Angel’s Trumpet by Sem Thornwood

My head was throbbing. Maybe getting fucked up was not a great idea.

I opened my eyes to a bright room and realized I slept like the dead. I was hoping to feel the same strong arms around me, but they were gone. With disappointment, I opened my eyes and saw Sal’s large form next to me. I was turned in my sleep and was now face to face with him. His eyes were open, but I could see how tired he was still.

“You are here,” I murmured with a sleepy smile.

“I am.” He smiled back at me. “You kicked me in your sleep.”

I was not a very active sleeper, but from previous experience, I knew alcohol increased that side of me. Now with that much alcohol, I must have been very hard to spoon with no doubt. “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry,” he said, getting out of bed. “I am used to it.”

I sat up after him and immediately welcomed a terrible headache. “Are you leaving?”

He looked back from his way to the closet. “I need to get to work. I waited to make sure you were okay.” Then he pointed to the bedside table. “Take those and drink as much water as possible.”

I leaned and pop the two Advils into my mouth and gulped a lot of water from the big bottle. My head was really horrible, and my stomach didn’t feel too good, but I still got out of bed to follow him to the closet. He was in the process of getting into a pair of dress pants, and even my horrible headache didn’t stop me from being distracted by his thick thighs. “If I am not okay, will you stay?”

He pulled his pants all the way, hiding those legs making my attention go to his abs. His body was so good that I almost didn’t notice the smirk on his face, which was also panty-dropping. Why was I so horny hangover? Oh yes, because of all the things he told me yesterday night.

When he didn’t answer and instead pulled on a shirt, I stepped closer. “Well, will you?”

“I can’t,” he said simply. Then again flashed that charming smirk. “But I can’t say I am not tempted.”

Turns out it was all I needed. I stepped even closer and helped him button his shirt, even though that was the last thing I wanted to do. I knew he needed to leave. He already came home early yesterday night.

When all the buttons were done, I was filled with slight fear, so instead of letting him go to wear his jacket, I held onto him, and his eyes came to mine immediately. “I wanted to say, maybe you were hoping that I would forget what you told me last night, but I remember every word.” I could not take him to go back to his old ways after saying all those things to me.

Sal put one hand on my waist and another on my cheek, pulling me into him. My heartbeat got faster against his intense green gaze. “I was not hoping for you to forget Mia.”

I smiled, but it came out all shaky because his closeness was making my knees buckle. “Good,” I could only whisper. His touch, his warmth, and his breath on my lips were just too much. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but that was probably not a good idea since I still had my morning breath. “You brushed your teeth?”

“I did,” he said simply. He didn’t smile. He was in it as much as me.

“Maybe I should too,” I said. It was, of course, a code for “I am going to kiss you.”

He swallowed thickly, and I felt his finger on my cheek tense. “Fuck it,” he murmured and dove in.

His mouth closed around mine, and I forgot everything, including my throbbing headache. This was what I wanted for so long. I wanted him to kiss me senseless.

And it was even better than before. It was better than the kiss we shared on our wedding night. His lips and his tongue moved around mine almost desperately, like all this time, this was also what he wanted to do too. It was erotic, but it was also romantic. His hands roamed over me but never touched my breasts or my butt. This was not about sex but about finally letting go.

This was the physical promise of what he said last night was all true.

So, my kisses said that I believed him. My kisses were a promise that I was not going to let him return to his old habits.

This kiss was a promise of a new era in our marriage.

After he pulled back to nibble on my lower lip, I couldn’t help but smile. Even though there were still things we needed to work out, I was happy. I was happy because when I looked into those green eyes, there were no walls. I was okay with going slow. I was okay with not having sex right now too. All I wanted was for those walls to drop. And now we were ready to go forward.

He pulled back and cupped my face with both hands and put one last small kiss on my mouth. “Now I am really tempted.”

But he had to go. “Will you be back early?”

That kind of broke the magic. The walls were not back on, but his drunk gaze turned a little more focused. “I will be early, but we will have company tonight.”

My face fell at once. Why the fuck were we having a last-minute dinner party? Tonight was going to be about us solving our problems. “Who is coming?”

“Your parents, your brothers, and Bella. A family dinner. Will you be okay until then? Advils should help.”

Well, my headache would most probably be healed by then, but there were other problems like how I wanted tonight for us. Did he invite them over just so he wouldn’t have to deal with me? “Why now?”

His eyes filled with understanding, and his thumb came up to my forehead, flattening the lines of worry. “It’s nothing bad, I promise. There will be a surprise.”

I was not convinced. “What surprise.”

He thought for a second but then shook his head. “I shouldn’t tell you, but please don’t fill your head with ideas. I promise I am not fooling you.”

So, my only chance was to trust him on this? If that was, I wanted him to know. “Okay, I’ll trust you, but please don’t break that trust.”

He smiled, but it was kind of sad. “I won’t.” Then he pressed another kiss to my mouth. “I have to go now. Get into bed. I’ll tell Maria to bring you breakfast in bed.

