King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 5



I knew the subject far too well. Whether facing a light skirmish or an all-out bloody battle, wars not only changed the terrain and economy for the location where the combat ensued, it altered the lives of those involved forever.

How many nights after returning from Iraq had I experienced nightmares? How many night sweats had left me feeling sick inside?

And how many times had I been haunted by the dead eyes and broken bodies of my fallen comrades? Dozens if not more. When planning a war, there were so many things to consider, but often the bottom line was using force to ensure superiority. There was no doubt in my mind that that’s exactly what was needed in this case. We’d been dancing around Morales’ real intentions of invading our territory for years.

Hours had passed. Long hours of enduring questions from the authorities as well as the damn press. They’d hounded me, trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame. I’d almost punched one of the reporters who’d refused to get the hell out of my way. At least my soldiers had intervened. Thank God, I’d managed to get Julieta out of the fray prior to the press making it on site. I didn’t need her picture splashed across the nightly news.

I stood at the window of my condo, the oversized brownstone near the heart of Bourbon Street exactly what I’d needed after returning home. I loathed the thought of a huge estate with a perfectly manicured lawn, a crystal clear pool, and a staff making certain I had everything I needed at my fingertips. Big. Useless.


That wasn’t the kind of life I wanted to live. I relished the activity on the street below, the sights and sound of the vibrant city. I adored the aroma of delicious food wafting in through the open windows on a cool gorgeous evening. The expansive arched windows and high ceilings, the open floor plan and gothic brick positioned throughout the two stories I owned suited my needs perfectly.

I’d never had a guest, had never intended on throwing lavish parties like my other brothers. Now I had someone staying for an extended period of time, at least until I could figure out what the hell to do with her.

I swirled my drink, no longer giving a shit what time it was. I could only tell by the angle of the sun it was the afternoon. I laughed then took a glance at my watch, surprised the damn thing was still working. It was almost after one in the afternoon. The rescue had been flawless, the King system working perfectly as well. The tower had contacted Cristiano, who in turn had sent several soldiers in our direction. I’d insisted that Julieta be taken to safety, checked out by one of the few physicians who we paid very well for their skills. Anonymity was a requirement, and in this case, no one could know Julieta was with us.

Not yet anyway.

At least she’d survived with minor cuts, no apparent damage to her lungs. I darted a glance toward the set of stairs leading to the second floor, half expecting to see her racing down them in some crazy attempt to escape. She’d been so lifeless, her lips so damn cold. Even after placing her in a warm soaking tub, she’d seemed much frailer than the woman who’d managed to slice my arm with a damn kitchen knife.

I almost laughed as I thought about how fiercely she’d fought me, refusing to give in. Then the damn connection we’d shared had been off the charts, the kind of electricity shooting through us that would light up a city.

Morales had taken a significant chance making the attempt the way he had. The man must know we wouldn’t allow his behavior to go unchecked.

Exhaling, I swirled my drink then took a sip. Even the fine scotch did little to calm my nerves. This had to be played perfectly.

The knock on the door was expected.

I’d been the one to summon a family meeting and I was in no mood to go anywhere else at the moment. They could come to me.

Lucian walked in first, followed by Michael and Vincenzo. Our father and mother were on vacation in Italy, a piss poor time for them to be out of the country. Then again, maybe that would save their lives.

What did surprise me was that Cristiano wasn’t with them. That brought an instant red flag.

“Jesus, brother. Are you all right?” Michael asked immediately as he dragged me against him for a bearhug.

Stiffening, I accepted for only a few seconds then pushed him away. “I’m fine. Nothing another scotch or two can’t cure. I’m just furious. There’s going to be questions, the authorities already all over this. Hell, I can only imagine what will be shown on the nightly news. What the hell am I supposed to tell them?”

“First of all, Mr. Carello will handle the authorities as well as the press,” Vincenzo stated.

Joseph Carello, one of my father’s oldest and most trusted friends. As Consigliere, he was also our family and corporation’s counsel, his hard edge and ability to smooth over issues making him invaluable. He was also a man I could barely tolerate and I had no reason why.

“Well, I just know they are bloodhounds,” I answered.

