On His Ranch by Dinah McLeod

Chapter 16

Chase used Piper’s corner time to get dressed. It would be time to get to his chores soon enough, and Senior would be home shortly and would need to be updated. Running a ranch meant sleep was a luxury—and these days had been harder than most.

Guess that’s why they say you can sleep when you’re dead, he mused, buttoning his shirt. He left his jeans and his belt draped over the chair and examined his naughty girl. Now that she’d been spanked, he felt calmer, even if his nerves were a bit frayed.

Maybe it’s my nerves leadin’ me astray. Maybe she’s everythin’ she seems—no secrets.But as much as he wanted to believe that, it wasn’t easy.

The intersection where the lower bottom and thighs met was an angry red, and as his eyes dropped he could see that her thighs were an even darker crimson. He let out a low whistle. She wouldn’t be eager to sit today, that was for sure. Will she take her breakfast standin’ or skip it altogether? he wondered.

“Alright, you can turn around.”

She did, though she moved with slow, hesitant steps. Once she was facing him he could see that her face was streaked with tears.

In other circumstances, he’d like to trace those streaks with his tongue, kiss them away. But that would have to wait for better times. Her punishment wasn’t over yet.

He beckoned her with the crook of his finger. She moved toward him with slow, careful steps designed not to put pressure on her burning thighs. It was a funny sight, watching her waddle over, but he repressed his smile. As soon as she reached him, he took her hand and guided her until she was bending over the bed.

“Reach behind and spread your cheeks.”

Piper whimpered, but she obeyed.

If she’s a spy, or worse, someone sabotaging my farm, would she be so obedient? Would she let me do this to her? Why wouldn’t she have her pals, whoever put her up to this, come rescue her?

But he dismissed the thoughts before he had any time to process them. None of that mattered now. He had a lesson to teach and he wasn’t going to stop midpoint.

“Jus’ a little more,” he encouraged, and Piper spread her cheeks wider. “Good, like that. Hold it for a minute.” He worked as quickly as he could, but when she squirmed, he spanked the side of her buttock. His fingers caught some of the previously spanked sit-spot, and she howled. “Be still, little girl. I don’t want to hurt you. Well, not in any way that’s permanently damagin’.”

After that, she did well, although once the butt plug was in place she let her displeasure known by drumming her toes and groaning.

“Shhh. Be a good girl now. It’s gonna hurt—that’s why—”

“It’s punishment,” she interrupted, her voice laced with heavy sarcasm. “I know, I know.”

Chase’s brows shot up. So, the saucy brat was back. He took hold of her shoulders and spun her to face him, but he didn’t see anything but a sullen little girl looking back at him. “Feelin’ sorry for yourself, huh?”

“You were mean to me,” she said before the lower lip protruded.

“You earned your spankin’ by—”

“Not that. You yelled at me.” Her wide green eyes filled with tears at the memory and her pouty lip began to quiver.

He willed himself to toughen up, to not be moved by the little girl in front of him.

What if she’s not what she seems? What if I’m bein’ played for a fool… again?The thought was a sobering one. What would Senior say? If it looks like a snake, rattles like a snake, get back or you’re gonna get bit.

“You’re right,” he said at last. “I was angry, and frankly, things aren’t quite addin’ up.” He captured her eyes with his. “But I don’t have much to go on, so for now, I’m goin’ to only look at what’s right in front of me.” Was it his imagination, or did she seem to deflate a bit? What was that? Relief? Or…

“I don’t want anything but to be your little girl,” she whispered, her voice so low he almost didn’t catch it.

“Well, that’s entirely up to you. All you have to do is be honest with me. Understand?”

Her eyes still on his, she nodded.

“That, and take your punishments when you’ve earned ‘em. Which, speaking of, we’re not done here.”

“What do you mean?” she squeaked.

“I guess you’ll find out. But I will say this—I don’t care how mad you are at me, I won’t accept backtalk. We woulda been done by now if you had kept those snarky comments to yourself.”


