Delusion by Avery North

Chapter 7

After Paula left for work, Richard continued to sit at the table. The memory of that night kept coming back to haunt him, and he remembered it so vividly.

Thinking he was going to do some repairs, Richard parked his car and got out, looking up at the motel sign in front of him. Getting his tool bag out of the trunk, he double-checked the address again.

The Grab or Nap Motel was not the type of place he usually went to, but it was the address that Corrine had given him over the phone. Corrine still hadn’t said what type of job she wanted him to do, but he was desperate for money and, at this point, would take anything.

“Let’s hope this job isn’t too complicated,” he said to himself, shrugging his shoulders. $3,000 was well worth whatever this woman wanted him to repair.

Walking up to room number five, he knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. He couldn’t wait to get this job done and move on with his money.

“Hello,” Corrine said, opening the door. “Right on time. Come on in.”

Richard walked in, looking around. The stale smell of cheap perfume filled the air as he saw three young girls sitting on the end of the bed chewing gum and checking out their nails. In the far corner, a man was sitting, holding a camera and looking rather bored.

“So, what is it you want me to fix?” Richard asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I want you to get busy with these three girls while Bob takes some pictures of you,” Corrine said as she closed the door and locked it.

“You want me to what?” Richard asked, suddenly wishing he hadn’t come.

“Do I have to spell it out for you? I need some porn photographs. I want you to have sex with these three. You know, get down and dirty while Bob takes some pictures,” Corrine repeated.

“Okay, sorry. I’m not into that type of thing,” Richard said, turning towards the door.

“I’ll raise it to $5,000,” Corrine blurted out. She had only been able to save the $3,000 but decided she’d worry about the rest later.

Richard thought for a few seconds. $5,000 would really help him out right now. What would it hurt? And what were the chances of anyone he knew seeing these photos? Plus, the girls were really hot, so it wouldn't be hard. Shrugging, he looked at Corrine and unbuttoned his shirt, and took it off. “$5,000 in cash?” He asked.

“Well, I have $3,000 in cash on me, and I'll get the other $2,000 to you tomorrow,” Corrine replied.

“Okay. I’ve never done this before,” Richard said as he looked at the girls.

“No problem, girls, get ready," Corrine said, and the girls jumped up and immediately stripped off their clothes. Bob got the camera ready on the tripod and gave Corrine a thumbs-up.

“Okay,” Corrine said as she looked at Richard. “Get to it.”

Richard looked at her and shook his head. “You can’t just expect me to jump right in. I’m nervous, and I'm not used to an audience.”

Looking over at Bob, Corrine gave him a small nod. Bob got out a small white bag and poured some of it on the glass-covered dresser. "Here, have some of this. It’ll put you in the mood real fast.”

“What is that?” Richard asked, looking at the two white lines in the mirror. The girls had already gotten into position on the bed and were beginning to get busy in the hope that it would excite Richard enough to join them.

“It’s coke, man,” Bob answered. “Just take a snort. It’ll help you relax.”

Having tried cocaine before, Richard shrugged, picked up the rolled dollar bill that Bob had put on the dresser, and proceeded to snort the two lines.

Immediately he felt that familiar rush as he turned and looked at the girls. Undoing his pants, he took them off and crawled onto the bed. “Okay, girls,” he said, smiling. “Let’s get it on.” Closing his eyes, he forgot that the camera was constantly clicking and concentrated on his job. $5,000 was a fortune to him, and he was going to make sure he earned every cent of it.

Corrine clapped her hands when she saw that Richard's erection was growing bigger as the girls caressed his body. Normally watching something like this would make her hornier than hell, but all she could think of as she watched the sex-fest in front of her, was the look on Amber’s face when she saw the pictures. Cutting two lines of coke for herself, she snorted them and sat back, watching the action on the bed. Amber had ruined Corrine’s life, and she was going to make sure she ruined hers.