King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 6

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs, and returns home to find it.”—George A. Moore



That’s all I’d been able to think about. While I’d spouted off to the great Dante King that my father wanted to kill me, I realized that I hadn’t actually believed that in my heart.

Then the plane crash had confirmed my suspicions.

My own father had no real love for me. I’d become nothing more than a commodity. Now I was all alone. What the hell was I supposed to do now?

While I was grateful that Dante had saved my life, there was no way of knowing what I would soon face. My impetuous behavior had finally landed me in the world of my father’s greatest enemy. What had I been thinking? It was obvious. I’d pretended as if there was any way of escaping the life I’d been bred to live.

A possession.

I glanced down at the tee shirt I’d been provided, the oversized gray blob more like a dress. I’d been vaguely aware the wet clothes had been stripped away, my frozen body placed in a warm tub. I could remember every detail about the horrific crash, including the moment I slipped into the abyss. My chest still hurt from the pressure of consuming water, my entire body aching, but I wasn’t going to show any sign of weakness.

Dante had been sweet, even caring. As if a man like him could actually care about anyone but himself.

Still, I’d stared into Dante’s eyes as he’d provided a set of towels as well as the shirt, my heart racing. The strangest thing had been the electricity I’d felt before had sparked all over again despite the circumstances. Maybe it was some kind of crazy reaction all victims had when rescued. While I could tell he hadn’t wanted to leave me alone, he’d left without bombarding me with questions.

That would come later.

Once he found out how little I knew about the Morales organization, I doubted my father would have to send one of his men to finish me off. I was of no use to a man in the world of Kings, my pampered life a hindrance. I rubbed my hands on the shirt, hating the fact the well-worn fabric carried his scent.

It smelled of sandalwood and a dark forest, exotic spices and danger. The last thing I wanted to do was be reminded of him. Sighing, I glanced around at my latest prison.

The bastard had locked me inside a room, maybe even his bedroom. While gorgeous although sparsely decorated, one wall nothing but exposed brick, I’d never felt more like a prisoner in my life. Yes, my father had locked me in my room as a form of punishment, but this was entirely different.

Hissing, I shifted toward the window, staring out at the street below. New Orleans. I’d seen pictures in glossy magazines, the gorgeous buildings and thoughts of endless music and food drawing me in. However, the festive colors of the various businesses as well as the number of people on the street were surprising. Tremendously exciting. I longed to explore the city, enjoying a café or one of the amazing restaurants I’d heard about.

Somehow, I doubted that was going to happen. I’d likely be locked inside a cage, brought out for Dante’s… use. The thought made me cringe inside. I continued to ache all over, the horrible experience taking a toll on my body. There were soldiers outside the door. I’d heard them talking, even laughing. And while I’d feigned sleep, I’d heard Dante’s warning in no uncertain terms that if I attempted to get away, his men would have no problem tying me down until he returned.

Then there would be consequences.

Fuck him.

Damn it.

What the hell time was it? I could tell the sun was getting ready to fade from the horizon, which meant he’d been gone for hours.

He’d left me with nothing but a bottle of water and aspirin on the nightstand after tucking me under the covers. Then one of his bodyguards had brought me a sandwich later. While I’d nibbled, I’d had almost no appetite. How could I eat when I had no idea what to expect?

I leaned my head against the glass, wishing I could simply open the window and fly away. But to where? I closed my eyes, trying to remember the last happy time in my life. Sadly, I couldn’t recall when I’d actually been truly joyous.

A few seconds later, I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. A cold chill shifted down my spine as I tried to anticipate what Dante was going to do. I remained backed against the window, hating the fact my breathing was so labored, my heart racing. As the door was finally opened, I held my breath.

Dante walked inside, although not with the aggressive swagger he’d used in South America. He looked tired, even beaten, not at all like the savage and powerful man I knew him to be. As soon as he lifted his head, his eyes piercing mine, I knew there was something wrong. What had happened?

Maybe my father had warned him, telling the great King family that he was coming to rescue me? Nope. That wasn’t the case. I had to get that out of my mind in order to survive.

