Delusion by Avery North

Chapter 13

Amber was sitting quietly in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of coffee, when her phone rang, startling her out of her daydream.

“Hey, Amber. Am I bothering you?” Susan said at the other end.

“No. I was just taking five minutes to myself, enjoying a coffee and the sunshine. Adam is busy watching some show he enjoys,” Amber answered. “I was actually going to call you. We decided to postpone the wedding until the spring. There is just too much going on right now. I know we had agreed to September, but we can’t be ready in time.”

“Oh, okay. I was going to ask you about that because September is just around the corner,” Susan said.

"We told Adam, and he's really excited."

“How is he doing? I miss having him around here.”

“He’s doing just great, although I think at times he misses his friends,” Amber answered, smiling.

“Which brings me to why I’m calling. Would Adam like to come here for a birthday party and spend the night?”

“Oh, I’m sure he would. Whose birthday is it?”

“It’s actually Stevie’s, so I have a little surprise party planned for him, and I thought Adam could be part of the surprise.”

Amber nodded. “He would love that. What time do you want me to bring him over?”

“Anytime this afternoon. I've been kind of acting like we aren't doing anything special but have a clown and some other things planned for around four o'clock."

“Perfect, I’ll bring him over after lunch if that’s okay. I have to run and do some errands, so I’ll stop by on my way,” Amber said, smiling.

An afternoon and an evening to themselves, Amber mused. Although she loved having Adam as part of their family, she sometimes missed the days she just had her and Jake to worry about. That being said, she wouldn't trade her life for anything in the world, and the change in Adam was astounding. It was almost as if something had woken up inside him.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Jake said, coming into the kitchen and seeing Amber sitting at the table.

“Hey, yourself. How about a night of just you and me?”

“What do you mean?” Jake asked, pouring a cup of coffee.

“Adam has been invited for a sleepover at the Cornerstone for a birthday party,” Amber said, getting up and slinking into Jake’s arms. “So it will be just you and me tonight. Do you think we can think of something to do?”

Feeling Amber’s body press against his, Jake could feel his body respond. "Hmmm, do we have to wait until tonight?” he said, running a finger up and down the cleavage that was peeking out of Amber’s robe.

“You know how that drives me crazy,” she purred, pressing her hips against him and feeling his excitement.

“Where’s Adam right now?” Jake whispered as he sucked on Amber’s earlobe.

“In his room watching his favorite show.”

“How much time do we have?”

“About thirty minutes,” Amber said breathlessly as Jake grabbed her hand, leading her upstairs to their bedroom.

“Shhhhhhh,” Amber said, giggling. “I feel so naughty.”

“I’m going to show you naughty,” Jake said as he closed their bedroom door and took her in his arms. Lifting her up, Amber wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the dresser and sat her down on top of it.

“Jake, my, you are naughty," Amber said as Jake quickly undid his pants, pulling them down.

“You drive me crazy,” he said, roughly pulling open her robe and revealing her nakedness. “You drive me fucking crazy.”

With one thrust, Jake entered her, making Amber moan with intense pleasure.

Not moving for a moment, they stared at each other, drinking each other in for a brief moment, before Jake began thrusting, slowly at first then harder as their passion rose.

Amber reached behind her, grasping the side of the dresser, and braced herself against Jake's thrusts.

“Oh, baby, I love you so much,” Jake cried out as his body tensed in time with hers.

As they clung to each other, waiting for their breath to return to normal, Jake looked into Amber’s eyes. "I love you, and I love this life we are making for ourselves."

Amber looked up at Jake, her heart full, and smiled. “It’s only the beginning, Jake. It’s only the beginning.”


The kitchen light made Amber squint as she went down to get them each a glass of wine. Humming, she poured the wine and was just about to turn off the light when she spotted a brown paper sticking out from under a pile of papers on the small desk in the kitchen. Taking it out, she saw it was the envelope containing the remaining pictures.

“Why are you keeping these? I thought I told you to get rid of them?” Amber said abruptly, marching back into the bedroom.

“What? The pictures? No, I told you I was going to keep them just in case we needed them,” Jake said defensively.

“I don’t remember you saying that. The police have copies for their files. Are you keeping these for any other reason?” Amber blurted out.

“Amber? Of course not. I forgot they were still in the house.”

“What do you mean still in the house? Were you planning on bringing them to your office and keeping them there? Why, Jake? Do you sometimes wish that it was you in the pictures?”

“Amber, what has come over you? Of course not. I really don’t know why I still had them,” Jake said, getting out of bed and realizing the evening was ruined.

“Is this a fantasy of yours? Am I not enough for you? You want to live vicariously through these filthy pictures?” Amber shouted.

“Oh, now you are being unreasonable,” Jake said, grabbing his clothes.

“Where are you going?”

“Anywhere else but here. I’m not going to be accused of something so ridiculous. I don’t know what’s wrong with you to suddenly make you think such things, but I’m going to the gallery. I have work I can do,” Jake said, grabbing his shirt and pulling it on.

“So, you are just going to walk away and not discuss this?”

“Amber, you aren’t trying to discuss anything. Once again, you have decided I’m guilty before I even have a chance to explain, and I’m tired of defending myself,” Jake said, walking out the bedroom door. “Call me when you have calmed down.”