Even though the lingering worry, I smiled. I have to give him one chance. One final chance for everything he said last night. “That’ll be lovely.”

I did get into bed after Sal left, but there were more important things than healing my hangover. Advils and Maria’s breakfast did most of the work for me anyway. I needed to be prepared because after dinner tonight, we were going to talk about everything he refused to talk about until now.

Like I said to Sal, I, in fact, remembered everything he told me last night. I even remembered what he said when I was about to drift to sleep. The kind of man I turn into in the bedroom does not deserve to have you.

It was actually not as bad as I thought. As far as I understood, it was not like he didn’t want sex or he didn’t want me. All those lustful looks were real, and the reason he didn’t touch me that day in the shower was just his inner demons. I could fight with his inner demons. They were so much easier to defeat than his possible past trauma.

I was not the most experienced when it came to sex, but we were not in the dark ages. I was pretty interested in this stuff, and I always had the internet to look for answers. So, what I gathered from Sal’s words was that he might be kinky. I was not sure if he was ashamed of that or not, but the word around town was that he was quite active in that area before he married me. I did consider it to be a lie when I came up with the theory that he was not into having sex, but after what he told me, I knew it must be true.

The problem was not him or what he liked to do during sex. The problem was me, or rather it was how he thought I might react. I mean, I never pegged Sal for a soft lover anyway. I really didn’t know what he was into, but it must be something he believed that would freak me out.

I wished I had a friend I can talk about this, but there was no one around me that I could trust. I was on my own, and I was going to do it right.

There were a few things I knew that I really wished was not the thing he was into. Still, I thought his general interest was about being a dominant. There might have been things I wouldn’t be comfortable with, but I was willing to talk about them and try most of them.

Now I needed to make him understood that I was not freaked out. I didn’t think anything could freak me out, but I also had to be sure. Okay, I was not willing to do everything, but I needed to assure him that I was because otherwise, he was going to assume I was not open to anything. And in order to do that, I had to be ready for anything he was going to suggest. I needed to do research.

I took my laptop and started my search. Good thing I had a reason to stay in bed. I had to get ready for dinner at one point, but it was still early. Plenty of time to research kinks.

My research started with a basic porn site which was not very helpful. Then I moved into blogs and stuff to read about real people’s experiences and suggestions which, if I had to be honest, consisted of a lot of freaky things. After that, I looked up a few porn sites they suggested. Some stuff was really out there, but most of them were okay with me.

At one point, I came across a video. The guy on the video was quite humongous, and the girl was petite, kinda like Sal and me. There weren’t any of the stuff I was skeptical about. It was a very rough fuck, but it didn’t freak me out. The girl was crying fat tears on the blowjob scene but still seemed like she was into it. The guy was definitely hurting her. Since she was skinny, the guy could easily toss and turn her around in bed, and she was getting used by him pretty bad. It didn’t make me uncomfortable or anything. In fact, I found myself rubbing my thighs together softly.

“Wait,” I whispered to myself. I was really into this. I mean, I never minded the pain aspect of losing my virginity like most of the girls I knew but taking pleasure from it? This was new. Was I weird for liking that stuff?

And then the realization came. Sal was feeling the same way. He was feeling bad because he wanted those things. Actually, no, he was feeling bad because he wanted those things from me. Okay, more research. I needed to know if it was a common thing. I needed to know so I could assure him it was not wrong.


When I came back home, Mia was all over her hangover. She was wearing a light blue cocktail dress, much more modest than what she wore yesterday but as much as delicious. Her black hair was framing her pale face, and thank God she was not pale as last night.

She came out of the kitchen after I closed the door, and when she spotted Antonio with me, she ran on her heels and jumped to her brother. “Antonio! I wasn’t expecting you now.”

Antonio lifted her off the ground and hugged her to his chest. Well, I was a little disappointed that she didn’t greet me first, but I knew they were really close, and after last night everything between us was changing so fast. It was only natural that she didn’t know what to do.

The look she gave me when Antonio put her to the ground did confirm my suspicions. There was longing, but she was also hesitant.

Since I fulfilled my quota as an asshole, I took the decision off of her hands. I pulled her to me, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pressed a short kiss to her mouth. “You look beautiful.”

She smiled one of those sweet smiles. “Thank you.” She seemed like she could look at me forever, but soon enough, Antonio cleared his throat, and the moment was gone.

Mia pulled away from me and flattened the wrinkles on her skirt. “When the others are coming?”

“In a bit,” Antonio said and started walking to the back patio. “I need a smoke.”

We followed him. We could have one until everything was ready and everyone was here, I guessed. Antonio and I both took out our packs, and Mia reached mine to take one for herself. I was filled with a sense of satisfaction like a fucking teenager because she didn’t take one from Antonio. After last night I was even more desperate for her.

“Do you guys know Bella quit?” she asked, startling me.

Well, of course, she did, and they were going to learn the reason soon enough. “Good for her.”

“I think Alessio is also trying to quit,” she said and threw me a look.

“Please don’t tell me we are going to do that too.” I was not quitting until she was pregnant like Bella, and I had no intention to get her pregnant now. Hell, I didn’t even fuck her yet.

