Her Daddy’s Special Girl by Mary Potter












I woke up with Rebecca sound asleep in my arms. I smiled as I looked at her hair, which was sleep-messy, and she had a pillow crease across her cheek. She was so cute.

I looked at the alarm on her nightstand and read the time: 06:53 a.m. Good, it was still early. I could get up and cook breakfast for her.

Very softly, I untangled myself from her and turned to creep out of bed. My eyes drifted over to the pile of clothes I’d left on the floor beside the door and after a moment’s deliberation, I decided to grab them. I smirked as I pictured bringing her breakfast in bed and making her eat it naked while I was clothed again. Hopefully, she would be just as inspired for round two this morning.

I carefully made my way out of the room, mindful to keep quiet, and once I was in her kitchen, I started to put my clothes on while I looked around.

Her fridge was empty except for some coffee creamer, three juice boxes, and a random assortment of condiments. Her cabinets were only marginally better, some boxes of mac ‘n cheese, other pantry staples, and an unopened box of pancake mix.

Pancakes could work but… the Daddy in me really wanted to make her a full, hearty breakfast. It was important to me that I take care of her just as well this morning as I had last night.

It was probably too early to have groceries delivered. Luckily, when I walked over to her front door I saw a set of keys on the hook. I decided that I would go out and pick up groceries myself because I could lock up behind me and get back in easily.

There was a store just a few minutes away that had just opened, so I drove there.

In the store, it was hard not to go overboard, grabbing fruits and fresh bread and eggs, plus a couple of activity books I saw in the checkout line. Although I saw a basket of stuffies and blankies in the corner of her bedroom, and I was confident she was a Little, I wasn’t sure what she liked. I wanted to get her input before I bought more things for her.

As I drove back, I thought about what else I wanted to do with her. So many ideas came to mind. There were small things like brushing her hair, and bigger things like taking her on a two-week long vacation somewhere nice. From what we talked about the previous night, it sounded like this level of stress happened to her often and I was hoping I could help relieve that.

I got back to Rebecca’s apartment building and made my way up the stairs with the bags. As quietly as I could, I put the key in the slot and opened the door, walking inside with all of the things in my arms.

I was surprised to find Rebecca out in the living room already, wrapped in her comforter. It was even more surprising to see her practically sobbing on the couch, sucking on her thumb and rocking back and forth. Her eyes met mine and she looked shocked to see me.

“Baby?” I said carefully.

Immediately, she started sobbing again, burying her head in her arms, and squeezing herself tight. I dropped the bags and rushed over to her.

“Baby,” I said, squatting down in front of her. “Rebecca, what happened?”

She hiccoughed and continued to cry, but she lifted her head and reached out for me. I stood and pulled her to me as I sat on the couch, holding her close and smoothing her hair back softly.

“Shh,” I soothed. Again and again I used a soft voice to try and calm her down. It took a few minutes, but her sobs turned into quiet sniffles. “It’s okay, I’m here.”

She clutched onto my shirt and buried her face in the crooks of my arm, mumbling there.

“Hm? What did you say?” I asked softly.

“You left,” she said, more clearly this time.

“I went to the store, there was nothing here to make you breakfast.”

“Breakfast?” She looked up at me, face red and wet and messy. She looked so vulnerable and sad. I pulled her in again to keep her close.

“I wanted to make you something to eat, while we talked.” She made a low, destroyed noise and it sounded like the tears were coming again. I quickly kept talking. “I was hoping we could spend the day together and you’d let me take you out on a date tonight. Maybe to the movies? I thought I remembered seeing a new princess movie playing.”

“But,” she sniffled. “Are you sure?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Was I sure. “I am more than sure. I feel as if you’re what I’ve always been waiting for. I can’t imagine letting you go now.” I pulled back to look in her eyes. “But are you sure? I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to do. It could just be one night, like you originally wanted.”

It would break my heart a little if it was just one night, but if that’s what she wanted I would respect her wishes.

Her face scrunched up, and tears started to fall again, but she was smiling this time. She nodded. “Yes. I’m sure. I’d love to go out with you.”

I rested my forehead against hers and sighed happily. Tucking her under my chin, we stayed like that for a few minutes until Rebecca stopped crying and relaxed in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and nuzzled into her.

“Now, will you let me make you breakfast, Little One?”

Rebecca giggled, and flushed the perfect shade of pink as she looked up at me. “Yes Daddy.”

I hope you enjoyed the second story in the One Night Stand series, and thank you for reading! Aren’t Rebecca and Will a perfect pair? Even though it took some time to get there, they were exactly what the other needed, and are ready to start something new!

Bonnie is also looking for the Daddy she needs. To follow her on her journey to happiness, order the third book in the series “Surrendering for Her Daddy” HERE.

Surrendering For Her Daddy book description:

She doesn’t want to open up. He just wants to give her what she needs.


I am comfortable with the way things operate.

Having one night stands and leaving in the morning,

Is how I like things done

Because I don’t want to get hurt.

Declan isn’t acting like anyone else I’ve had before.

I know he’d be a good Daddy

But am I ready for more than just one night?


Everything about Bonnie draws me in.

She seems carefree and fun,

Unashamed about what she wants.

But I can see something deeper

Something that looks more like pain

Being her Daddy would help both of us.

I’m not sure if she’s ready to be loved like that.

Surrendering For Her Daddy is an intense, but emotionally touching ageplay romance featuring two consenting adults who turn out to be perfect together. It includes DDLG and ABDL elements, drama, and an arousing Happily Every After. Enjoy!

Click Here and read Surrendering For Her Daddy!