On His Ranch by Dinah McLeod

Chapter 14

Chase waited patiently for Piper to settle down. He had delivered a hard paddling, and he knew it would take a while. Shewon’t be sittin’ comfortably for several days, he thought as his eyes raked over her crimson orbs. He could see a few blisters rising on her tender skin.

When her sobs subsided a bit he walked over and gently lifted her from the table. She turned into him, her arms encircling him and buried her face into his shirt.

“Shh.” He ran a hand over her messy blonde hair. “It’s okay. It’s all over now, darlin’.” But he couldn’t be sure if she heard him over her frenzied sobs, so he patted her back and waited.

Finally, she was crying quietly and he asked if she wanted to go to bed. Piper nodded with her lip quivering and tears still falling down her cheeks.

He swept her up into his arms in one smooth movement and she curled her arms around his neck while he carried her up to the stairs. His lips quirked to notice her surprise when, instead of the guest room she’d been using, he took her to his bedroom instead. She didn’t react even as he laid her down on his fluffy comforter.

The only thing she did was move to rub her blistered behind, but Chase caught her wrists before she was successful.

“You’re mean,” she told him through quivering lips and narrowed, watery eyes.

He chuckled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. “You know, I’ve been called worse.”

“I’ll bet.”

“Hey, now. I seem to recall you bein’ told not to be a brat.”

She tried to wiggle away, but he pulled her close until her head was resting on his chest. She didn’t fight anymore after that.

I reckon she’s about as worn-out as I am, he mused, though even a hard day’s work on a ranch didn’t quite measure up to having your ass tanned.


“Hmm, baby?”

“I was wondering…”

“Out with it,” he ordered.

“Um… when are you going to take out the… you know.”

He grinned. “I wasn’t plannin’ on it.”

Piper sat up with a grunt and looked up at him, her eyes wide and incredulous. “Daddy, please! If you leave it in, I won’t be able to fall asleep.”

Chase considered her plea. “Okay, I’ll take it out.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

“On one condition.” He waited until he had her rapt—and frankly, tense—attention. “Next time, you will sleep with it in. Got it?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

He smothered a smile. He liked how quickly she seemed to be getting used to calling him Daddy. “Not only that, but I’m gonna finger that naughty little hole of yours to make sure it’s taught a good lesson.”

Piper’s lip quivered and she choked back a sob, but she nodded.

“Alright then. Lie down.”

She did with slow, hesitant movements, peeking up at him with her large, guileless eyes.

He read her loud and clear: Daddy, please, no! But he was pleased she didn’t protest. She’s a quick learner after all… just needs consistent, frequent instruction. Well, truth be told, he liked that part.

As soon as she lay down, he reached for her glowing red orbs, not even bothering to hide his chuckle when she squeaked at his touch. “Shh. You’re alright. I have to touch to take it out. You’re not havin’ second thoughts now, are you?”

“No, Daddy.”

Pleased with her submission, he rewarded her by being as gentle as he possibly could. Still, she cried out and cringed as he removed the plug. “And that’s a small one,” he remarked.

She turned her head to look back at him though she did nothing to move her ass out of his range. “You don’t mean…”

“Oh, yes.” He grinned wickedly. “They come in all shapes and sizes, little girl. Even if you’re on your best behavior—which I s’pect you won’t be, after the sting from your paddling fades—I feel confident you’ll try them all in time.”

“I’m never going to be a bad girl,” she told him tearfully. “Not ever, ever, ever again.”

Chase chuckled. So all spanked little girls say while their ass still hurts. Still, he felt tender toward his new little one and reached out to caress her hair. “This will end your punishment. I’m gonna finger that tight asshole for a minute, like I promised. You be still for me, and listen to what I have to say, understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.” When she bit her bottom lip, his cock sprang to attention. Maybe he’d taste her lip later, when things were right between them again.