“On the bed,” he ordered. “Lay flat, head on the pillow.”

Piper looked like she wanted to say something further, but she obeyed. He was patient with her stilted movements, made worse now that she had a butt plug in.

As soon as she was where he wanted her, he was on the mattress, straddling her. His cock was at attention without having to touch her. It had jolted with each and every whimper that fell from her lips, getting hard by the time she was standing in the corner. Now it demanded its relief and Chase was happy to oblige. He was going to enjoy this, even if Piper would not.

“This is a punishment,” he reminded her. “That means two things: one, you better keep that plug in there. And two, this is for my pleasure, not yours. You understand?”

Piper’s eyes were wide as a cartoon caricature, but she nodded.

“Good. Now, we’re gonna be quick about this, no hem-hawin’ or playin’ games. Are you wet?”

“Um…” She blushed a soft, rosy pink. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Spread ‘em.”

She opened her legs with a grimace.

Chase plunged his fingers inside her without another word. “Hmm,” he murmured as he felt the liquid heat ready to pour out from her parted pussy lips. He gently stroked the lips, watching her jolt. “What is it about a spankin’ that makes you so hot, hmm?” he asked, pressing on a welt on her thigh.

Piper whimpered, and he could see her legs quivering as she fought to keep them open.

Have to admit, that’s beautiful to see.Both the reaction and her obedience. “Daddy’s waitin’ on an answer, little girl.”

“I… I still don’t know,” Piper admitted in a little-girl whisper, feeling the heat in her cheeks intensify. When he pressed against her sore, welted thighs with one finger while another thrust hard inside her, she couldn’t help but moan and buck.

“Easy, girl, easy,” he murmured in the tone of a man who’d calmed many skittish fillies. It was enough to make her envy the horses.

Then she felt him again, his touch feather light as he traced the lips of her pussy. Then he inserted another finger. They dove, plunging into her wet depths and when he removed them she heard a whistle.

Then his hand returned to her aching thighs and sit-spot. She felt him tracing the lines the ruler had left, only they were moistened. Somehow knowing he was caressing the places where he’d punished her with her own juices made the pulse between her thighs even hotter.

He finger-walked across all the places the ruler had chastised her, and then pressed another welt in turn, harder this time.

Pain coursed through her, but something else was happening to her, too, and it was the opposite of pain. Piper writhed on the bed, wanting to beg him to stop, but not daring to ask in case he listened. It was the strangest thing she’d experienced yet.

And then, just like that, it was over. He withdrew his fingers, but before she could even bemoan the loss of them he plunged his cock inside in their place.

Right from the first thrust, she felt the difference. He’d told her she was being punished, and it seemed that his gentle caresses and teasing had meant to stoke the flame that already burned for him. But once he was inside her, it was different. No softness, no caresses. Just hard, pounding thrusts.

“Oh!” A moan caught in her throat.

“Remember what I said,” he warned, his voice hard as his eyes glittered down on her. “Naughty girls don’t get to come.”

Before she could answer, his thrusts sped up in speed and intensity. He began to pump in her with more fervor than before, and his hard thrusts created a smacking sound as their bodies collided.

Piper arched her neck and would have screamed if not for his lips capturing her own, his hot tongue delving into her mouth and stealing the sound. His kiss was hard, crushing, possessive, and she submitted to him wholly. She didn’t have a choice. To try to fight against his rock-hard, powerful body as he utterly fucked her would have pointless. Not that she wanted to, anyway.

One wrist was trapped by Chase’s hand, but the other arm was free to snake down and touch him. His abs were tense as he pounded inside her again and again.

His balls slapped against her poor, punished sit-spot and it felt a bit like getting spanked all over again. Not only that, but despite this less-than-loving fucking, she could feel her anticipation climbing. And knowing she would be in a world of trouble if she let that happen made her feel as taut as Chase’s six-pack.

