Angel’s Trumpet by Sem Thornwood

“What do you even do at home all the time?” I asked Bella as I sipped my espresso. She decided to take me out to get coffee because my classes were ending early. I still had to work when I returned home, though. In order to sleep in Salvatore’s arms, I actually changed my sleeping schedule, and it fucked up my work a bit.

Bella shook her head with a little smile. “Stop shaming me.”

“I just don’t understand. Why don’t you want to go to school? It’s not like Alessio is going to stop you or anything.”

She rolled her eyes. It was a constant topic we argued about. I really couldn’t understand her. If I haven’t had school, I would probably die of boredom.

“Really, what do you do?” I pressed.

She thought for a minute. “Well, a lot, actually. I spend a lot of time on social media, and I read a lot. I am not asocial too. I mean, you are kinda like my only friend, but I am taking courses.”


“It’s not like university, but since I have so much time and so much money, I signed up for this Chinese food course. I am trying to get better at cooking. I am also very into chess. Do you remember you guys always beat me? Well, I will get better. I only play online now, but I think I can find a group I can join to just play, you know. I also spent time with other wives for charity and stuff, but that is not too nice since I don’t like them a lot.”

What she said was actually very nice, but I could only focus on the last part and groaned. “Ugh, I have to join you on that one, right.”

She playfully pushed me. “Don’t act like that. You will shine like a star there. I am the one having problems fitting in. You are always the perfect sweetheart.”

I knew she was saying what everybody else was saying, but those words sank deeper than they should. I was really always the perfect sweetheart. I was the perfect trophy wife, but for the first time in my life, I questioned that part of me. How real was that? Was I just acting to look like that?

I was not ready to answer those questions. Since Mateo told me how I changed for Sal, I was constantly questioning myself. I realized I was not even sure who the real me was. There were just too many aspects of me, and it was hard to figure out.

“When did you last went out?” Bella asked like that was so important when I remained silent.

I shrugged. “I am out now.”

“With someone other than me?”

I thought about telling her how I had my lunch with a classmate the other day, but I knew that was not going to count since we were just trying to stay fed between classes. So, I chose the childish but easy way to respond. “When did you last went out?”

“Well, it's been a while,” she answered without the expected frustration. She was quite calm. “I think it was two weeks ago. I went to clubbing.”

Okay, to that, my mouth fell open. “You went clubbing?”

“Yeah, to Vista.” Okay, I knew Vista. It was one of the most popular nightclubs in Chicago, and it was owned by… well, me, I guessed since I was a Vasile now. The weird part was that Bella actually went there. Outfit girls were sheltered. It was not normal for us to go out clubbing.

“How the heck did you go there, and how did I not hear about it.”

She shrugged again like it was not a weird thing. “I mean, of course, dad never let me go, but now we go with Alessio sometimes. It is really fun.”

I threw my head back. “God, I wish I could go too.” I was a little angry at my brother for never taking me, but for one, I never said I wanted it, and my life choices were still in Papa’s hands. Bella, on the other hand, was only attached to Alessio.

“Sal will take you if you ask.”

I rolled my eyes almost instinctively. “I don’t want to go with him.” I mean, that was, of course, a lie. I wanted to go out with Sal and got drunk and have fun, but I could not find it in me to act like a real couple anymore. I still seek his closeness, but after the shower incident, I haven’t attempted anything sexual.

The most happened was the kiss we shared on New Year’s, and it was all show for our family and the guests. All an act.

I haven’t even tried to talk to him about why he was so disgusted by the idea of touching me. It hurt, but I could not beg him to talk to me anymore. It was just too much. So, I tried to keep my distance but still went to bed at the same time as him so he could hold me while I slept. A side of me was even a little concerned by that because I didn’t know if he was okay with that kind of touching or was he giving me that just so I wouldn’t demand anything sexual from him.

So, no, I didn’t want to go with Sal. Not until he came up to me and tried to solve our problems because I was tired of being the only one trying.

Bella thought for a second, and then a mischievous grin spread on her face, her dark eyes glimmering. “Then we can go. Just you and me.”

“Wow, that doesn’t sound realistic at all.”

She made a small frustrated noise because I was bringing her mood down.  “Of course, we have to have our bodyguards,” she said as her head pointed out the far side of the coffeehouse where Mateo and Emiliano were sitting. They would usually give us more privacy in public places, but today Emiliano was very pushy about staying close. “But they will stay away. Vista belongs to us anyway. We can dance, drink and have fun.”

“And Alessio will be okay with it?”

She lifted a shoulder with another devilish smirk. “I have my ways to convince him.”

I immediately threw my hands in the air like they could stop the words. “Okay, no details, please.” If she was married to another, I might enjoy the bedroom talk, but I was not eager to learn about my brother’s sex life.

She giggled a bit but then turned serious. “Do you want me to talk to Sal? He can be stubborn.”

Yes, he could certainly be stubborn and irritating and unreasonable. Maybe letting Bella talk to him was the smart choice, but I didn’t want that. He was my husband, and I didn’t want help to talk to him. Also, I was very excited to see his reaction to my request. He had no right to deny me after how he treated me.

If he would deny me, I’d be more than happy to have that argument with him. It would be good to get it out of my chest. He might find it childish, but I liked the idea of annoying him.

So, I shook my head and took another delicious gulp from my coffee. “I’ll handle it.”

