A Blessed Song for Their Love by Olivia Haywood

Chapter Twenty-Three

Thomas and Arthur sipped their coffee in silence. The atmosphere was tense as Rosaline cooked the breakfast, jumping at the slightest sounds while Robbie played with his blocks on the kitchen floor.


Two shotguns lay ready on the table by the door, just in case anyone needed to defend themselves. Thomas had made sure to stay close to the house and kept a close eye on Rosaline and Robbie over the past few days. Nevertheless, he had taught Rosaline how to fire the guns. Anything could happen at a moment's notice, and he didn’t want to take any chances.


They hadn’t heard or seen anything of Diedrick and Higgs after their encounter with Rosaline a few days prior. Even Ian’s lodgings in town were empty when they went to check in town. Everyone was walking on eggshells in anticipation of what was to come.


Rosaline’s hands froze over the pots as they heard the sound of hooves followed by what sounded like a carriage pulling into the yard. She quickly made her way over to Robbie and lifted him into her arms.


Thomas stood and placed himself directly in front of Rosaline and his son as Arthur brought the guns to the kitchen table and took up his place beside his son.


The horses came to a stop a few feet away from the door. They could hear the sound of doors opening and closing followed by heavy footsteps.


The sun was momentarily blocked out as a tall figure entered the doorway. Diederick Voss removed his top hat and placed it under his arm, his gold-tipped cane swinging from his arm.


Thomas felt Rosaline’s hand grip the back of his shirt as the atmosphere intensified.


Elroy Higgs entered the room behind him, all traces of kindness replaced by a nasty sneer. His eyes were cold and dark.


Thomas shivered as he looked at the man, and briefly wondered how they could have been taken in by him.


“I see you have prepared for a fight,” Diedrick glanced at the guns on the table. “No matter, no matter,” he said in a professional tone. “This is purely business Stratton, no need for violence. I’m just here for my money.” He clicked his fingers and held his hand out to Higgs.


Elroy opened the brown case he was carrying and pulled out the contracts.


Diedrick took the papers and checked them over. “Ah yes, here we go,” He smiled nastily at Thomas and Arthur. “I’m here to accept your payment in full plus the interest you have gathered.’’


“What interest?” Thomas asked coolly.


“My dear chap,” Diedrick laughed. “The interest you incurred when you failed to make your first payment two days ago.”


“We went into town, nobody was there. The failed payment is not our fault, we didn’t know how to get the money to Mr. Higgs.”


Diedrick laughed even harder and threw the contract onto the table, knocking some cups over in the process.


Rosaline tried to soothe Robbie as he began to cry.


“If you read your contract carefully, I am entitled to triple the payment should you miss even a single payment,” He held his hand up to silence Arthur before he could protest. “The responsibility of timely payments fall entirely onto the lender of the money. In plain language, that is entirely your problem, and not mine. So I’ll be taking my money.”


“We don’t have it, we used the money to pay for the new foals,” Thomas stood his ground.


“I fail to see how this is my problem,” Diedrick said and looked at Rosaline. “Of course, we can make this all go away. We can work out another contract for you to repay the money. You will never see me again.”


Thomas felt Rosaline take a step forward and gently lifted his hand to hold her back. “If Rosaline goes with you, you mean.”


“Ah,” Diedrick said happily. “We are all on the same page then.”


Thomas picked up the gun closest to him and loaded the barrel. “Let me make something perfectly clear, Mr. Voss,” he said as he kept the barrel pointing to the ground. “Rosaline is not some chattel that you can come and claim back when you feel like it. She is my wife and will not feature in any kind of deal. You will have to find somebody else to sing for you.”


“I see,” Diederick said coolly. “You leave me no choice then but to take action against Rosaline for the property she stole.”


“I didn’t steal anything from you,” Rosaline said hotly.


Thomas lifted his gun and pointed it at Diedrick. “You heard my wife, she said that she’s not a thief, so I suggest you remove yourself from my property. You will get your money when you get your money. Even if I have to give up the ranch, I will not be giving up Rosaline.”


Diedrick took a step back. “You will regret this, Mr. Stratton.”


“Possibly, but I can guarantee you will regret it even more if you don’t leave.”


