His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love

Chapter 6


“Hey.” Even though my head is under the hood of a car and I can’t immediately see her, I recognize Sonia’s voice in an instant. She showed up.

“Sonia. Hi.” I manage not to knock my head when I extricate myself from the car. Sonia looks nervous and it makes me scared that she’s going to up and quit.

“Um… Can we talk?”

“Of course.” I gesture toward the office. “Hey, Gordon. Keep an eye on things.”

I hear him mutter something under his breath and it’s a damn good thing I can’t hear what he’s saying.

“About Friday night…” Sonia’s voice comes out in a rush and her cheeks flood with color. Awkwardness emanates from her body. I want to wrap my arms around her, hold her like I did on Friday night, but I don’t know yet how she feels.

“Did you have a good birthday?”

“I did! I was so pleased that you showed up! I wasn’t sure if you would, but then it was so…it was a gift I didn’t expect.”

Happiness overtakes me when I see her dazzling smile. Her eyes show me just how much I mean to her and how scared she is, too.

“Good. I’m glad to hear that.” I reach out and touch her arm, letting my fingers linger on her skin for longer than strictly necessary.

“Look. About…Friday night. You didn’t have to stand up for me like that, but I appreciate it. And I don’t want it to be weird, because of the…” she looks at the ground, tension rolling off her in waves, “because of the kiss.”

“Sonia, no.” I take a step closer to her and pull her close to me. “You didn’t force me to do anything I haven’t wanted to do.”

Sonia’s blue eyes are intent as she looks at me.

“You’re… Are you…”

I smile at her awkwardness. I run my hand down her arm until I have her hand in mine, and then I squeeze her fingers.

“Yes, I’m interested in you. I…fuck. There are laws about bosses and employees, but yes, I’m very fucking interested in you. If this makes you uncomfortable, then I understand and I’ll give you an impeccable reference if you want to leave. But please don’t feel like you have to. I don’t want you to go.”

I mentally kick myself. I’ve never been an eloquent man, but I can barely think straight when I’m around Sonia. From the moment she walked in to interview for this job, it was obvious she wasn’t a normal woman. Despite being in college, she has never seemed immature.

“I’m sorry. I sound like an idiot.”

I release her and take a step back, wanting to be respectful of her, even though all I want is to pull her back into my arms and kiss her until her lips are swollen.

“No, Boyd, you don’t.” Sonia’s smile is shy as she looks at me, but the light in her eyes goes straight to my heart. This is the smile I want to see every day for the rest of my life. I need to be the man who makes her smile like this. “In case you’ve missed it,” she stands a little straighter, closing the distance between us and grabbing my hand, “I like you, too. A lot. I know I’ve walked around with a lot of bravado, but I’m honestly scared by how much I like you.”

My heart pounds so hard in my chest.

“Then I think we’re on the same page. I want you to stay here, for a very long time. I need you in my life.” Actually saying these words to Sonia is the hardest thing I’ve done in years, if not ever. When someone means so much to you that your world will shatter if they don’t feel the same way, it’s fucking terrifying.

“Are you sure? I never even let myself dream that you’d really be interested in me. I mean, I hoped you would be, but I never thought I could be so lucky.”

“I’m absolutely sure. Sonia, you’re a remarkable woman. It’s me who is lucky.” When she shakes her head and looks away, frustration surges in me. “Sonia, don’t shake your head like that. You are a remarkable woman. You’re passionate about your schoolwork, you’re a good person, and, if I can say so, you’re sexy as fuck. Why wouldn’t I want you? I’m more amazed that you’re interested in me.”

The sound of Sonia’s laugh is unexpectedly comforting.

“You’re not too shabby yourself. If you’ve liked me so much, how come you haven’t done anything about it? I haven’t exactly been shy about showing interest in you.”

“I’m your boss. I’m too old for you. Take your pick.”

“Hold on,” she says, raising her hand between us. “Let me stop you right there, Boyd West. You may be my boss, but you can still be my partner. I’d like to think I have some say in deciding who’s too old for me and who’s not. And I say you are most definitely not too old for me. I like that you’re older, that you have your life together.”

I look at Sonia and realize I’m no longer in control of my emotions. She owns my heart utterly.

“But my past…”

“Your past is your past. You…we…can build whatever future we want to have.” Her voice is quiet, but her eyes are fierce. Her fingers hold mine tightly and everything shifts. More than ever, I see that she’s a woman I can rely on, who will stand at my side and take on the world with me. I want to share everything with her, just as much as I want to learn everything about her. I want to build a life with her.

Fuck. How did I make it this far in life without her?

“Then I choose you. I want you to be my partner.”

I pull Sonia to me, groaning as her thick curves press against my body, like she was custom built to fit me. I kiss her mouth, hard, barely able to contain my passion for her. Her fingers pull at my shirt and the need to be naked with her is the only thing that matters right now. I’m going to show Sonia just how much she means to me, how there will never be another woman who can even begin to compare to her.

“I…” Sonia’s blue eyes are wide with vulnerability. Her pink tongue licks her lips and it’s the fucking sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I see her walls crumble and my heart expands so much I don’t know how my body can contain it. “I choose you, Boyd. I’ve always wanted you.”

With Sonia in my arms, my soul feels whole. I meet her pretty pink tongue with my own, our kiss speeding up like a finely tuned engine. I kiss Sonia again and I can barely stop from ripping her clothes off. She deserves better than that, especially for our first time, and I’m going to make her see stars when I make love to her.

“Gordon! Shop is in your hands today. I gotta spend time with my woman.”