Turns out Sal was not very against the idea of me going to Vista. It was probably foolish of me to think he would since he was not very traditional like the other Made Men.

Still, he was not very happy that Bella and I were going alone. “I can take you if you want to go to Vista,” he suggested when I first told him my plan. “Or I can accompany you and Bella. Alessio will come too. We will make it a couple’s night.”

I was very tempted to tell him we were not a real couple and start an argument, but since he was very nice, I couldn’t find it in me. I could see that he was only worried about our safety because, truth be told, we were perfect targets for kidnapping since we were born.

In the end, we very peacefully came to an agreement. Of course, Mateo and Emiliano were going to come with us, but Sal also insisted on informing all the staff about who I was so that there would be more eyes on me. I was not very happy about that, but they probably knew who Bella was, so all the eyes were going to be on us anyway. Thus, I accepted.

He also said that we should not go to any other club. Since we didn’t have a plan to visit every club in Chicago, I also accepted that. I was just eager to go to Vista with Bella to dance and drink all night long. After years of being secluded, it was like a dream to me. The most fun gathering I went to was the Outfit parties, and there was no way I could lose myself in there. Usually, my father didn’t even let me drink more than two glasses of champagne. I didn’t like champagne anyway, but it was the only booze a girl like me was allowed in those gatherings.

Not tonight, though. Tonight, I was gonna get fucked up.

“Why can’t I come?” Verona asked from my bed. I let her hang out in my room when I was getting ready. I liked hanging out with her, but she was a pain in the ass today. She was too eager to come with us.

I hid my smile and put on my too-big hoop earrings. Since my hair was in a ponytail, big earrings were a must. “You can’t because you are too young,” I explained the hundredth time.

Verona wrapped her arms around herself, visibly unhappy. “You are young too. You are not twenty-one.”

“Well, we are also not twelve,” I murmured, checking my phone. Bella was ready to leave her house, so I took a last look at the mirror. I was wearing a new dark blue dress. It hugged my breasts and waist perfectly. The length and neckline were too scandalous for any Outfit event but not for a night of partying. I was also rich enough to buy dresses for just one night, so I didn’t mind if I would be able to wear it again or not.

After I checked my red lips a little more closely, I reached for my little silver purse and stepped out of the room, texting Bella I was also ready. Verona, of course, followed me like a tail. It was actually kind of cute. I was always the youngest of my household, so it was nice to have a little girl looking up to me all the time. I couldn’t decide if I felt like her big sister or her mother. A little bit of both, I guessed.

As we got downstairs, Verona whispered, “I want to come too.” Oh, she was very unreasonable, but the hurt in her voice made me stop. When I turned back, I could see tears forming in her eyes. Just like Bella and me, she was also very secluded from the outside world. Now that we got more freedom, I guessed it was only natural for her to be jealous. She probably didn’t have any close friends too.

Just when I was about to say something, a thicker voice talked before me. “Verona, what’s wrong.”

She didn’t look at her brother but only looked down with a sad expression. I, on the other hand, turned to Sal’s voice. He was home early, and I didn’t know if it was a coincidence that he was earlier than usual or he wanted to be home before I left.

His eyes were on Verona with worry, but when he looked at me, he seemed stunned for a second. My heart jumped at his expression and the way his eyes roamed over my naked skin, but I quickly reminded myself that I was being stupid. How much lust his eyes held was not important. He couldn’t even stand the idea of touching me.

“She wants to come with Bella and me,” I explained because Verona seemed like she was not going to answer but also because I wanted his eyes to lift to my face. I didn’t want him to confuse me even further.

I could practically see his walls coming up. He was not acting fake or anything in the house, but every time he looked at me like that, it was ending up with him shaking it off. But right now, I didn’t get irritated by that because next, he moved to Verona and crunched down before her. Verona was not tall like all her other siblings, and she was still twelve, so now they were eye to eye.

He slowly caressed his sister’s arm, and the soothing gesture affected both my heart and my ovaries.

Stupid Mia. Stupid.

“You can go in a few years, Verona.”

“I want to go now,” she said, but now with Sal in front of her, she didn’t seem as sad as before. She was just acting like a princess because she knew Sal was going to try his best to make her happy. Sneaky kid.

Sal brushed her cheek to make her look at him. “How about I take you out for burgers?”

“We are going out for burgers?” Valerio shouted from the living room, and the hall filled with his fast footsteps.

Verona looked at the way he was coming and giggled. “I would like that.”

Sal smiled at her in return. He had the most charismatic smile I have ever seen. “Okay, then go get dressed.”

Verona nodded and left for her room jumping. Sal rose to his full height, and his eyes turned to me. He again looked at me with great amazement like I was a rare crystal. That look was going to be the death of me.

My breath caught on my throat when he stepped closer and opened his mouth to say something, but Valerio beat him to it and ruined the moment. I was not sure if I was irritated or grateful. “What are you wearing, Mia?” His voice sounded so shocked.

I looked at my dress to see if something was out of place, but no. “Don’t I look nice?” I knew I did, but Valerio might have different tastes. Actually, he was a twelve-year-old boy, and thus trusting his taste was a big no.

“You cannot wear that! You are practically naked!”

My eyes widened, and Sal slapped Valerio’s head. “It is not your place to speak, Val.”

He shook his head, looking curious. Oh boy, this kid was a handful. He loved acting like traditionalist Made Men. I guessed he thought it made him seem older than he was. “Then you tell her she cannot wear that,” he said to Sal. To that, my back straightened. If he told such a thing, I was too ready to attack him back.