Lucian nodded, a glimmer in his eyes. “You had all the documentation intact, correct?”

Documentation. Fake reasons I’d traveled to South America. I was no fool. I knew what was required. We never transported anything illegal in our plane, allowing the shipment containers to hold the product, the sailors we hired keeping our items protected.

“Of course,” I snapped. “I’m not stupid. And there’s nothing anyone could find in the wreckage that would be questionable.”

“Then stop worrying about it,” Lucian suggested.

A slight tension shifted into the room.

“What’s happened with the babies and Emily?” I asked as I closed the door behind them.

Lucian glanced at Michael before answering. “There are continued complications. Emily is hemorrhaging and one of the babies is having trouble breathing. They think it’s the little girl’s heart.”

“Oh, Jesus. How is Cristiano?”

Michael cleared his throat. “As well as can be expected. Maybe you should go see him later. I know he’s concerned about what happened. Speaking of which, do we have any idea why the plane crashed?”

As usual, business had to come first. I clenched my jaw, still thinking about what Cristiano must be going through.

“I can give it an educated guess. The fuel was polluted before we left the airport. That caused the engines to fail. Whoever crashed the plane knew exactly what they were doing. And if I had to guess, this was planned in advance.”

“What are you suggesting?” Vincenzo asked.

“That the trip was leaked to Morales even before I left New Orleans. Either that or one of the soldiers tipped him off after I landed.” I glared at Lucian. Given he was now in charge of the family organization for the time being, I knew he’d weigh in on this quickly. “In addition, we lost several men in that damn jungle where I was sent. It was an ambush.” I returned to the window, staring out at the beautiful day.

Michael flanked my side. “But the house wasn’t compromised?”

“Not yet. However, my gut told me it was only a matter of time.”

Lucian remained quiet for a full minute. “I agree with you that information regarding your arrival was slipped to Morales. If it wasn’t one of the soldiers you handled, we will spend time dealing with finding the person responsible later. However, it’s my understanding that you brought extra baggage with you.”

Snorting, I took a sip of my drink, motioning toward the bar. “You’re welcome to help yourself.”

“You are unnerved as hell. You never drink in the day,” Vincenzo laughed but walked straight toward the bar. “I can’t imagine it’s all about the crash either.”

“I’ve been through worse, but it’s been an unusual couple of days. As far as baggage,” I said as I pointed to the stairs, “yes, I have an interesting companion. Didn’t Cristiano tell you?”

“Not a word,” Vincenzo huffed.

“Don’t leave us in suspense, brother,” Michael teased.

“Julieta Morales.” I allowed the information to sink in, gazing each one of them in the eyes.

“What. The. Fuck?” Lucian growled.

I passed Vincenzo, moving toward the bottle of scotch, the aches and pains settling in. “She appeared in the darkness, eventually asking for my help after she knew I’d captured her. She claims her father is going to kill her.”

Michael shook his head. “For what?”

“Because she refuses to marry the son of Sanchez Ricardo.”

Vincenzo burst into laughter. “And you believe this girl is even who she claims to be?”

“Oh, she’s Julieta all right. As far as her reasoning, that I don’t necessarily buy.” After refilling my glass, I shifted around to face them.

“What kind of help is she looking for?” Lucian asked quietly.

“If I had to guess, I’d say protection now that she’s out of the country. She did offer a glorious bag of black opals for payment, claiming there is a brand new vein in South America.”

I knew that would draw Lucian’s attention since he controlled our diamond trade industry, marrying the daughter of the most powerful diamond broker in New York in a forced arrangement.

“Fascinating. Why would she believe a bag of opals would matter to us?” he asked.

“If what she’s telling me is the truth, it was more about her ticket to get out of the country any way she could. As far as our interest, from what little she’s told me, Morales is planning on coming into the States, flooding the market with his pristine cocaine and heroin supply as well as considering tackling the fine jewelry market. If that’s accurate, then the man wants to crush us at every turn.”

“The damn deal Cristiano made with him meant nothing,” Michael said under his breath.

“Don’t jump to fucking conclusions until we know everything. It’s entirely possible that Julieta’s arrival was also planned.” Lucian gave me a look as if I didn’t know what I was doing.

