Blinded By Love by Reana Malori

Chapter 13


Sundays were supposed to be relaxed and easy. Not that I ever did any of that shit. Work never stopped for me, and today was no different. After picking up Lilly from her friend’s house and returning home, I thought I’d spend an hour or so hanging out with her before heading into my home office.

If I were honest with myself, I knew I wanted to explore this thing bubbling up between me and Norah. It was time for me to admit what I was feeling for the woman living in my home and helping me raise my daughter. She’d stopped me from losing my shit in those early days. I owed her so much. But it was more than that. I needed to confront what I was feeling every time I looked at her.

Even when she was snapping at me and rolling her eyes at something I’d said, I couldn’t help but feel the pull. Today was no different. Everything in me wanted to be out there with her and Lilly, but I knew it would be a bad situation.

Now, as she came downstairs as Lilly and I returned, she was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. To anyone else, it would be an ordinary Sunday morning outfit. Perfect for staying inside and doing nothing. To me, it was pure temptation.

“Morning, Lilly! Did you have fun?” She knelt in front of my little girl. Her smile had caught me off guard, since I was expecting her usual standoffish reaction, especially considering what happened last night.

“Hi Auntie Norah. Yeah, we watched princess movies and then played dress-up and her mom made us chocolate chip pancakes.”

Norah’s smile stayed in place as she listened to my daughter. I had a sudden vision of her looking at me like that every day when I came home; a smile on her face, a secret in her eyes.

That kiss last night was something I’d dreamed about—the plumpness of her lips, the softness of her body. My hands gripped her so tightly, I’d be surprised if she didn’t have bruises this morning. Just thinking about her made my cock thicken in my pants. Maybe I moaned a little or made some type of sound because Norah glanced up at me with a question in her eyes before turning back to Lilly.

“Sounds like the perfect night. How about we go put your stuff away?” Norah stood and then placed her hands on Lilly’s shoulders. Glancing at me, she paused, licking her lips. It looked as if she were about to say something when Lilly interrupted. “Can we go to the park?”

Shifting her eyes from me, she glanced down at Lilly and nodded. “I think today would be perfect for the park.”

Feeling as though I had to interject, I tapped Norah on the arm to get her attention. “I have some work to do, but it can wait.”

“No,” she shook her head. “You do your thing. Let me take her. We’ll be back in time to make lunch.”

Lilly was already making her way up the stairs. Excited about going to the park, she must have gotten tired of waiting for us.

I stepped closer, bringing me within inches of Norah. “About last night…” Words failed me. What was I going to say? I’m sorry? No, because I wasn’t sorry it happened. Finally getting a taste of her lips had felt good to me. Too damn good if I were honest. Was I going to say it wouldn’t happen again? That would be a big ass hell no. I planned to kiss her again and again, and even more. I couldn’t wait until I could have her naked underneath me. Now that was something I was looking forward to.

“Yeah? What about last night?”

Norah didn’t step away when she prompted me, but she did shift with nervousness. This close, I could practically feel the heat from her body. Looking down, I saw her nipples peeking through her thin t-shirt. My fingers itched to reach up and grab them, just to feel her flesh against mine.

Finally able to find the right words, I couldn’t help staring at her lips. “I don’t regret it.”

Her eyes widened, but then she looked to the side for a moment before turning back to me. “I don’t know if it’s the smartest thing we’ve done, but I thought about it all morning, and…I don’t regret it either.”

I didn’t even realize how much I’d been waiting for her response. At her words, my entire body relaxed. Relief flooded through me. Lifting my hand, I went to trace her jaw with my finger and paused. It was too soon. We weren’t there yet, but I knew our day was coming. Returning my hand to my side, I could feel my lips tilting into a smile. “I plan for us to do it again.” Might as well let her know exactly what I wanted.

As I said the words, I waited for the guilt to come. It didn’t.

“Now, who said I wanted it to happen again?”

This time, I took a step forward. “Norah, you wouldn’t deny me, would you?”

After a moment of pause, she took a small step back. “It’s not about denying you. I think you know I enjoyed it just as much as you did. I just want to make sure we both know what we’re doing.”

“I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m just waiting for you to catch up.”

“Auntie Norah!”

Norah jumped in surprise when Lilly called her name. Smirking, I took a step back. “This isn’t over. We’ll pick up this conversation later today.” Turning to face the stairs, I saw my little girl standing at the top, changed into play clothes and sneakers.

“I’m ready for the park. Are you ready to go, Auntie Norah?”

“Um… yes, sweetheart. Just let me grab my shoes. Did you brush your teeth this morning?”