Fortunately, Sal didn’t act like a dick. “It is not my place either.”

“She is your wife!” Valerio shouted. He seemed like he could not believe us. I really should have given this kid a long talk about feminism.

Sal explained patiently. “It is Mia’s body. She can wear whatever she wants. I cannot tell her not to. If you are planning to treat your wife, otherwise I am really sorry for the poor girl.”

“Ughh,” he grunted. “You guys are impossible.” Then he walked away like he could not.

Sal shook his head, smiling, but I could see his eyes were not filled with amusement. He was really worried about Valerio’s behavior. He took a deep breath and turned back to me. this time he didn’t look at me with hunger, but still, his eyes were shining. “I hope he’ll grow out of it.”

“Oh boy, I hope so.”

He smiled again, but this time it was genuine. “Are you leaving?”

I looked at my phone and saw a text from Bella. I really needed to leave. “Yes, Bella is already on her way.”

He took one step closer. “Good. I hope you’ll have a good time.” Another step. “If something happens, call me alright?”

I rolled my eyes and saw both frustration and amusement in his gaze. “I will be surrounded by so many of your stuff. If something happens, I won't even need to call you.”

Another step. “Still call me. I won't go to bed until you come back.”

“Okay,” I caved because there was no need to fight, and I needed to leave. “I should leave.”

Another step, and this time his strong hand wrapped around my arm and send a chill down my spine. “Mia,” he said in a low voice, and only then I found the strength to look up to him. his green eyes bored into mine with intensity. “You look breath-taking.” Then he leaned down and startled me by kissing my neck. It was short, and he stepped away from me afterward, but it still created a pool between my legs.

Damn this man.

“Oh my god, Mia, you look so good,” Bella jumped up when she saw me. She was here before me and was waiting at the door for me to come.

I beamed up to her happily. She was wearing tight black jeans and a not very tight gold top. Also, her boobs looked like they were going to poke someone. I mean, my dress was popping breasts out too, but Bella was so much curvy than me.

Still, they looked much bigger than usual. “Did you put extra padding?”

She looked startled for a second but then looked down at her boobs and threw a hand in the air. “Well, it doesn’t hurt.”

“Whatever you say.” Then I got in her arm. “Let’s get in.” She nodded and made a little gesture to Emiliano, who was a few steps behind us with Mateo. There was a line, and both of us were under twenty-one, so we needed Emiliano to inform the bouncer about who we were.

As we passed people on the line, some looked very annoyed, but that was very stupid. I mean, this club technically belonged to me. Of course, I was going to get in before them.

When we reached the bouncer, Emiliano leaned in to say something, but the man’s eyes found Bella immediately. “Mrs. Mazzoni, good night.” Oh, so she really did come here often then. At least enough times for the bouncer to recognize her. “Isn’t Mr. Mazzoni here tonight?”

Bella shook her head sweetly. It was almost impossible to believe she was the girl who was weeping non-stop just a year ago. She always had sadness in her eyes, but after she married Alessio, all of it was replaced by happiness.

I tried very hard to suppress my envy.

Bouncer opened the little rope to let us inside, but before we could, he looked at me for a second and then asked Bella. “Who is your friend?”

It was not a threatening or a flirty question. He was simply curious, but still, Mateo’s steel-like voice came before Bella’s. His eyes were also sharp on the bouncer. “Mia Vasile.”

Much to my content, he didn’t seem threatened by Mateo. He was probably working here long and was used to mafia men being overprotective. He didn’t even look at me with surprise. He simply smiled and gave me a small greeting with his head. “I hope you’ll have a great night Mrs. Vasile.”

I could feel Mateo’s hard look remaining, but I didn’t care. I was too happy. I thanked the bouncer and then stepped inside the club with Bella. This was one of the rare times I could get close to experiencing the life of an ordinary girl.

It was truly beautiful. It was huge, and there were blue and red lights all over the place. People were drinking and dancing everywhere. There were also little cages on the ceiling with professional dancers inside. It was something I thought I would only see in movies. It was something very basic to other people, but it was very new for me, and I was too excited to join dancing bodies on the dance floor.

Mateo leaned into my ear while I was busy admiring the place. “Let’s get you to the VIP section. It is more private.”

I shook my head, maybe too fast. “I don’t want private. I want to be a part of the crowd.”

“Yes!” Bella chirped and then turned to Emiliano and Mateo. “We might go there later, but now we want to dance. Please go somewhere where we can’t see you.”

Emiliano didn’t protest at all. He must have been used to Bella being independent. Mateo, on the other, looked worried. I didn’t even try to convince him that I was fine. His job was keeping me safe, but he was unnecessarily worried. I didn’t like it one bit. His gaze felt very possessive, and even though I might not see it as weird before, most things he did made me uncomfortable after the kiss. Once I even thought to ask Salvatore for another bodyguard, but I was not ready for a new person in my life. He might be harder to hang out with than Mateo, and I also knew Sal would ask why I wanted a new one, and I had no answer I could give him.

Even though this new Mateo made me uncomfortable, I didn’t want to be the reason for his death. Even if he had a crush on me, he didn't deserve such a penalty.

Luckily Mateo didn’t do something like grab me or anything. He just followed Emiliano with visible frustration, and I followed Bella to the bar. Since I was still very bewitched by the environment, Bella ordered our drinks. She ordered gin and tonic. Great. Anything but champagne.