Not to mention the uncomfortable plug grasping inside her tight hole. Between concentrating on keeping it inside her and not coming, she should have been too busy to feel anything else. But as his cock shoved inside her, pushing her back on the bed, hot waves of tension coursed through her body until it was nearly unbearable.

“Don’t you dare,” he whispered, the words hot against her mouth before he bent down and bit her lip.

Damn him! she thought as the desire in her grew. I don’t know what the hell he thinks he’s doing, but he’s not helping!

Which, suddenly, she realized was probably the point. He’d called it punishment, after all. Even so, all the buildup on top of the tension of the fire and the way he’d yelled at her just after, all of it combined to make her in sore need of an orgasm. One she was currently being denied.

Chase was close. She could tell by the way his thrusts turned frenzied inside of her, how he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. And then, he let out a bellow, slapped the wall above her head as his fingers curled.

Piper, knowing he would not relent and change his mind, whimpered beneath him.

Breathing heavy, Chase rolled off her. He lay panting for a few moments, but before she could even work up the courage to speak to him about the pulsing agony between her legs, he stood up.

“I’ma finish getting dressed and tend to my chores. You go back to sleep.”

Instead of being touched by his thoughtfulness, she found herself feeling wounded. “You… you don’t want me to come?”

“Not this time. Get some shut-eye.”

“Okay. Um… Daddy?”

“Hmm?” He didn’t look up as he pulled his boxers on.

“Uh… what about the… you know?”

He chuckled, and it sounded ominous to her. “Didn’t I tell you that next time it was needed, you’d keep it in all day?”

She scowled at him, fell back on the bed with a hmph but didn’t dare say anything else.

“Oh, and Piper?”


“Don’t even think about takin’ care of your… problem by yourself. If you do, I’ll know, and there’ll be hell to pay.” With that, fully dressed, Chase left the room without a backward glance.

* * *

“Getting to it a bit late, aren’t ya?”

Chase didn’t turn around at the sound of his grandfather’s gruff voice behind him. With a grunt, he lifted the rake and finished piling the loose hay before he turned around. “Yep.”

Senior arched a bushy brow. “That ain’t like you, son.”

He cast a look at his grandfather. He’d been about to protest, but it suddenly hit him that his grandfather must have gotten straight back to work when he’d arrived home this morning. Which meant he hadn’t been inside or talked to Ma. He must not know about the fire the night before, and seeing as how he didn’t relish the prospect of discussing it, he wasn’t about to enlighten him. “Nope.”

“I hope this won’t become a new habit.”

When he turned to face his grandfather, he mimicked the raised eyebrow. “At my age? Hardly.”

Senior continued as though he hadn’t spoken. “‘Course, might be that a woman to take care of, to provide for, might give you some more direction…”

“How’d it go at auction?” he asked to change the subject.

“Alright. We hadn’t much time to drum up attention, but the Whitfield name still commands respect. We only took two hundred less than we normally get.”

He nodded, his lips pressing into a thin line at the news. They both knew the ranch needed all the money it could get to replace the equipment that was dying, not to mention the costs of caring for so many animals.

“‘Course, if these kinda shenanigans keep happenin’… might be that we can’t keep people from findin’ out.”

Chase winced at his grandfather’s words. He knew they were true. Running a successful ranch was a back-breaking, twenty-four/seven business. Not only were these incidents costing them time, but now money. Thus far, they’d been able to keep it quiet by only dealing with people they trusted, but the longer they continued, the more time and opportunity for people to speculate.

Speculation would hurt their generations-long reputation, but it was more than that. It would make them prey to other competitors, less-noble folk that would be happy to trade on the rumors to take advantage and take business they couldn’t afford to lose. How long then would it be before it didn’t make sense to keep a back-breaking business that wouldn’t pay their bills?

“It won’t happen. I won’t let it.” Without meaning to, Chase tied the twine too tight across the hay bale and had to yank to get his finger back. “This is the only home I’ve ever known. I’ll die before I see us put out of it.” Unbidden, he thought of the gunshot the first day he’d met Piper. That, now a fire. No, these weren’t pranks anymore. There was malicious intent behind it.