I walked closer to him until we were only a few inches apart. “Yes, brother. I’m well aware and have enjoyed confronting her about that very possibility.”

He cocked his head, finally cracking a smile. “Interesting. You had time to… interrogate the woman.”

“Yes,” I chuckled.

“You’re certainly learning the business, Dante, as well as the best methods used. We need to find out everything she knows about her father’s operation. We won’t take no for an answer,” Lucian mandated.

“Agreed, although given the opals are likely at the bottom of the ocean, we have no payment.” I made the statement more out of curiosity as to what Lucian would say.

Vincenzo laughed as he moved closer to Lucian. “There is another option.”

The look they shared pissed me off.

“What the hell are you thinking?” I demanded.

Lucian took a deep breath, pacing the floor. “I think Vincenzo is right. I think there’s only one option and in truth, it will allow us to maintain the upper hand in this war. And it’s unexpected.”

“Meaning what?” I demanded. The look all three brothers shared was as if they were in agreement with whatever Lucian had on his mind. The one thing I refused to do was to be used as a pawn.

The twinkle in Lucian’s eyes pissed me off. I already knew I wasn’t going to like what he had to say. “You should marry her.”

I almost choked on my drink. “You have to be kidding me. I don’t even know the girl.”

“Do I need to remind you that I’d never even spent time with Genevieve before requiring her hand in marriage?”

Hissing, I confronted Lucian, my hand shaking from the rage boiling within me. “I’m not you, Lucian. I never cared to be. While I did indeed use your ruthless tactics in attempting to extract information from Julieta, that doesn’t mean I want to spend the rest of my life with someone I don’t even know.”

Lucian tilted his head, studying me intently. “Think about this, Dante. The daughter of our most significant enemy decided it was in her best interest to ask for your help, as well as protection from the King family. Whether or not her request is just part of a ploy or the truth doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we can use her against Morales in several ways. No matter how angry he is with his own daughter, there is no way he could carry through mandating her murder.”

“And the plane crash?” I retorted.

“That I can’t answer. What I do know is that Morales will want her back at all costs, likely fearful that she knows more about his organization and his plans for invasion than he could ever realize. That will make him weak, making mistakes that could be costly.” Lucian actually made some decent sense, but I refused to be pushed.

Inhaling, I could almost gather a scent of her intoxicating fragrance, as if the woman’s presence refused to leave me. After a few seconds, I shook my head. “She will remain with me and I assure you that she will provide information; however, I refuse to marry her. That’s not what I want out of my life.” I turned away, finding Vincenzo’s angry glare.

“Then what do you want, Dante? You returned with no notice after tossing away the family in order to protect the world. Now, you act as if Cristiano didn’t make the right decision months ago when dealing with Morales instead of creating a bloodbath. While I don’t necessarily value an arranged marriage as much as both Lucian and Cristiano do, this time the decision holds merit. The question is whether or not you’re willing to step up to the plate for your family.”

Vincenzo had always been the playboy, a man with no particular attention to detail or wish to accept his place within the family organization. For him to criticize me was not only difficult, it was outrageous. I reacted without thinking, taking long strides in his direction and throwing a punch.

Not one to back down from a fight, Vincenzo tossed his glass, fisting his hands then slamming one into my stomach.

“That’s it,” Michael bellowed as he grabbed both my arms, yanking me several feet away.

Lucian moved in between us, shaking his head. “This is ridiculous. The last thing we need to do is come apart over this. That’s only going to feed into Morales’ plan. Get a fucking grip. This is business.”

Snarling, I held an icy stare, my eyes never leaving Vincenzo. “I honored the same country you live in, Vincenzo. My service helped to provide a way of life as well as protection for the various freedoms we’ve been allowed to enjoy since our grandfather arrived in this country. I suggest you remember that. As far as my duties to the family, I think I’ve more than proven myself. I don’t need to be questioned by a man who only recently learned he has a heart.” I knew my words were harsh, but I refused to allow any of my family to question my decisions.

The quiet in the room was deafening.

“Take a step away, brother. You’ve been through a horrible ordeal. You’re lucky to be alive.” Michael’s voice of reason had always managed to calm me down. Today was a different story, but I did as he asked, shifting away from Vincenzo before I did something I’d eventually regret.