“We should also get shots,” I said, sipping my drink.

Bella laughed. “Easy tiger. Let’s dance a little first.”

Okay then. The night was long anyway. I would drink as many shots as I could. It was not very responsible, but I was too tired of being the perfect trophy wife. I just wanted to get fucked up for one night. I wanted to forget all my problems and just have fun.

And when we stepped onto the dance floor, it felt possible. “Sex With Me” by Rihanna was pumping from the speakers, and nothing but the music mattered to me at that moment. I loved dancing, but I never got to dance in a place like this.

Bella looked very happy too. We sipped our drinks and curved our bodies to the rhythm. I didn’t care if my moves were too scandalous or if I didn’t look like a lady. No one cared how I looked. Or at least no one cared if I looked modest or not.

I was too focused on the music and Bella that it took a long time for me to realize there were quite many eyes on us. Well, I guessed it was normal since we both were attractive and our dresses were on point. All the male attention didn’t matter anyway. We were here to have fun together dancing.

At one point, I saw a guy coming up to Bella. Okay, the first ballsy guy of the night, I guessed. I got tense a little bit because I really didn’t want their attention. Maybe I should have sought it since I was not getting any affection from my husband, but honestly, I didn’t. I was not even a little into the idea of flirting with another man. If I was going to get any attention, I wanted it to come from Salvatore.

Also, even though I kept reminding myself that we didn’t act like a couple, we were still married, and I valued faithfulness. If I flirted with guys, how could I expect Sal to be faithful? I was not okay with him not touching me but him touching another was much worse.

Fortunately, my worries faded pretty quickly. As the guy approached, Bella lifted her left hand and showed her ring to the guy, mouthing, “Sorry.” It was stupid to say sorry, but it seemed like it worked on the guy because he left.

Well, that was easy. Good then.

Still, I didn’t want people to approach, so I stepped closer to Bella and wrapped my hands around her waist, but she jumped from my embrace. “Let’s go get shots.”

She was acting weird, but I was not going to refuse shots, so I only nodded and followed her to the bar.

The bartender was too fast to ask for our order that I was sure he knew who we were. Well works for me.

I ordered two tequila shots. The bartender looked at Bella for a second before preparing our shots. I was sure something went down in there, but I was really not in the mood to care. So, when the guy put one shot glass in front of Bella and another in front of me, I took it and shout to her over the loud music. “Bottoms up!”

Bella smiled and gulped the tequila with a straight face. I was not as cool as her. My face crunched until I start sucking the lemon. Oh, it was good, though. It was very strong, but after sucking the lemon, it tasted very sweet.

“Mia?” I heard someone calling me from behind. I didn’t even know how the hell I was able to hear it over the music, but I did. And when I turned back, I saw a young woman with a shaved head and a sexy black leather dress.

“Dakota!” I chirped. The alcohol in my blood was making me giddy.

“How are you, girl?” she threw her arms around me. Probably she was giddy too. Dakota was a friend from school, and even though we did have lunch together twice, we were not very close friends. I had her phone number, but we never saw each other outside of school.

Well, until now, I guessed.

I hugged her back, and when I pulled away, my arm went back to get Bella to my side. “I am with my friend. Bella, this is Dakota, my friend from Art school. Dakota, this is Bella. She is…” what do you call a person who is married to your brother and also your husband’s sister? “She is kinda my sister.”

Dakota’s eyes traveled between Bella and me. “Well, oh, you really don’t look alike.”

Then we all laughed because why not. “Hey, do you want shots? My treat.”

“I can’t say no to that.”

Bella squeezed my arm, probably to tell me I was going very fast, but I waved her off and took two more shots with Dakota. She, like me, was not able to drink them with a straight face.

Oh, I was having too much fun.

“You know I am here with Jagger and Nate. Do you guys want to join us?”

My plan was to go out and have fun with Bella, but Dakota was much looser than Bella at this point and matched my state. Also, it would be nice to party with my school friends. I wanted to have more friends because I did feel alone at school. Still, I probably should have asked Bella, but alcohol was affecting my decisions, so I chirped, “Yes!” and pulled Bella with me as I followed Dakota.

To my surprise, Bella didn’t try to stop me or tell me that we shouldn’t join them. Maybe she was eager to meet new people too. I mean, Dakota was making it really hard not to like her.

When we reached the two guys on the dance floor, Dakota shouted over the music, “Look who I found.” Guys took one look at me and made loud happy noises. They were so much looser and more relaxed than the guys I was used to being around, and it felt nice.

I introduced Bella to the guys quickly because no one was very eager to talk. We just wanted to dance and sing along. When I looked at Bella, she was smiling and seemed okay with us partying with my friends.

Good, we didn’t have to abandon them then.

I could see her eyeing the guys, and I didn’t blame her. They were really not the types we were used to hanging out with. Jagger was especially very different. I was almost sure that he was Dakota’s boyfriend, and he was as fashionable as her. Now he was wearing a loose orange suit with a white shirt, and his buttons were open almost to his belly button. He was also wearing a lot of rings on his fingers and a line of pearls on his neck. His curly brown hair was coming to his shoulders. Maybe I should have made him talk to Valerio about toxic masculinity.