Mia waved me off. “Don’t worry.” Then her attention turned to her brother. I knew she did visit Antonio from time to time, but she still managed to find things to talk about. To be honest, she would find things to talk about with everyone. She was the perfect trophy wife, after all. But with Antonio, she seemed genuinely interested, and that was something she reserved for people close to her.

After we were finished, guests have arrived. First, it was Rafael and Aunt Pippa. She hugged Mia very close and very long. I also knew Mia visited her parents’ house too, but after living together for so many years, it must have been still hard for Aunt Pippa. I made a mental note to have dinner with her parents more frequently. For my life, the only new thing was Mia’s presence, but for her, everything was different than before. And on top of all of that, I was also an asshole to her.

Well, not anymore.

When Bella and Alessio arrived, we got to the dinner table. She looked so excited and nervous that I wanted to take the lead for her. “Before we start, I guess Bella has something to tell us.”

Her big dark eyes roamed over me, then everybody's curious gazes on the table. “Okay,” she murmured to herself. Alessio’s hand gently closed over hers on the table, and she visibly relaxed. A deep breath. “I am pregnant.”

Aunt Pippa gasped and then smiled a teary smile. Rafael’s old steady eyes filled with something soft. Antonio gave a small smile, but as a rare occasion, there was some emotion in his eyes too. The twins jumped excitedly. And Mia got up from her seat, flying to Bella’s side. Her eyes were watery. “I am going to kill you. How long have you known?”

Bella laughed, but tears already started to leak from her eyes. She cried easily. “Eighteen weeks,” she said shyly. Oh, here we go.

Both Mia and Aunt Pippa looked at her with open mouths. Mia nudged her shoulder. “You bitch, and I thought you were gaining weight because finally, you were happy.”

“Mia language,” Aunt Pippa warned like she was still a child.

Mia waved her mother off. “She deserved it.” She gained grins from the twins but didn’t realize it because she was too busy checking Bella’s bump. She did have one, of course, but she was good at hiding it under the clothes.

Everybody got on to their feet to congratulate them afterward. I didn’t know if I ever had a family dinner where everyone was this happy. Bella’s non-stop cries told me we haven’t, and I was so glad she finally got to have one. I was very far away from being a good person, but Bella was, and she deserved these things. She also deserved all the looks Alessio gave her. He looked possessive, proud, and so stupidly in love.

“Planning to get more bodyguards?” I asked with a smirk as I was congratulating them.

Alessio looked at Bella and sighed. “I was thinking maybe an army.”

When Bella announced that it was most likely a girl, I understood Alessio better. Yeah, definitely an army.

That baby was not going to live what Bella and I had to live through. She was going to have a father that actually loved her.


The dinner was so different than I have guessed. I was really not expecting the news, but I was more than happy. I was going to be an auntie. And oh, the joy on Bella and Alessio’s faces was worth the world.

It also put me at ease about Sal. He was not planning dinner parties to avoid me after all. Bella did tell me how she accidentally told him and how Sal made her tell everyone at the dinner. And thank God because if it was up to Bella any longer, we would have found out when she gave birth to the baby. She said Alessio also wanted her to tell, but he was also very afraid of upsetting his pregnant wife.

Suddenly everything made sense. All of her cravings and the additional weight. I also realized that Alessio was hovering over her much more than normal. Oh God, he was already very protective of Bella after everything they have gone through. I could not even comprehend how crazy he was now that she was pregnant. My poor brother. Married the love of his life and was expecting his first baby. It must have been hard to be Alessio sometimes.

After dinner, men went to the cigar lounge to talk. I hoped that they wouldn’t talk about work but just celebrate Alessio. At the same time, I was busy asking Bella a thousand questions, but it was okay because mom was asking a million questions. She was very curious about Bella’s symptoms and what doctors said. She was also full of advice for Bella. I was her only biological child, but she knew quite a lot about pregnancies. She was also at Aunt Claretta’s side on her last two pregnancies, so she was able to give Bella advice according to that as well since her experience might be similar to her mother’s. It was all teary and fun and serious, but most importantly, it was happy.

This baby was loved so much even before she was fully formed.

I was happy and hopeful, and I was going to fix my marriage tonight.

After everyone left, Antonio stayed behind to talk with Salvatore. I was only hoping that it wouldn't take too long. I went to the bedroom and dressed in one of my white nightgowns. I lay down on the bed but didn’t sleep; instead watched some YouTube videos as I waited for Sal to come back.

Fortunately, he came to the room after forty-five minutes. I immediately sat up, and his eyes came to me on the dim bedroom light. “You are awake.”

“Yes,” I nodded and straightened my back. “We are going to talk.”

He looked at me for a second, and my brain started listing all the excuses he could give, but he didn’t give any of them. He just looked down at his suit. “Okay. Let me get out of this first.” I didn’t say anything, but my surprise must have shown on my face because he stopped on his way to the closet. “What?”

I shrugged. “Nothing, I was just expecting a protest.”

