On His Ranch by Dinah McLeod

Chapter 5

When Piper had stopped for the night trying to find someplace to get out of the cold and to catch a few hours of sleep, she never would have imagined this was where she would end up. Sore-bottomed and included in the morning antics of a family she’d never met before. It made her ache in a different, more lasting way. As a way to ignore it, she began speaking, her words tumbling over one another so fast she was babbling.

It was cathartic, in a way, and before she knew it she was telling them far more than she’d intended. About her money troubles, being forced to leave her apartment with nothing more than the backpack she wore. Even her uncertainty about the welcome she’d receive from her aunt.

“Why, you’re family!” Patti exclaimed. “I’m sure she’ll be delighted to have you!”

“It doesn’t work that way everywhere, Ma,” Chase answered before she could.

Piper shifted her gaze to him, surprised and grateful that he understood.

“Hmph. I s’pose you’re right.” She sniffed, clearly disapproving of such families. “Well, dear, go on.”

At some point during her tale, food had begun arriving at the table. Buttery, melt-in-your-mouth waffles. Fluffy piles of biscuits. Crispy hash browns and greasy, delicious bacon. Piper took a piece of bacon and began to munch before she continued.

“She never had children of her own. I don’t think she ever wanted any, to tell you the truth. So it was a lot for her, being forced to take me in when my parents died.”

Patti gasped, looking at Piper with so much sympathy that it was almost uncomfortable. “You poor thing. How old?”

“I was seven.”

There was silence at the table. For a moment, she thought Patti might cry and she had to look away, or she knew she would, too. Somehow, this felt even more vulnerable than when she’d been half-naked over the hard thighs of a stranger hours ago.

“But it’s all right,” she hurried to add. “I mean, that was a long time ago, and I’m fine now.”

“Hmph. You don’ have a job, a place to live, or a car,” Senior said, summing up the obvious. “That’s not what I call ‘fine.’”

Though no one echoed his sentiments, Piper could tell they all agreed. Her face was burning right up to the tips of her ears. “I… I know that’s the way it seems, but it’s all temporary! As soon as I figure out a way to get some money, to get my business off the ground…” But she stopped there, mortified. She could feel the questions in their stares, the curiosity of the silence, but this time, she ignored it. There were some things too sacred to share.

And then Patti setting a stack of plates at the table and Chase was passing them out until everyone had one. Then Patti took a seat next to her, encouraging her to take more eggs, more slices of bacon, have another biscuit.

What followed next was the best morning Piper could ever remember having. There was delicious food to be eaten, and teasing that went around the table, including her as though she was one of them. It was almost enough to make her feel like she was. It almost made the spanking she’d gotten worth it, somehow.

“Have you ever had fresh cow’s milk, Piper?”

“No, ma’am,” she answered.

“Well, there’s nothing like it, I promise you.” The older woman took the pitcher Senior held out toward her and wiped off a glass with her apron before pouring it halfway full.

She could feel Chase looking at her and as much as she tried to fight the temptation, she couldn’t keep her eyes from shifting toward him. It was a mistake, though, because as soon as she locked gazes and looked into his dark, unfathomable eyes, she lost control of her body.

The next thing she knew, the glass was falling, the milk streaming down the table. Piper leapt to her feet. “Oh, my gosh, I’m so sorry! Let me just—”

“Never you mind, dear. I’ll have this cleaned up in a jiffy.” Patti pulled a rag from her apron pocket and began mopping up the milk. “Chase, why don’t you take Piper upstairs? The poor thing could use some sleep.”

“No, please, let me help—”

“To bed with you,” Patti said with a shooing motion. Though her tone was light, Piper had no doubt that she wouldn’t be able to get out of obeying.

Chase dutifully escorted her upstairs. The two of them walked without a word until he led her into a bedroom.

Piper stood resolutely in the doorway. “This is silly. I really need to be getting to my aunt’s—”

“Enough.” He ordered her into the bed with nothing more than a motion of his finger. When she had stomped over and sat on top, pouting, he continued. “After what happened this morning we can’t have you goin’ off alone. That’s not up for discussion,” he said firmly over her weak protests. “And my mornin’ routine has been disrupted long enough. I need to get to my chores or some animals are gonna go hungry. We don’ want that, do we?”

“No, sir,” she uttered quietly.

His smile was quick, then gone so fast she might have imagined it but for the tingling across her skin. “Good girl. Now, want to tell me why you were blushin’ so pretty before you came down for breakfast?”

Her heart began thudding hard in her chest as she tried to evade his knowing gaze. “Um… I don’t know what you mean…”

“It was more than just because I caught you eavesdroppin’,” he prompted, his voice both soft and stern.

Piper squirmed but didn’t answer.

“You know, I’m already runnin’ behind, I’ve got time to take you back over my knee if you like.”

The words made every inch of her skin ripple with warmth. “I… I’ll tell you.”

Chase chuckled. “I thought that might loosen your tongue.”

Hardly believing that this was real—the situation, much less her impending confession—Piper whispered to him what she had done upstairs.