“We need to think of this in terms of what will work in our best interest, Dante. Take some time and think about what I suggested. You will need to extract as much information from Julieta as possible. And there’s very little time to waste. Once Morales figures out that she’s gone and that you’re alive, his plans will escalate.” Lucian gave me a respectful nod. “I’m glad you’re all right. We will find the asshole who betrayed us.”

Yes, we would. I shifted my gaze toward the stairs, thinking about what he’d said. While I knew what he’d suggested would indeed provide leverage on Morales, I wasn’t prepared to have my entire life turned upside down. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”

“Good. In the meantime, I think Cristiano needs your support.” Lucian patted me on the shoulder. It wasn’t often that he provided a kind word or gesture. That wasn’t usually in his nature.

Until he’d gotten involved with Genevieve.

It was interesting how all four of my brothers had changed since finding the loves of their lives. I recoiled at the thought. As if I could ever love a woman or provide her with what she needed. That wasn’t in my DNA.

* * *

I’d left Julieta at the condo, not only protected but prevented from attempting to escape with two of my guards standing by the front door, another positioned outside. Just in case she was bold enough to try to make an attempt through one of the windows. At least she’d been sleeping when I’d left, her long dark hair splayed out over the pillows, her expression almost serene.

And there hadn’t been a part of me that hadn’t hungered to taste her all over again. Just thinking about it now made my cock twitch.

You can’t touch her.

Like hell I couldn’t. I could do anything I wanted. That was my God-given right by being born into the King family. I glared into the rearview mirror, catching the fury remaining in my eyes in the reflection. The vile words Vincenzo had uttered remained burning in the front of my mind. However, perhaps at least a portion of what he’d said rang true.

I’d wanted nothing more than to get the hell away from the family’s legacy, even managing to pretend that I could ignore my heritage for a few years. While there was no anonymity for anyone coming from a powerful family, especially one considered ruthless and dangerous, after a couple of years, no one gave a shit about who I was.

Only what I could accomplish as a soldier.


I’d learned finally how to take pride in doing something deemed exemplary instead of brutal and cold. Then I’d returned. What the hell had I expected, that anything would actually be any different? I’d been a fool if that was the case.

After I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, I took a deep breath. I hadn’t been around when Cristiano had been sent to prison, or when he’d been released early. And I certainly hadn’t been in the States when he’d decided to capture and keep his lovely wife. As with my other brothers, he seemed genuinely happy being in a relationship. I couldn’t blame him. Emily was a breath of fresh air, able to manage my brother’s darkness by remaining sweet, even innocent.

What he was going through had likely shoved him into an even darker place. I didn’t want that for myself on any level. The situation with Morales was the last thing the family needed. I’d understood Cristiano’s determination not to start a war that would have exploded on our soil. That didn’t mean I didn’t question his decision. Morales was no different than the heartless bastards I’d fought for years, men that had no issue serving up their people as if they had no value.

I parked the car, sliding my weapon under the seat. While there was always the possibility that an assassin would attack, my best guess was that we’d have at least twenty-four hours before that became a stronger possibility. After all, the other unscrupulous groups we considered our enemies had been driven to their place. I doubted the majority of them would dare cross us again for fear our revenge would become more permanent.

There was something so cold and impersonal about hospitals. Granted, the ones in the United States were a far cry from the tents and barracks provided for the soldiers or the dilapidated buildings used by the insurgents. That didn’t mean a chill wasn’t coursing down my spine. Hospitals would always mean death, not life to me.

I found the maternity ward easily enough, checking with the front for Emily’s room number. Finding out she’d been transferred to intensive care certainly forced a lump in my throat. After getting directions to the unit, I made my way there, searching for Cristiano. I knew the man would never leave her side.

As I rounded a corner, the sight of him perched on the edge of a chair in the small lounge, two of his soldiers standing in close proximity, was disturbing as hell. The man even felt the need for protection while here. What a sad life our family had been forced to live. I moved slowly in his direction, trying to figure out what to say to him. There were no right words at this point. All I could do was provide some level of comfort.