“Not this time,” Sal said and disappeared into the closet. I got out of under the covers and sat on the edge of the bed. After a few seconds of rustling fabric sounds, Sal emerged from the closet in pajama bottoms and a white tee. He usually slept only in his briefs but probably thought this talk required some more modesty.

He came and sat next to me on the bed. His face was filled with something harsh and painful. I really didn’t like it. “Are you going to tell me why you were acting the way you were?”

He nodded without looking at me, but after a second, he turned to me. His eyes roamed over my face, taking all in. Then he so gently cupped my cheek and pressed his lips to mine. Sal’s kisses had an intoxicating effect on me, especially because I was not used to getting them often, but I was not going to put my foot down. I was not going to get distracted by his body or his kisses or his touches, even though it was not easy.

I pulled back from the kiss but remained close to him. I didn’t want him to distract me, but I was also filled with the need to assure him that I was not angry and just wanted to know. “We need to talk.”

Salvatore swallowed thickly, and I felt his thumb moving along my cheekbone. “I know. I just wanted one last kiss before I tell you.”

I was about to protest because there was no way I was going to give up on him just when he opened up to me. All I wanted was honesty. I believed we could solve everything afterward. He was just torturing himself with this.

Just when I was about to assure him that it was okay, he stopped me by pressing his finger to my lips. “Just let me talk.” I could only nod because it was all I wanted from him anyway. Talk. “First, I want you to know that I am aware that I have been a dick to you since the wedding. I sent you mixed signals, and I avoided giving you an explanation. Well, it stops today. I am going to tell you why I have been distant even though my desire was too obvious.”

When he stopped for a second like it was causing him pain. I reached for his hand and entwined our fingers. “It is okay. Tell me.”

“I am a nicely covered monster, Mia. Every man in our world is, but my darker side is much harder to control. They call me Crazy Eyes because I get really unhinged. I think that darker part of me also likes to come out when I have sex. What I want from you and what he wants is so similar and also so different, and I cannot let him touch you.”

Okay, so what I guessed was pretty much right. I squeezed his hand encouragingly. “What type of things he wants?”

Salvatore looked at me like what he said already was supposed to be enough to freak me out. Yeah, well, no way.

“He makes me enjoy more violent things in bed. When I look at you, I dream of all the ways I can make you cry out with pleasure, but I also dream of how I can make you moan with pain.” He caressed the length of my arm. “I want to kiss every part of your body, but I also wonder how beautiful you’d look blue and black with my marks all over you. A part of me wants to touch you only with my fingertips because you are so delicate, but another part of me wants to grab you by the throat and possess you. I cannot silence the violent side without getting rid of the other as well. I kept my distance from you because otherwise, I get filled with the need to hurt you.”

He looked so weak at that moment. He looked like he already accepted defeat. He looked like those words were his corruption.

I, on the other hand, only let out a breath and smiled. “Thank God.”

Salvatore seemed confused more than anything else at my reaction. “Why do you look relieved?”

I laughed a little. He was really so ready for a horrible reaction. Things he said were what I already expected and truly not very bad. “I thought you were going to tell me you had a shit fetish or something. I was so afraid.”

His face got even more confused and a little disgusted. “No, of course not.”

“Also, no pissing kink?” he shook his head. “No foot fetish.” he shook his head again. “And also, you don’t want to eat me, right.”

This brought a glimmer to his eyes. “Well depends on what you consider as eating.”

I giggled. “I mean, you don’t want to cut a piece of me and eat it, right? Like cannibalism.”

If it was possible, he looked even more confused. He was really not waiting this reaction from me. “You were really expecting something, so crazy, didn’t you?”

I shrugged. “Well, they call you Crazy Eyes. I wanted to be sure.”

He shook his head in disbelief. “So, what I said doesn’t freak you out. Don’t you hate me because I am disgusting?” This time I shook my head. “Mia, I want to hurt you. You understand this, right?”

Strangely enough, his words went straight between my legs. I put so much effort not to rub my thighs together because this was a serious conversation. “I am okay with it, really. I mean, I appreciate it if you tell me what type of things you want to do first, but I am really not bothered by pain. I might be tiny, but I am not a sensitive little girl. I can take it.”

“You sure?” he asked, his voice was filled with uncertainty.

Maybe saying yes to all was not very convincing for him. “So, you like to be rough. Is there anything else you like?”

“There is one more thing, I suppose. Only physical pain is not fulfilling on his own. I usually use some words too.”

My brows furrowed. “Like dirty talking?”

“More like degrading my partner.”

Realization dawned on me. “Oh, I read about that.”

“Read?” Sal asked curiously.

I nodded. “Yes, I figured your problem was something like this after what you said last night. I also read about how these things can make people feel bad about themselves like you are right now. It said that it was normal, but if we do it right, it would probably go away. I mean, we have to make ourselves know that it is not real.”

Salvatore lifted his eyebrows. “Pain is not real?”

