The Inheritance Clause by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Twelve


I know I’m ready for this, but I still don’t feel prepared. Not for the waves of love washing over me, not for the sexual desire threatening to consume me, not any of it. But I’ve waited so long for this. I’ve spent so long imagining what it would be like, spent so many hours praying that I would be lucky enough to have this someday. Now my dreams are coming true. Now, I know that I’m loved. Now, I know I have something amazing that will last a lifetime.

Starting now.

As he pushes inside me for the first time I feel my universe implode. He’s so big that he’s pushing me to my limit, but having him inside me feels so good, so impossibly good. He growls as my pussy welcomes him inside me.

“Does it feel okay?” he asks.

I nod, unable to form words properly.

“Yes...oh God...yes…”

He begins to move his hips, thrusting in and out of me slowly. It’s good enough to make me feel like I could orgasm on the spot, but I hold off. I need to savor this moment, to be completely present in it as he gives me the ultimate pleasure. He moves a little deeper with his next thrust and I grip the sheets beneath me, laying back and closing my eyes to feel every inch of him sliding inside me. When I open my eyes again, they fall upon his naked chest, his Greek God body dominating mine. Fuck, how did I end up here? How did I get so lucky?

“You look so fucking good right now,” he growls, moving a little faster as he fucks me. “You’re unreal.”

I blush. I’m not used to all of these compliments. But when he tells me I look good, I almost feel like I do. I almost see myself as the beautiful woman he sees me as. As he moves deeper inside of me, his intense stare gliding over my naked body, I realize he sees me the way I see him. He sees me as a work of art, something to be treasured. He feels lucky, so lucky, just like I do. And maybe that’s why we’re so perfect. Even as he’s pleasuring me, he’s appreciating every inch of me, as I’m appreciating him. We both love every inch of one another, and that’s why it’s a match made in heaven.

We’re never going to stop feeling like this, wanting to make love to one another every hour of every day. Not even when our bodies change and age. Not even when we’ve been together for years. I can feel the pleasure of that knowledge as deeply as I can feel his member inside me. This is it for us.

This is the start of forever.

“You’re driving me wild,” he growls deeply as he moves in and out of me. “I want to fuck you harder.”

“Do it,” I gasp out in pleasure. “You won’t hurt me. Let loose.”

And that’s when the mood shifts. I cry out in pleasure as he begins to thrust harder and faster inside me. It’s a different dynamic entirely. Before it was slow and sensual, sexy and sweet. Now, this is everything all at once. It’s hot and dominating, erotic and wild, it’s unhinged and unimaginably pleasurable. I never expected it to feel this way. He leans in to kiss me and euphoria rushes through my body like a tidal wave. I’ve never felt so good in my life.

His tongue dances with mine and I feel him moving deep, deep, deeper inside me. I’m trembling with how good it feels. I stop gripping the sheets and grip onto him instead, feeling his muscles working away as he plows into me. It feels so damn good that I never want it to end. I know that it can’t last forever, but knowing I can have this whenever I want it is just as good. I’m seeing stars as I lay back and look up at the ceiling, enjoying every single inch of him inside me.

I’m wetter than I’ve ever been, and he slides easily in and out of me. I never thought it would be this simple. I expected pain, complications, nerves, but it’s all so seamless. Perfect. It’s magical. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.

“Oh, baby,” I murmur as he takes me. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” he growls in my ear. “I’m going to make you come harder than you’ve ever come before. I’m going to leave you trembling so hard you won’t be able to walk. Then I’m going to come deep inside your pussy. I’m going to put my seed in you and mark my territory. You’re mine now, baby. No one else’s. You and me are forever now.”

His words are as sexy as his actions. All I’ve ever wanted is to give myself to someone forever, to have them love me the way I love them. Now that I’m here with the man of my dreams, I know I’ll never be unhappy again. This is it for the rest of my life. I’ll never need anything or anyone else.

As he grips my hips hard and thrusts once, twice, I feel my orgasm hitting me hard. I cry out as pleasure like I’ve never known before washes through me. And as I hear him groan, I feel him come inside me, and it only heightens my pleasure. I’m crashing, falling, this wild feeling taking over my entire body.