Her name on his lips made her pussy throb anew.

“Are you tellin’ me that my spankin’ your naughty ass turned you on?”

Hardly knowing where her boldness was coming from, she met his eyes. “I thought we agreed that I’m a good girl.”

Chase threw his head back and laughed. “Yes. Yes, we did. Such a good girl, in fact, that I’m goin’ to give you somethin’ special before I put you to bed.”

The promise made her squirm in anticipation.

The bed shifted as Chase sat down beside her. “Over my lap then.”

She hesitated, but only for an instant.

As soon as she was face-down over his knees, Chase lifted up the robe, then her gown. “Piper.” This time, her name was an amused scolding. “You’re not wearing underwear.”

“I didn’t have any clean ones.”

“Hmmm. Naughty girl, after all, it seems. What am I goin’ to do with you? Oh, wait, that’s right.” His hand came down, firm, but not hard.

Not that it mattered. Her skin was still hot from the long spanking she’d gotten in the barn and this new jolt of contact just brought the fire roaring back to life.

He continued to spank her with firm, solid swats, one after the other from the top of her ass to the back of her thighs. When he finally let her up she was shivering with want. His eyes had that knowing gleam in them again.

But before she could form a question—or even think what question to ask—he was setting her down on the pillows, looming over her.


“Shh.” He silenced the question with a kiss, his lips pressing against hers, hot and insistent.

Piper melted against him. This was a crazy, insane dream. She wasn’t the kind of girl who did things like this. She didn’t tell embarrassing secrets to guys she’d just met, much less let them kiss her. Then again, Chase was unlike anyone she’d ever known before.

“I’d like to see for myself, if you don’t mind.”

She didn’t have to ask what he meant. Instead, still lost in what felt like a dreamlike atmosphere, she opened her legs.

Chase put a finger to her pussy lips, then pulled it back, showing her that it was slick with her juices.

Her face flamed with embarrassment and she closed her eyes so that she wouldn’t have to see the judgment she knew must be in his expression.

“I could help you out, but only with your permission.”

She should say no. They hardly knew each other. Good girls didn’t do things like this. But the arousal in her body was so strong, the heat in her sex so overpowering, that she found herself nodding anyway.

“On one condition. You have to open your eyes.”

* * *

When Piper obeyed and looked at him, her doe eyes were wide, her straight white teeth sunk into the plump flesh of her bottom lip.

Damn. The sight stirred him something fierce.

He took her hand, brushing his fingertips with his own as he lifted her arm above her head. He didn’t pin it, just held it there firmly.

She gasped from the contact. It was a soft sound, but one that made his cock ache.

“You can make any noise you want to, but keep your hands to yourself, okay?” he murmured.

“Um… okay.”

He chuckled but kept his thoughts to himself. She’d soon understand what he meant. He savored the feeling of running his fingertips over her thighs, watching as they quivered and goose pimples sprouted in the wake of his touch. He wished he had the luxury of time—he’d take her body on a trip it would never forget.

Maybe later, he mused wistfully. For now, he would give her sweet dreams.

Piper gasped when he plunged a finger into her slick pussy. The sound of her own arousal not to mention the delicious pressure of his finger set her body to vibrating as he worked his digit in and out of her tight hole.

He could feel the heat and anticipation radiating off her in waves as he added another finger, plummeting them inside her with more force this time. “How do you like it, hmm?” he murmured, grinning wolfishly. “Nice, or rough?”

She made no move to answer, just stared at him with wide, trusting eyes.

“A bit rough this time, I think.” Chase followed his words with swift action, making his fingers dance inside her with rough, thorough thrusts.

Piper arched her back, a long moan spilling from her open lips. But she didn’t struggle against his hold.

“I’m goin’ to make it feel so good you never want your own fingers again,” he told her, his face an inch from her own.

“Oh, yes,” she breathed. “Yes, please.”

Welcoming the invitation, he increased the pressure and the speed of his thrusts.

Yes,” she breathed. The word started out as a sigh but ended in a shriek as her muscles tensed. “Yessss!”

He grinned to himself. So she was a screamer. He liked that. In fact, as he brought her closer to climax, he couldn’t think of many things he didn’t like.

“Oh,” she said, the sound one of complete wonderment. “You’re amazing.”

“Shh.” He leaned closer and put a kiss on her nose. “Just enjoy it.”

And if the writhing she was doing on the bed was any indication, she was enjoying herself very much.

Chase knew he had hit gold when she bucked, then went still, her face even more beautiful as she came. X marks the spot. I’ll make note of that. She shuddered and uttered a long, wordless scream while her pussy grasped at his fingers greedily. He didn’t remove them until she went still.

“Are you going?” she mumbled.

“Have to. There’s work to be done.”

“I’m sorry—”

“Shh. We can talk about that later. For now, you’re gonna sleep.” He stood up and gently moved her until he could pull the covers up around her. He took a moment to tuck them in around her.

“Goodnight, Daddy.”

He was smiling when he made his way back downstairs.