“Yes,” Lilly said, spreading her lips in a large smile to show off her teeth. Not that we could see anything with her so far away, but she knew the drill.

Glancing over at Norah, I took in her outfit again, then I thought about all the men who would be at the park. “Are you wearing that? You need to change.” There was no reason for her to be out like that, looking like a sumptuous treat, showing her body to others who had no right to look her.

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow before looking down at her clothes. “Yeah. It’s hot outside.”

“Maybe you should change.” It made no sense why I was choosing today to challenge her on what she wore. We’d lived in the same house for three months, and she’d spent every weekend here for more than a year before that. Before today, I’d never felt it was my place to exert my opinions about how she dressed. Then again, before today, I didn’t know what it felt like to kiss her, to have her body pressed up against mine, or know without a doubt that Norah was meant to be mine.

Everything had changed.

“I don’t need to change, Cade.”

I chucked low under my breath. Even to my own ears, it sounded maniacal. “Oh, yes the fuck you do.” Lilly had just arrived at the bottom of the stairs and was pulling on my hand.

“Daddy, are you coming to the park with us?”

Shaking my head, I leaned down to pick her up in my arms. “No, ladybug. Not today. But, while your auntie Norah changes clothes, why don’t you tell me all about your night.”

“I’m not changing, Cade.”

I stopped, giving her a silent look, my eyebrow lifted as she challenged me. This is what I needed. What I missed. “Change on your own or I’ll do it for you. But know that you’re not going out like that. Not today. Not when I’m not with you. Since I need to stay here and do some work, then you need to change your clothes.”

She scoffed, staring at me with a look of shock on her face. “You’re serious.”

“As a heart attack.”

Norah stood there for a few more seconds but I ignored the look she gave to me. It was time for her to get to know the real Cade, not the façade I showed to the world every day. When I heard her stomp up the stairs, mumbling to herself, I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face.

“Daddy, why’s auntie Norah upset?”

Placing my daughter on the counter, I grabbed her a glass of water. “She’s not upset, ladybug. She’s just surprised that her life is changing faster than she expected.” Maybe she thought it would be another three months before I moved things forward. After the past three years of my life, I was tired of waiting for something to happen. Life was too short. One day, you had your entire future ahead of you, and the next, you were lying in a bed waiting for cancer to finish ravaging your body.

It was time for me to live life on my own terms. I’d said my goodbyes to Rebecca, honored her memory and our life together. But I was still here. I was still alive, living a half-life, wanting Norah, but not allowing myself to have her, had been killing me. Working long hours every day, 7 days a week, was not for me anymore.

A few minutes later, Norah came back downstairs. This time, wearing a pair of jeans. She’d even changed her top. She was still wearing a t-shirt, but it was of thicker material.

“Better,” I quipped before lifting Lilly from the counter and placing her on the floor.

Norah rolled her eyes at me. “I’m not even sure why I changed. You don’t get to tell me what I can wear Cade. This is ridiculous.” Shaking her head, she reached her hand out. “Come on, Lilly. Let’s leave so your dad can get some work done.”

“How long will you be?”

Picking up the keys to the SUV out front, she shrugged. “About an hour at the park, then I need to go to the market to get the items for lunch.” Walking to the front door, she was about to exit when I stopped them.



“You changed because I asked you to. Because you know what this is. You may not realize it yet, but you’ll give me what I want. Just like when you need something from me, I’ll always give it to you. No matter what it is. I hope you’re ready for that.”

She stood frozen, mouth open, and eyes wide. It was best to get this out in the open. Life was about to change for her, for us, and I didn’t want there to be any confusion about what was about to happen.

“Auntie Norah, come on,” Lilly called out.

“Have fun, sweetheart. See you when you get back.” I wasn’t sure if I was saying that to Lilly or Norah. They were both my girls. I loved Lilly and I wanted Norah. During the past few years, I’d felt helpless as I watched life happen to me. Now it was my turn to make things happen for myself.

Once the door closed, I walked to my office, prepared to work for the next two hours so I could be ready to focus on my family when they returned. I turned on my computer and pulled up the latest proposal for Overwatch Security.

On Wednesday, I was meeting with Stefano Indellicati, the founder and CEO, plus a few other owners. This deal had become more significant than I expected when I’d first began working with them. They’d referred me to a few different businesses and things were looking up for me and my company.

Today was the first day in a long time, when work was not my primary focus. I had two beautiful girls who would be returning home in two hours. It’s time for me to move forward, grab hold of the future, and build something new.

I just hope Norah was ready to build that future with me.