He seemed to sense a presence, shooting a look over his shoulder. Relief flooded his face, more so than I would have thought. We hadn’t been particularly close, likely because he’d tried to fill my father’s shoes from a young age.

After rising to his feet, he took long strides in my direction, pulling me into the same kind of hug that Michael had, only he didn’t seem to want to let me go. This wasn’t like Cristiano at all. The man was obviously rattled as hell.

“Thank God you’re all right,” he said in a gruff voice.

“You don’t need to worry about me. I can handle myself.”

He eased away but continued to hold both my arms as he gazed up and down. “Always the hero.”

“I’m no hero. Stop worrying, just a few bruises and bumps. The plane is gone.”

“Yeah, well, we can replace the plane. Your life is something else.”

The brother I knew wouldn’t have acted this way only a couple of years before. “What’s happening with Emily? Why is she in intensive care?”

He seemed to falter, letting me go and staring down the corridor. “The bleeding got worse. They’re getting ready to do a C-section now. Her blood pressure is all over the place.”

“And the babies?”

Sighing, he walked away, shoving his hands into his pockets. “They’re still not completely certain, but my little girl isn’t getting enough oxygen, her heartbeat erratic.”

“I’m so sorry.”

Cristiano closed his eyes briefly. “The worst thing is that there’s a chance…” When his voice faltered, trailing off, I placed my hand on his shoulder for comfort.

“Take your time.”

Inhaling, he shook his head. “There’s still a fifty-fifty chance I’ll lose… That I’ll lose all three of them. That can’t happen. I won’t allow that to happen.”

“Have faith, brother. Sometimes, magic does happen, especially when love is involved.”

He laughed bitterly. “You sound more like our mother every day.”

“I’d like to think a good portion of what she taught us is possible.”

There was something powerful about the way he locked eyes with mine, a moment where he searched my very soul. When his features softened, I was able to see tears in his eyes one of the few times in my life. He looked out the window, walking closer.

I remained quiet, hoping I was able to provide some form of comfort.

“Twins. You have no idea how excited Emily has been. She’s forced me to go to every baby store in the freaking city for the perfect everything. Outfits. Bonnets. Little shoes.” He used his hands to describe the shoes and I had to look away. I’d never seen him so emotional. “Pillows and stuffed animals. Hell, it took her four tries of paint colors to find the right one for the nursery. And I mean four times of painting an entire wall.” He laughed, the sound agonizing. “But you know what? I didn’t care. She was so damn happy.”

“Both of you are going to be happy again. This hospital has some of the best doctors in the entire country. Keep the faith, brother.” I squeezed his shoulder, uncertain whether I could survive what he was going through. For all the brutality he’d displayed over the years, there was a part of him inside that had never recovered from our baby sister’s death.

And it never would.

I could tell he was trying to shake it off, wiping his eyes then turning to face me. “I’m pissed, Dante. Don’t get me wrong. And we will have our revenge.”

“That’s not what you need to be worrying about right now.”

He huffed, shaking his head slightly. “I need something else to think about. I also heard what Lucian suggested.”

“Interesting how news travels fast.”

“He figured you’d be pissed. That’s why he called.”

“And he’s right.”

“Maybe, but his idea is a good one.”

I didn’t want to push the man any further. Both of us were far too exhausted and on edge. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told him. I’ll think about it.”

He offered a slight smile, a knowing look on his face. “It’s going to be a long night and Lucian is taking a meeting for me. I don’t know what to think about the situation other than I wouldn’t trust that girl.”

“I assure you that I don’t and haven’t, although at least a portion of her statements held a merit of truth.”

Cristiano smiled. “Just remember that women are far better liars than men are.”

“True enough, yet I don’t think marriage is the answer.”

He took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. “The honest truth is I don’t see another way of having a firm hand on the situation. We have no idea what Morales is planning.”

“It would appear he’s always been one step ahead of us.” Ordinarily, my comment would have pissed him off. This time he seemed reflective.

“Do you remember something Pops told us years ago?”

I laughed, giving him a stern look. “Our father was the master of pontification.”

“Well, you are right about that. He told us that often it’s better to allow your enemies to believe they have the stronghold, even if that means doing so for years. That would allow for the right calculations and planning to occur. He also said that when you’re ready to ensure your enemy understands who is far superior, then you throw them a bone.”

