?" I ask.

"If I teach you, it doesn't give you a pass to go anywhere without your bodyguards or me," he insists.

My mouth turns dry. I admit, "The thought of going anywhere without protection, whether I know how to use weapons or not, makes me feel so much anxiety, it might cripple me."

He sighs. "I don't want you feeling like that."

"But I do."

The truth hangs in the air. He slides his hand through my hair. "I'll teach you when we get back on shore. And once you know, maybe some of your anxiety will go away."

I smile and lean closer. "I don't feel it when I'm with you."

His lips twitch. "I think—"

"Sir, the captain told me to inform you dinner will be ready in thirty minutes," one of the deckhands shouts.

Nolan circles his arms around me, pulling my naked body closer to his. He turns his face. "Thank you."

The man nods and leaves.

Nolan grabs the towels on the table next to the hot tub. He pecks me on the lips, naughtily grins, and boasts, "I hope you don't need a long time to get ready. My appetizer is your pussy."