His Baby Girl by Rosa Mink

Chapter 3


The cool air doesn’t begin to kill my hard-on.  Mel’s wrapped around me, her face buried in my neck, and nothing is going to stop it.  I finally have my hands on her even remotely close to the way I really want, and I am not letting go.  Her panic—that shit’s going right the fuck now.

No one began to try and stop me as I marched out of that place with my girl.  There were a few wide eyes taking in what I was carrying out, especially by those that know me, but I don’t give a damn.

The only reason I know this fucking place as well as I do is because we remodeled it.  My best friend and I own a construction and restoration company.  It’s made us plenty of money.  Money I’m now going to use to spoil Mel every chance I get.

I settle her onto my bike, smiling when her arms refuse to release me.  She’s in a tight tank top with a sweater over it that’s some sort of lace or crochet or some shit.  All I know is its see-through, letting me take in my girl’s slim little body, and her firm breasts, straining against the top.  She’s not wearing a bra and the cold air made her nipples pebble.  They make me hungry for a taste, but not here like this, not tonight.

“Let go, baby girl.  I can’t drive with you wrapped around my front, much as I’d love to,” I add into her ear.  She sits back, her eyes blinking, the tearstains on her cheeks pissing me off.  Those gorgeous grey rays look straight into me, and I smile, cupping her cheek at her slightly shocked look.

I take off my jacket, sliding it around her and grab the extra helmet, not about to risk her.  If I’d known that she was wearing fucking shorts I’d have grabbed a pair of pants to put on her as well.  Much as I want her in my bed as fast as possible, I won’t risk something happening to make us wreck.  Those long, smooth legs of hers are incredible and I won’t let anything harm them, or the rest of her.

“You have two options right now, Mel.  First, I take you home.  Second, I take you home with me.”

“I guess the first is probably better,” she says, her tongue wetting her lips and I want to taste them, devour them.  Fuck, I thought she wanted it too.  The way her mouth opened on my skin, that tongue sliding against it, then her sexy little bite…I could have sworn she was feeling this too.  “I uh…have some medication I take.  I don’t have it with me.”

“What kind of medication?” I ask, my eyes trailing over her, then down to where her barely covered pussy rests against my seat.  If I hadn’t put my jacket on her I likely could be getting a little peek at it right now.  The thought that she’s on the pill pisses me off.  I want that pussy unprotected, taking my seed, begging for it to take root.

“It’s uh…my asthma controller.  I only have my rescue inhaler in my bag and if I don’t take it then it’ll set off an attack.”

Her answer shocks me dumb.  How the hell did I not know my girl has asthma?  Her ragged breathing earlier pops back into my head and I crouch down so our faces are closer together.  “Is your inhaler empty or close to?  Earlier…”

“Panic attack not asthmatic,” she says, shaking her head at me and I lift my brow at that.  “Yeah, my inhaler is almost empty, and I really don’t want to waste money on another, but I don’t kid around about it.  I almost died once because someone didn’t think I needed to use it.”

“How almost empty?” I ask and at her grimace, I hold out my hand for it.  She hands it over reluctantly after a minute and I can see red filling a little window on the side of it.  The pharmacy info shows it was filled two weeks ago and I don’t like that.

Liam, my buddy’s son, has asthma, and he keeps a daily and a rescue inhaler.  The rescue one is generally smaller than the daily, but it lasts longer—or it’s supposed to.

“I know,” Mel says, her eyes meeting mine.  “The air quality at the hotel sucks.”

“Hotel?”  The word falls from my lips in shock.

“Hotel, motel, piece of shit, whatever you want to call it,” she states with a shrug.

“Why the hell are you staying at a hotel?  You just graduated last week.  Surely your parents…”

“Foster parents,” she says stopping the beginning of my tirade. “I was out the door as soon as graduation was over.”

Foster parents?  Asthma?  Fucking hell, what don’t I know about my girl?  “Come on, let’s go get your medicine and then you’re coming home with me.  You’re not staying in some damn hotel when I have five empty bedrooms.”

I let her slip the inhaler back into her pocket, then settle the helmet onto her head before getting onto the bike to make sure she’s taken care of—no more waiting, I’m claiming her as mine tonight.

I head to the pharmacy first taking Mel inside despite her attempt to argue.  The person behind the counter seems like they could easily fall asleep, but her eyes look me up and down curiously as we approach.  The second Mel steps up next to me a light smile hits her lips.

“Hey Mel, what do you need?” the lady asks.

“A new rescue,” she says making the woman cluck her tongue at her.  “No lectures, okay?”

“You need to be using the maintenance one, hun.  I can ask my manager if we can do a payment plan,” she adds to Mel.

“You aren’t actually using your daily?” I ask, lifting Mel’s gaze to mine.  Her little sigh says she isn’t, and I look back to the lady behind the counter.  “Fill everything she needs.  I’ve got it.”

“You don’t have to…”

“How much do you think my new bike I’m working on cost me?” I ask, stopping Mel’s attempt to tell me no.  “I paid cash for it.  I paid cash for my new truck.  Those were both just for pleasure and I did it without a qualm.  Paying for something that keeps you healthy is not negotiable, it’s necessary, baby girl.”

“Thank you,” she whispers, sinking into me as I pull her my way.  Her head nestles right against my shoulder, and I hold onto her, enjoying the feel of her in my arms.

“All set,” the woman says, shooting me a smile as she turns back our way.  “You were right at the limit to get your montelukast refilled, so I added it on as well.”

I don’t even flinch seeing the total it comes up to, but damn, even with the insurance she has, it’s insane. No wonder she can’t afford it.  She works at the truck stop—waitressing and cashiering—which I’ve hated since I met her.  I’d stop by to get gas just to see her or come in for a piece of pie to sit and make sure no one messed with her.

Mel gives me the name of where she’s staying, and my jaw tightens.  It’s the shitty motel out near the truck stop.  One that sees more dirty deals than the back of a casino.  If it’s not drug dealers, it’s hookers making bucks off truckers that need a little extra.  Like fucking hell she’s staying there one more night.

“Thank you for coming and getting me, and for covering my meds,” Mel says, slipping off when I pull up in front of the building she indicated.  “You’re a lifesaver.”

“Key,” I tell her, getting off behind her, making her brow lift.  “You’re not staying here, Mel.  You’ve almost gone through your rescue in a week while staying here, part of that can be if you’re not using your daily one properly, but the rest means something is making it act up.”

“I’ll be fine once I get back on the daily like normal,” she says but I don’t begin to listen.  Instead, I slip my hand under the jacket, into her tiny little cross-body bag, and find the key myself.

The mustiness hits hard when I open the door, and I turn back to Mel, holding up my hand.  “Stay there.  I don’t want you in this place again, baby girl.  I’ll get you some stuff to have for the morning, and then tomorrow, I’ll come back for the rest.”

Mel lets out a huff but does what I ask, letting me move to the little bathroom area, grabbing the things there that will easily fit in the bag.  I can strap it onto the back of the bike, so she has it for tomorrow.

I turn, spotting another bag on the dresser, and look in the drawer, finding them empty.  Two little bags are all my girl has.  That might work for trips on the bike with me but not to live.

I grab them both up, moving to the door and glance down at my girl.  “Is there anything else?”

“Just my phone charger by the sink,” she said, and I nod, putting the bags on the bike before slipping the helmet back onto her head.

“Got it.  Hop on, we’re going home, baby girl,” I tell her, smiling when her arms wrap around me.  They’re going to be like this for a long time to come, always if I get my way.