“I’m glad to see you’re up,” he said as he glanced around the room then placed several shopping bags on the floor. Did the man think I found a weapon, somehow creating a makeshift bomb? Even though I wasn’t from this country, I could tell the bags were from a woman’s store of some kind, the color and labels easily giving them away.

“Yes, Dante. I’m up. You locked me in.”

“You knew why I had to. I can’t trust you on any level.” He shifted his gaze back in my direction, those same damn cold eyes traveling down to my bare feet. “How are you feeling?”

“How do you think? Like I was hit by a truck.”

I was nauseous, nervous as hell. When I was anxious, I had a twitch I couldn’t seem to get rid of. I twirled my hair in my fingers, a habit my father had warned me against and one that could be used by an enemy if I was ever caught.

Stop it. Don’t you dare let him see how nervous you are.

That’s exactly what I kept doing as I glared at him. After taking another deep breath, I managed to cross my arms and walk toward him, trying to use the same kind of swagger he’d shown me. “What happens now? Are you going to drag me into your basement where I’ll be forced to live like a pet?”

There was barely any reaction to my retort at all.

He was definitely out of sorts, even haggard. Had something happened while was gone?

“Like you, I’m exhausted and in truth, not in any kind of mood to play games, Julieta.” There was a sharpness to his tone. While I could see a range of emotions on his face, you wouldn’t know it by the dangerous glimmer in his eyes or by his husky voice.

I considered myself a keen observer, having been forced to pay close attention to my father’s mood swings.

The man was hurting, and it had nothing to do with the crash. “Is something wrong?”

Dante acted as if he wanted to answer truthfully, then thought better of it. I hadn’t paid any attention to the way he was dressed before. Now I found it difficult not to take my eyes off him. Standing in tight black jeans and a crisp white shirt open to his chest, he appeared like a gorgeous model on a runway. Not a murderous bastard taking everything he wanted without reservation or any level of remorse.

“Nothing for you to worry about.” He inched closer, lowering his head in a way that made me feel uncomfortable. “I bought you some clothes.”

“You don’t know my size.” I stole a quick glance at the bags and grimaced. If he thought he was going to coerce me into anything, he was dead wrong. I couldn’t be bought.

“I guessed,” he hissed.

“My guess is you’re wrong,” I snarled back.

There was a fleeting look in his eyes that was even more disturbing than before. Then he chuckled under his breath, the velvety sound creating another round of tingles.

“Jesus Christ, Julieta. You need some clothes. That’s all I was trying to do. Put something on and come downstairs.”


He closed his eyes briefly. “As I said before, we are going to talk. I’ve determined what’s going to happen to you. I believe you’re going to want to hear it.” He backed away, but not without giving me another heated full body scan.

My mouth was suddenly dry, my nipples aching. Everything about the man was intoxicating, pushing me to every limit of rationality. “No, I want to know right now. If you’re going to use me then kill me, I deserve to know.”

“Your arrogance is truly bold for someone in your position. I suggest you rethink your attitude. It’s not going to fly with me.”

I cocked my hip, lifting a single eyebrow as I studied him. “Then I’ll ask you politely. What is going to happen to me?”

Instead of walking away, he walked closer until we were inches apart. The scent of him was even more powerful than before, the musky fragrance making me lightheaded.

“You could become a very valuable tool for the King family, Julieta. That allows you to remain alive. While I’ve yet to determine whether or not you were telling me the truth about your father’s anger at your refusal to marry, I will find out.”

“Isn’t it obvious by the plane crash?” My God, the bastard had a smirk on his face. “He couldn’t care less whether I’m dead or alive.”

After a few seconds, the smirk turned into a smile. Whatever he’d been through, he’d placed his usual cocky mask back into position. “Perhaps but looks can be deceiving. In our worlds, family means everything. Blood. That’s worth dying for.”

“Our world? What I lived is obviously nothing like your fantastic life. You’re out of your mind if you think being shifted from compound to compound, often uncertain of where danger was coming from, treated more like a pet than a child would make me feel like family was important. What do you freaking want from me, information?”

“For one thing and you will tell me all that you know. There is more.”

“More? Okay, what’s another thing?” Sex. Of course, the man wanted to keep me shackled to the bed.

“Your hand in marriage.”

