Royal Reckoning by Stephanie St. Klaire


“You nearly metthe Holy Ghost, my friend,” Wit said, lowering his weapon.

Eli looked around him, trying to find Cally. “The Holy Ghost?”

Wit held up his weapon. “This little lady right here. I call her the Holy Ghost because she makes people have a quick come to Jesus moment. What are you doing rushing the scene like that? I hear all that out there and told her to hide in the bathroom until I came and got her. Thought you were some kind of palace militia coming to take back the flag.”

Wit walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. “Come on out, darlin’, it’s just your man hurtin’ to see ya real bad.”

Wit stepped away from the door to let her come out, and when she did, she rushed into Eli’s arms.

“Now that right there is beautiful. I could tear up over something like this. Makes me think of Hallmark movies and puppies,” Wit said with a heap of twang and a big smile. “Y’all are great together. Real great. You better thank that guardian angel followin’ ya because I almost took you out. I’m a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy, and not just with the ladies, if you know what I mean?”

“Classy as ever. What are you doing in here, mate?” Eli questioned as Cally climbed back on the bed and began to fluff a couple of pillows. He could see that she was tired or feeling ill.

Wit nodded to Cally as she leaned back on the now carefully propped pillows, seemingly amused by the exchange. “This here’s precious cargo, mate. You should know that. Didn’t know if she’d been fed, and she seemed a tad piqued, so I had her lie down back here where it’s quieter and brought her some soup.”

“Where’d you get soup?” Eli asked with alarm, worried he’d picked it up from the palace and it could be tainted.

“What do you mean, where’d I get soup?” Wit said, mocking Eli’s accent. “I always have soup in my bag.”

Eli’s brow drew together with confusion. “Why?”

“Why not? Never know when you’re going to need a quick bite.” Wit shrugged as if it was totally normal to pack soup, and Eli’s line of questioning wasn’t.

Eli tossed his hands up. “You couldn’t pack something a little more travel-friendly like…jerky?”

“Oh, I got that too. But soup feeds the soul, brother. Yee Hee, am I right?” Wit’s enthusiasm and joy for soup made Eli cringe.


Wit stepped forward and kissed the top of Cally’s head. “Glad to have you back with us, darlin’. You just holler at me if you want some more soup. I have some in the bag.”

Cally had just taken a sip of soup and held up the mug in Wit’s direction. “Thank you, Wit. The soup is good. Just what I needed.”

“See?” Wit slapped Eli on the back and made his way to the door. Just before leaving the small room, he looked over his shoulder, and with a wink, he said, “Told ya, Prince Charming.”

Eli watched as Wit disappeared and pulled the door closed behind him, quick to say, “Thanks, brother.”

Cally giggled when Eli dragged his hands down his face and let out a deep sigh. “He’s really sweet, you know. He’d do anything for any one of you.”

Turning and going to her, Eli crawling next to her on the bed, where he pulled her into his arms and placed his hand on her growing belly. It outgrew his palm in the short time they were apart. It was rounder, and he couldn’t hold it like he could. Though it was good to see that she and the baby were healthy, it saddened him for a moment to think how much had changed in such a short time.

“He’s going to make me huge,” she said.

“Nah. You’re beautiful. I love seeing you this way,” Eli admitted, landing a long, stalling kiss on the top of her head. Relief flooded his senses as he breathed in her familiar scent. “Were you hurt?”

He felt her body tremble briefly, but she leaned into his embrace and calmed. “No. Just scared at first. I didn’t understand what was happening. When I met Jonas, though, I felt…safe.”

Eli closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh of relief. He didn’t entirely understand Jonas’s part in all of this, but there was peace in knowing that perhaps he was right when he said he’d done whatever it was he had done to protect Cally – to protect him. There was also relief in knowing that she felt safe with him. Eli didn’t want to remember Jonas in any way but good, and her admission helped him feel that.

“You’ve never mentioned him, Eli. He talked about you like you were a son to him. He’s very proud of you. Excited about the baby even,” Cally shared. “He took good care of us while we waited for you. Said you would let me know the details. He was just there to make sure no harm came to the baby or me.”

Eli fought back emotion. He was glad Cally got to know him and in a positive light. He didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth or even that he was gone. Not now. Too much had happened in such a short amount of time with so much uncertainty still surrounding them that he didn’t have the heart to tell her anything about why she was with Jonas to begin with. Hell, he still didn’t know.

“I’m glad you’re okay and that your time with him was pleasant, love,” Eli said, kissing her again. “How did you come to be with him in the first place? He didn’t mention how you arrived.”

“I-I don’t know.” She began to tremble again. “I had just landed here, in Spain, and done some scouting. My client was supposed to tour with me, but I started feeling ill before they arrived. When I couldn’t reach them, I went back to the hotel and left word for them with the front desk before I went to my room. Don’t remember much after that. Kind of odd, like something happened to me.”

As she began to tell her story, Eli could sense the fear she held reliving that piece of the journey. He didn’t want to upset her any more than she was, not with the long flight ahead of them. He just wanted to get her home safe and checked out by her doctor. They could revisit all of this later.

“It’s okay, love. We don’t have to talk about it. I’m just glad you’re here now, with me.” He leaned back more so she could lie down. “Rest, Cally girl. There will be plenty of time to talk later.”

When she matched his motion and lay down, he felt her relax into him, and her body fell heavy against him. She was exhausted.

“Sleep now. I’ll get you more soup from Wit if you want it. Or there are other food choices on board. You just tell me what you need, and I’ll take care of it, okay?” he said, and she nodded as her breathing slowed and she began to drift off to sleep.

He’d land that plane and get her anything she wanted, too. He didn’t care where…he’d take her there and get it for her. Whatever she wanted. Whatever she needed.

“Eli?” she said in a groggy tone.

“Yes, love?”

“I’m worried about the baby.”

Those words were his undoing. He kissed her shoulder, kissed her head, and pulled her against him tighter. Running a gentle hand across her abdomen, he willed his son to let him know he was okay. “Shh. It’s going to be okay, Cally girl. He’s fine. I promise. You just rest now.”

Emotion spilled over, and he could’ve wept at that agonizing moment. But the tears were silent, and he’d be strong for her. For them. But mostly…he hoped he could keep that promise.