“Chase, I’m glad you love the land. I do. But some things, son, are beyond our control.”

He whirled on Senior, uttering a surprised bark of laughter. “That’s not what you raised me to believe.”

“I wanted you to learn to be dependable, hard-working. But you’ve always known some things are beyond our control. Weather, for example. Crops, for another. And this might be one of ‘em as well.”

His grandfather’s face was hard, with lines that belied his youthful eyes. It was permanently tanned from decades working in the sun.

Chase, his heart swelling with love for the only father he’d ever known, shook his head. “No. I’m gonna figure this out. No matter what it takes. That’s a promise.”

* * *

Piper hadn’t been able to sleep. With her thighs burning, not to mention the unrelenting pressure of having her anus plugged, she only managed to toss and turn. As soon as she smelled warm, delicious scents wafting upstairs, she got out of bed and got dressed. It took longer than usual given the discomfort, but she managed. Then she made her way down the stairs, wondering what culinary marvels Patti had whipped up for them this morning.

She was at the foot of the stairs when she froze. What was that noise? Given everything that had happened in the last several hours, her heart clenched inside her chest. Then she was able to make it out: whispering. Somehow, that realization didn’t help her relax.

It’s Patti, she decided, her ears straining toward the sound. Patti and Chase. But why would they need to whisper? What could they have to hide?

You shouldn’t snoop, Piper. It’s wrong. Daddy wouldn’t like it…

But she couldn’t help herself. If there was something that would help her understand him better, she had to hear what it was. She tiptoed closer, hardly daring to breathe.

“If you’re right… not sayin’ I think you are… could be dangerous. Look at what has already happened.”

“We don’t know that for sure, Ma. We don’t… really wanna hurt somebody.”

Piper craned her head as far as she could toward their hushed voices.

“I just think in this case, you should consider…”

“It’s too late for that. Besides, what are they gonna do?”

The voices sounded closer and Piper’s heart lurched in her chest as she caught sight of Patti. As quickly as she could she spun on her foot and raced back up the stairs, letting herself back into the bedroom.

Her mind was whirling. Did Chase think he knew who was behind this? How was that possible?

Unless… he has secrets, too.

The thought should have made her feel relief. Keeping things from him was the hardest thing she’d ever done in her life. Every time he looked at her, she felt sure he could see the guilt written all over her face.

But if he was keeping secrets from her… that changed everything.

Suddenly, things clicked into place like a puzzle. He’d been so angry, almost snarling at her. So he thought she was behind it?

She stayed on the bed lost in thought until she heard her name being called. As soon as she opened the door, she heard Patti’s voice.

“Be right down!” she called back, wincing when she heard how her voice trembled.

Patti’s glimmering smile greeted her when she walked in the kitchen, and for the first time, she hesitated to return it. Was it real? Did Patti not believe Chase? Her eyes slid to the man in question who was busy eating and did not look up from his plate. Or was it all an act?

Doubting the woman she’d come to think of as a mother figure made her stomach turn.

“You hungry?”

“Um… not really.”

Chase looked up from his plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. “You feelin’ alright, Piper?” The curves of his lips quirked as he fought a smile.

“I feel fine, thanks.” Feeling a flare of defiance, she sat across him, schooling her features so that she didn’t wince with pain. “How are you?”

“Just fine, thanks.” He forked a bite of eggs into his mouth and winked.

“Just some eggs then?” Patti asked.

“No, thanks. I’ll pour myself some juice and be fine with that.” Which was exactly what she did, trying to look like she didn’t want to jump off the hard wood and fan her aching thighs.

Chase smirked as he continued to eat.

Maybe it was his arrogance, or the whispering. Maybe she really was a brat, just like he’d said. Either way, she found herself asking, “Did you call the police?”

He visibly tensed. “Nope.”

That was all. She should be used to the monosyllabic answers by now, but this time it irked her. “Why not? I mean, that’s what you do when someone sets fire to your… well, to anything!” Piper looked to Patti for agreement, but the older woman was standing at the stove, back turned to them. But clearly listening.