“No, no pain is real, but I told you that is not a problem. Physical boundaries are another thing, but I am talking about the psychological aspect of it. I mean, you already feel bad because you want these things. Imagine how you will feel after you hurt me and degrade me. I could also feel self-conscious. So, we have to know that it is just a play, a fantasy. I read that aftercare is very important…”

“Mia,” Sal interrupted me. “This is not a game for me. It is a part of me.”

My lips formed a soft smile, and I touched his cheek because he looked so guilty. “I know, but it is not the only part of you. Just because you want to do those things to me doesn’t mean you hate me or you wish me harm. I will still know you value me. Crazy Eyes is just a part of you, and I want to see it like I want to see every other part of you. I am not afraid of him.”

A sad little smile appeared on Sal’s face. “There is not one person out there that is not scared of him.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck to get even closer. “Well, I am not. It is still you. I want all of you.”

He looked at me for a while like he could not believe me. One hand squeezed my waist, and the other tangled with my dark locks. He was looking at me like I was something rare and beautiful. I thought no part of him could erase the effect of that look of fascination.

“I really don’t deserve you,” he murmured.

I pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “Yet, you have me, so stop being stubborn.” Then I got even closer and nibbled his bottom lip. “Fuck me tonight, Sal. We have waited long enough.”

For just a second, I thought he was going to push me away and leave. But he didn’t. A primal growl escaped his throat, and the next thing I knew, his hand was around my throat, and his lips were on mine. He kissed me like he wanted to consume me. He kissed me angrily and wildly. And I lost myself in him.

Even though between his assault and my heavy breathing, I managed to whisper. “Yesss… lose… control… with me.”

With that, his hand wrapped around my thigh and pulled me to his lap. I was straddling him, and all the kissing was making the ache between my legs unbearable. I wanted more of him. I wanted all of him.

I rubbed myself to the hardness I felt under me as Salvatore’s hands roamed over my body. My thin nightgown was doing so little to separate us. Still, there were too many layers between my pussy and his cock. I wanted them gone. I rolled my hips like I could remove them by friction. Sal’s hands came to my ass and squeezed encouragingly. He let me be on the lead for a whole minute before growling into my mouth and slapping my ass. I yelped with surprise. Sal pulled back. He was consumed by lust, but I could see the hesitant guilt in his eyes. There shouldn’t be one. I was enjoying it, and the pain on my ass was only heightening my pleasure. To show him it was all good, I nibbled his jaw and kept rolling my hips. Sal gave a satisfied grunt and slapped me again. I was so close to orgasm it was embarrassing.

Sal’s effect on my body was like no other.

Unfortunately, he didn’t let me get there. He grabbed me by my asscheeks and stood up to lay me down on the bed. He got down on top of me and kissed me again. His hands went under my nightgown and explored all the soft skin under there. “Every time” he purred and bit my bottom lip hard enough to make me moan with pleasure and a hint of pain. He pulled my lip with his teeth then pressed a soft kiss to my mouth. When he pulled back to look at me, there was a drop of blood on his bottom lip, but I couldn’t find it in me to care because he was looking at me with an unhinged hunger. “Every time you wear these flimsy things” he pulled the nightgown up to my stomach. “I have to control myself to not rip it off of you.”

Well, it was an expensive nightgown, but we did have more money than we needed. “Then do it.”

Sal looked at me with a little surprise but then a smirk formed on his face. His eyes were filled with something so dark, but instead of scaring me, it only caused my pussy to clench. Then Sal grabbed the hem of my nightgown and ripped it off. I cried out in surprise.

His gaze only turned darker than before as he watched my body. “I never got to appreciate your body the right way.” He leaned in and captured one of my nipples between his teeth. “So soft. So perfect.”

I arched my back to get more of his hot mouth. His tongue traced circles around my nipple, filling me with pleasure just seconds before his teeth assaulted my nipple so hard, filling me with pain. I liked both of them. One without the other was not enough.

He licked and bit down both my breasts while holding me under his intense gaze. All I could do was whimper under him. I wanted more. I needed more. “Please, Sal,” was all I could say, but it was enough. Sal’s kisses and licks started a journey down south. He occasionally stopped to bit a soft spot on my body, leaving his print on me. After being ignored for so long, him filling me with his mark felt like heaven.

When he reached my legs, his big hands pushed my thighs apart. “I have waited too long to taste you.”

“You tasted me,” I said, remembering how he licked my fingers on the shower.

Salvatore only shook his head and bit down the inside of my thigh. “Not enough. I am going to do it right.” I was expecting him to remove my panties, but instead, he just pulled it aside and smirked at the sight. I felt a little too exposed. As an instinct, my thighs came together, but Sal didn’t let me. “No!” he growled and pushed my thighs even more apart, exposing me more. He leaned down and brushed the tip of his tongue to my entrance. “So wet for me.”

“I am,” I admitted. “I need you, Salvatore.”

“Good,” he said, and this time really dove in. He licked me from the entrance to clit, and I couldn’t help but moan and arch my back. He was not playing with me but giving me what I needed. I did touch myself a lot of times before, but the sensation of my hand was nothing compared to Sal’s mouth.

