Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood

Chapter 20


We didn’t talk during the drive, for which I was grateful. After everything, I was not in the mood to chat. I was also a little scared that I might let something slip. I didn’t know how much Salvatore was aware of what happened, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

When we reached the house, he walked me to the front of my door. It was really not necessary, but even if I didn’t want to talk, his presence was good. He pressed a kiss to my forehead before leaving. “Try to rest, Bells. It has been a long night.”

I only nodded. It really has been. I still needed time to digest everything that has been happened and what was to come. I really thought that it was done for me, but now I was… free? I was not truly free, but if my dad would give me to Alessio, I’d end up with the choice I’d make if I was free.

In the end, I decided to take Sal’s advice. I would think about my future in the morning. There were still so many unknowns anyway. Also, I needed the rest. So, I took a very fast shower cleaning myself from Alessio’s blood and Panaro’s touch. The latter was the far more disturbing one. Luckily since he was dead now, cleaning his touch felt easy. Knowing he could not touch me or hurt me was a big relief.

After my shower, I briefly dried my hair and dressed in my pajamas. Since I was staying at the lake house for the last six months, I didn’t have many clothes here. Fortunately, I did have some pajamas.

Just when I was about to get into bed, a little knock sounded on my door. It was too quiet to be Salvatore. For a second, I thought maybe they send Mia to console me, but she wouldn’t have knocked in a situation like this.

“Come in,” I said, and the door opened slowly. My sister Verona appeared in the doorway. She was wearing sweatpants, but her hair was still in a bun she made for the wedding. They probably didn’t have much time to get home and get comfortable. “Verona, come in.”

She did and closed the door behind her. She was probably concerned about me. Considering she and Valerio were only eleven, it was most likely that no one informed them of the current situation, but when you were a kid in the mob, you’d hear things and gather the situation on your own pretty quickly. No matter how hard the adults try to keep you safe from all those horrible things.

“Where is Valerio,” I asked. They were usually inseparable.

She shrugged as she made her way to the bed, where I was sitting. “He is eavesdropping on the meeting. He said you might want female company, so I came alone.”

Even in the middle of everything, I laughed at that. “Smartass.”

Verona sat next to me. She looked concerned. Oh god, my eleven-year-old sister was concerned for me. “Are you okay?”

I cupped her hands into mine. “Yes, I am.”

She asked her next question a little shyly. “Are you happy, or at least relieved?”

“Yes,” I accepted. There was no need to hide it from my sister when everybody knew. “I didn’t want to marry him.”

“I know. I wouldn’t want that either. He was old.”

I smiled slightly. “Yes, he was.” Then her previous statement tightened my chest. “You won’t need to marry someone like him.” I would make sure of that.

This time she looked at me with terrified eyes. “Dad wants to look for suitors for me. he was waiting until after your wedding, but now… I don’t know what is going to happen.”

Oh no. Our asshole of a father was not going to ruin my sister’s life as well. He had no right to do that. He could not hurt sweet little Verona. “There is a conflict now. It is going to take time. And you know Sal and Mia should get married soon too. He won't have time to look for suitors, don’t worry.” I also hoped until he can do that, Salvatore would be Capo and head of our family, but there was no need to voice that idea in front of Verona.

She nodded, and I could feel her expression soften a little.

I reached for the comforter and lifted it so that we can get under it. “Come on, let's get some sleep.”

Verona didn’t object and got under the covers with me. I held her into a tight embrace. She loved sleeping with someone holding her. Mom didn’t baby her too much, but for a while, she and Valerio stayed in the same room, and we often found them snuggled together in the morning. Valerio didn’t show any indication that it affected his need for closeness, but I knew it did. They both liked sleeping with other people. I wished nothing more for my sister to found someone she could feel happy snuggling.

At one point in the night, I woke up to the sound of my name. It was a whisper so that Verona wouldn’t wake up, but it was harsh enough to wake me up.

I looked up at the doorway and saw the shape of my brother, and then I checked if Verona was still asleep. She was. Her sleep was a lot heavier than mine. I tried my best to untangle myself from her without waking her. She mumbled in her sleep when I was completely free but didn’t wake up.