“I’ve said all I need to say.”

She ignored his gravelly tone and the warning within it. “But you haven’t said anything!”

“I’ve said no. That should be plenty.”

“But they’re here to help. And you need—”

“Okay,” he cut her off, his voice clipped. He dropped his fork and splayed his hands on the table.

Oh, crap. He wouldn’t spank me right here in front of his mother, would he?

“So, say I do call. They have to investigate, but they’ll find nothin’ most like, or at least nothin’ that leads anywhere. And then what? Still leaves us in the same place, but maybe whoever’s behind this knows we’ve called the police. Maybe that makes them angry. Maybe innocent people get hurt.”

Those words felt packed with extra meaning; that, and the way he was looking at her. It made her feel all squirmy inside. Could he possibly know? No… how could he?

Chase has known all kinds of things without me ever having to explain. Maybe… just maybe…

“Besides which, I intend to find them. And I’ll let the police have ‘em after I’ve had a chance to have my say.” He chuckled darkly. “That is, if there’s anything left of ‘em.”

Piper felt a shiver course through her. I just bet you will.

* * *

By suppertime, Chase realized two things: first of all, he was famished, and second, he hadn’t seen Piper since breakfast time. He had thought of her once or twice, wondering what she was doing, and whether or not she had obeyed him by keeping the plug in. But for the most part, work had kept him too busy to think much, which he liked, to tell the truth. A lot had happened and sometimes it was nice to just do hard work and let your brain take a break for a bit.

But when he walked inside and saw that Piper wasn’t there, he felt a frisson of alarm. He was about to ask his mother when he saw a flash of flowers out of the corner of his eye. She was wearing a dress, the same one he’d made her change out of a few days back.

“You look nice.”

She gave him a tentative smile. “Thanks. I just wanted a… change.”

“More comfortable than pants I’d wager.”

Her smile froze as she looked to his mother, then back to him, as though she was afraid Patti might figure out the joke. “Yes. As a matter of fact, it is.”

Chase came in closer—he’d staved off signs of physical affection in front of his family up to this point, but he’d gone all day without seeing her and he couldn’t wait any longer. He bent down and brushed his mouth against her ear. “How are you feelin’?”

She grimaced. “Full.”

“Well, just after dinner I’ll take it out for you.” He pressed a kiss to her temple. “Can I help you with anything, Ma?”

“You just get settled.” She waved his offer away.

Meanwhile, Piper busied herself with getting glasses and silverware, which she arranged on the table, grinning slyly at him when she put each fork on the left.

He caught her eye and wagged his finger, making her giggle aloud.

“What? What is it? Did I miss the joke?” Patti asked as she turned around to look at them.

“She’s hard-headed is all,” Chase explained while the girl in question tried in vain to stifle her giggles, making strange snorting noises that made her laugh all the harder.

“Oh, shush. You better not go scarin’ this one off, Chase Whitfield. I’m tired of bein’ the only woman around here, you hear me?”

“Yes, ma’am. You’re comin’ in loud and clear, Ma. Loud and clear.”

Dinner that evening was quick—Chase made sure of it. Claiming he was too tired after the early morning, he ate and tended to his last chores before making a beeline for the stairs.

He heard Piper offer to help with the dishes but his mother waved her off and she too soon joined him, closing the door behind her. “Lock it,” he ordered.

She did, turning to him with a shy smile.

He patted the bed invitingly. “You ready to get that out, baby?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered, and there was no mistaking her eagerness.

“Alright then, stick your heinie out for me.”

Piper propped herself up on the bed by her elbows, sticking her ass out toward the wall.

Chase felt his cock surge in his pants. She had never looked more inviting to him. He lifted her dress and laid the fabric across her back. He drew her panties down her buttocks and her thighs slowly, savoring the sight of her orbs being unveiled for his viewing pleasure. The angry redness of her thighs had subsided to a soft pink with faint lines. He traced them now, making her whimper.