“You haven’t heard the last of this.” He turned to his partner. “Come Mr. Higgs, it seems we have outstayed our welcome.”


“Clearly,” Higgs scoffed and smiled at Rosaline. “Such a pity when the company is so enchanting.”


Arthur reached for the other gun and loaded it.


The men made their way out of the kitchen. Thomas waited for the sound of retreating hooves before he lowered his gun.


“I’ll take the boys and do a sweep of the property,” Arthur said and left the kitchen.


Thomas turned to Rosaline and saw that she was as white as a sheet. She was bouncing Robbie on her hips.


“Are you alright?” he asked and gently touched her cheek.


“I’m causing so much trouble for you Thomas, perhaps it is better if I just leave. He won’t hurt me if I go quietly.”


Thomas reached for her scarred hand and lifted her palm towards him. She tried to retract and hide her scar out of habit, but Thomas lifted her hand and kissed her palm. “You are never leaving Rosaline, even if I have to lose this ranch, you are more important.”




Thomas came into the room as Rosaline was packing her things into her valise. It was dark outside, and the house was quiet. Robbie and Arthur were fast asleep in the nursery as Rosaline packed her things in the small room.


“Going somewhere?”


Rosaline jumped slightly as Thomas quietly spoke from the doorway. She clutched at her chest. “You gave me a fright. I thought you were sleeping, Thomas.”


“I can see that,” He unfolded his arms and came into the room. Taking the items from the valise he replaced them on the bedside table.


“Thomas stop.” Rosaline gently placed a hand on his arm. “You know it is better this way. I can’t let you give up the ranch out of duty to me.”


He stopped and looked into her eyes. “You think I want you to stay because of a piece of paper we signed?” He clenched his jaw and looked at her. “Is that really what you think of us, Rosaline?”


He searched her eyes. She doesn’t know Thomas. You need to tell her. She doesn't know you want her to stay, he heard a quiet voice inside his heart. Thomas stepped forward but resisted the urge to brush the loose hairs behind her ear.


“If you have been happy here, Rosaline, then stay, but if you truly do not love me, then I won’t force you to.” He swallowed hard as he sought for the right words to make her understand. “I want you to stay Rosaline.” His lips drew nearer to hers. “I will never force you if you don’t feel the same, I only want your happiness.”


He drew back without kissing her. “I hope you are still here in the morning. It’s your decision.” He gently ran the back of his fingers over her cheek before leaving the room and making his way back to his own.


He didn’t know if he loved her or not so he couldn’t say that to make her stay. His feelings for her were very strong, but he felt like he needed more time to know if what he felt for her was love.


The candle next to his bed flickered as Thomas fell to his knees and prayed. “Lord, I think I love her, but don’t let me push too hard or stand in her way if she doesn’t feel the same. Just keep her safe, no matter what she decides.”




Thomas opened his eyes flung his legs off the bed. Running his hands through his hair he struggled with his thoughts. He hadn’t gotten much sleep at all, worrying about Rosaline and whether or not she would still be there when he woke up.


He hadn't heard anything after he left her room, but Rosaline was so slight she could sneak away in the dead of night without making a sound. He stood and dressed, washed his face and braced himself as he stepped out into the hall. Whatever she had decided, he would face it.


He walked past her room and glanced at the made bed and the absence of her belongings. Rosaline was meticulously neat, her things could just be tidied away again. His heart was sinking fast as he peered into the nursery. Empty.


Walking faster, he entered the kitchen.


Arthur was sitting in the kitchen with Robbie on his lap. Rosaline was nowhere to be seen.


“Where...” he began.


“Good morning,” Rosaline said from behind him.


He turned to see her standing in the doorway, holding a basket of eggs. Relief washed over his soul.


“I forgot to collect more eggs yesterday,” she said and came into the kitchen.


I love her. The realization came to him as he watched her place the eggs on the kitchen table. Every fiber of his being wanted to scoop her up in his arms and tell her. He didn’t just care for her. He loved her.


He took a step towards her and stretched out his arm. His body froze as he heard horses coming into the yard.


Rosaline looked at him with fear in her eyes.


“It will be okay,” he reassured her as he reached once more for his gun.


Arthur handed Robbie to her and took the other gun.


They made their way out the door and stood waiting as the carriage pulled up.