His tongue drove me insane, and when his mouth closed around my clit, I cried out so loud that if the house was not enormous, everybody would be awake by now. Then something delicious happened. His tongue came to my entrance and penetrated me. I jerked up with a moan, but Sal put a hand on my belly to keep me steady. His tongue fucked me while his thumb brushed my clit. It was too good and too much.

I looked at his possessive dark gaze, and everything came together in me. I threw my head back as I shuddered under him. “Ahhh.”

Sal kept licking me until I was too spent and motionless. This time he bit my other thigh, making me scream. “That was the sweetest thing.” Then he rose from between my legs. “And now you are ready for me.”

Even though it was not a question, I nodded. “I am more than ready.” My body was covered with bruises, and I was still high from my orgasm, but I wanted more. I wanted to feel Salvatore in me.

He got up from the bed and, with one swift move, removed both his pajama bottoms and briefs. His heavy cock was pointing right at me. Maybe I should have been scared of his size, but he looked so delicious that I couldn’t think anything but to taste him. So, I sat up and leaned in to take him in my mouth when he was busy taking off his t-shirt.

Unfortunately, the second my lips touched his wide tip, Sal’s hand came to my hair, and he jerked my head back forcefully. “No. Not now.”

I looked up at him with innocent eyes. God help me. Even his hold on my hair was making me wet. At this point, even though how large he was, he should have had no problem just slide it in me.

Sal pulled my hair harder, like even having my face close to his cock was too much. “Lie down,” he ordered. It came out so naturally from his lips. He was used to ordering everyone around, after all.

Maybe in the future, I’d fight him more, but this time I didn’t protest. I lay back on the covers presenting him all my nakedness, and to my satisfaction, his breath hitched when he looked at me.

His jaw flexed. “I’ll try to be gentle, at least for this time, okay?”

I could see how hard it was for him. He didn’t need to do that at all since I told him it was okay to be rough. The fact that he was still being considered made my chest swelled. I smiled sweetly at him. There was no playful innocence. It was right from the heart. “Thank you.”

He traced a finger along my leg and then grabbed my ankle so he could open me up to settle between my legs. I opened them at once for him. He pressed his hips to mine, and once again, our lips came together. I loved kissing Salvatore, but I was too distracted because his cock was pressed up against my core. I couldn’t help but move to get some friction. It was a delicious feeling.

Sal groaned into our kiss and pressed a hand to my belly. “You are going to kill me.”

A giggle escaped me. “Not before you fuck me.”

He got up on his haunches but kept that hand on my belly. He didn’t let me move but rubbed his tip along my slit himself. His jaw was flexing, and several moans were coming out of his mouth. I was no different. Every time I felt the firm pressure of his tip on my clit, I squirmed under him.

Then slowly, he brought his tip to my entrance. I felt him twitch, but still, he didn’t move, only lifted his eyes to mine. He didn’t say anything, but I could see the question there. I only had one request. I didn’t know if it was something he didn’t want, but even if it was, I was not going to swallow it. “Can you hold me when you enter me? I want to feel you close.”

Under all those darkness, I saw a hint of something soft, and Sal nodded. He came down onto his elbows and hugged me to his chest. Then he slowly rolled his hips. His tip slipped inside of me thanks to my juices, but after just a second, I felt a horrible burning. It was not like the pain from his bites. It held no pleasure. It was horrible. Oh man, how did I think it was no big deal?

Sal pushed into me so slowly, and with every shallow thrust, the burning got worse. I didn’t want to show him my discomfort, but tears filled my eyes. I could see how much he was gritting his teeth to be gentle and slow, but it was still horrible.

When he realized a tear escaping my eyes, he stopped and leaned in to lick that drop. “I don’t know how to make this good for you.”

It was too much pain, and there was probably no way to prevent that, but it was also taking so long. I would prefer a momentary pain to this. “Don’t go slow,” I said, and his eyes came to mine with confusion. “It hurts too much, and it pains you too. Just do it fast like a band-aid.”

“You sure.”

“Yes, just do it.”

“Okay,” he murmured and kissed me. When I was busy kissing him back, he pushed into me, and I literally felt my hymen break. He was probably not seated completely, but he was in me, and since he was not moving, all the pain and the burning was gone.

He pulled back to examine my face. “Are you okay?”

I nodded and moved my hips to examine. “Ahh. It hurts a bit but not as much as before.” Then I looked down to see how deep he was, but we were too close for me to see. “Are you at least halfway in?” he did have a long penis after all.

Sal chuckled, and it held none of the darkness he was possessed by. “I am Angel. I’ll move when you tell me to.”

It didn’t feel like waiting was going to make it better. “You can move. I want to feel all of you in me.”

He kissed me before pushing into me a little more. “Talk like this, and we’ll be done quickly.”

He was not as slow as before, but he was also not very rough. He pushed into me hard but slow. With every thrust, I felt more of him in me. The stretching was the perfect mixture of pain and pleasure. I couldn’t help but moan, encouraging Salvatore to move into me faster.

When he filled me completely, I felt his pelvis pushing into my clit and squirmed to get friction. “Oh, that’s really good.”