“Tryin’ to turn me on even more? I’m already ‘bout to burst out of these pants.”

“I-I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“Don’t be.” He caressed her once more on her inner thighs before turning his attention to her adorable rear. He ran his hand over each of her cheeks in turn. One day, he promised himself. “Spread your legs, angel.”

Piper obeyed instantly, even getting the exact amount of width he needed.

Quick learner indeed.“This is gonna hurt, but just for a second. Then you’ll feel a lot better.” He was as quick as he could be without hurting her unnecessarily, wincing when she cried out. When did that happen? When did I start feelin’ her pain like it’s mine?


“Shh, it’s okay, baby girl. Jus’ give it a minute.” He patted her back until she felt better enough to stand. He sat down on the bed and pulled her between his thighs, smiling reassuringly. “You took your punishment like a good girl. I’m proud of you.”

She started to smile, but then it faltered and she looked down at the floor. “You’re not mad at me anymore?”

His heart wrenched at her pained, girlish voice. At the same time, something in him hesitated. He couldn’t completely let her off the hook when he still harbored some doubts. The question was did his past make it hard for him to trust? Or was it because he was right?

“Piper, look at me.”

She slowly lifted her head, apprehensive green eyes staring up at him.

“I’m not mad at you. I do still feel like there’s something you’re not tellin’ me, but if you tell me you’re not hidin’ anything, then I have to take your word for it, don’t I?”

Her smile was instantaneous and bright. “Yes, Daddy.” She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Daddy. I’m so glad you’re not mad at me.”

Not only was he not mad, his hard-on was demanding attention. “Are you still wet, baby?”

Piper pulled back, her smile softening. “I thought I wasn’t allowed to come.”

“Well, your punishment is over, isn’t it?”

She surprised him by unzipping his jeans and when his cock popped out, she grasped it firmly. “I sure hope so.”

“Damn, little girl,” he breathed. “I hope you’re ready to come, because I know I am.”

“Oh, really?” She tipped her chin up and batted her eyelashes at him. “I couldn’t tell.”

“You naughty brat,” he mock-scolded, leaning down to nip her shoulder. “I don’t know how you do that.”

“Do what?”

“Sweet and shy one minute, sassy the next.” But before she had a chance to answer, he swept her up and dropped her playfully on the bed.

Piper was mid-giggle when he was on top of her, pulling her head toward his. His lips swallowed the sound as he kissed her passionately. She did her best to keep up with his kisses and return them, but he seemed almost desperate as kiss after kiss rained down on her lips.

Then he went to work on her neck, pressing kisses against the nape before moving his attention to her shoulder.

“Are you okay?” she asked, her breath hitching at the end of the question when he pulled the sleeve of her dress, baring her shoulder.

“Mmm,” he said, planting kisses there. “More than. Or can’t you tell?”

Piper sighed, feeling the tension from the day and the extra, ahem, weight she’d carried along with her subside. He was being gentler than he’d been this morning. His touch was soft and awe-filled as he touched her, whether it was with his hands or his mouth. Not only did it excite her, his tender care made her feel cherished.

Like many things where Chase was concerned, it wasn’t something she’d ever experienced before. In all her previous relationships with boy-men, she’d felt more like a convenience than someone they actually knew and cared about.

I must be the inconvenience he’s grown to care for, Piper thought, giggling inwardly. Silly as it was, she crossed her fingers and sent up a silent hope to whoever might be listening that it was true.

But Chase soon took away her ability to think about anything else as his cool mouth traveled her body. His lips were now brushing across her chest, creating a burn between her legs.

Unable to stop it, she moaned, spreading her thighs.

As though answering an invitation, his hand slipped up her dress, his fingers trailing lightly over her leg.

“Chase,” she murmured, her nails digging into his shoulder—a contrast to his gentle caresses.

“Lift your arms.”

She did so without thinking twice, and a moment later the fabric was whispering against her skin as he pulled it over her head.