The words he issued had to be a joke. When he kept his stare pinned on me, his eyes never blinking, I burst into laughter. “Now I know you’re joking.”

“I never joke about something as important as getting married. This isn’t a question and it has nothing to do with romance, Julieta. This is a business transaction much like the one you wanted to enter into. You will become my wife. Perhaps that will bridge our two families, but in truth I couldn’t care less. This is about ensuring for the last time that your father completely understands that if he fucks with the King family, he will be forced to retreat back into his precious jungle where he’ll be allowed to live like the snake he truly is.”

“And what if my father doesn’t care and refuses to give in to your tyranny?”

There were moments with my father that I’d seen, often by accident, where the expression on his face was enough to bring chills. He didn’t even have to say a word for the men standing in front of him to understand without a shadow of a doubt that their life was over, but not before they were tortured until they begged for their deaths. This was one of those moments.

“Then he will die and I will enjoy every second of exacting revenge. Get dressed. I don’t think I need to tell you that if you as much as attempt to escape, you will be punished.” Dante didn’t wait for my answer; he merely took long strides toward the door.

Without a second of hesitation, I flew toward him, my natural desire to live taking over any common sense. I’d created this mess. That remained somewhere in the back of my foggy mind, but between fear and anger, I couldn’t hold back my natural tendencies.

He heard my approach, turning quickly. But I was faster than he’d anticipated, allowing me to rake my nails down his chiseled face.

Recoiling, a roar erupted from his throat, his years of training taking over. He snapped his hand around my throat, dragging me to my tiptoes and against his chest, baring his teeth with a husky growl.

I slammed my fists against him even though I knew it was no use. The brute was far too strong, holding me in place as if I wasn’t any kind of threat. When he dug his fingers into my skin, stretching my neck, I almost panicked, tears forming in my eyes.

No, you can’t let him break you. You can’t allow him to see your fear.

As if he couldn’t smell it.

Alongside my desire.

I was sick inside as the wafting scent of my feminine wiles floated between us. Hissing, I clawed at his shirt, still slapping my hands against him.

He lowered his head until our lips were centimeters apart. “You just don’t learn, Julieta. Do you? I can tell you need another hard lesson in who you now belong to.”

I expected him to crush my windpipe, strangling me until my life started to ebb away. What I couldn’t have imagined in my worst nightmare was the way he brushed his lips across mine. The vibrations jetting between us were off the charts, my pussy clenching then releasing several times. I was almost intoxicated by his rich fragrance although my throat was closing. The sound of my scattered breathing was more intense, my heart hammering to the point it echoed in my ears.

“You are going to learn to obey me one way or the other. I won’t take any less. Until you do, you’re going to be punished on a regular basis. You are mine, Julieta. There is no other choice. Do. You. Understand?”

His words drilled into my mind and I managed to drag my tongue across my lips. “Yes.”

“Good.” Everything about the man was surprising, but when he lessened his strangling hold, crushing his mouth over mine, I was pitched into a combination of elevated terror as well as another round of hunger that shoved me into a moment of actual bliss.

How in God’s name could I enjoy even a second of his brutality? How could my legs tremble only because I wanted him to touch me all over?

Dante slid his other hand down the length of my back, slipping his fingers under the shirt and cupping my bottom. Then he pulled me into an arch as he thrust his tongue into my mouth, exploring the dark recesses.

I realized I was rubbing his chest, relishing the feel of his rippled muscles beneath my fingers. The kiss was insanely delicious, the taste of him incredible, scotch and something sweet. But the moment was a reminder of just how dangerous he was.

As he jerked me fully against his heated body, grinding his hips back and forth, I realized just how aroused he was. His cock throbbed, pushing hard against my tummy. A wave of stars and flashes danced across my periphery of vision until I could no longer focus.

He dominated my tongue, swishing his back and forth savagely. The sounds pushing up from deep inside the man were utterly primal, a man so hungry that he couldn’t stand to wait another second to take what he wanted.

What he believed already belonged to him.


How could I tolerate being married to a murderous thug? How could I stand wearing his ring and being called Mrs. King? Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew there were no other choices.

At least if I wanted to live.

