Royal Reckoning by Stephanie St. Klaire


The knockin the doorway was a welcome distraction. It was Doc Charles – Dr. Mason Charles. He was a friend of the team, the O’Reillys, and Brother’s Keeper Security. He resided in McKenzie Ridge, a town they all frequented. Nestled in the Pacific Cascade Mountains, it was only a handful of hours away by car. He frequented Portland and even had a medical suite and apartment in the Watermark building to help with things that couldn’t be handled in a regular hospital due to the need for anonymity. The helicopter or even a jet could be sent at a moment’s notice, and he was happy to oblige. He was just one of many friends of the Keepers and supported what they did.

“Hope I’m not interrupting,” he said, raising a hand and offering a wave of hello. “Just want to let you know I’m here and ready when you are, Cally.”

She replied, “I think I’m ready now.”

She turned to the group with a raised brow, questioning if they needed any more time with her.

“Go on,” Wit said. “Get out of here. Make sure you get a picture of that kid with that fancy machine for all the uncles.”

Doc Charles tucked his hands in his pocket and kicked one ankle over the other as he leaned in the doorway with an amused look. “Uncles? I wasn’t aware the baby had a bunch of uncles. You come from a big family Cally? I don’t remember that in your family history.”

“No, you nitwit,” Wit fired back. He twirled his finger around, indicating the people in the room. “All his uncles. Okay, and the aunties too. Somethin’ for our wallets. You guys sure he’s qualified for this?”

Doc Charles laughed. “I’ll see what I can do. I hope your picture is a shot of the baby’s ass, though. Start him young on who’s who around here.”

“Now that was just rude. And weird,” Wit said, and he looked at Cally. “You want me to come with you? How hard can that machine be?”

Cally stood and placed a hand on Wit’s shoulder. “I think I’ll just rely on Doc this time. But thank you for having my back.”

“Okay, well you just call me if you need somethin’. I have some soup upstairs,” he said.

Cally offered a thumbs-up. “Got it. Thanks.”

Eli walked her to the door. “I’ll be up in just a minute. I want to wrap this up for the day. Unless you need me right now?”

“Nah. We can get started without you. By the time you get up there, we’ll be ready for Wit’s pics. You can choose his.”

“You have no idea what I want to send him a picture of,” Eli teased. “It isn’t appropriate for mixed company.”

“I think you need a copy machine for that,” Doc Charles said. “And I’d pay you to do it.”

“Deal.” Eli shook the doctor's hand and leaned in to kiss Cally. “I’ll be right there, love.”

She nodded and tossed a wave to the group before leaving with Doc Charles.

Eli stood in the doorway and watched as they got on the elevator and waved as the doors closed.

He returned to his seat and slouched down in his chair, propping his temple on his fist. “What the fuck was that?”

“I don’t know, but there is more in there. I can hear it wanting to come out,” Coy said. “She handled it well, but it definitely traumatized her.”

“Son of a bitch. I could kill right now. Commit bloody murder for her having to go through that. Was she drugged?” Eli straightened. “C’mon. What did you guys pull from that?”

“I think she was drugged,” Ronan said. “First thing that came to my mind, and it likely happened at that bistro. If it was right across the street from her hotel…it’s all just a little too convenient.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Israel added. “She was set up from the get-go, and I think whoever he was sent you a message, Eli. He was following her, sure, but the part about always has and always will, or whatever that mess was… that was all for you.”

“I wondered that myself,” Eli admitted. His face turned red, and the thick corded veins in his neck and temple throbbed. “And he fucking kissed her? Was that for me too?”

“I’d say so,” Israel answered matter-of-factly. “He wants you to know how close he can get – what he can take away and just how easily. I don’t quite know how Jonas fits into all this, but I can tell you, he wasn’t the real threat. This other guy is – one of them, anyway. I’m afraid there could be someone else. This was too perfectly orchestrated for one guy.”

“Unless he’s been watching and planning for quite a while now,” Coy added. “He’s a predator, definitely a narcissist with sociopathic tendencies. I wouldn’t be surprised if he evolves and becomes violent. Depends on how patient he is.”

“You’re talking full-blown psychopathy,” Israel said. “It’s possible. Though not violent, his assumed overwhelming patience to pull something like this off is a clear marker, so the potential is there. He wants something – something big. Something that belongs to you, Eli.”

“Cally? My son? Or are they leverage for something else?” Eli asked. “That was the question we’ve been asking all along.”

“Maybe all three.” Israel shrugged. “We need more. We know he hunted her, preyed on her, and took big risks to get her. Then he somehow moved her across an ocean to another country. A small one – one you happen to have a lot of weight in. That was a clue right there, but I couldn’t tell you exactly which piece to focus on,” Israel shared.