Studying his eyes, I realized what he’d been doing. “Not only did you anticipate he’d try something, you already have a plan in motion.”

He looked over my shoulder, concern filling his eyes once again as we heard commotion. “Morales is a snake. I knew it was only a matter of time before he broke the deal. What his arrival and the way he handled the situation a few months ago told me was that he was doing exactly what we’ve been doing all these years. Taking notes regarding our operation. There was no other reason for him to agree to the terms. I’d been able to catch a glimpse of his methods of retaliation as well as who he had attempted to build an alliance with. That will prove to be extremely useful as we decide whether or not to expand further into South America.”

I’d been shocked when Morales had not only agreed to but helped eradicate a situation with the Vitali crime family out of New York. The Vitalis’ interference with our diamond business had become intolerable.

“And the bone?”

Everything about my brother’s clipped gaze told me what I didn’t want to hear. The bone had been the issue. With Julieta’s request, she’d inadvertently fallen into a trap of her own making.

One that could destroy her father’s regime.

“It’s entirely your decision regarding what you do with the girl. You’re more than aware of what’s at stake. You’re also a truly capable leader. One way or the other, we will take Morales down once and for all.”

When I noticed him tensing, moving around me quickly, I took a deep breath as a doctor approached. I refused to leave my brother’s side, angry that the other brothers hadn’t arrived. They had to know what Emily’s condition was doing to him.

“Doctor. How is she?” Cristiano asked.

“We finally stabilized Emily. We’re getting ready to take her in for the C-section. We’ll know more after the delivery.”

“The odds?” Cristiano managed.

I stood behind my brother, angry at the world. We’d lost enough lives in the family.

The doctor gave me a quick nod, obviously realizing I was family. “I’m not going to lie to you, Mr. King. Emily has lost a significant amount of blood, but her vitals are strong. Given she’s healthy and young, she might have a fighting chance.” When the doctor hesitated, I could feel Cristiano tensing.

“What aren’t you telling me?” my brother demanded.

“While I don’t believe this is going to happen, there is a slight chance you’ll have to make a difficult choice to save either your children or your wife.” The doctor’s words were sheer daggers in my heart.

Cristiano was one of the strongest men I’d ever known, yet I could feel his resolve and courage starting to crack. “I…” Cristiano started.

“You don’t have to make the decision right now,” the doctor added, trying to offer a comforting smile. “But you do need to think about it because if it comes to that, you’ll only have a short window to make your decision or you could lose all three of them. I’ll keep you posted. Needless to say, you should remain close.”

“Yes. Of course. I’m going nowhere.” Cristiano’s voice was barely audible.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, once again uncertain what I could say to ease his pain. “I’m not going anywhere either.”

He lowered his head, remaining where he was, his body shaking. “I’m not a good man, Dante. I’ve done some horrible things in my life. There is no way to deny it. But so help me God, if something happens to my precious ones, there won’t be anything or anyone who can hold me back.”

“Try and breathe.” As if my suggestion meant anything. A full minute passed by.

“How did you do it?”

“How did I do what?” I asked as he turned around, the stark hardness in his eyes encapsulating his emotions.

“How the hell could you endure such tragedies overseas? So many good men and women lost. So many families destroyed. The death around you at all times. When we lost Bella, I thought my heart could never ache so much again. I did everything to shield myself from caring about anyone.”

“Our sister knew exactly how much we all cared about her. That’s important to remember.”

“Yeah, but I couldn’t save her just like I can’t save my wife or babies.”

His questions and statements surprised the hell out of me. For a man who’d ordered the deaths of several of our enemies, the same one who’d seen blood spilled in the streets, he seemed truly perplexed.

“What’s important is never to become numb to death, Cristiano. Once you do, then nothing in your life will ever matter. You’ll never understand the joys of life in its totality. However, today is about sharing in life. That’s what you have to concentrate on. Not revenge. Not anger. Life and love. Try and have faith.”

He took a few seconds before offering a broader smile. “You know, for a kid brother, you’re pretty damn wise.”

Laughing, I was thankful I’d made the decision to return home.