He stroked her ass for a moment, running his hands over her hot, scalded cheeks until she relaxed. It was funny—his touch definitely made her whimper, but unless his ear was mistaken, it was a kind of discomfort that carried pleasure with it. Once he was sure she’d relaxed as much as she was able to, he produced the bottle of lube. With one hand, he rubbed her scorched cheek and with the other he popped the top and squirted lube onto his index finger, getting it nice and wet. She didn’t even see it coming until his finger was prodding at her back door.

Piper tensed, but as soon as he cleared his throat, she widened her legs and relaxed her bottom.

Very, very good. Must have gotten her tail even better than I thought. Chase was grinning to himself as he inserted his digit into her tight, puckered anus.

“Take a deep breath,” Chase told her while his finger pushed.

Piper obeyed, though slowly and shakily. This all—the whole evening—was new territory for her and it didn’t seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. She was still sore from having the anal plug inside her, and though his finger was certainly not as thick, still, the pressure was unfamiliar.

Once she’d exhaled she could feel Chase’s finger inside. She cringed, embarrassed to know he was back there, inside of her.

And yet… there was something deliciously naughty and thrilling about it, too. Why is it that everything naughty makes me wet?

“Good girl,” Chase said, his voice a warm purr that helped her loosen up even more. “Now, are you listenin’?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered at once, liking the way it sounded on her lips.

“You’re goin’ to obey Daddy from now on,” he instructed, his finger sliding in and out of her back hole.

It was a puzzling sensation. It had been uncomfortable and tight when he was trying to get in, but now that he was inside her, the pleasure was undeniable. She melted into the bed, curling her arm and hugging herself, a secret smile curving her lips.

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered, and when she spoke, it sounded like she had a little-girl voice. The sound of it made her smile.

“No matter what, you do what Daddy tells you,” he continued, his finger sliding in and out again. “No arguin’, or talkin’ back.”

It seemed like she was mesmerized by the sound of his voice and the wonderful things he was doing to her. “Yes, Daddy.” She would have promised him anything at that moment.

“And if you forget your promise, what’s gonna happen, baby girl?”

“You’ll spank me?” she guessed.

“That’s right, Daddy’ll bring you right back up here, put you over my knee, and spank you until you bawl. And on top of that,” he added, “I’ll make you wear a butt plug for the rest of the day.”

She groaned, whether in pleasure at the fingering she was getting or horror at the threat, she couldn’t be sure.

“It doesn’t matter if you get your spankin’ at six in the morning or six at night, either way, you’ll spend the rest of the day with your ass plugged. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Although, at this current moment I’m not sure how big a deterrent that is,” he mused. “Seems to me you like having your naughty hole filled. Don’t you, baby?”

“I like you filling me,” she put in eagerly.

Then Chase was removing his finger and when she turned around to look, he was wiping it off. “Hmph.”

“Will you?” she asked eagerly, batting her eyelashes at him.

“You know I don’t fuck naughty girls who have been spanked.”


He cleared his throat and pinned her with a younglady look that had her forgetting what she’d been about to say. “Maybe we can revisit that subject tomorrow, dependin’ on how you behave.”

Feeling very sorry for herself, Piper sat up and pulled her knees to her chest.

“No poutin’,” he warned. “Now, I’m gonna go wash my hands and then you’re goin’ to bed.”

“In here?” she asked, forgetting to sulk for a moment.

“Yeah, for a special treat, I suppose.”

“But Daddy—” She’d been about to say I thought you don’t reward naughty girls when she thought better of it. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

While Chase went to the adjourning bathroom, she took a look around. She laughed out loud at what she saw. She had somehow expected to see baseball posters or plastic gold trophies, but Chase’s room didn’t have any of the normal trappings of boyhood. Well, at least not what was considered ‘normal.’ There was a poster—of John Wayne, cowboy hat and all. There were sheets of faded notebook paper tacked on the walls which, at closer look, showed weather predictions.

“Aha!” Piper greeted him when he returned.

“‘Scuse me?”

“You haven’t always wanted to be a rancher! You wanted to be a weatherman!”

Chase chuckled. “Oh, poor little Piper.”