His background was very similar to the rest of the Keepers. Military background, special ops type with combat training, and a death wish since he was so willing to step in front of anything for the cause. What Israel brought to the table that was different was a background in military intelligence – he was a type of strategist. It made him an asset because he could use those skills to profile a mark and anticipate their next move. Guys like him were rare, and most worked for the Keepers when they were done serving and went civilian life. This ability to deduce a criminal’s intentions, demeanor, motives, and so on made him perfect for this case. He was the best operative with this set of skills on the team, and Eli was damn grateful for his critical – and sometimes cynical – mind.

“So, you’re back to thinking he had help,” Eli said.

“Help, or a shit ton of resources in place before she even arrived. However, at the end of the day, she ended up safe with Jonas, who had no intention of hurting her, only saving her. He made that clear, and all markers indicate he was being truthful,” Israel stated. “The real question here is whether or not the one man we have a tip on was the criminal mastermind, or was he the muscle Jonas used to save her before anyone could hurt her?”

Ronan leaned back in his chair and let out a low whistle. “You bring up a very good point. This could very well be an ally and not an enemy who she’s remembering. We already know her memories are messy, man. What if the fear we all witnessed is nothing more than her mind remembering she was in trouble to begin with, and this guy saved her from it, and she’s just combining the two into one?”

“So, we are back where we started,” Eli said, tossing a pen on the table in frustration while he stared at a pad of notes he’d been taking. “We have nothing.”

“We have a lot more than nothing,” Coy assured. “We’ve broken cases with less. We know Jonas was an ally and had to have someone help him get Cally to Medaro – another ally. We also know there was a threat to cause his reaction – an enemy. We know your father was poisoned and now deceased – the throne’s on the line. That was likely our motive right there. Who wants the throne?”

“My father was in some dirty shit, I’m sure of it. He always had his hand in the cookie jar. What if his death was to silence him or remove him as an obstacle to something else?”

“Everything has come back clean,” Killion said. “I cannot find any off-business dealings, communications, moving money…nothing indicates anything more. I think we lean toward a play for the throne and try to build our case and theory on that unless something else tips the scale. It’s somewhere to start.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Eli said. “It was my initial thought too, but I just can’t put my finger on anyone that would go to such trouble to overthrow the monarch and get this far without leaving a trace of anything in their wake.”

“They did,” Penelope said. “They did leave something in their wake, or Jonas wouldn’t have known to intervene. He knew Eli. He knew something sinister was at play.”

“And he took whatever that evidence was to the grave,” Eli said. “Son of a bitch.”

“Or did he? I keep thinking about how he behaved and the things he was saying,” Carter added. “Thinking back, it’s like he was talking in some kind of code. He told us something, and we just didn’t catch it.”

“Or…” Israel said. “He told Cally, and she doesn’t realize it.”

“We can’t drag her back in here. Not after everything she just went through,” Eli said. “As it is, I feel like I’m lying to her by not telling her the whole truth and keeping information from her. I know she senses it. She knows there’s more, and I think that was a part of the fear we saw.”

“I agree. We need to give her a break,” Ryla agreed. “But you are going to have to tell her. If she finds out another way or too much later, she’s going to feel betrayed or maybe deceived, and that is never a good thing, cousin. She’s tough. She might not be ready to dive into the mystery of what happened, but she’s a strong girl, or you wouldn’t have picked her. She can handle the truth as long as you don’t take too long to share it.”

Eli nodded. Ryla was right, and he already knew he needed to tell her. The idea of upsetting her anymore or hurting her in any way left him feeling a sense of defeat, and he wasn’t used to that. Cally could handle the truth, Ryla was right about that, but maybe he couldn’t. The truth was daunting. It was hard to believe and sketchy at best, but it was his truth, and denying her was denying himself.

“As soon as I get the all clear from Doc, I’ll tell her after she rests. I’ll tell her as much as she can handle, and I guess…play the rest by ear,” Eli said. “In the meantime, we keep digging. Let’s figure out who’s watching Pen’s activity and grab anything we can from Spain. Watch everything, report everything, even if it seems insignificant. This is going to be one of those needle in a haystack things, I think.

“I have something already,” Killion said. “Penelope is definitely being watched. Someone is tracking her accounts.”

“I’m being stalked?”

“Don’t worry. They have no idea you’re here in Portland. I’ve been manipulating data to make it look like you’re in New York making purchases and booked a room in your name too.”

Penelope was surprised. “Why not use the family residence? Wouldn’t that seem more obvious? The hotel might clue them in that this is all a ruse.”

“Not exactly. It would be incredibly easy for them to confirm if you were really at the family residence. I’ve checked, and there are already suspicious comings and goings there,” Killion said as he put some video threads up on the wall of screens.

“So, we’ve already got company,” Eli said. “They must have followed us right out of there.”

“Or they’re local operatives working for the monarchy and intelligence. We have people everywhere for this type of reason. Especially if we feel there’s a threat on the royal family,” Ryla said. “However, if this was from the palace, I would have been made aware. Perhaps I have a few dirty agents making money on the side? Get me what you have, Killion, and I’ll get a team on them right away and gather some intel.”