I’m panting hard as I come down slowly, his body still pressed against mine, holding me tight. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover from how good this feels. I can barely see straight and my whole body is shaking, just as he promised it would be. He kept his word.

And heaven takes on a new meaning now. We’re both still in the moment but in a very different way. As our climax subsides a glow takes over, we just hold one another close, and it feels almost as good as the feeling we’ve just experienced. He shifts off me and lies beside me, but pulls me close so that my head rests on his chest. My heart is thumping hard, my body still trembling a little, and I close my eyes, relishing the feeling.

This is what it feels like to matter to someone. It’s a new feeling, and one I never want to let go of. His hand rubs up and down my back, his fingers tickling my skin a little, and it feels so good. When he kisses me on the top of my head I smile. I didn’t expect to feel this good. Maybe I’m still holding on to doubts that he might leave me behind. But I need to get out of my head and accept that I’m finally getting what I want. Let go of my old way of thinking. I don’t have to fight anymore.

“Wow,” Leo says after a long moment. “Just wow.”

I giggle quietly, feeling a little high on the whole thing. I nuzzle into his chest, not ready to talk about it all yet. I just want to lie here and bask in what just happened. I want to relive it in my mind, to let all those emotions sink in. Because this has been the best night of my life and I never ever want to forget it. It signifies so much to me. I’ve stepped over the line into womanhood. He’s taken my virginity from me, but he’s also given me so much more. He’s given me the love and affection I deserve.

He’s made me feel like I matter.

“Thank you,” I whisper as his hand strokes my hair.

“What for, baby?”

I take a deep breath. “For everything. For showing me how much you care. That I matter. For proving to me that this isn’t just a dream, it’s my reality now. I’ve spent a long time feeling scared of what might happen if we dived in at the deep end...feeling scared of how it might end. But you’ve taken all of my insecurities and got rid of them for good. I can finally see that you want me just the same as I want you. I feel safe with you.”

“I’ll always keep you safe,” he growls in my ear. “Just like I’ll always love you. I’ll always give you the time and attention that you deserve. Show you the respect that I know you’ve been lacking in the past. Forget that creep Dan. I’ll never treat you the way he did, and I’ll keep you safe from men like him. He can barely even be called a man after the way he acted. I’ll show you exactly how a real man should treat a woman. I’ll show you that I mean it when I say I’ll protect you. Give me time, and I’ll show you just how much you mean to me.”

“It’s okay. I trust you,” I murmur. And it’s true. I’ve had doubts this past week, but those are quickly fading away. With his arms around me, it’s impossible not to see how much he really cares.

I think back to my life before this. He was always in the forefront of my mind, but so far out of reach. I was miserable, being taunted by Dan and Rachel. They gave me a hard time because I didn’t want to follow their rules. I didn’t want to give up my dreams of being with Leo to please Rachel, and I didn’t want to give in to Dan’s advances to please him.

And now I’m so glad I went through all that suffering because led me here. I didn’t just go for the easy route, which would’ve been so easy to do. I stuck around for love, and now I’ve been rewarded. It feels like fate.

“What’s on your mind?” Leo asks, kissing my forehead again. I sit up a little so I can look him in the eyes.

“I’m just thinking how lucky I am. I feel like I almost missed my chance with you. I almost walked away from this, thinking I’d never get a happy ending. But I stuck around because I knew that if there was the slightest chance of us being together, then it’d be worth it. And now look at us. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been so happy.”

“Neither have I,” Leo growls, leaning in to peck my lips gently. “I’m so glad that this whole mess brought us together. I spent so long thinking I couldn’t have you, that you wouldn’t want a man like me, that I shouldn’t pursue you because of my age...and now we’re here, and it’s better than I ever imagined. I’ve been patient and it’s paid off.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “But I’m done being patient,” he growls. “You’re mine now. And I can have you whenever I want…”

“Yes. Yes, you can,” I murmur. And then suddenly, we’re kissing again. I know exactly how this kiss is going to end. I can sense it starting all over again. And I’m so ready to feel him inside me again, to indulge in these feelings, to finally enjoy myself. It’s time to think about myself, to do what’s best for me, and for him. We’re a team now, an unbreakable unit.

And nothing is going to stand in our way.