Her Enemy Protector Bear by Cynthia Wilde

Chapter 18

Nick couldn’t decide if he was pissed or heartbroken. He’d finally told her the whole thing, and she’d left. Just up and left. She’d had no faith in him after all, no ‘open-mind’. He slammed the door of his truck as he parked at the faire. Another day of pretending to be something I’m not, while showing everyone what I am. The toll of the duplicity was wearing on him, and it was a dangerous time. He needed to be strong, and clear in his thoughts, and all he could think of was Zoe.

Was she in danger? He hoped Pasqual was guarding her well.

But whatever, she was leaving. His mate was going to leave. His bear was standing tall, growling and acting aggressive, but Nick was at a complete loss. He just couldn’t believe she had so little faith in him. And after everything that she’d seen here, at the faire? At least she’ll be safe.

He decided to call Rafe. He needed to talk to someone. He had been enjoying his Bear show too, but not it just felt stupid and empty. Everything felt empty.

“Rafe. Zoe is packing up, she’s leaving, the faire, me, all of it. I told her about being a shifter and she thinks I’m insane.”

There was a pause at the other end of the line.

“Sometimes the humans just can’t face the truth, Nick. I mean you have to understand it from her perspective. It is a lot to take in. You’ve really got to give her some time to absorb that there is much more to the world, to reality, than she previously was aware of.

Nick hung his head. “Yeah, I know that, I guess. I just don’t know what to do now, do I chase her? Make her talk to me? I can’t just let my mate go, Rafe. I don’t know how I’d function with a piece of my heart torn out.”

“What is her timeline, Nick? How much time do you have?”

“She’s packing up and will be gone by Monday.”

“Okay, well, then, why don’t you come in and see me at the office at your first opportunity. Just give me a call when you are on your way. I can make some time. I know what it is like when your mate is a human. Challenging doesn’t begin to describe it. At first at least. Maybe we can make some kind of plan. I can be a sounding board for you and help you get centered. That is always the best place to start.

“That sound great Rafe, thanks, I will be in touch soon.” Nick put the phone back in his pocket. Was it all a mirage? Well, she hasn’t left yet.