Diedrick and Elroy exited the carriage followed by Ezrah Gideon and a fourth man in a uniform similar to Gideon’s.


“We are just here to talk,” Ezrah said calmly to Thomas when he raised his gun, walking ahead of the other men.


“We’ve said all we have to say, Sheriff,” Thomas replied. “These men have no business being on my property.”


“I’m afraid they do, Thomas,” Gideon said as the other men joined him.


“We have here a warrant of arrest for one Rosaline Stratton, nee Berry,” Diedrick said as he took the paper from the uniformed man. “This is the federal marshal who will be overseeing the arrest.


Rosaline hugged Robbie tightly to her side.


The man stepped forward but was blocked by Gideon. “This is still my town folks, I’ll be obliged if you let me handle this,” He came forward and addressed Thomas directly. “These men have alleged that Rosaline took some very valuable gems before she came here.”


“That’s a lie! My wife is not a thief,” Thomas shouted.


“I can handle this,” Rosaline said as she stepped forward and placed a hand on Thomas’ arm. “I never took anything that wasn’t mine when I left, Sheriff. I will be willing to swear to that in a court of law with my hand on the Bible.”


Diedrick scoffed. “You won’t mind us searching the house in that case, then.”


“You stay out of my house!” Thomas took a step forward but was blocked by Rosaline.


“Go ahead, I have nothing to hide,” she said unwaveringly.


Gideon nodded to the Marshal. “I think we should let them conclude their business, Thomas,” He stared at Diedrick and Higgs. “If they want to waste their time, that’s their own affair.”


Rosaline handed Robbie to Arthur and followed Thomas, Gideon and the Federal Marshal into the house.


The man ripped through the kitchen and adjacent rooms like a violent tornado, throwing out drawers and upending the beds.


Thomas stood close to Rosaline as they watched.


The man found nothing as he destroyed room after room. He was halfway through Rosaline’s room when he opened her valise and shook it out. A tiny pouch fell out of a dress pocket.


“Well, well, what do we have here,” the Marshal spoke for the first time in a nasty voice that made Thomas’ teeth stand on edge.


Opening the pouch he poured a handful of tiny diamonds into his rough, calloused hand. “I do believe we have some stolen gems.”


“Thomas, I never!” Rosaline turned to him as the Marshal gripped her arm.


“Get your filthy hands off of her!” Thomas shoved the man away.


Ezrah stepped between them. “I will be handling this from here,” he said to the marshal before turning to Thomas. “I’m going to have to take her in.”


Thomas clenched his fists, but Gideon placed his hands on his shoulders and held him still. “I don’t believe for a minute that Rosaline is guilty Thomas, but you are going to have to let me take care of this. I’ll keep her under house arrest with me. Buena will take good care of her. I promise.”


Ezrah Gideon gently took Rosaline by the arm and led her out of the house.


“What’s happened?” Arthur asked hurriedly when he saw the sheriff holding her arm.


“These were found in the woman’s possessions,” the federal marshal said and handed the pouch of diamonds to Diedrick.


Higgs smiled from ear to ear as Diedrick counted the diamonds. “Not such an innocent little girl then, are we?” he said to Rosaline and smirked.


Thomas came out of the house and took his son from his father’s arms.


“Where do you think you are going?” Diedrick snarled as Thomas walked over to Rosaline.


He stood defiantly beside his wife and unwaveringly addressed Diedrick. “You are crazy if you think I will let her go anywhere without her family.”


Arthur came up next to his son and placed a hand on his shoulder. “We will all be going with her.


“They can’t do that!” Diedrick snarled and bared his teeth. “She’s a criminal!”


“Innocent until proven guilty is how we do things around here,” Gideon said.


“You found the diamonds in her valise for pity sake! What more proof do you need?”


Ezrah cocked his head to the side. “Her valise? I don’t recall anyone saying that they were in the young woman’s valise. How would you know that is where they were found when you were all the way out here?”


Diedrick took a step back and stumbled over some rocks. “What other possessions would a lowly wench such as her have?” He regained his composure and straightened his waistcoat. “Any fool on the street could have guessed that.”


“We will just see about that,” Gideon said and nodded towards the carriage. “You better follow us in that with your men. I’ll be escorting the young lady along with her family into town.”