I clung to him as if he was my lifeline, trying to shove my mind into a black box for protection. Sadly, the feel of him was far too consuming, taking me to another plane of existence altogether. I’d never been kissed with this much passion in my life. There’d been no other man who’d ignited the embers that had longed to be set into flames.

This man had.

This monster.

This savage.

And soon I would be forced to surrender to him in mind and in body for the rest of my life.

Or until death do us part.

He broke the heated moment, his chest heaving as he switched his hold around my neck. When he rubbed my lips with his thumb, brushing back and forth roughly, his eyes flashed, his pupils dilated. I tried to look into the gorgeous pools, searching for a glimpse at his soul. Then I realized he didn’t have one. He was a killer without conscience or any concept of guilt.

“Now, I’m going to punish you. Then I’m going to fuck you. After that, you’re going to behave like a lady, or I’ll start all over again. Is that clear, Julieta?”

“You’re such a bastard.”

A smile crossed his face before he jammed his thumb into my mouth. “Suck it, my fiancée. You’re going to learn to suck me every day.”

I could barely tolerate his brutal words, but as I closed my eyes, I obeyed him. Within seconds, the embers exploded into the kind of fire that I knew would destroy me. I knew my life had changed forever, and God help me, a part of me was excited.

There was something so erotic about sucking on his thumb and I refused to allow my gaze to leave his. He kept his head tilted, the man searching for some indication of my intentions. When he pulled away, removing his finger, a sly smile crossed his face.

Then he jerked the tee shirt over my head, tossing it aside and leaving me completely devoid of clothes. I’d never felt so naked in my life but as his nostrils flared, his eyes slowly dropping all the way down to my toes, I could easily tell what he hungered to do.

Ravage every inch of my body.

However, there was no romantic bone in his body. This wasn’t about passion or romance. This was all about control. He tossed me over the edge of his dresser, thrusting his body against mine and wrapping his hand around my hair.

“Tell me what you see, Julieta.”

I shuddered to my core from the way he was looking at me. There was such desire on his face, a brusque need that seemed to overwhelm him. I could never imagine anyone like Dante needing something so intensely. He’d seemed almost aloof at first, as if he could do without having anyone in his life.

“A monster. A blasphemy waiting to happen.”

His laugh seemed genuine, the sound spilling all around us. Why did I think his reaction was more of a defense mechanism?

“What you see is a man refusing to accept anything less than perfection as well as obedience,” he half whispered as he yanked open one of his drawers.

Given his tight hold, I was unable to see what the hell he was searching for until he pulled it into the light. A thick wooden brush. Oh, dear Jesus. He’d found a new implement to punish me with. That’s when I struggled in his arms, trying to maneuver out of his hold, pushing my body against his. That only proved as another reminder of his burning desire, his hard cock shoving against me until the tingling vibrations threatened to take my breath away.

He shifted the brush closer, twirling it around in his fingers. “What you see is the beginning of our new life together.”

Even with his raging libido, I had the distinct feeling that he wanted nothing to do with marriage. Perhaps his family had coerced him into performing such a heinous act.

“What I also see is a sin against God,” I hissed.

“Maybe so, at least in your world. In mine, there isn’t such a thing. There is only the strong versus the weak.”

Every word he stated remained in my mind, a hard jab of reality. Perhaps that’s exactly what I needed. When he wrapped his fingers around my long strands, easing away, his gaze fixed on my breasts, I bit back a whimper. I dug my fingers into the expensive wood of his dresser, hoping I’d mar the beautiful surface. I couldn’t care less about anything he owned.

Then I was forced to accept that I was nothing more than one of his possessions.

For now.

He didn’t waste any time, bringing the wooden portion of the brush down with a hard smack. The force was jarring, making me jump. I took several deep breaths, refusing to take my eyes off him. He would never see me falter. He could never break my strong resolve. At least that was something that my father had taught me that could prove to be useful.

Dante had no idea what a caged animal was capable of.

As he brought the implement down again, moving from one side to the other, I did everything I could to keep from making a single noise.

When he issued the seventh and eighth crack, hitting me exactly in the sit spot, I was unable to hold back a whimper. It hurt like hell, the pain bringing tears to my eyes. I couldn’t stand watching the horrible moment any longer, closing my eyes and trying to keep my body rigid.

