Atticus by R.E. Butler

Chapter Six

He couldn’t say he was surprised to see Lori sneaking out with her bag packed before dawn, but he was definitely disappointed. He’d had a strange feeling all day that she was going to bolt. While his first instinct had been to lock the door to the apartment and keep her safe, he wasn’t about to imprison her. She didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. Her whole adult life she’d made decisions based on her stalker and keeping herself and Novi safe. Atticus wanted her safe, wanted her to know that he could and would provide for her, but he couldn’t tell her what he knew.

If only she knew that shifters were real.

So instead of barging into her apartment and calling her on her leaving, he’d parked himself outside of her place and waited.

He’d honestly hoped he’d be wrong and she wouldn’t leave, but then he’d heard her at the door, muttering to herself. His gorilla had been furious. He’d had a hard time not shifting and beating his chest with his fists. He wasn’t mad at her, but at the situation. How scared she must be to feel like she needed to flee in the middle of the night without letting anyone know.

Lori gasped and dropped her suitcase with a thud.

Her eyes went wide and her brows lifted, her mouth forming an O as she stared at him.

What are you doing?” She hissed the words at him with a low voice.

He snorted and folded his arms, well aware that he was blocking the walkway. “What areyoudoing, Lori?”

Would you believe going to work?”

Not with your bag packed. Try again.”

She blinked rapidly and looked up, and he could smell the tears that were forming, all saltwater and sadness.

I can’t stay,” she whispered as she lowered her head, avoiding his gaze.

Yes, you can. You’re safe here, Lori. I swear on my life.”

This time, she lifted her head to look at him, anger sparkling in the depths of her eyes. “That’s the problem!”


You could die, Atticus. Because of me. Because I made one mistake twenty-four years ago and have a target on my back. Keir’s found me again, and it’s just a matter of time before he figures out that Novi and I are here.”

His gorilla was dually pleased she cared about his life and pissed that she thought he was so frail as to be taken out by a dumb bear. “So you’re going to do what exactly?”

Leave and lead him away from this. Give Novi her life.”

He took a step toward her. “You’d be all alone.”

I’ll survive.”

He stared at her. “It’s not safe to be alone and cut off from everything and everyone. I promised I’d keep you safe. Did you think I was just saying something flowery and nice to get you into bed?”

Her nose wrinkled as her upper lip curled. “No, of course not.”

Then why don’t you believe me? All you’ve done is run. You’re about to do something extremely foolish and put yourself in more danger.”

The space between her brows wrinkled as she frowned, and she curled her hands into fists. “I can’t stay.”

Why not?”


That’s not an answer, Lori.” He barely stifled a growl.

Because I like you, okay? Because if I stay, I’m going to want to do more than hold your hand, and then he could come after you too. If something happened to you, I’d just...I’d never forgive myself, okay? I can’t let you get hurt for me—please, don’t you understand?” Tears pooled in her eyes and flowed over her cheeks as she tried to stifle her sob.

He stepped past her suitcase and pulled her into his arms. She was stiff as a board at first, and then she melted with a sob, her hands curling in his shirt and her soft cries breaking his heart. He cupped the back of her head and held her tight. “I like you too, Lori. Which is why I can’t let you go alone. If you want to leave, I’ll leave with you. You can’t give up your life and put yourself at risk because you’re scared of your feelings for me.”

You can’t come with me.”

Sure I can. I’ll be your navigator and your protector. Whatever happens, I’m by your side.”

She shuddered and exhaled shakily. “Why would you leave everything for me? You don’t know me.”

But I want to. Tell me you don’t feel connected to me in some deep way, even though we only met yesterday afternoon.”

I don’t.”

He chuckled, hearing the dishonesty in her voice. “Liar.”

Stop that,” she said, lifting from his shoulder. “I’m not a liar, I’m just trying to spare you.”

He brushed the tears from her cheeks. “Sweetheart, it’s true that I don’t know you, but I feel connected to you. I want to be with you. If you’re going to leave, then I’ll be with you, period. There’s a part of me that won’t let you be in danger alone. I have to listen to it.”

She didn’t say anything, just stared at him with green eyes that were bright with tears.

Do you really want to leave?” he asked.

No.” The word was whispered, but he heard it all the same and his gorilla hooted for joy.

Good. Then let’s go back inside your apartment and talk.”

You’re not mad at me?”

Nah. You’ve been running for twenty years. I just had a feeling that you got spooked because we clicked so easily. But for the record, sweetheart, you don’t have to be afraid of me, and you don’t have to be afraid for me. I can take care of Keir if he shows up, and I can one hundred percent take care of you.”

She looked like she wasn’t sure if she believed him, but then she sniffled and nodded. “I really don’t want to go. I...couldn’t face you or Novi, so I knew I had to leave without saying goodbye.” She put the key in the lock and opened the door. Then she looked back up at him and added, “But it killed me.”

He followed her into the apartment and set her suitcase on the floor by the door. He shut and locked the door and silently thanked his lucky stars that he’d been sitting outside the apartment when she tried to leave.

I’m glad I was able to stop you,” he said.

She sat on the couch and looked so weary. He joined her and put his arm around her. She immediately leaned into him and put her head over his heart. “Atticus, I’m sorry.”

Don’t be, sweetheart,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “I’ve got your back. You’re not alone.”

She let out a barely stifled sob, and he put his arms around her and held her while she wept. While things weren’t fixed by a long shot, at least she was with him and not pushing him away. It was a step in the right direction.