Canary by Tijan



“Where are you?”

We’d settled, finally, and I’d taken my phone outside with me as everyone was getting comfortable in a house that Jake rented for us.

I answered him now, “I was going to stop in Colorado, but we kept going. We’re in Montana.”

He was quiet for a beat. Then, a grating, “Where?! We’re in Boston. Why the fuck are you in Montana?”

“Because Marco is going to send men after me. He already sent one and I want my sister to have disappeared before his next crew gets to me.”

I was throwing a lot at him and I knew he was upset.

I got it. I did.

I was a soldier, but I was taking my own orders and I was explaining after the fact. Any other soldier, I’d be dead by morning.

I was banking on a whole lot that Roman wouldn’t do that to me.

“He sent one after you already?”

I told him about the highway, what happened and added, “We have the guy with us, but we’ve not questioned him. He has no ID, but his phone has an outgoing Mexican phone number. He had a police radio on him, too.”

“You think he’s a cop?”

“More like I think he was listening to the police scanner. We’ll know more once we interrogate him.”

“Right.” He sighed. “Your sister. What’s your plan there?”

“There’s a network I know about. They hide people. I’d like to make contact, see if they’ll hide Verónica.”

“What network?”

I ignored that, saying, “That’s the point. They typically hide people from people like us. I’m hoping they’ll make an exception considering who my sister is hiding from.”

“You’re on a leash, Raize. Albeit, it’s a long leash, but it’s still a leash.”

Meaning, he would tug on it eventually and if I didn’t go back, he would send men after me as well. Probably Downer.

“I know.”

“Use your woman to help interrogate him. She works for me as well now. I want to utilize her skill. When your sister is gone, report back here.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Immediately, Raize.”

“Yes, sir.”

“When you report to me in person, you’re bringing your entire team. If you don’t, you know what I’ll do. You got me?”

“I got you.”

The line disconnected after that, and I knew Jake was waiting inside the door.

He, Cavers, and Abram were all there, all waiting.

I gave them a nod.

At once, they walked outside, grabbed the guy and carried him to the garage.

I went inside and found Ash helping my sister make some food. “I’m going to need you.”

Verónica froze, but Ash didn’t.

She already knew and nodded. “Okay.”

I said to Verónica, “You stay here.”

Her eyes were big, taking in Ash and me.

I motioned to Gus, who came forward, his tail wagging. “You guard her.”

He let his mouth open in a smile, that tail just got faster.

I left. Ash went with me.

Gus took position at the door.

Ash was quiet, following me to the garage and then inside, but I knew she was in turmoil. She wouldn’t like seeing this anymore than I’d enjoy her seeing it. Still. This was the world we lived in.

The guys had him tied to a chair. He was awake, his mouth still duct-taped.

I gave the nod.

Abram ripped the tape off.

I started with my first question, “How’d you find us on the highway?”

He cursed in Spanish, spitting at me.

Okay, then.

Cavers had a bat in hand and I gave yet another nod.

The shit work was about to start.