He flung it away and went back to work at once, his warm lips moving down her breasts while his hand simultaneously slid up her thigh, past her belly, just in time for his fingers to pinch around a nipple while he suckled its twin.

“I don’t know what you’re doing to me,” she murmured, her fingers intertwining in his hair as delicious sensations crested through her. Somehow, he’d ignited her with passion, liquid heat rushing through every inch of her skin, kindling arousal in every fiber, and he wasn’t even inside her yet.

Chase didn’t answer except to circle her nipple with his tongue before grasping the hardened pebble with his teeth.

She let go of his hair and moved one hand to grip his shoulder while the other grasped a fistful of bedsheet.

“You like that, don’t you, baby girl?” But the wolfish grin told her he already knew the answer.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me hard.”

Chase tsked his tongue. “Naughty girl. Little ones like you shouldn’t use such language. Now normally, I’d wash your mouth out with soap, but seein’ as I don’t have any handy, I guess I’ll have to find another way to teach you a lesson.”

She looked at him, eyes wide, uncertain if he was serious. He had the best poker face she’d ever seen. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”

He gave her a wicked grin. “Don’t be. But you know what they say—all good things come to those who wait.” With that, he resumed the orgasmic attention he’d been paying to her breasts. His fingers kneaded the right while his mouth tended to the left, increasing in intensity as she moaned her pleasure. Then, when she was certain she was about to come, he stopped abruptly.

Nooo,” she moaned, slapping the bedsheet. “Why did you stop?”

“Don’t you whine at me, little girl.”

She pouted up at him, hoping he’d take pity and resume his caresses.

“Now maybe I can teach you that I’m in charge of your punishment and your pleasure.” With that, he flicked her nipple, hard.

Piper gasped as it ached. Before she could ask questions, however, Chase leaned forward and took it in his mouth, suckling the hurt. She gripped the bedsheet in her fist, her toes curling as the pleasure built within her. Then, just before she came, he withdrew. The same treatment was given to the left breast—pain inflicted, then the soothing balm of his warm mouth not quite taking away the sting, but turning it into an ache of painful ecstasy.

Her muscles tensed and she could hold it back no longer. Arching her back, Piper cried out as the feelings he’d nurtured in her came to a crescendo. “Oh! Ooh, Daddy! Yes!”

His eyes were dancing as he said, “Now you’re ready.”

Chase shucked his pants eagerly, his cock springing out, ready to sink back into her wet, velvet folds. Hell, he’d been ready all day as soon as he’d had her this morning.

She’s like a drug to me, he mused as her hands reached for and began to unbutton his shirt. I’m more than addicted—soon, I’ll be beyond help. No amount of steps in the world will cure me.

That was what worried him. But he wasn’t about to spoil this moment by thinking any longer on it.

“You nice and wet for me, baby?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she purred.

“Good. Now, listen, let’s try to keep the volume down this time, unless you want everyone to hear.”

Piper looked toward the door, her expression quickly becoming horrified.

Determined to have her attention back, he dipped his cock in her pussy. But before he fully penetrated, he pulled back.

It had the desired effect. Her eyes were on him, wide and lusty. “Please, Daddy, please let me have your cock.”

He pressed his forehead against hers briefly. “I love that naughty mouth.”

“What? I didn’t curse.”

Chuckling, he plunged in all the way, and he could tell by the way she gripped his arms that she’d enjoyed it. He picked up the pace, slamming into her urgently.

Piper raised her arms and looped them around his neck, her fingernails digging into him while she moaned loudly.

“I thought we talked about that, baby girl.”

“Sorry,” she breathed. “It just feels so good.”

Well, what’s a guy to say to that?He could tell that she tried to mind her volume, but the faster he moved inside her, the more vocal she became.

Meanwhile, his muscles were tensing in preparation of his own release as Piper’s pussy lips grasped greedily around his cock.

Hands tightening around his neck as he thrust inside with all his strength, she came again, pussy spasming as she cried out.