“You like it?” he asked and fucked me a little harder like it could push the answers out of me.

I moaned, “Yes.”

It was all he needed. He was still not too fast, but his thrusts were deep and hard. I moved up and down every time his hips pressed up against me. I held onto his shoulder to steady myself and opened my legs even more. “You feel so good,” I said breathlessly.

Sal made an approving sound and pushed his knees into the mattress. He pushed one of my thighs down and changed the angle. Oh. My. God.

With the new angle, he pushed an incredible spot inside me. My clit throbbed, begging to be touched. Countless moans slipped from me. I reached between us to rub my clit. Even though there was still pain, I was close to coming. “Please don’t stop.”

Sal pushed my hand away and touched my clit himself. “I won't, Baby. Such a sweet pussy and all mine.” He fucked me faster and harder now. His hand came to my throat, and he made me look at his green gaze. “Do you like my cock in you?”

“Yes. So much.”

“You are such a dirty little girl, aren’t you?” His words stirred something in me, and I started coming around him. “Yes,” Sal groaned and thrust harder into me, parting me more and more for himself. “Tell me whose fucking you, Mia. Whose cock makes you come?”

“You,” I moaned with my shaky voice. “Salvatore, you.”

“That’s right, Angel,” he said and followed that with a groan. I felt his cock jerk inside of me, and with every thrust, his hot cum filled me. It was the strangest sensation, but I loved it. I loved that he filled me while I was still clamping around him.

I came down from my high first, and he followed. When his thrusts stopped, he fell on top of me. His elbows were on either side of me, making sure I didn’t crush. Both of us were breathing hard, and I could feel him get soft inside of me.

“Wow,” I murmured when I managed to get a steady breath.

Salvatore chuckled against my neck and then pulled back just a little to press a kiss to my hair. “Was I too hard?”

I shook my head, smiling. “You were great. I enjoyed it.”

He pressed a kiss to my cheek this time. “Me too.” Then he pulled out slowly off of me. I huffed with the lost sensation and the pain. Something immediately trickled out of me, and I looked down like Sal.

“Oh, we need new bedsheets.” Sal didn’t say anything, and when I looked up at him, I could see some regret on there. I didn’t want that. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and kissed him softly. “It is okay. It’s normal.”

“Promise you are good?”

I smiled at his worry and nodded. “I promise. I am just a little sore, but it’ll pass.”

“Okay,” he murmured to himself and then looked at me. Fortunately, most of the regret was gone, and the classic, playful Salvatore was back. “Let’s take a shower then. Seems like you won’t be able to go a second round.”

I yelped as he picked me up in his arms but laughed afterward. “And you can go?”

He winked at me. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

I giggled and pressed my head to his chest as he carried me to the bathroom. “Can’t wait.”


I gently pushed Mia’s head back so the water could wash away all the shampoo in her thick black hair. I have never washed another adult in my whole life. I have never even shared a bath with someone else. Washing Mia’s hair was a lot of work too, but still, I enjoyed it so very much.

After a few seconds, I pulled her face away from the water. I loved how she let me handle her. It was different than the control I craved during sex. This was about taking care of her. I liked taking care of her, and it also helped me to not feel like a monster every time I looked at the many bruises on her body. She didn’t seem like she minded them anyway.

God, they looked good on her.

I examined her for a second. Her marble skin was covered with many droplets. I leaned and licked a few from her bottom lip. “Fuck, you are beautiful.”

Mia giggled. Her hair was still wrapped around my hand, but she seemed like she didn’t mind that either. She never looked at me with fear, and it felt good for a change. “I think I have a pretty face,” she admitted. “I know my body must not be what your previous partners looked like…”

My grip on her hair tightened at once, and I jerked her head. My lips came close to her because I wanted her to breathe my next words. “Don’t fucking talk about other women. When I am naked with you, you are only allowed to talk about you and me. No other men and no other women, understood?”

Her lips twitched slightly, and she nodded, “Okay.”

I kissed her before letting go of her hair. “Good.” The last thing I wanted was for her to be self-conscious. Yes, she was different than what I was used to. She was too short and didn’t have curves to spare, but oh God, I have never wanted anyone as much as I wanted her. I wanted her even more now that I have got a taste.

Trying to hold back was hard, but seeing those tears in her eyes was even harder. At that moment, I realized that I didn’t like hurting her unless it was drenched with pleasure. Ripping out orgasms out of her was the greatest gift ever, though. I loved how she lost herself and writhed under me despite the pain she was feeling. Even thinking about it now made me hard again.

“Are you thinking something exciting?” Mia asked.

I realized that I dashed off. Her eyes lowered to my groin, and when they turned back up, she arched a brow.

I slapped her ass to erase that smug expression from her face. “I think you got your answer now,” I said, referring to how she asked if I would be able to go a second round. Hell, with this woman, I might go for a third and a fourth round too. She turned me on like crazy. The idea of corrupting her was too charming.

Mia wrapped one hand around my cock, startling me. “I can’t let you go to bed like this. You won't get a drop of sleep.”