Nate seemed pretty ordinary next to Dakota and Jagger, but still, he was a nice-looking guy. He was tall and had short golden hair. He was not dressed very extra like his friends, but his shirt was good at showing off his body. He was not too build like Sal or my brothers, but he was still muscular. He also had a very charming smile. He was probably getting a lot of girls… or guys. I was not sure what his deal was. We were not close.

Bella leaned into my ear while dancing and whispered, “God, they are so much more fun than the ladies at the charity.” We both giggled and kept dancing. Nothing else mattered.

At first, I was dancing with only Bella, but then Dakota pulled me to her, and we all started dancing together. We were rolling our bodies, changing partners, and laughing. Every now and then, someone was going to get shots. We didn’t have much time to talk, so it was probably not the best place to bond with my classmates, but we had a lot of fun, so it was probably good.

At one point, Emiliano came and whispered to Bella’s ear. He was probably worried because we were dancing with guys. Luckily Bella easily sent him away.

“Wow, is he a friend?” Dakota asked, eyeing Emiliano as he walked back to where he was watching us. Okay, maybe she and Jagger were not together because she looked at him like she wanted to eat him. Probably Emiliano was different to her, just like Jagger was different to me.

Bella shrugged. “Something like that.” And because Dakota was still following him with her gaze Bella said, “Don’t even bother.” When Dakota furrowed her bleached brows, Bella made a face, and I guessed Dakota understood the situation because she let it go and just started dancing with Jagger.

I was feeling very drunk, but the atmosphere made me hungry for more. I didn’t know when I could come again, so I jumped and announced. “I am getting shots.”

Jagger shook his head. He seemed as drunk as me. I guessed we were the weak ones in the group. “If I drink one more, I’ll puke all over you guys.” Bella and Dakota also didn’t want to have any since they had drinks in their hands.

When I was very worried about walking in this crowd alone, Nate stepped closer to me. “I’ll come with you.”

Oh, good, because I was really not hundred percent sure I was going to be able to walk to the bar in my high heels without falling down.

I immediately took Nate’s arm, and we started walking to the bar. The music was a little quieter in here but still loud enough.

I shouted, “My treat” because even though he didn’t know, it was very rude for me to expect them to pay when it was my club.

Nate didn’t accept it, though. He shook his head and paid for the shots. That was cute, I guessed, but my alcoholic self was really not down for accepting it. “You really didn’t need to do that.”

Nate smiled and waved his hand like it was no big deal. “If you really want to pay me back, you can pay back with coffee.”

Oooookay. He was flirting then.

No one in my life has ever flirted with me. Everyone in our world knew I was Salvatore’s since I was a child, and Sal hated me too much to put on an effort to flirt with me. I really didn’t know how I felt about it. I mean, of course, I was not interested in Nate, but it was kind of nice that someone was interested in me. I wanted to tell him I was married without being weird, but my head was spinning too much for that, so I simply didn’t answer. I reached for the shot and clinked it with his glass. “Salute.”

He didn’t seem bothered, but his smile seemed less joyful. Still, he echoed “Salute” and drank it up with me. Then he again helped me go back to our little group. I faltered as we walk and Nate cursed as he wrapped an arm around my waist. “Maybe you shouldn’t have that shot.”

I waved and kept walking. I wanted to push him away and lean into Bella, but she was looking at her phone, texting someone. So, I stayed close to Nate. Even though he hit on me before, his touch didn’t feel weird. He was not trying to grab a feel. He was just helping me stand up.

“Do you guys want to come to my house?” Nate asked everybody. Then his fingers moved between Jagger and me. “I’ll make coffee for two of you. You sure as hell look like you need some.”

Jagger nodded his head like it was too hard to talk. And Bella actually looked up from her phone. “Oh, we have our own ride.”

Yeah, I promised Sal to not go anywhere other than Vista, and even if I didn’t, he would not be very happy about me going to a stranger’s house. Still, I was not well enough to talk, so I just let Bella talk.

“It is still early,” Dakota said to Bella. She was probably eager for more fun, but I knew it could not be early. The club was less crowded, and because both Nate and Bella were making plans to leave, I knew it must be close to the closing hour.

Bella shook her head to Dakota. “My husband is here. We have to leave.”

Dakota made a frustrated noise but didn’t argue further. With that, we said goodbye to all of them. Dakota hugged me very tight and shout over the still loud music, “See you on Monday, Babe.”

I nodded and hugged Jagger, who was too gone to say many words. After him, I hugged Nate. He also hugged me close, but again it didn’t feel too weird because it was no different than Dakota. For a second, I was afraid he was going to mention the coffee thing again, but he only said, “Take care of yourself, Mia.”

Bella also hugged all of them and then took my arm to help me walk. I thought it was hard to walk just because of my heels, but as we got away from the lights and the music, I felt how horrible I was. I had a terrible headache, and oh God, my stomach didn’t felt very good either.

I did want to get fucked up after all. Mission accomplished.

“Why is Alessio here?” I asked when I spotted my brother outside smoking.

Bella sighed. “Because he is overprotective.” And when we got closer to him, her voice got higher. “And he is a liar.”

Alessio looked up, and his face lit up when he saw Bella. Oh, what wouldn’t I give to make Sal look at me like that?

“I thought we were quitting together,” Bella said she was still holding me.

Alessio came closer and kissed her lips. “We are, Sweetheart.” Then he turned to me and flicked my nose. “Oh, you look horrible, Pup.”

I didn’t even have the energy to be angry at the nickname. My head was killing me. God, how I was so good just minutes ago. I guessed leaving the club really destroyed the magic. I only rolled my eyes at my brother. “Charming as ever.”

