The Inheritance Clause by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Thirteen


The past few days have been pure bliss. I’ve spent the entire time indulging in my newfound love. I spend practically all day in bed with Amelia, making love and talking, just enjoying every second we have together. I’ve explored every inch of her body a hundred times over, savoring her taste, learning every curve of her body, discovering new things to love about her. Everything has been so goddamn perfect.

Except for one thing. I’m fully aware that I’m on a timer here. Not that I don’t want to dive in at the deep end with Amelia. I’d marry her right now, in a heartbeat. I want to make sure that she’s ready, I never want to rush her, but I don’t have time for that.

Damn my father for putting so much pressure on this. I need to be married by the end of the month, and that doesn’t seem very far away now. How am I supposed to give Amelia the perfect wedding, what she deserves, when I can feel the time slipping through my fingers?

The thing about my woman is that I know she won’t care about a crazy wedding and a big fuss. Like me, she just wants to be together forever, and I’ve already promised her that. A wedding won’t change things between us. But for the sake of this inheritance clause, I need to marry, ask her to commit to me by putting a ring on her finger.

And of course, I want that. But even if she doesn’t mind having something small and quick for our wedding, I want to give her the world. I can’t help myself. I want to give her the things she’s missed out on for so long. I know full well that she’s not had the same kind of life that I’ve had. It’s been rough for her, and she’s never had expensive, beautiful things like me. That’s why I want to throw her the perfect wedding. I want to buy her a beautiful white dress so that she feels like a princess when she walks down the aisle. I want her to have the best stylist and makeup artist in the state to make her feel special. I want her to have a church filled with guests who are there to see her smile on her wedding day. I want the best flowers, food, music, and wine. I want the entire wedding to be all about her.

But I don’t know if I can pull it off in time. I know I’ve been wasting precious seconds these past few days, lying in bed with Amelia, but of course, that’s worth it. Now, I just have to make up for it.

“Have you got something to ask me?”

I blink and look over at Amelia. She has a coy smile on her pretty face, making my cock stir in my pajama pants. We’re in bed yet again, and I guess I must have gone off into my own thoughts, thinking about my conundrum.

“Something to ask you?” I say, tucking her hair behind her ear and allowing my fingers to linger on her cheek. She averts her eyes, suddenly shy.

“I think you know what question I’m referring to.”

I sigh. I guess she’s getting impatient. She knows what’s at stake too. She’s waiting for a proposal. I know she doesn’t care about the inheritance money, but she doesn’t want me to lose everything I’ve spent so long building up. We both know that if I don’t propose soon, I’m going to lose it all.

“I’m not asking you now,” I growl. “It has to be perfect for you, baby. Special.”

She smiles softly at me. “You know that however you ask me will be special, right?”

“I know you’ll think that no matter what, but I want to do things a certain way. You’re no ordinary woman so there’s no chance you’re getting an ordinary proposal. Only the best for my woman.”

Amelia snuggles into my chest, looking up at me with innocent eyes. “I already have the best. I have you. Just don’t wait too long, ok? Because I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

I kiss the top of her head with a smile, but it’s not long before I return to my concerns. She’s right, I don’t have time for messing around. I have to make some important calls, and I have to do it now. I’m going to make sure that she has nothing, but the best.

I kiss Amelia gently before getting out of bed. She moans in protest and it takes everything in me to stop myself from going back to bed and taking her again. Ever since we gave in to our lust for the first time, we’ve been at it like rabbits, and I want her so badly right now. I want to be deep in her pussy, to feel her tight walls clamping around my cock. But this is what got me losing time in the first place. We have the rest of our lives to indulge in mind-blowing sex, but I only have a few weeks to plan the perfect wedding for my woman. I need to get my priorities straight, which is nearly impossible when the sexy curves of her body are calling to me.

“Come back to bed,” she purrs. “I want you.”

My cock is rock hard now. I can’t say no to her now that she’s actually asking me out loud, her confidence growing by the day. I turn back to the bed and grab her by the hips, making her giggle as I turn her around on all fours, her luscious ass and pussy calling out to me.