“Shhh!” Chase fell beside her, clasping a hand over her mouth. “Good god, honey, you’re gonna bring everyone up here!”

Piper, lost in her pleasure from the looks of it, merely mewled against his hand.

Chase watched as her body spasmed, loving the way her skin flushed. When she was done, she curled into a ball at his side.

“You better?” he whispered, tentatively moving his hand.

She opened her eyes and gave him a lazy smile. “I’ve never felt so good in my entire life.”

He gave her a crooked grin that made her laugh.


“Nothin’. I was just thinkin’… you’re beautiful when you come.”

“Well, at least I’m beautiful sometime,” she quipped.

Her comment caught him off guard, which was why it took a couple of seconds later than it should have for him to give her thigh a hard smack. “None of that now,” he growled.

“Hey!” she protested. “What was that for?”

“When I give you a compliment, you say, ‘thank you, Daddy,’ and nothin’ else, d’you hear me?”


He leaned forward, putting his face next to hers. “I said, do you hear me?”

“Yes, Daddy. Thank you, Daddy.” Then she leaned forward and nipped his bottom lip.

“You are on thin ice, little girl,” he warned. “Understand? Thin ice.”

Piper burst out laughing and it was all he could do to keep his expression solemn and not join in. He had to admit it, having Piper around could be lots of fun—when she was behaving, at least.

“Alright, if you’ve got enough energy for sass then I guess you have enough energy to ride.”


But before she could finish her thought, he flipped on his back, lifted her up, and set her down on his rock-hard rod.

Oh. This kind of ride,” she said in that breathy, awe-filled voice he loved.

“Well, don’t just sit there,” he said, a teasing lilt to his voice. “Get movin’.”

Piper began to glide up and down his long, hard cock, her breasts bouncing while she grinned, with clearly not a care in the world. It was enough to make a guy crazy.

She looked like a goddess as she rode him with slow, controlled movements, her hair draped down her back like a golden curtain and her breasts swaying.

Damn well could be the best sight I’ve ever seen, he thought as he gripped her hips.

“Faster,” he growled.

“Uh-uh.” She shook her head, grinning. “I’m on top now. I make the rules.”

He chuckled low in his throat. “Don’t you forget for one second who put you there, little girl.”

“It’s ‘little girl’ again? What happened to ‘baby’?” She pouted.

It was adorable, not that he’d let her know that. “Little girl is for when you’re in trouble. Or on the verge of gettin’ in trouble, which means a spankin’ for that cute ass of yours.” He punctuated the words with a hearty slap to said ass. “Now, faster.” He hoisted her up and down his cock until she got into a good rhythm.

Every muscle in his body tensed. He was so close, it was agony. His fingers tightened around Piper as she kept the pace he set. Her breasts swayed faster as her hips rocked.

“That’s it,” he grunted. “Yes, baby. There you go.”

Spurred on by his praise, she moved faster, her breathing quickening alongside his own.

His abs tightened and heat pulsed through every vein. He grinned as another beautiful moan slipped out from between Piper’s parted lips. “Do you like that, baby?”

“Mmm.” She threw her head back and bounced on his cock faster. The slick sounds of their bodies moving together seemed to drive her wild.

“God, yes. Baby, yes,” Chase groaned. Then his body tightened beneath her before his cum spurted inside her. He had to press a closed fist against his mouth to stifle his bellow. If things keep continuing in this direction, I have got to get my own place!

Piper was grinning down at him, seeming pretty pleased with herself.

“Get down here,” he growled. And before she could obey, he lifted her down and cradled her beside him.

Still smiling, Piper clung to him and closed her eyes.

“You’re a firecracker, aren’t-cha?”

“Not something I’ve ever been accused of before,” she murmured, looking very much like a cat who’d feasted on cream.

Chase buried his face in her neck and nibbled. “Get some sleep.”

“I’m not tired,” she protested, but the words came out soft and lacking conviction.

“Shh.” Chase was asleep before he heard her answer.