His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love


“Sonia Dean.”

My name booms from the speakers as I walk across the stage, my graduation gown gently swishing against my legs, the tassel from my hat tickling my cheek.

“Congratulations, Sonia.” The school president smiles and extends his hands to me, one to shake my hand, the other to hand me my diploma for my accounting degree.

I grin back at him, then turn to face the photographer for my photo. As soon as I finish walking across the stage, my eyes immediately find Boyd’s in the guest seating area. He stands and cheers for me, his smile so wide I think it might split his face in two.

My heart swells as I watch Boyd. I wave back at him, and then head back to my seat. If it wouldn’t be totally weird, I’d just run over to him and his arms right now, but I have to respect the ceremony here.

By the time the last name is read and the final speech has concluded, I bounce out of my seat, my need to share this moment with Boyd at a fever pitch. I run through the crowd, and then I’m in Boyd’s arms and I’m home. He kisses me and spins me around like I’m weightless, making me giggle as my feet fly through the air.

I’m still giggling when he puts me back on the ground. Getting this degree has meant so much to me and I’m excited to move forward with my career.

“Are you still going to have time for my books?” Boyd teases me, kissing me again.

“Of course, my love. I may be focusing on tax work, but I’ll always have time to do your books. Though honestly, now that you’re opening a second location and possibly a third, I’ll need to bring someone on to help me.”

“Whatever you think is best. I want it to be a family business, one day.” Boyd’s voice has more gravity to it and I reach out to run my hand along his jaw. We’ve only been together a year now, but we know that we are forever and that we’re going to raise a family.

We’re standing in the middle of a happy, heaving crowd, but it feels like we’re the only two people in this auditorium. He’s the most important person in my life, with each day together better than the last. Being his girl is more than I even thought a relationship could be. He shows up for the important things – and he remembers the important things – and he makes me feel like the most special woman in the universe. He’s my perfect, sexy man.

“It will be, Boyd. It will be.” I pull him against my body, stifling a moan at how my body reacts to the touch of his, even in a very public and crowded place. He still takes my breath away, with how good of a man he is and how much he loves every bit of me.

“Sonia, it’s time we made it official.”

I blink rapidly, watching as Boyd takes my hands in his, then lowers himself to one knee. I open my mouth to say something, but the words are choked in my throat as he pulls a small, black velvet box from his jacket pocket.

“Oh, Boyd.” I finally manage these words, tears of joy filling my eyes as the raw emotion in Boyd’s eyes overwhelms me. It’s like he thinks – that despite the months we’ve spent together, growing our love and strengthening our connection – that there is a chance I’ll say no to him. There is nothing in this world that would make me say no to him. “Yes!”

Boyd’s brown eyes widen in surprise, and then he laughs.

“I haven’t asked, yet! I prepared a speech!” Still, he opens the box, the lights striking the diamond and sending shards of light up from the ring.

“The answer is now and will always be yes. Yes yes yes yes yes!”

“I want you for my wife, for my life partner, Sonia Dean. I love you beyond words.” Boyd slips the ring on my finger and my love for Boyd expands more than I realized possible. I’ve never doubted my love for Boyd or his love for me, but…this feels deeper, this one step closer to being officially and legally bound to each other.

“Yes, my love. Yes. Today and forever, yes.”

Boyd stands up, gently wiping my tears away, then gathers me in his arms and kisses me with a power that makes me see stars. He hugs me so tightly I’m breathless, but I don’t care. This is real. We are real. The intensity of his hug and kiss drives home the intensity of the love we share. I love when he’s affectionate like this in public, because sometimes I still need to be reminded of our luck in finding each other.

I’ve found my love and we’re going to build our family and legacy.

“Boyd,” my voice chokes as I say his name, “I love you, too. I will always love you.”

“I love you, too, Sonia.”

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