“One last time baby,” I growl in warning. “Then I have work to do.”

The last time turns into three times, but by the time I eventually leave her behind in bed, I feel ready to plan. I’m not going to leave my office again until I’ve got this whole show on the road.

I head into my office and spend the day making calls. I need a venue, florist, designer, and a caterer. I need so many people that I can’t keep track of. But the good thing about sitting on an enormous fortune is I can afford the people and places that not many can. While others are squabbling over venues that aren’t available for years in advance, I can afford the biggest and best. By the time evening approaches, I have almost everything in order, or almost.

And now, there’s one more thing that I need to focus on.

The proposal.

It has to be amazing, a night for Amelia to remember forever. It has to show her just how much she means to me. I need her to know that my love is unconditional, that I’d be marrying her no matter what. This was always meant to be, but our timeline has been tightened a little. Not that it matters. It just means I have to be ready sooner.

But I’ve always been ready to spend my life with her. The one woman in the entire world who has been able to capture my heart. The only one who wants me for pure reasons only. I think of Claudia and almost laugh out loud. If dad really thought she was a good match for me, then he must have been delusional.

This whole thing that he set up is crazy. I’ve never known anyone to be forced to marry because of an inheritance clause before. But in so many ways, I’m grateful that he sent me on this crazy journey. I spent so long thinking that Amelia was off-limits to me, feeling too old, thinking that I could never have the one woman who made me feel something. Now she’s mine for now and for forever. With her by my side, I feel rich in ways that no inheritance clause could ever make me feel. She’s changed my life forever, made it worth living. With her by my side, I never have to feel like I’m alone again. My father was always my companion in life, my business partner, my closest confidant. Now that he’s gone, I have someone just as good, perhaps even better. The love of my life. The cause of my smiles. The woman who gave me my sexual awakening.

I don’t know what more I could have asked for in a partner.

And now we’re so close to making it official. Tomorrow night, I’ll propose to her and ask her to be mine for the rest of our days. She has no idea what I’ve got planned for her, but that’ll only make it all the more special. I know that she’s going to love it, even though she would’ve been content no matter how I asked her. I want her to know that she’s deserving of the life I plan to give her.

As I take a break from planning, I allow myself to get lost in my future plans. We’re going to have it all. A big family. A perfect home. A place to explore our passion. Amelia can spend her days painting, just like she’s always wanted, and when I come home from work, we can spend all night making love to one another. I’ll never grow bored. Every time we touch one another, it feels as incredible as the first time. Somehow, I know that feeling will never leave us. For some, the spark between them fades, their flame extinguished, but our fire will burn on forever. We might have an entire lifetime ahead of us, but even if we live forever, this love will never die. That’s what makes it so damn special.

And my proposal will reflect that. She’s not going to see it coming. It won’t be like any proposal she’s ever heard of before. It’s going to be unique to us, so special that she’ll never forget it. I already have a brand new dress for her for the occasion, and she will feel as beautiful as she always looks to me. It’s going to be hard pulling it all together without her noticing what I’m up to, but hopefully, I can keep it a surprise until the last moment. I don’t want a single thing to go wrong.

There’s a lot riding on all of this. This is the first step before the rest of our lives together. But I’ve got the perfect ring. I’ve bought her a dress that she’ll look stunning in. I’ve planned every part of the night meticulously. If anything goes wrong then I don’t know what the hell I’ll do. I guess the reason I’m so concerned about this is that I can barely believe my luck. I still can’t believe a woman as incredible as Amelia would want anything to do with an older man like me. Just because I’m rich, it doesn’t mean I have much else to offer her. She could have anyone in the world and she’s chosen me. I don’t deserve her one bit, and yet, she’s going to promise to spend her life with me. That’s why this can’t go wrong. It has to be perfect for my perfect woman.

I know I won’t sleep much tonight. Not with such a big day ahead of me. Because by the time it’s over, life will never be the same again. Then again, I can’t say I mind. Not when Amelia is bringing so much light to my life, so much love, so much happiness. I wish I could do it now, but the setup will take all day. No, tomorrow is the day.

I can only pray it all goes well.