He chuckled, but then his face got serious, and his eyes found someone behind me. “Mateo, take her home, and please be sure she is okay.”

Only then I realized Mateo and Emiliano were following us from behind. I didn’t even hear them. My head was too loud.

Mateo took me from Bella and pulled me to my car as I mumbled goodbyes to Bella and my brother. I really should have invited them to dinner sometime. Oh, maybe sometime when I was not in so much pain from alcohol. I let Mateo put me to the passenger side. I would prefer to lay on the back, but I wanted to go home as fast as possible, so I didn’t complain. Mateo even gave me a bag to use if I felt sick. It was disgusting but still so thoughtful.

Mateo was a good person. I was really being a bitch to him because of the kiss. I mean, it was not even important, right? Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it really felt like it was not important.

When we came to the mansion, he wrapped an arm around my waist to help me inside. Oh, my bedroom was too far away. I wanted to take off my shoes to have a better balance, but it would take too long, and leaning down might make me dizzy. So, I gave all my weight to Mateo very selfishly.

Just when we were about to reach the stairs, he made a frustrated noise to my faltering steps. Oh great, now I pissed him off. “Want me to carry you?”

Well, the first answer that came to my mind was “no,” but I was too close to him anyway, and all of my weight was on him. Maybe it was not a very bad idea. However, I never got the chance to answer.

“I’ll carry her.”


Seeing Mia leaning to Mateo made me feel very unnecessarily jealous. It was only natural that he helped her because she was drunk, but I still couldn’t help it. While I was not able to hold her this close or touch her, it was not fair that Mateo got to do that. I was the only one who should be touching her.

Luckily, I was there before he could scoop her off the floor. That was my privilege.

When they heard my voice, both of them turned to me. Mia’s dark hair was messier than before. Some locks have gotten free from her ponytail. It was clear that she was having a hard time walking in those high shoes. Her lipstick was a faded red color. She was also sweaty, and it was obvious that she didn’t feel very good. Still, she was too beautiful. She was always too beautiful.

Mia looked at me with half-lidded eyes. “You are up.”

“I am,” I said matter of factly and stepped closer to get my wife from Mateo. He let her go immediately. For some reason, Mia seemed hesitant to lean to me, but I pulled her close. “You didn’t let me know you were coming.” I was talking to Mateo because Mia was in no condition to text me. And I ordered Mateo to call me before they were coming so I could take care of Mia. I was sure she was going to get this drunk.

“I was busy making sure Mia was okay,” Mateo explained.

Not good enough, but I didn’t have time to chat with him.

I looked at him, still holding Mia close. “Was there any problem?”

Mateo shook his head. Good.

I didn’t even tell him he could go; I simply lifted Mia off to the floor into my arms. One of my arms was on her back, and the other was on the back of her thighs, honeymoon style, and all that shit. Mia gave a little cry at my sudden movement, but she was quick to hold onto me by the lapels of my blazer. God, holding her like this felt too good. I liked it when she clung to me.

After I climbed up the stairs, Mia wiggled on my hold, and I looked down at her pale face. Her blue eyes were on me and filled with embarrassment. Why was she embarrassed? I already knew she was not used to drinking a lot, and she was going to get very drunk. I was not happy about it, but I was also not shocked.

She looked down before she spoke, and her hold on me got weaker. “You really don’t have to carry me.”

“Nonsense.” I held her even closer to my chest. I liked holding her, and even if I didn’t, she would not be able to walk with those shoes.

Mia didn’t like my answer, though, because she wiggled again like that would make me let her go. “You don’t have to, Sal. I know you don’t want to touch me.”

My steps faltered. What the fuck. I looked down at her with furrowed brows. “What?” When the fuck did I say such a thing?

After a second, I started walking again because she needed to lie down. Her eyes left mine, though. She was not even giving me that embarrassed look. “You can’t stand it, Sal. The other day in the bathroom…”

She didn’t finish it, and she didn’t need to. We both knew what she was talking about. Did she really think that was what that was about? I jerked off, only watching her because I could not stand touching her? That was the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

I shook my head at the thought and kicked open the door to our bedroom. I put Mia down next to the bed but didn’t push her down so she can lie. Instead, I captured her chin between my thumb and forefinger. When I made her looked at me, she seemed loose, but I could still see her embarrassment and hesitation there.

Okay, put a knife to my chest, will you?

“That is not the case at all.”

“It is not?” now she seemed hopeful, but still, there was something that was holding her back.

Oh, I really have been a jerk to her, I guessed.

I shook my head. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe I needed to keep her at arm's length. Maybe it was best that she thought I hated her, but I couldn’t bear it. Not anymore. “I always want to touch you, Mia.” My thumb brushed her pretty lower lip. “That is the problem.”

Her brows came together. “What do you mean?”

I let go of her chin and smoothed down the wrinkles on her forehead caused by her confusion. I was so close to getting into this shit. A side of me wanted to tell her so she would know it was not her but me. Yet another part of me was scared of how she was going to look at me when I told her. “You should sleep.”

“Explain what you meant first,” she pleaded.

I gritted my teeth. “Later.” I was not sure if it was a good idea, but I really wanted her to get into bed so she could sleep.


“Promise.” I was truly an idiot. Still, it convinced Mia.