Killion nodded. “We have teams all over too, and I’ve already dispatched one in New York. Joint effort? Share info? I have to admit, your team might be better at identifying anyone who was a threat if they all work together.”

“Got it. My team takes the lead; yours runs backup.” Ryla pulled out her phone and tapped rapidly at her screen.

“I have random appointments set up for dress fittings and showings so your presence can be verified too,” Killion said to Penelope.

“Won’t they be suspicious when I don’t show up? Especially if they think they’re following me and never see me?”

Killion snickered to himself. “Nope. You are showing up. I have a decoy staying in the hotel room and moving about New York. She’s a Keeper and enjoying the mission. Especially the room service. Except the alcohol – she isn’t drinking it.”

“Alcohol?” Penelope seemed offended. “I’m not a heavy drinker, Mr. O’Reilly.”

“I figured as much so I did some checking and see that the palace orders a special wine from a vintner in Italy, so I had some flown in, and the hotel keeps delivering it to the room. I figured you’re in mourning after the passing of your father and dear family friend, and you’re here on holiday preparing for a wedding, so it’s also like a last hoorah. There would be drinking involved.”

“Well, I suppose you’re right. You’re really good at this. Tell your agent to keep the wine for when she’s off duty. Certainly, she’ll want it after playing me for a spell. It’s very expensive and very good,” Penelope admitted.

He nodded. “If the unusual activity we picked up continues, the agent and her team will grab them. In the meantime, we watch from here, and I think I’ll increase the princess’s itinerary to really provoke anyone watching and get them to make a move.”

“You’re bloody brilliant,” Ryla said in a sultry voice as she leaned in over the table toward Killion.

“Technically, I’m a genius, but anyone can learn how to do this. It’s all about patterns and…” He looked up from his screen and saw the blank stares pinned on him. “You didn’t ask for details.”

“Oh, but I find them fascinating. You are fascinating,” she fired back.

“I’m, uh… learning to read the room. Case facts only. Nerd speak, as they call it, only if asked,” Killion admitted. “I get excited about the details and intricacy. They don’t.”

“What else excites you, Killion?” she asked, and Eli choked on his water.

“Oh, a lot of things. Mostly this stuff, though. I’m almost always working because I enjoy it,” he admitted.

“I’d love to learn more. Maybe you can fill me in later. Maybe over a drink.”

Killion looked up from his computer. “You mean…go somewhere and have a club soda or a beer?”

Ronan and Ryker snickered.

“Jesus, Killion.” Coy laughed. “She means, just go out. It doesn’t matter what you drink, man.”

“Well, club soda is more casual and friendly. A beer, well, that could mean more or even lead to more. I’m just trying to gauge the intention and decide which is which here.”

“You can have whatever you want,” she whispered.

Wit let out a low whistle. “This meetin’ just took a wild turn. Who has the popcorn? This is ’bout to get interestin’.”

Eli cleared his throat to grab Ryla’s attention and let Killion off the hook. “I don’t think that was a great idea, Ryla. Let’s just stick to the case for now and get back on track.”

“Right,” Killion chimed in. “You being here needs to stay under the radar until we know you weren’t followed or picked up on some facial rec program out there. We need to be safe and wait things out.”

“Exactly,” Eli said, breathing easier.

“We could have a drink on the rooftop deck. There’s a nice garden and everything.”

“Shit,” Eli said under his breath and gave Ryla a threatening look.

“Sounds perfect,” she said, leaning back in her chair, gaze locked on Killion, who looked everywhere but at Ryla, his nervousness evident.

Eli rolled his chair away from the table and leaned back, dragging his hands down his face. “Great. This is just…great.”

Penelope looked back and forth between Killion and Ryla and took matters into her own hands for reasons unknown. “I’ll join you. Sounds like fun.”

“Me too, then,” Israel was quick to say.

“Oh, this just keeps getting better, doesn’t it? Ryla. Seriously,” Eli scolded. “Can we keep the speed dating for later – like after the case? We really don’t need any distractions.”

“Oh, I’m distracted,” Ryla said.

The rest of the team was amused by the banter and let it be known.

“What are you doing tonight, Coy?” Ronan asked. “Want to have a…drink?”

Coy batted his lashes. “I’m having drinks with Ryker…sorry.”

“Gasp.” Ronan teased. “With my…brother?

“For fuck’s sake, can you idiots knock it off?” Eli hollered. He was quick to catch his tone and regretted it immediately. “Sorry. It’s been a long fucking few days. I need to get upstairs with Cally. Let’s mull all this over and see what comes up in the next twelve or so hours and reconvene then.”

“I have a starting point and a few ideas. I’ll get to work,” Killion said.

“What are you considering the starting point?” Israel asked. “I’ll see if I can help fill in the blanks if I know where we’re at.”

Eli looked at everyone around the table and landed on Killion, sure he was on the same page, and when Killion nodded, he knew. “The weeks leading up to Cally’s disappearance.”