Delusion by Avery North

Chapter 4

Jake took a deep breath as he sat down, shaking his head.

“What is it?” she said, putting some chips in a bowl. “You are scaring me.”

Jake sighed. “Remember that big fight we had over Hank? It was shortly after you had met him. You were helping out a lot at the Cornerstone, and you told me you thought we should put all our plans on hold because of my jealously?”

“Yes,” Amber said cautiously. “I moved out briefly and stayed with Susan.”

“Well, that night, I went out to a bar,” Jake said.

“A bar?” Amber said, looking shocked. “That is so unlike you.”

"I know it is, but I just needed to talk to someone, so I figured a bartender would be a good choice. I don’t remember much about that evening, but I did wake up in my own bed. Alone.”

“So, what happened in between?” Amber asked.

“That is what I don’t know. I remember a woman at the end of the bar bought me a drink, and she came over and sat down to talk to me,” Jake said. “We had a couple of shots.”

“Who was she?”

“I have no idea. I can’t even remember her name, and I didn’t think anything of it. She was in town on business and flying out the next morning. At least, that’s what she said,” Jake said, wrinkling his brow as he tried to remember the evening. “I never thought anything of it.”

“Do you remember going anywhere with her?” Amber said.

“No, but I can tell you one thing. If I had as much to drink as I think I did, there would be no way I would performing like that in the pictures,” Jake said. “You know that for a fact.”

"Well, how did you get home then?" Amber asked, cutting the sandwiches and putting them on a plate.

“I don’t know. My car was in the driveway, but I don’t remember driving home. I never said anything because I was embarrassed and knew you would lecture me about drinking and driving. Plus, as a man in my position, I felt ashamed that I had let myself stoop that low. Getting drunk in a bar.”

“Well, I won’t argue that that was pretty stupid and completely out of your character.”

Jake took a deep breath and nodded. “Absolutely.”

“Could she have slipped something into your drink?” Amber asked.

“I don’t know,” Jake said, shaking his head again. “I’m going to call the bar and see if the bartender remembers that night. It was a while ago, but maybe he will remember me.”

“Let’s hope he does − for your sake,” Amber said.

“So, what about us in the meantime?” Jake asked.

“Let me think,” Amber said, taking a bite of her sandwich. “You are right. We do have Adam to think of, and he deserves a loving home.”

“What about Scotland?” Jake said.

Amber looked at him seriously. “I think Scotland can wait until we are in happier times. This doesn’t mean I forgive you, Jake. It simply means I am willing to find out exactly what happened. We’ll go back home, get Adam, and not let him know that there is anything wrong between us.”

“I’m okay with that. Thank you, Amber, for giving me a chance,” Jake said, looking at her hopefully. He wanted nothing more than to grab her in his arms and kiss her but knew that she would not welcome any type of affection right now.

Amber looked at him. “And no more of what just happened on the couch until we figure this all out. For the time being, you can sleep in the guest room.”

Jake nodded his head. “Okay. Whatever I have to do. The first thing I’ll do is go to see the bartender at that bar. Hopefully, he will be able to answer my questions.”


“So, are you guys okay?” Susan asked Amber when she answered the phone.

“Working on it,” Amber said in an icy tone. “Thanks a lot for calling him. I thought you were supposed to be my friend?”

“I’m sorry, but you guys deserve to be happy together. I don’t believe that Jake did that, and if he did, there has to be an explanation.”

Amber smiled to herself. “There is an explanation. We just don’t know what it is yet. Let’s just say we are going to do everything we can to make this work, including going ahead and bringing Adam home.”

“So, you believe that it wasn’t him?” Susan asked.

"Let's just say innocent until proven guilty, as you always say," Amber replied. “I am having a hard time believing it is him, but I’m waiting for the facts.”

“So, what happens next?”

“He’s going to a bar he went to a while back after we had a big argument. It was a case of having too much to drink and not remembering the evening,” Amber said. “He’s going to talk to the bartender and see if he remembers him and who he spoke to.”

“Okay, that’s a start. What I would love to find out is if Corrine is responsible. How did she organize it all? I mean, you would have to be one sick fuck to plan all of this."

“I know,” Amber said. “My head is still spinning, but we are doing our best.”

“I’m happy. I’ve said it before, but I can’t believe Jake would do something like that. I don’t know him all that well, but for the length of time I have known him, it just doesn’t seem to be in his character,” Susan said. “Anyways, if you need me, you know where I am.”

"Honestly, I don't think he would do something like that either, but the pictures … the pictures, Susan. That was him. Fully erect and smiling,” Amber said sadly, shaking her head.

“Are you one hundred percent sure it was him?” Susan said. “It just sounds so fucking crazy.”

“I’m sure. I know Jake. Everything screamed Jake. The hair, the face, even the body, although the camera was at a strange angle.”

“So, who was taking the pictures? And why? Amber, there are so many unanswered questions in all of this,” Susan replied.

“I know. I know. That’s what made me talk to Jake. I was ready to kick his ass out the door, but then I just remembered what we had, and at that moment, I realized what a mistake I was making,” Amber said. “We are back home now, and we agreed to try to work it out. Find out what happened. I just hope that we can.”

“Well, I’m glad. I know you were upset that I called him, but I just knew you weren’t thinking straight.”

“Well, thanks for calling Jake. I know it’s hard to explain, but I really love him, even if the pictures prove that he’s guilty. I’ll just have to figure out how I’m going to do that. Right now, they keep popping up in my head.”

“Just remember − innocent until proven guilty,” Susan said. “Okay, gotta run. Call me later.”

After Amber hung up, she went up to Adam’s bedroom and looked around, making sure everything was ready. The excitement she felt for Adam’s arrival overshadowed the pain of the last few days. Amber smiled, imagining how Adam would react. There had to be some sunshine through all of this.

Sitting down in the rocking chair she had placed in the corner; Amber couldn't help but wonder if she found that Jake was actually guilty, would she be able to forgive, forget and move on? Or would she be constantly plagued with feelings of mistrust?

“Fuck, how did life get so damn complicated all of a sudden?” she sighed as she got up and walked out of Adam’s room. She needed to focus on the positive, and right now, that was Adam.