My mouth twitched. “Really? I thought you were too sore.” And I knew she was. Even if she would tell me she was not, I wouldn’t fuck her again tonight. The sight of blood on her was enough for me to stop for now.

She smiled one of her sweet smiles, but I could see the promise of something darker on her blue eyes. “I am sore.” She stroked me once, earning a grunt. “But there are other ways.” Then she fell to her knees at once.

Fuck yes.

I wanted to show her so many things and own every part of her. Her mouth was a good start, I guessed.

Mia pressed her cheek to my length, and even the sight made my balls tightened. I wanted to grab her head and fuck her mouth senseless. Not this time, though. This was another first for her, and I wanted to let her tease me for this once. So, I only cupped her cheek softly. She could learn before I became the first man to fill her mouth with my cum. The thought made me twitch.

Mia giggled, but I could see how tense her shoulders were. Holding onto my control was hard, but I managed.

“I probably won’t be very good,” Mia whispered.

“I don’t care. If you don’t put your mouth on my cock right now, I am going to do it for you, and believe me, it won't be nice.”

This time she gave me a shy smile. Her cheeks were flushed slightly. “I don’t need nice,” she whispered more to herself than me and licked my cock from bottom to top experimentally. She then spat on my cock and took my tip into her mouth. If I wasn’t sure she learned all this from porn, I could have killed her. The thought of any other man saw her like this, felt her mouth around them was awakening my violent side so very easily.

She spread her spit with her hand while circling my tip with her tongue. I couldn’t hold back my groan. She was surprisingly good, but what better was her expression. She never stopped looking at me and managed to look innocent and sinful at the same time. My sweet dirty angel.

I let her lick me like I was her favorite candy for a while. I wanted her to experiment and showed my delight every time she did something I liked. After a while, though, her experimental licks were much too tempting, and I couldn’t take it anymore. My hand cupped her cheek. “Suck me, Angel.”

Mia gave me a small pleasant smile in response and took me in her mouth. She went up and down slowly. My hand left her cheek and made its way to her hair right above her neck. We were done playing, but still, I didn’t want to force her, so I managed to only push her head very slowly. She didn’t resist though, on the contrary, her cheeks waved as she sucked me. It was still very experimental, but the sight of my big cock disappearing into her small mouth was so good that I couldn’t find it in me to care about anything else. I would take her experimental mouth over the blow-job queen whores of my past any day.

She obeyed my rhythm, taking me more and more with every thrust. When my hips circled, and I hit the back of her throat, I moaned. My eyes found her face for a sign of discomfort, but even though her eyes were watering, she didn’t try to stop my hand in her neck. This time the tears didn’t bother me because her blue eyes were filled with lust. I thrust faster into her mouth, and she took me with a great hunger on her face.

When a tear escaped her eyes, I brushed it with my thumb. Her face started getting red, so I slowed a little, but she surprised me by grabbing my balls and massaging them. Good thing she wanted more because I was not the best at stopping. I jerked her head and hit her throat again.

“Yes, Baby, just like that.” my thrusts got faster and harder, and I was close. “I am going to come,” I warned yet did nothing to let her go. She didn’t try to get out of my hold either.

I lost it. Her mouth, her tongue, her hands, and her fucking eyes… With uncoordinated thrusts, I came in her mouth. I still held her head but slowed my rhythm. She tried to swallow around my length but had a hard time since I was still too deep.

Some of my cum and her saliva dripped from her mouth, my cock still inside. It was a great view, but I immediately pulled out, worrying it might be too much for now. I was getting into my senses slowly.

When I was out, she coughed twice, and I felt like an asshole, but then she again surprised me. Her eyes closed, she licked the residue of cum and saliva from her lips and moaned. She fucking moaned. The woman I have been before always swallowed and whores did act like I have given them a present, but it always felt fake.

Mia, on the other hand, seemed genuine.

None of the women I have been before moaned with this much pleasure to our mixed taste. It was fucking hot. If I haven’t just came, I would have gotten hard again.

After Mia caught her breath and her eyes opened, I held her from under her arms and brought her to her feet. Even though she licked her lips, there was still some residue on her chin. I brought my finger, cleaned cum and saliva, and shoved those fingers into Mia’s very willing mouth. She sucked my fingers, and again I felt her moan around my fingers. When I took them out, I leaned and kissed her, tasting myself. I loved myself on her. Her pussy and her mouth were filled with my cum, and her body was filled with my marks.

Fucking good.

“I think we should go to sleep now,” I murmured, brushing my thumb to the cushion of her bottom lips.

Mia caught the tip of my thumb and nibbled it. “We should?”

“Yes, and you should wear something, or else I am going to fuck you until sunrise.”

“Sounds good,” she whispered, but her eyes were not drenched with desire. There was something soft in there that tightened my chest.

I leaned in and kissed her slowly, softly. After all that roughness, I felt like she needed that. “We have so many days ahead, Angel. I can't wait to show you everything.”

She beamed up at me, and for the first time since we got married, I knew I was the reason for her happiness. “Me too.”