A Blessed Song for Their Love by Olivia Haywood

Chapter Twenty-Four

Rosaline paced back and forth in the Gideon’s large sitting room where the floral wallpaper and comfortable furnishings did little to ease her mind.


Thomas and Ezrah had been gone for two hours, and Robbie was napping on Arthur’s lap, blissfully unaware of the situation unfolding around him.


The door opened and Thomas came walking into the room followed by Ezrah.


Rosaline stopped pacing when she saw the look on Thomas’ face. Her heart sank as she thought that Diedrick must have convinced him of her guilt. He sat down in a pink chair without looking at her.


Ezrah spoke first. “As things stand at the moment folks, Mr. Voss is demanding that Rosaline stand trial, and since the diamonds were found in her belongings, I can’t see a way out of that.”


Rosaline clutched her waist and placed her other hand on her neck. Her throat was so dry she thought she was about to choke.


“I think we should sit and talk things through. Any little detail could help us at this point to prove that Diedrick is lying. I’m going to go and tell Buena we will be needing some time.” He attempted a half-hearted smile and left the room.


Rosaline’s heart broke as Thomas stared at his boots, not looking up at her. “Thomas I swear I never...” Her words caught in her throat as the tears spilled over. “I never...”


Thomas stood and drew her into his arms, kissing the top of her head as he gently guided her face into his chest. “I never for one second thought you would have taken those gems, Rosaline. I’m just so scared that Diedrick is going to get away with this.


She felt her body going limp as the relief washed through her. If Thomas hadn’t already been holding her up, she was sure that she would have fainted. Thomas believed her. She told herself over and over again. That was all that mattered, no matter what came next.


“My darling, I would never believe you would be capable of something like that, not in a million years. You are too good.”


Rosaline gently drew away from him and looked up into his eyes. The honesty in his honey brown eyes made her melt inside.


“I don’t know where I would be without you, even if I was a doubting Thomas before you came.” A single tear spilled down his cheek as spoke. “After Mary died I never thought that my heart could be whole again, but then you came.” He wiped the tear away with the back of his hand lifted Robbie from his father’s lap and held him between them.


“You made us whole again Rosaline. You mended my relationship with my son and showed me that there is still so much love in the world,” He smiled down at her as the tears flowed freely over his cheeks. “You did all of that Rosaline, that and more than you will ever know. I was blind but now I see.”


“Like doubting Thomas I now have unwavering faith that God will see us through this. He brought you to us after all.”


Rosaline placed her hands over her mouth as she listened to Thomas’ words.


“My darling you are the light of this family and you restored our hearts with your unshakable faith.”


Arthur stood and gently kissed Rosaline’s forehead. “You lass, were the answer to my prayer, so I second that notion. I told you before that I dreamt of a woman with auburn hair that God was sending to us. There is no doubt in my mind that you are that woman Rosaline,” he said, as he too began to cry.


“You are our Ephesians 2:10 woman, masterfully made in His image to help us achieve the good things He had planned for us long ago.”


She shut her eyes against the hot tears that threatened to spill over her cheeks.


Thomas shook her gently. “Do you hear us, Rosaline? Do you understand what we are saying to you?”


Rosaline nodded and opened her eyes. “Words can never express how thankful I am right now. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams,” she managed to say through the tears. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have a beautiful home with such a loving family,” She gently touched Robbie on the cheek as he stared wide-eyed at all of their crying faces.


“I know that whatever comes next, God will make a way for all of us, just as he has been doing this entire time. We will be strong and courageous together, just like in Deuteronomy 31:6-8.” She placed her arms around Thomas and Arthur, drawing them all into a giant hug.


Robbie squirmed beneath the pressure of everyone’s arms, struggling to break free.


They all laughed and broke apart as Buena came into the room carrying a tray of tea. “Isn't that lovely,” she remarked as she saw how Rosaline was blushing. “Jumping right in isn’t so bad after all.”


Rosaline gave her a grateful smile.


“I’m sure we will all feel better once we’ve had our tea,” Ezrah said as he came into the room, oblivious to everything that had just taken place.


They all laughed together as Ezrah stood looking puzzled.




Rosaline sat beside Thomas on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands. They’d all taken a moment to refresh themselves and were now discussing their defense strategy.


“You don’t suppose the diamonds were placed in the dress pocket before you left the farm?” Ezrah asked Rosaline.


She shook her head and chewed on her lips. “I don’t think so, nobody knew that I was planning to leave. Diedrick would not have had a reason to frame me,” She thought for a moment or two. “And even if he did have a reason, the dress was washed several times in the past few months, so either Buena or I would have discovered them. They must have been planted by someone who recently had access to the house.”


Everyone turned to look at Arthur as he dropped the cup he was holding. The amber liquid spilled onto the carpet.


“Are you feeling ill Arthur?” Buena asked after retrieving the cup.


“I’m sorry,” He stammered. “That was terribly clumsy of me.”


“Don’t worry,” Buena patted his hand. “It will clean right out.”


“I just realized that the diamonds were probably my fault.”


They all looked at him in astonishment.


“It could have been Ian that morning he disappeared. I left him alone in the kitchen when Robbie was crying.”


Rosaline set down her cup. “He had been asking me about the layout of the house and all the rooms.”


Thomas stroked his beard in thought.


“Who is Ian?” Ezrah asked.


“The farmhand we hired to help with the new horses, he was recommended by Elroy Higgs,” Thomas informed him.


“The spineless cads,” Ezrah swore under his breath. “They planned this out to the finest detail.”


“He’s our only hope of proving that all of this was a ruse,” Rosaline said quietly, her hope failing slightly.


“We will find him.” Thomas reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.


“But even if we can find him, how can we make him confess? Diedrick would have offered him an enormous amount of money to keep quiet.”


“We will find a way,” Thomas said.


The others all nodded in agreement.


“It seems to be our only hope,” Ezrah agreed and looked through the window. “You folks better be getting back, it’s getting pretty dark out there. Rosaline will have to stay the night in my custody, but she will be comfortable in the spare bedroom.” He looked to Thomas. “She will be safe with us, Buena will see to her.”


Thomas nodded uneasily before turning to Rosaline as the others stood to leave. He closed his eyes and placed his forehead against Rosaline’s. “I’ll find a way,” he whispered so that only she could hear. “Trust me.”


“I do,” She whispered back and hugged him.


Arthur came forward and hugged her together with Robbie. Rosaline kissed his chubby cheek as she fought back the tears. It wasn’t that she was afraid Thomas would fail, but she hated having to stay behind when they all left.


Thomas hovered by the door when the others left the room. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but instead he smiled half-heartedly and closed the door.


Rosaline hugged her waist as she watched her family pull away atop the buckboard. She frowned when she thought she saw the glimpse of a gold-tipped cane disappear around the corner of the street.


Sighing she turned her attention back to the others. “Lord, we need a miracle, now more than ever. Make a way where there seems to be no way,” she whispered in prayer.