“Look at me, Julieta. When I punish you in this method, which I have no doubt will occur again, you will watch.” His command was not to be denied.

I snapped open my eyes, the snarl erupting from my throat loud enough he smiled. The bastard actually smiled. He was enjoying this, a true sadist. I hated him and knew that some part of me always would.

He continued the spanking, shifting into a perfect rhythm, one coming after the other until I lost count. I was shaken, the pain rushing into anguish, the heat on my bottom increasing by the second. Beads of perspiration appeared across my brow and upper lip, electricity erupting in every cell and muscle.

This was so damn humiliating, especially given I was wet, my pussy juice slickening my inner thighs. I couldn’t stand myself, the realization even more mortifying than the act itself. All I wanted to do was get through this. There would be a chance to secure a weapon. Then I wouldn’t miss the second time. I’d cut him into little ribbons. The thought actually gave me a smile as he slapped the brush against my upper thighs.

“Oh, God. Oh…” The words let my mouth involuntarily, pissing me off even more.

Dante hesitated, once again grinding his jeans across my aching and bruised bottom. “You’re doing very well. I’m proud of you.”

“Proud?” I spat, instantly regretting my outburst. “You’re such a horrible man. I will hate you until the end of time.”

“I’m sure you will. That’s just fine with me, Julieta. This isn’t a marriage made in heaven after all.”

How could a man spout off those words? How could he be so cold and indifferent? There wasn’t an easy way to answer the questions. Besides, why should I care?

I glared at him with all the venom I could muster, especially when he stopped the round of punishment, caressing my ass cheeks in a loving manner. The sensations of the rough pads of his fingers brushing across my heated skin were almost too much to bear.

When he slipped the tip of a single finger down the crack of my ass, kicking my legs apart, I allowed him to hear a full hissing sound. “You will pay for this one day.”

“I’m certain you will try. It would seem you’re very wet, Julieta. Are you hungry for the feel of my cock buried deep inside of you?”

His filthy words were enticing but I refused to react.

Chuckling again, he shoved his hand between my legs, tickling my clit with several fingers.

I did my best to keep from moaning, but the sensations were instantly incredible, pushing me to a point of utter bliss. No amount of fighting could keep my body from reacting.

From betraying me, the stupid savage bitch.

I tried to allow my anger to interfere in order to keep my arousal to a minimum, but I had no control over my aching and hardened nipples or another trickle of juice sliding down my legs. I was pathetic for allowing him to get to me.

But he was right. I wanted his cock shoved inside of me, filling me completely.

Dante tossed the brush, releasing his hold on my hair. “Do not move. If you do, we will start all over again.”

I didn’t bother responding, but I also didn’t shift my gaze away. When he unfastened his jeans, the sound of his zipper being pulled seemed louder than it should be. Perhaps every sound he made echoed in my ears. When he rolled the tough material over his hips, my mouth watered. The moment he pulled them all the way down, exposing his glorious cock and swollen balls, a round of butterflies kicked into my system. He was huge, his cockhead purple, veins on the sides of his shaft throbbing.

I bit my lower lip, struggling to comprehend what he was going to do to me.

As well as panting from anticipation.

A sick woman. That was the only way I could think about myself.

He gripped my hips, yanking me away from the edge of the dresser, then slid the tip of his cock up and down the length of my pussy. I couldn’t hide the fact I was turned on, goosebumps continuing to form. There were so many names I wanted to call him.





What good would it do other than ensuring another harsh round of punishment?

After he slipped the tip past my swollen folds, he peered down at me. The two-day stubble and gorgeous strong jaw pulled me further into his darkness. He was far too irresistible, pushing me to my limits of sanity.

“This is what happens to bad little girls who don’t obey their masters.”

Master. The asshole really thought I’d think of him with that term. He was sorely mistaken, but he’d soon learn.

When he plunged the entire length of his cock inside, there was no freaking way I could hold back a husky whimper. “Oh! Oh…” While the time he’d fucked me before seemed like years ago and a distant memory, this was so exciting, making me feel more alive than I ever had in my life.

“So wet. You’re so damn tight. I think you like it a little rough. Don’t you, princesa?”

