Delusion by Avery North

Chapter 11

“You’re here early,” Jake said when he walked into the gallery and saw Frederick trying to find the best spot for a painting.

“Hi, Jake,” Frederick said. “I wasn’t sure if I’d see you today. How are things?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe it,” Jake said, shaking his head. “It has been a test of my patience and my love.”

“Oh really. What’s up?” Frederick asked, pouring a cup of coffee and handing it to Jake.

“Too long a tale to tell. One night we'll go out for a drink, and I'll tell you my sad story,” Jake said, taking the mug. “Thanks. What’s been going on here?”

“I think I’ve found a security guard. I interviewed a chap the other day, and I think he'll work," Frederick said. “Plus, you know how they say everyone has a doppelgänger?”

“Oh, I know all about that,” Jake said, sipping his coffee.

“Well, this guy is a dead ringer for you," Frederick said, and he watched in shock as Jake spat his coffee out.

“For me? Seriously?” Jake said, sitting straight up. “What’s his name?”

“Richard Preston,” Frederick said. “In fact, he’s coming back at ten, and I swear to god, he’s your twin.”

"I'm looking forward to meeting him, and I may have some questions of my own to ask him," Jake said. “It might put an end to this mystery.”

“Now I’m really curious,” Frederick said, looking at his boss strangely.

“Long story short, someone got a double of me and put him in some pornographic pictures in an attempt to cause problems,” Jake said, shaking his head. “Maybe this Richard guy will know something about it.”

“Why would someone want to do that?”

“That’s what we are trying to figure out,” Jake said, checking his watch. “I have some paperwork to look at. Show this guy to my office when he comes in.”

Half an hour later, Jake was busy looking through his paperwork when Frederick came to the door, lightly tapping on it. "He's here, boss.”

Looking up, Jake’s mouth fell open. His lookalike was smiling at him from the doorway.

Quickly standing up, Jake looked at Richard and nodded. “Amazing. The resemblance is uncanny.”

Richard looked at Jake, then at Frederick. “When you said I looked like him, you weren’t kidding,” Richard said.

Jake nodded, pointing to the chair in front of his desk. "Take a seat, and we can have a chat.”

After Frederick closed the door, Jake looked directly at Richard. “Okay, I’m going to get right to the point. Do you know Corrine Earle?”

Richard looked at Jake and shook his head. “I might. I met someone by the name of Corrine, but I don’t know her last name.”

“Okay. So I’m going to ask you a straightforward question. Have you ever posed for photographs with three women?”

Richard stared at Jake, feeling his mouth go dry. He didn’t know why this man was asking these questions, but Richard had a sneaking suspicion Jake was the one that Corrine had referred to. “Why do you ask?”

“Your answer says it all. Corrine Earle was my fiancée’s guardian growing up. Recently, some pictures have surfaced that, I must say, have caused quite a lot of trouble in our relationship and in my life.”

Richard rubbed his sweaty hands nervously on his thighs. “I’m so sorry. Yes, it was me, but I had no idea why I was doing it. I needed money, and she promised to pay me $5,000 to have sex with those three girls while some guy snapped pictures.”

“$5,000? I’m surprised she had that type of money,” Jake said acidly, leaning back in his chair.

“She didn’t or doesn’t. I only got three of it, and she owes me another two, but I can't seem to get a hold of her. I am so embarrassed right now,” Richard said, lowering his head. “You have to believe me − I had no idea what she was using them for. I didn’t even ask. I just needed the money. I’m not a bad person. Honestly.”

Jake looked at him then stood up. “Come on. We are going for a drive.”

“Where to?” Richard asked, his heart beating painfully hard. “Please don’t send me to jail. I promise I’ll never set foot in here again.”

Jake looked at him and shook his head. “Well, that will be pretty hard, seeing as you will be working here. We are going to my place. I want you to tell my fiancée exactly what you told me.”

“Seriously? I have the job?” Richard said, looking stunned.

“As long as you are willing to testify about what happened to the police,” Jake said. “We want this woman arrested and thrown in jail for what she did.”

“Anything. Thank you so much, Mr. McCarthy. I promise you I won't let you down," Richard said, standing up.

“Well, I’m sure you won’t,” Jake said, smiling at him.


Amber had just finished returning from dropping Adam off at his pre-school. He was going for half a day to get used to the schedule, and it gave him a chance to meet the teacher and his classmates.

Making herself a cup of tea, she had just sat down when Jake came running through the front door. “AMBER!” he called out.

“I’m in the kitchen. Heavens, Jake, what's the problem?” Amber said, looking up at the two men standing in the doorway.

“Richard came for an interview today for security guard. Guess who he knows?” Jake said.

“The resemblance is amazing. If I didn’t know better …” Amber said, shaking her head wonderingly. Looking at Richard. “Do you have a tattoo on your left ankle?”

“I do, a lion,” Richard said. “I am so sorry for the trouble I’ve caused.”

“So, wait a minute. You are the person in those photos?” Amber asked.

"Let's sit down, and he'll tell you all about it," Jake said, pulling out a chair. “You will never believe it in a million years.”

After Richard was done telling Amber about his meeting with Corrine and what she got him to do, Amber sat back in her chair.

“So, she’s been around here all this time,” Amber said, shaking her head. “That bitch.”

“I have to admit. If I wasn’t desperate for the money, I probably wouldn’t have given her the time of day,” Richard said. “I’m so sorry for the trouble it has all caused.”

“So, you have no idea where she lives or anything else about her?” Jake asked.

“No. I met them at the Grab and Nap Motel on the east side of town. She was there with some guy called Bob,” Richard said. “I did what I was supposed to do and collected part of the money. She promised me the rest the next day. I did have her cell phone number, but it seems to have been disconnected now.”

“Bob? Where the hell does she meet these guys?” Amber said, shaking her head.

“He didn’t say much, just snapped the pictures. I had done some coke beforehand to help put me in the mood, so I can't remember a lot," Richard said. “I can give you a statement if you want. I am ashamed of what I did, and I would be more than happy to help you."

Amber smiled at him, then at Jake. “You have done so much just by coming forward. You have no idea. Now we need to call the police.”

“Why would she do something like this?” Richard asked.

“It’s a long story, but she is a selfish, self-centered woman who thinks the world owes her,” Amber said, shaking her head.

“I have Kevin working on it too, but I’ll have to call him and give him this new information,” Jake said, looking over at Richard. “Come on, we’ll go back to the gallery, and I’ll call Kevin there. Don’t worry, Amber; we’ll track her down.”