Only when I closed the door behind me, I spoke. “Is there a problem?”

He shook his head. He looked tired, but I could see that his body was rigid. “They want to talk to you. I said we should wait until the morning, but Dad didn’t accept.”

My heart started beating hard in my chest. I was hoping to have some time until my father made yet another decision concerning my future. “Is everything okay, Sal?”

He gave me a reassuring nod, and his hand came up to my shoulder. “Believe me, it is. They just want to ask some questions before deciding.” After that, he waited for a second, swallowing. “Is there something I need to know, Bells?”

I got tense but tried not to show it. “What do you mean?”

He got closer to me, and his thumb brushed my shoulder gently. “I am not accusing you. I am just asking if I should know something before Dad finds out.”

I considered that for a moment. I didn’t know if I should tell him everything. Probably I shouldn’t. I didn’t think he would tell Dad, but we didn’t have time for that conversation, and there was no way Dad could find out about what happened. So, I only shook my head “no” as an answer.

He nodded. “I am so happy that asshole died.”

“Me too.”

Then we walked to the cigar lounge where my father and all Mazzoni men were waiting. It was a meeting that normally would include Consigliere too, but since he was dead, it was only them.

“Welcome, Isabella,” said Rafael Mazzoni. My father was probably too angry to even talk to me. “Sorry for disturbing you. We know you had a hard day.”

“It is okay,” I said with a low voice. I was not very confident to talk with my normal voice at the moment.

“We wanted to ask you some questions regarding the events of the night.”

I tried my best to not look at Alessio for help. He did his part; now, it was my time. “I told you I didn’t register everything. I was in pain.” It was the best lie I could come up with.

Rafael Mazzoni nodded; he didn’t look scary but understanding. That gave me a sense of relief. “We know. It's not about that. We just wanted to make sure about something. We gathered from the sheets that you have consummated the marriage.”

“You are not pure anymore,” Dad spat from his spot next to the window. He looked like he was putting a lot of effort to not look at me. I thought maybe if he looked at me, he wouldn’t be able to stand still. He was blaming me for his Consigliere’s death. After losing Mom, losing his friend must have been hard, but not even a single part of me felt sorry for him.

I was not going to play his way and call myself “unpure” just because I had sex. Which I didn’t. I was still pure in their eyes, but of course, I was not going to tell them this. “I am no longer a virgin.”

“I see,” Rafael said, and I saw my father tighten his fist at his side. “We also wanted to ask if he finished the job.” He was visibly uncomfortable asking the question.

I didn’t know what to say. We didn’t talk about that with Alessio. “I don’t know what do you mean.” I was just hoping to save some time and look at Alessio without anyone noticing.

“Don’t play dumb,” my father growled. “You know what he is asking.”

Okay, I was not going to argue with him right now just because he was holding my future between his lips. So, I shook my head. “No, he didn’t. He died before he could.”

Rafael nodded, “I see.” Then he looked around the room, to everyone. I wanted to look at Alessio, but I was locked into Rafael, waiting for his declaration. “We are still going to wait for your cycle. We need to make sure you are not pregnant before making wedding plans.”

Wedding plans? So soon?

“And if I am not?”

“Then…” he said and looked at my father like he was asking for the last approval.

Dad didn’t give it to him but instead finished Rafael’s sentence himself. “Then we are going to start planning your wedding to Alessio. You don’t have to wait since you were barely married.” As my heart starting beating like it wants to escape my chest, my father turned to me. “And Alessio was crazy enough to accept you tainted.”

Oh, he wanted to hurt me with those words, but it was no use. My eyes found Alessio. He was smiling slightly, and his eyes were filled with a glimmer of victory. He got what he wanted in the end. He didn’t break his promise.

His year-long obsession with me paid off in the end. I couldn’t care anything but this victory. This time I was going to help plan the wedding, and this time I was going to be a happy bride. And for the rest of my life, I wouldn’t doubt Alessio ever again.