She turned her back to me. “Help me get out of this? It is a tight one.” Her words made my pulse pick up. It was, of course, because getting her out of that dress was exciting but also because she was too fast to believe my word.

I held her from the waist with one hand because she was swaying a little, and my other hand went to the zipper on her back. The dress was really tight. Even if she wasn’t drunk, she probably would have a hard time getting out of it. I pulled the zipper down, and my knuckles brushed the line of her spine. And like that was not enough to make my dick hard, Mia shivered a little under my touch.

After the zipper was all the way down, she held onto the straps and peeled the dress off of her. I probably should have go get her something to wear, but I could not move from my place.

The moans she made when I fingered her and the look on her face in the shower filled my head. I wanted to know more. I wanted to know all her responses to pleasure. Unfortunately, there was a problem because I also wanted to know all her responses to pain.

It was wrong, but I still couldn’t move. I have stayed for far too long. Now I only watched her naked back, and when she pushed the dress down to pool around her ankles, I also couldn't help but look at her ass. She was wearing a black thong, and oh my, her pale ass looked phenomenal. I wanted to spank it and bite it and then bend her over and fuck her until she screamed.

I was really gone. And then she made it worse. She turned around.

Even though she was still wearing those ridiculously high heels, she was so much shorter than me. Her deep blue eyes looked up at me with so many emotions. She looked shy but also enduring. She bit her bottom lip, and I swallowed back a groan.

My eyes roamed over her. She was tiny and was not very curvy like my previous partners, but that didn’t make her any less desirable. Her tits were small but full, and her nipples looked hard as a rock. Her legs were firm, and black lace was covering between her thighs. Oh, she was really going to kill me.

My hands turned into fists. There were too many disturbing thoughts in my mind about Mia. I thought about how easy it would be to handle her on the bed. How I could easily hold both her wrists with one hand and how easily I could turn around her small form. But fuck, she did not deserve that. She deserved gentle love-making, and that was something I could not give her. So, I should have stopped even thinking about it.

“I’ll get you a shirt to wear.” Because it would be hard to get her into one of her nightgowns, and making her look sexier was not a good idea for my cock.

She nodded slowly before I turned on my heel to go to the closet. Then she called out, “Can you also get me a fresh pair of panties?”

God, this woman. I bit back my groan and only focused on the task on hand. Clothe Mia and put her to bed. She needed sleep. So, I tried not to think of anything other than putting her to sleep as I opened her underwear drawer. The woman did not own one pair that didn’t make me hard. She was so extra with her clothing.

When I returned to the bedroom, she was sitting on the edge of the bed, and her eyes were filled with discomfort. That was enough to get my mind off of all the nasty things I thought. She was really not well. Bella was supposed to take care of her, for God’s sake.

“Up,” I ordered, and Mia lifted her arms up. I dressed her in one of my shirts, and she almost got lost in it. I was a fairly big guy, and she was very tiny. The sight stirred my possessive sight. Then I got on my haunches and hooked my fingers on either side of her panties. When I pulled them down, I could have died. Her scent and the sight of her pretty pussy were almost too much. That was the kind of thing that could make me lose control. But I didn’t because Mia really didn’t need my shit right now. I just wanted to make her comfortable. Still, I had to grit my teeth to control myself as I put on her new panties.

When I rose to my feet with her clothes in my hand so that I could throw them into the laundry basket, she let herself fall back to bed. Her arms were wide on her sides, and the black curls from her ponytail spread on the dark sheets. Despite the discomfort in her eyes, she was smiling sheepishly. And oh God, she really looked like an angel.

I looked away to get my head together. Why the fuck was I so weak when it came to Mia. I was never like that with any other woman I have been with. Maybe it was because I was never afraid of hurting them. I didn’t care.

“Don’t do that,” she whispered with a weak voice, and it sounded so hurt that my heart ached.

I looked down at her with furrowed brows. “Do what?”

“Don’t look away. It makes me feel like you are disgusted with me, and you said you were not. So, don’t act like that.”

For fuck’s sake. How could she even think I was disgusted by her?

I sat next to her on the bed and leaned over her, supporting myself with my elbow. I couldn’t help but trace her prominent cheekbone with my thumb. “How could I be disgusted by you, Mia? I am fascinated by you.”

“You are?” she asked with a small voice.

“Of course, I am.” My eyes roamed over her beautiful face and then her body that was covered by my t-shirt. “You are beautiful, Mia. You are probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, and that is not even all. I am fascinated by so many more things. I am fascinated by how you make Verona smile and Valerio frustrated. I am fascinated when you are playing chess and move your ears when you don’t know what you should do for the next move.” She giggled, and I touched the shell of her ear. “Don’t even deny it because I see it. I see all of you. I see when you smile and when you are sad. I see when you are daydreaming about what to draw when you have the chance. I see when you bite your lip to not say anything about Maria’s cooking. I see how you are always trying to make things easier for everyone else. I see everything, Mia, and I am fascinated by all of it.”

“Sal,” she whispered.

I closed my eyes. I was ready for whatever she was going to say. I was ready for her to shout at me and ask me why the fuck did I not act like that. I was also ready for her kind words. I was ready for whatever she wanted to give me because I was so done with it. “Yes, Angel.”

“I think I am going to be sick.”

Oh fuck. I was not ready for that.

I quickly scooped her up and took her to the bathroom. Luckily, she didn’t puke all over our bedroom. She made it to the toilet. I gently brushed the strands that escaped her ponytail away from her face.

