Royal Reckoning by Stephanie St. Klaire


Eli’s gobag was always at the ready. That was just how it was done in their line of work. Plus, they’d only just returned from the last mission, so it hadn’t had any time to collect dust.

He’d been quiet upon entering his apartment so as not to wake Cally. He would have to eventually let her know he was leaving, but he’d let her sleep as long as he could. While he grabbed a few extra supplies from his closet, he heard her stir. He stood silent in the dark closet and waited for her to settle, but she didn’t. He was trained to hear something as simple as a shift in the wind blow. She was definitely fitful, and he was torn between going to her and letting her work it out in her sleep.

When she started to cry out, he dropped everything and ran to her. He was just in time to catch the lamp she’d somehow managed to knock from the nightstand in her sleep-filled fit.

“Cally, love,” he said gently, sitting on the edge of the bed. He laid a hand on her hip and repeated her name. “Cally girl, wake up. It’s me.”

Cally sat straight up and belted a horrific gut-wrenching scream, and began to beat against Eli’s chest. She was fighting him, screaming no, while still sound asleep.

He knew better than to grab her wrists yet did it anyway and quickly learned why you’re supposed to wake the person completely and not restrain them. She only fought harder, and if he was to learn anything at that moment of poor judgment, it was that Cally was much stronger than he’d ever given her credit for. Especially her punch and the fat lip he was sure to feel shortly would be a nice match for the black eye he was certain he’d just earned himself. She’d struck him – twice.

Eli let go of her and slid to the bottom corner of the bed, out of reach, and continued to call for her to wake.

“Cally,” he said louder. “Cally, you’re safe. It’s me, Eli. Wake up, love. I’m here. You’re safe.”

He repeated himself time and time again, and each time he told her she was safe, she calmed and fought less. She finally woke up in a cold sweat, looking around the room, confused by his presence and how fatigued she felt.

She looked at her right hand and made a fist, wincing as she did. She rubbed her wound with her free hand and looked at Eli. “Wh-What is going on?”

“You tell me, baby,” he said, moving close to her again. “You were having a bad dream, I believe. You were quite upset.”

He leaned over and turned on the light. “See, it’s me. Just me. You’re safe.”

“That was…” Cally looked around the room as if to make sure she really was awake, and everything around her really was there. “It was so real. I don’t know where I was. I thought I was with you on an airplane.”

“We were just on a plane. Maybe you were dreaming about that?” he asked.

“No. It wasn’t the same plane. I woke up in the cabin, not a room on the plane. I couldn’t find you, and when you appeared, it’s like it wasn’t you. Or somehow I knew it wasn’t really you? I just remember fighting and trying to get away, but we were up in the air, and there was nowhere to go. I felt trapped.”

“You’ve been through a lot these past several days, and you’re exhausted. Maybe it was just everything hitting you at once, and that was why it feels so confusing.”

“Maybe. It just seemed so real, but why would I want to get away from you?” She let out an awkward chuckle.

“I can be a handful at times,” he teased, trying to lighten the moment. He reached for her hands. “Do you think it could be a memory or a part of a memory?”

“I don’t know what I could be remembering. I’ve never flown with you and wanted off the plane,” she said lightly.

“Good point.” He smiled. Deep down, he knew there was more to the story because what she described lined up with Killion’s findings, which somehow connect to Eli. She might not realize there’s something there, but he did. She was remembering and didn’t know it.

Cally glanced at the black duffel bag on the floor by the door. “You’re leaving.”

“I am.” He moved closer and leaned in to kiss her. “We might have a break in the case, and I have to go check it out. I won’t be gone long. Hopefully a day at most.”

“Okay.” She looked down at their joined hands. “I don’t know why, but I’m suddenly nervous.”

“Don’t be, okay? You are safe here. Nobody can get to you. Just don’t leave the building, even with security. Until we know what happened entirely, I need to know you and my son are here and safe in this building, completely guarded. There will be a team here and on alert, so I’m taking every extra precaution.”

“It’s only a day or so, right? That shouldn’t be too bad. Maybe I’ll start planning the baby’s room while you’re away as a distraction?”

He pulled her forehead to his and left his hand resting on the back of her neck. “That sounds perfect to me. I assume that means you’re moving in permanently?”

She nodded her head. “He should have both of us all the time, together. Don’t you think?”

“I do. I love that. And I love you, Cally girl,” he whispered. “I’ve been waiting for this. Waiting for you. And when I get back, I’ll help you with the room. Pick one. I don’t care which one you put him in. Paint blue bunnies all over the damn place if you want – even the kitchen. As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”

“You really want to build the nursery? Are you any good at painting?”

“Bloody terrible at it, but we can just replace the floors when I’m done… and the ceiling and trim,” he teased.

“How about we just hire someone, and you can supervise?”

“Whatever you want. Whatever you need, sweet Cally. Whenever you need it. I’m there for all of it. Blue bunnies and beyond.”

Her bottom lip quivered, and a lone tear escaped her eye.

“Ah, none of that, baby,” he said in a soft tone. “Please don’t cry.”

