Canary by Tijan



She’d been in the shower for an hour, and I had no clue what to do.

The hours I had to get these targets done were ticking by, but I had a woman now, and I cared about her, and she’d been raped, and she wanted to kill her rapist, and she was in the shower, and I had. No. Fucking. Clue. What. To. Do.

The water turned off, but she still didn’t come out.

I waited, trying to study what Downer had sent me about my targets, but the facts and locations and time schedules were all muddied in my head.

Fuck it.

I didn’t know where Maxim’s men would be tomorrow, but I knew where Carloni was tonight. I knew where Bronski was tonight. She wanted to kill Bronski.

Fine. We’d go kill Bronski.


I steppedout of the bathroom and stopped short.

Raize was dressed all in black, every weapon was packed up. His papers weren’t spread out anymore.

And his eyes, a chill went down my back.

I didn’t have a good feeling, so I tightened my hold on my shirt. “What’s going on?”

He tossed my gun on the bed. “Suit up. We’re getting this done tonight.”

My mouth went dry.


My mind went blank.