Her forehead scrunched in confusion. “What? Why?”

“Senior made me memorize the weather report and add my own findings. It was part of my education in science, but also meant to prepare me for runnin’ a ranch.”

“Well, that doesn’t make any sense! It’s not like you can change the weather.”

“Nope, but if you can predict it accurately then you know when things have to be done and can do them in the right order.”

She let her breath out in a huff. “Can’t say I didn’t try, but I guess you’re hopeless.”

His smile flashed, making her belly knot itself up and making her wish she hadn’t just been spanked. “Lucky for you, don’tcha think? If it hadn’t been supposed to rain on the day we met, I never woulda been in that barn that early. You woulda taken your nap, and been on your way to your aunt’s with me none the wiser and we never woulda met.”

“I guess I didn’t think about that.”

“See? Now, let’s get you ready for bed.”

“Can I borrow an extra shirt?” Piper watched as Chase went to his closet, but when he returned he was carrying a hanger with a T-shirt dress hanging on it. “What’s this?” she asked, reaching out to touch it.


Her eyes went up and down the garment. It was bubble-gum pink, with a large, colorful screen print of the Powerpuff Girls.

“I’m sorry, I guess I don’t really know what you like.”

The smile she turned on him was so wide it made her mouth hurt. “Well, there’s plenty of time for you to find out. Help me?” She lifted her arms, no longer shy, somehow finding it totally natural to be his little girl in fact as well as name.

He obliged by gently pulling the T-shirt gown over her head and helping her arms through one at a time. “Well, let’s have a look.”

Giggling, Piper bounced off the bed and twirled around again and again until she was clapping in excitement. “Well?” she demanded, giving him a curtsey. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re very vain.” But then he chuckled, while she propped her hands on her hips and stuck out her tongue. “And I think you need something fancier next time, longer, maybe, for those curtsies.”

“When did you get it, Daddy?”

“To bed with you,” he ordered, pulling back the sheet.

Piper climbed in eagerly, grinning up at him when he tucked the covers around her tightly. “Aren’t you going to tell me?”

“Remember when I went huntin’ for the missin’ stallion?”


“I had to stop by Walmart to grab some gas and I decided to have a look around the store—”

“You were thinking of me!” she squealed excitedly.

Chase’s brow knitted and he mock scowled. “Hey, who’s tellin’ this story?”

“Sorry, Daddy,” she said dutifully, even though she wasn’t.

“Well, anyway, I was thinkin’ of you. I guess I’ve gotten used to havin’ you around, and I thought if you were to stay around, you’d need some things.”

More pleased than she could have imagined by his explanation, she beamed at him and decided it wouldn’t do any good to tell him Patti had already bought her a nightgown.

“Now, it’s high time you got to sleep. We’ll have to do it all over again tomorrow.”

Her heart swelled at being included in his day—even if it included collecting sticks! “Tell me a story, Daddy?”

“Didn’t you just hear me? It’s time to sleep.”

Her lower lip protruded as her brow furrowed. “Story first, then sleep.”

“Baby, Daddy’s dog-tired and I’ve got to be up in five hours.”

“Stttooo-rrryyy,” she said in a singsong whine.

He frowned down at her, but when she smiled and batted her eyes, he ended up laughing. He reached down to tickle her ribs while she tried to squirm out of the way, but he’d tucked her in too tightly. “Alright! One story. And I wouldn’t try that too often if I were you. Not unless you want to go to bed with a very sore bottom.”

Piper didn’t answer, but she couldn’t help think that it might be worth the risk.

“Once upon a time, there was a very naughty little girl. She didn’t know it, but she was lookin’ for a daddy…”

“Ooh, what was she like?”

“She was sassy and argumentative and looked like Goldilocks with her blonde hair and big, pretty eyes.”

“She sounds nice.”

“Did you hear the part about her bein’ sassy?”

Piper giggled. “Yes, I heard, Daddy.”

“Well, anyway, she wasn’t really a bad girl, all she needed was a strong, firm daddy…”