“I think it’s just the whole baby thing,” she said through a sob. “It’s just hormones, I think. I cry a lot these days and usually over dumb stuff. I just…I just love you, ya know? Like in a way that sometimes hurts, and right now, it kind of hurts.”

Eli pulled her onto his lap and held her. “I know the feeling. I need you like I need air, and sometimes when I’m away from you, it’s like I can’t breathe.”

She let out another sob and nodded. “Hurry back, okay? Come back to us safe because we need you. You know, for the blue bunnies and stuff.”

He chuckled. “I will. I’m going to have Penelope come up and stay with you. Would you be okay with that? Might help the time go by faster, and you’ll feel less anxious.”

“I’d like that, actually. She’s very sweet, and it would be nice to get to know her better before she leaves.”

“She’s thrilled about the baby, so I’m sure you’ll find plenty of things to fill your time. And if you need anything at all, ask… There are plenty of people in the building who would love to help. But don’t leave. Not for any reason.”

“Promise,” she said.

He stood from the bed and pulled her bare body with him in his embrace. He kissed her long and hard as she wrapped her legs around his waist. When she began to move against him, he moaned and laid her on the edge of the bed, never losing their connection while he undid his belt and pants, dropping them to just below his hips. Eli propped one knee on the edge of the bed, forcing her legs to open wider around him, and he buried himself deep inside her with a single thrust.

She arched for him immediately, and he already felt her beginning to tighten as he pumped into her faster.

He lifted his head, holding on to the edge though desperately wanting to fall over, but not before she did. Their passion was fast and grinding but exactly what the other needed. Near-instant gratification.

He looked down at her, locked in a love-drunk gaze. “I love you, Cally. And I’m going to marry you.”

“Eli…” she cried.

“Tell me,” he said, thrusting faster, keeping pace with her moans. “Tell me you’ll marry me. Make me the happiest man alive and marry me, love.”

“Eli…” Her breathing quickened, and her head tilted back. He felt her ready to peak. “I’ll…marry you. I’ll marry you.”

Cally stilled as a wave of ecstasy washed over her. Her body pulsed from the pleasure he’d just given her, and he quickly followed. Eli rested on his elbows to catch his breath with his head on her shoulder. He felt her body continue to quake beneath him. It was all he could do to be still at the moment and take every last bit of her he could before he had to go. This wasn’t how he wanted to leave her or how he wanted this moment to be, but he was damn happy.

“You are going to be the death of me, girl,” he said, pulling away from her. “But you just made me the happiest man in the world.”

Eli pulled his pants to his waist but didn’t bother to button or belt them yet. Going to his dresser drawer, he pulled out a small tiffany blue box and met her back at the bed. Reaching for her left hand, he pulled her to the edge of the bed, and he got down on one knee.

“Cally, love. Tell me you meant it, and it wasn’t just in a moment of passion. Tell me you love me, you love us, and you’ll be my wife. Forever and beyond.”

She swiped away a tear and nodded with excitement. “Yes, Eli. Of course, I will. I will marry you and love you forever.”

He began to place the diamond ring on her finger but paused. “And beyond?”

Her head fell back in laughter. “Yes, and beyond.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and held the back of his head in her hands. “And ever, and ever, and ever.”

“That was what I wanted to hear.” Eli took her mouth after sliding the ring down her finger. “You wait for me. I’ll be back soon, and we’ll celebrate. Only this time…slow. All. Night. Long.”

She bit her bottom lip and growled, and her head fell back as she did. “You, my dear man, are a damn tease. Hurry back to me.”

He nodded and lifted her legs onto the bed and laid her down again, pulling the covers over her. “I will. But for now, you sleep. I’ll give Pen the code to get in so she’s here when you wake. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

He stopped in the bathroom to clean up and get ready before heading downstairs. He was pushing it for time at this point but didn’t regret it one bit. He was an engaged man, and the woman of his dreams was carrying his baby. Life was good – except for where the case was concerned. But he’d see that to the end and quickly because his life with Cally was on pause until the threat was remedied.

He left the bathroom and looked at the bed. The light was off, and she was back to sleep, her ring-clad hand across her belly catching the moonlight peeking in from the night's sky. She looked peaceful, sweet, and beautiful.

He listened to the rain as it hit the window and wondered if this was a sign, the storm Jonas mentioned coming to fruition both literally and figuratively as they were about to walk into who knew what in New York.

“Is this just a storm or a reckoning?” he said quietly.

“That was it,” Cally said in a groggy tone. “That was the name.”

“The name?”

“That Jonas mentioned. Storm.

“Storm,” he repeated, wondering if she was back to a state of lucid dreaming or aware of what she just said. “Okay, love. We’ll talk about it when I get back.”

“Okay. I knew it would come to me. Be safe.”

Eli left the room, and on his way out, he realized she was very much aware of what he’d said and her reply. She was tired, sure, but even in a groggy state as she was, it was clear she’d revealed something very important to the case, and he needed to share it with the team right away.

He pulled out his phone to make a quick call. “Pen…no, everything is okay. I know it’s late, and I’m sorry, but I have a favor to ask…”