Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood



I vomited all the non-existent food in my stomach. Alessio was beside me, holding my hair and caressing my back to soothe me. Though I was not happy about his presence even a little bit. I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I pushed Alessio with my other hand. “Please leave. I am disgusting.”

He pulled me to my feet and started cleaning my mouth and the back of my hand with a washcloth. “You are not disgusting, Bella. You are pregnant.”

I rolled my eyes. Pregnancy didn’t change the fact that I threw up three times in front of my husband today. I had only found out I was pregnant yesterday, and today I was nauseous all day. I haven’t even gone to the doctor to confirm my pregnancy yet, but my missing period and three pregnancy tests I took showed that I was, in fact, pregnant.

The funny thing was I was not planning to get pregnant this fast at all. We were not trying. I was on the pill, but it turns out I was too dumb for the pill. You have to take it every day at the same hour, and I kept forgetting about it. I took two pills after I forgot to take one. I thought it will be okay. I was wrong.

“I think this nausea might be psychological. I mean, isn’t it too early?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. I have never been pregnant before. Maybe it is because I am nervous.” Then I reached for the mouthwash despite the horrible taste. I was not going to bed with vomit breath.

Alessio wrapped his arms around me, his palms covering my still soft stomach. “Stop acting like it is a bad thing.”

I spit the mouthwash. “Well, it was an unexpected thing.”

His eyes found mine in the mirror, and his expression was so hurt I couldn’t take it. “Are you really not happy?” he asked. I liked messing with him, but I guess our child was an off-limit topic.

I turned in his embrace and kissed his lips. “It is our child; of course, I am happy. I am just stressed. You have to stand my constant bitching, or else this is going to be unbearable nine months.”

“Oh, you have no idea. I will treat you like a queen. You were always precious, but now you also carry something so precious. I will go all obedient servent on you.”

I giggled. “Oh, I like that. Because you know I will be emotional, and hungry, and horny.”

He cupped my ass and pressed himself to me. “The last one doesn’t sound too hard to fulfill.”

“I’ll ask you again when I wake you up in the middle of the night to fuck me while I am less mobile than a stranded whale.”

He chuckled and kissed me again, this time a little more passionate. “Don’t worry fucking you is not something I will ever complain about.”

I playfully pushed his shoulder then yawned. It was late, and we were still up because of my nausea. “I am tired. Come on, let’s sleep.”

Before I could even move, he swooped me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. I wanted to say I was not immobile, but hell, I loved to be carried around like this. It was comfortable and hella fun. He put me down on the bed and stretched next to me. His hand sneaked under my shirt and stopped on my lower abdomen. Since I told him I was pregnant yesterday, he couldn’t stop touching it.

First, I thought to be sure before telling him, going to my doctor’s appointment alone, but I was too excited and nervous at the same time that I knew he was going to figure out something was up. I couldn’t even prepare something cute. I just gave him the pregnancy test when he came out of the elevator.

When he looked at the stick, and me, and then the stick, and me, and then again the stick, I was afraid he was in shock. I was also afraid maybe he was not happy, but luckily that was not the case. Because the next he lifted me on his arms showered me with kisses, saying “I love you,” over and over again.

I was still not a hundred percent healed and needed to confirm most things, so I did ask him if he was happy.

He told me he has never been happier. Then got into his knees, and this time showered my stomach with kisses.

“Appointment is at 10 am, right?” he asked, drawing circles on my skin.

I nodded. We were going to the OB-GYN tomorrow, and even though this was an unplanned pregnancy, I was too nervous my doctor was going to tell me I was not pregnant. I mean, if we want, we could actually try to get pregnant, but I was just too excited for it to be not real. I knew it was going to crush me if that was the case.

“You know what I am thinking?” Alessio asked, bringing my attention to him. His eyes told me that he realized my nervousness and something to take my mind off of things was coming. “It could be twins.”

Oh, dear God, that did it. That really took away my worry and put it somewhere else. I gave him a wide-eyed look. “What?”

We were not even fully ready for one kid. How could we even take care of twins? Also, twins meant two births, and even one birth was scary enough.

“You have twin siblings and twin aunts from your father’s side. It can very well be twins.”

I shook my head in denial like it would work. “If it is twins, I am killing you.”

He laughed so genuinely that I warmed my insides. And then he kissed me. He also seemed to kiss me more since yesterday, and there was no complaint whatsoever there. “Then how are you going to take care of twins all by yourself?” he asked.

That was a good point.

I think he can live and take all the diaper changing duties. I mean, I was shredding my vagina for this baby; he could make some sacrifices as well.

“Also, it is your gene,” he said sheepishly.

Oh, so, know it was my fault that it was twins? “You. Did. This. To. Me.” I said, pointing to my stomach.

He didn’t give a smart-ass answer like mentioning I was the one who forgot the take the pill. He didn’t even get annoyed. He actually got a big smile on his face, and his eyes filled with something so pure it made my heart skip a beat.

He lowered himself, and lifted my shirt to press a kiss to my stomach. Then he murmured, “Yes, I did.”

“You are way too happy about this.”

“Hell, yeah, I am happy.” He sounded almost offended. “I always wanted to be a dad. Knowing you carry my child awoken all those emotions inside me.”

I reached and tangle my fingers to his night-black hair. He was still at eye level with my stomach. I loved seeing him so excited. How silly it was that I actually thought he was not going to be happy about it.

“You are going to look so beautiful,” he murmured to my skin. He was looking at my stomach, almost mesmerized.

I threw my hand back and laughed. “I don’t think so. I mean, first, my boobs are gonna get big, and that’s good, but then all of me is going to get big.”

He put another kiss on my stomach. “That is the best part. Your stomach is going to be swollen, and you are going to get your bump. It is…” he stopped for a second. “You know what, never mind. It is too cavemany.”

Since he assured me he loved me every day, I didn’t care about him being cavemany too much anymore. He was possessive of me, but it was okay because I was possessive of him too. And sometimes, I liked his possessiveness. It actually turned me on like nothing else too.

So, I nudged his head and said, “Tell me.”

He didn’t fight me off but sighed before answering. “Okay. I like the idea of you being pregnant and showing it. I want all world to see you are carrying my child so that all of them can know you belong to me.”

“I am your wife, Alessio. Everybody knows I am yours.”

He climbed back and came to eye level with me. “It is different, more real. It binds us together.”

I caressed his stubbled chin and kissed him. “Yeah, it will show them,” I accepted. “But you know we don’t need that to be bound together. We don’t even need to be married. I have always been yours anyway. My love binds me to you.”

“I know,” he whispered to my lips. “And I will never let you go.”

This time I believed him with my whole heart.


Things are gonna get rough…

Angel’s Trumpet (Mia and Salvatore’s story) is coming out in August 2021

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