Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




Opening my eyes, I stretch across the bed. I need to get ready to go to work at Elle’s Café today, then over to The Narrow Table tonight for dinner service. I’m grateful I had yesterday to recover, because there was no way I would’ve been able to work with the hangover I had.

I get out of bed, and head straight into the bathroom. Once I’ve showered, I quickly make two pieces of toast, and have a glass of orange juice. I’m glad I’ve got it down pat, taking me about fifteen minutes to have breakfast and get ready for work.

Locking up the trailer, I head to my car. The drive to Hope River is about twenty to twenty-five minutes, giving me time to listen to my playlist and hype myself up for work. Once I find a space, I walk toward the café and unlock the door. I turn the alarm off, and start getting everything ready for the day.

Walter is due to arrive in the next hour or so. I don’t expect to see Elle today considering her son, Ezra is only four months old. Or is he five months? I don’t know, I’ve lost track of his age. I’ve got Sarah scheduled on with me today which will be great, because once we close here, I need to head back to The Narrow Table for a night shift.

Flicking on all the lights, I turn on the coffee machine, and turn on the fryers and everything else Walter will need ready when he gets here.

I make myself a coffee, head out the back to the safe, and make sure today’s float is balanced. Then I do a quick stocktake to see what I need to order for tomorrow. Thankfully, I can do the ordering online, and it’ll be delivered this afternoon or early tomorrow morning.

“’Morning, Dani,” Murray, our most regular customer, says as he walks in and sits at the counter.

“’Morning, Murray. How are you today?” I grab a mug, and pour him a coffee.

“My Daddy used to say it’s the first hundred years that are hard.” He chuckles at his own joke. “How are you? Missed you yesterday. Sarah said you had a day off. You young kids, think you can work a day and have a day off,” he says and snickers. “It’s not like you’re here six days a week or anything,” he teases.

“How dare I?” I sarcastically say. “What would you like this morning, Murray?”

I continue starting everything while Murray has his coffee. “Oh, I think I’ll have a muffin this morning, Dani.” I look to the display cabinet. “Blueberry?”

“Um.” My lips pinch together. “Nah, I don’t have any left. Walter needs to make another batch. But it looks like I have lemon, or raspberry and white chocolate or, date and bran.”

“I should have the date and bran muffin,” Murray says, his voice etched with disgust. I slide the glass door, and grab a pair of tongs to reach for the date and bran muffin. “I said should, doesn’t mean that’s the one I’m going to have.”

I grab the lemon muffin and place it on the plate. I know this is his second favorite next to the blueberry. “Here you go.”

He looks at the muffin and shakes his head. “I swear you want to fatten me up, Dani.”

I chuckle as Murray devours the muffin. “What are you up to today?” I ask as I continue making sure the café is ready for today’s business. I walk around from table to table checking all the salt and pepper shakers.

“I’m going to head out to Mulberry Point, actually. Hope’s asked me to give them a hand with some landscaping stuff. She said they’re short on the crew today.”

“Hope’s really changing things, isn’t she?” I ask. Since Hope arrived into Hope River, her construction business has been something we obviously needed. She cemented her place in Hope River and Mulberry Point by buying old houses on the brink of demolition, and rebuilding them. She started with Old Roger’s house, which she turned into a thriving bed and breakfast.

“I thought you were heading out to Mulberry Point,” Hope says from the doorway.

“Shit, the boss caught me.” Murray chuckles.

“Morning, Dani. Can I get two blueberry muffins, and two coffees to go please.”

“They’re out of blueberry,” Murray says. “Try the date and bran muffins.”

Hope screws her mouth up, and takes a small step backward. “Hell, no. What else do you have?” she asks. “Who eats dates and bran, anyway?”

“The lemon is good,” Murray answers on my behalf.

“You want to put on an apron and come work on this side, Murray?” I tease.

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Stick it on my tab, Dani. I gotta get out to Mulberry Point before the dragon lady docks my pay,” he says with laughter.

“You’re not getting paid, Murray. This is a labor of love,” Hope happily banters.

“What? Love? What’s this love business you speak of?” He stands, downs the rest of his coffee and starts walking out. “What did your last slave die of, Hope?”

“Not getting over to Mulberry Point fast enough,” she retorts without missing a beat.

Murray opens the door and waves his hand over his head. “He’s a good guy, isn’t he?” I say to Hope as I prepare her order.

“Yeah, he is. How are you doing, Dani? Since Elle had Ezra, you’ve had to do a lot more here.”

“I’m okay. I like the extra responsibility Elle’s trusted me with. And besides, I love the customers.” Although I’ve been so tired lately, I think I’m overworking myself.

“Yeah? Even that dragon lady?” she says referring to herself.