When she flushed the toilet, she looked much paler, but I knew it was good to get it out of her system. She would feel a little better in the morning. I took a washcloth and hold it under warm water before giving it to her. She took it and threw me a grateful look. After that, she raised her arms to me. “Can you help me up?”

I ignored her hands and pulled her to her feet by her waist. She reached for the mouthwash and, after that, let me carry her back to bed. It felt good that she didn’t try to get out of my hold again. When I put her on her side, her eyes were closed, but she whispered, “Hold me?”

A small smile spread on my face, and I got rid of my shirt and pants to get in the bed with her. I did hold her sleeping before, but now it felt different. Her body was so warm like always. Holding her gave me a sense of comfort and usually a hard-on, but now it felt different. It felt different because she knew I was holding her because I wanted to. She knew how I felt.


I nuzzled her neck. “You should sleep.”

She didn’t even care for my words, and that didn’t surprise me one bit. If she wanted to ask something, she would do it. That was just Mia. “If what you said was real…”

“It was,” I interrupted. I did hold everything inside for some time, but I was not the type to cower after taking a step.

“Good,” she snuggled back to me. “But then why are you so distant to me? If you want to touch me, why don’t you?”

Oh, it was the part that was really fucked up. I was not even sure how I could explain it to her. I was not even sure if I was brave enough to tell her, but I knew if I didn't say anything, tonight was not going to mean anything. “The kind of man I turn into in the bedroom does not deserve to have you.”

Hell, I was not even sure if any other part of me deserved her.

She tried to turn in my hold. “What do you mean?”

I held her in place. If I was really going to tell her, I at least needed tonight. She was not good anyway. She needed sleep. “Not now, Mia.”

To my surprise, she didn’t protest. “Okay,” she murmured and settled in my hold once more. As she drifted off to sleep, she whispered, “Tomorrow then.”

I didn’t sleep right away because I wanted to make sure Mia could drift off. Luckily, she didn’t feel sick again. I held her until her breathing evened out. After that, I left for a minute because I wanted to make sure she had a big bottle of water and Advil ready when she woke up. I would probably wake before her in the morning, but I wanted to be sure.

When I was in the kitchen, my phone rang with a text. As a Capo, I didn’t have the luxury to put it on silent or leave it away from me. I was always alert and ready, yet the sound made me frustrated this time. I just prayed it was something I could send someone else so that I didn’t have to leave Mia’s side.

Lucky me, it was not work. It was just a text from my sister.

Isabella: Is Mia okay? She was pretty drunk.

I didn’t bother with texting back but called her instead. She picked up after one ring. “Hello, bro.”

“Why are you still up. It’s late,” I said, taking Advil and a bottle of water, and started walking to the bedroom. It was almost four in the morning, and I needed sleep too.

Bella giggled on the other end. “Well, I have an answer, but I don’t think you’ll want to hear it.”

“Oh, definitely not.” The last thing I want to know was my little sister’s sex life with Alessio. “I am very unhappy with you already.”

“What did I do?” Bella groaned.

“You were supposed to be the responsible one.”

“Ugh, is this about Mia’s friends? They seemed harmless, and we were in public. I don’t know why you are being so alpha about everything.”

My steps faltered, and my forehead wrinkled. “What, friends? I was talking about how drunk Mia got.” But now I was really interested in this friend talk. Mateo didn’t report to me anything unusual. To be honest, he was getting on my nerves.

“Oh, that. Yeah, I am sorry about that. We drank the same amount, and I couldn’t really calculate how much she was going to get affected since mine were non-alcoholic.”

I was intrigued to ask about Mia’s friends, but… “Why were your drinks non-alcoholic.” There was a long pause on the other hand, and I knew she slipped that out unintended. “Bella?”

“Wow, I really didn’t want to tell you like this. Can we act like this conversation never happened?”

Was she kidding me? “Fuck no. You are pregnant?”


“How far along are you?” And tell me you just found out because otherwise, I am going to strangle you.

Again, a little pause. “Eighteen weeks.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Were you ever going to tell me?” Maybe after the baby was born.

“I was, I promise. I was just…” her voice drifted off, and even though there was not much noise, I could practically see her tearing up. Bella was too fragile, but after everything she had been through, it was only natural. “I was just afraid. You know how I am. I can still not believe how everything turned out. I was just afraid something was going to happen.”

I softened at once. Bella was one of the few people who had that effect on me. I was still angry at her for not telling, but I also understood. She was sad for so long and didn’t know how to be happy. “Nothing bad is going to happen, Bells. I promise.”

“I know.” Sniff. “I am just stupid, you know.”

“Well, I am not letting you be stupid for longer. You are fucking halfway through the pregnancy. We are having a family dinner here at the mansion tomorrow night, and you are telling everyone. Okay?”

She sniffed again, but this time it was followed by a laugh. “You really love to order around, don’t you?”

“It is a habit.”

“Are you sure Mia is going to be well enough tomorrow?”

You are not getting away from this with a shitty excuse, sister. “She will be for dinnertime. So, agreed?”

“Agreed. We’ll be there. Antonio, Aunt Pippa, and Uncle Rafael also should come.”

“None of them knew? Good, now I don’t feel left out.”

“Even Mia doesn’t know.”

I grinned. “Well, not for long.”

“You are impossible. I’m going to bed.”

“Sweet dreams, Bells.”

Her voice softened. “Sweet dreams Sal.”