“You’re a madman, not a prince. And I’m not your princess, nor will I ever be.”

“Yes, I am. The sooner you realize and accept that the better. You will also surrender to my every need no matter what I ask.” He pulled almost all the way out, slamming into me again. His cock continued to swell, forcing my muscles to strain as they tried to accept something so hard and powerful and…

The evil thoughts racing through my mind were going to help me get through this ordeal. I wanted to fight him, but when he thrust deep inside again, I was almost pitched into a massive orgasm.

Dante dug his fingers into my hips as he moved into a rhythm, driving into me so hard that I was shoved against the dresser. He didn’t seem to care. His eyelids were half closed, his entire body shaking from the force he was using. A true savage. A beast. A monster. A…

I gasped for air as my pussy muscles clamped around his shaft, pulling him in even deeper. This was carnal and filthy, an absolute sin, but there was no denying our attraction. The rhythm continued until I could no longer hold back the building climax. My breath catching, I blinked several times in an effort to focus.

“Good girl. Come for me.”

I wanted to snarl, to stop what was happening but even he knew it was impossible. As the orgasm swept through me like a tidal wave, a scream erupted from my mouth. He’d released my hair and when I threw my head back, he crowded closer, placing his hand on my forehead. For a few seconds, he slowed down, still keeping his cock buried deep inside.

“So beautiful, Julieta. I can see you in your white dress now.”

I inhaled in anger, yet I couldn’t stop another climax from rushing into my system. My muscles tightened, my heart thudding as never before, and I could no longer feel my legs. When the orgasm finally passed, I was almost instantly exhausted, trying to catch my breath. He eased my head against his shoulder, exposing my neck. When I managed to open my eyes, I could look directly into his.

Lowering his head, he rubbed his lips across my forehead, giving me tingles. I couldn’t understand him or his actions. What was he trying to do, excite me even further, make me feel as if everything would be okay?

Exhaling, his hot breath cascaded across my face, giving me another round of shivers.

“Now, I fuck you in the ass.”

“Umm…” It took me several seconds to comprehend what he’d just said. “No. No! I…”

“You can’t deny me, princesa.”

“But I’ve never. I mean…” Oh. My. God. I’d been ready to admit that no other man had fucked me in the ass? What the hell was wrong with me? No way was I going to allow him to witness my vulnerability. “Fine. Bring it on. Shove your thick cock into my asshole. I couldn’t care less.”

He tilted his head, studying me intently before removing his cock then sliding it between my ass cheeks. “Accepted.”

There was no preparation, no additional discussion. He simply pushed his cock into my darkened hole, sliding past the tight ring of muscle as if his shaft was meant to be inside.

I was blinded from his action, stunned that he would take me so brutally. Within seconds, the shock wore off, a rush of pain jetting down my legs. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh!” I slapped my hands on the glass, trying to accept what he’d done. I couldn’t believe the mixture of sensations dancing down the length of my body.




A rush of adrenaline kicked in, pushing my heartbeat into my throat. Colorful stars floated in front of my eyes as my muscles slowly started to accept his rough actions.

“Yes. That’s perfect. God, yes,” he muttered then pulled all the way out, plunging into me again.

I remained in shock as he fucked me long and hard, the electricity sending me into utter ecstasy. No longer could I think rationally on any level. This just felt too damn good.

Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.

Repeating the word in my mind did little, the beautiful sensations far too intense. He could tell I was enjoying his brutal actions, the smile remaining on his face making a firm statement. That he’d won this round. That he would demand my full surrender.

That I already belonged to him.

I sucked in my breath, my body meeting every thrust with one of my own. I had no way of knowing how long he fucked me, but I could tell when he was close to coming. Now I wanted it over with. I couldn’t wait to get the hell away from him. It would be a cold day in hell before I’d give him anything he could use against my family.

My… family.

His breathing more ragged than before and his voluptuous lips twisting from the building pressure, every action he took became more intensified, pushing harder and faster. I was breathless, my mind spinning.

And I squeezed my muscles.

There was a freeing moment that had been building and when he finally erupted deep inside, filling me with his seed, a sickening image floated into my mind.

Of me in a long white dress…