“She can be painful sometimes, but generally she’s tolerable.” I place both coffees on the counter, and grab two of the raspberry muffins. Hope didn’t actually tell me which ones she wanted, but I know these are firm favorites along with the blueberry ones.

“Thanks, Dani. On my tab.” She grabs the two coffees, balancing one on top of the other, and holds the bag of muffins with her other hand.

“Bye.” I bring up Murray’s tab, and add this morning’s coffee and muffin. Then bring up Hope’s and do the same.

Today’s been busier than normal, and I welcome the breaks between customers so I can catch my breath. “Sarah, the back two tables are dirty,” I say when she’s finished making a coffee for one of our regulars. I need to put in the supply order or we’ll have nearly nothing to serve tomorrow.

“I’ve got a tray of blueberry muffins in the oven, Dani,” Walter says. “But I need more flour and eggs.”

“I’ve got it on the order form. Do you need anything else?” I happen to look up and see a fire truck from Mulberry Point pulling up out the front. My heart skips a beat, as I hold my breath to see if it’s Rhett’s truck.

“Yeah, here’s the list.” Walter hands me a piece of paper, scribbled with a few things he needs.

I’m totally distracted as I watch to see if Rhett gets out of the truck.

Alec climbs out of the truck first, and I feel myself gawking as I wait to see Rhett. Rhett climbs out of the back, followed by Penelope, then Dean. I can’t take my eyes off Rhett. He’s easily the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. From the first time I met him, all I could do is hope that one day he’d see me. But he and Penelope are super close, and I’d never in a million years come between that. The grapevine has always said they’re best friends, but the connection between them is obvious. I’m not the type of girl to come between anyone.

Rhett and Alec both enter the café.

I purse my lips together trying not to boldly stare. “Hey, Dani,” Alec greets me with a nod and a smile.

“Hey, Alec,” I say as I try to keep my voice steady. “Hey Rhett.” I give myself only a second to look at him before I return my focus to the laptop in front of me.

“Grab me a coffee?” Rhett says to Alec. He walks over to me, leaning against the side of the booth. “How are you?” He smiles toward me, and I move my hands to my lap so Rhett can’t see them trembling.

“I’m good. You?” I glimpse up, trying not to look into his perfectly warm chocolate brown eyes.

“I want to show you a photo Mom took of us at my birthday party.” He takes his phone out of his pocket, and I can’t help but look at those veiny arms and masculine hands as he offers me his phone to show me the photo.

As I take his phone, our fingers skim against each other, and I instantly pull away, refusing to allow myself to feel the heat between us. I look at the photo, smile tightly then hand it back to him.

Fuck, we look so happy together. He’s got his arm around my waist, and I have my head on his chest. “I don’t remember your mom taking this.”

“We were pretty drunk.” He stares at the photo for a moment before returning his phone to his pocket.

I look at the computer screen, feeling totally awkward. I should say something, but what do I say. “Yeah, we were.” Internal forehead slap. Yeah, we were? What the hell is wrong with me? “It was a good night. Thank you for inviting me.” I glance up then quickly look away.

“Hey, losers, we’ve got another job,” Pen calls as she opens the door to the café. “Hey, Dani!” she happily says when she sees Rhett and I talking.

“Hey, Pen,” I reply.

“Okay. Well I’ll see you later.” Rhett says with hesitation. When? It’s not like we usually hang out. We’re not close friends or anything. A tight smile stretches across my face as I give Rhett a tense nod.

He walks away, and I watch from under my lashes as he leaves. Whenever I’m near Rhett, he sparks my heart and my stomach spins with excitement. He’s damn fine, especially in his uniform. Don’t get me wrong. He’s quite attractive in normal clothes too. The moment the truck pulls away, Sarah comes over to me, fanning herself. “Jesus, Rhett is so hot.”

“Is he?” I ask, trying to pretend my body, mind, and soul aren’t affected by him.

“None of those three were hit with the ugly stick, that’s for sure,” she says. “Mind you, no wonder Rhett and Penelope are a couple. I mean, they’re going to make some gorgeous looking babies when they have kids.”

My shoulders slightly sink as I sit here listening to Sarah. “Yeah, they will.”

“Maybe one day, I’ll find myself a hot fireman too. Or a cop.” She laughs. “Or maybe one of those guys in a well-fitted business suit.” She fans herself. She hovers for a moment too long as she keeps staring at the retreating fire truck.

“Have you wiped down the tables in the back?” I ask trying to get rid of her.

“Oh, crap. I’ll do it now. Sorry, I was distracted by the two hot firefighters.”

I hear ya, easy to do.

I stare at the screen of the laptop again. Sarah’s words replay in my head. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part that Rhett and Penelope aren’t a couple.

I should be happy for Rhett and Penelope. But the thought of them together kills me. Just rips my heart into so many tiny pieces, although if I’m being honest, I have nothing to offer him.