His Baby Girl by Rosa Mink

Chapter 4


The house is dark as we pull up to it, telling me that Jenna still isn’t home.  Is likely still fucking my ex, and it makes me mad all over again.

God, I’m not jealous that she’s with him because I want to be.  No, all I’ve wanted was Clint touching me, holding me, long before I started dating Kyle.  I only went out with him to try and keep my mind off Clint.

I’m mad that one, she wouldn’t tell me she was going after him, because hell, she’d have had my blessing.  Two, I’m mad because she did it purposely to try and hurt me, the same with that stupid party tonight.

I’ve never been anything but nice to her, even when she didn’t deserve it.  I never called her out on her shit.  Never told her to fuck off when she lorded it over me that she didn’t have to work, and I worked non-stop.  Never told her to be thankful that she had at least a dad that cared about her because I knew what it was like not to have a parent that did.

After my dad died, I had no one.  My mom started dating loser after loser, moving us to wherever the newest one was, until we got here.  Phil lasted the longest of any of them.  He was also the worst of them.

For two years I lived in utter terror.  Threatened by Phil that if I said a word about his dealings, he’d kill me.

I was twelve when my mom started dating him, fourteen when it finally ended.  Just the thought of that time sends a shudder through me.

The foster homes I’ve lived in the last four years weren’t anything grand, but it was a hell of a step up from Phil’s terror.  It’s why I never complained to the social workers when one of them behaved like my last foster mom did.  She was the worst of the four houses I’d been in, but I didn’t want to risk finding someone worse than her.

The first one was a temporary stopgap, until they could ‘find a home that could deal with me’ as the social worker claimed.  Deal with me…what she meant was deal with my asthma on top of the panic attacks that were constant.  The first place after that was okay, but the couple’s oldest son moved back home, living in a garage apartment about two months after I got put there.  He made me nervous.  I could see hints of Phil in him, but even worse ones as well.

I purposely acted up and got myself out of there.  The next house was better, even if I did have to deal with one of the older girls at the school living there as well.  She’s the reason I met Jenna in the first place.  It was nearing the end of freshman year and Claire was being a bully again.  I just wanted five minutes of rest from it and slid through an open door into what I’d thought was an empty classroom.

It wasn’t empty, Jenna was in there, and she started talking to me.  Things just blossomed from there and during our sophomore year, I was moved to another house when Claire, who was a senior, tried to withhold my inhaler when I had an attack.

That was with miss lazy, but I could deal with it better than the others.  Especially since for a while it was just me and Grant who wasn’t a threat to me.

It didn’t come as a shock that the morning of graduation she told me to get out.  Her husband was the one that drove me to the motel in a half apology.  Not that he offered to pay for even a night of it.  They were supposed to cover what the insurance didn’t for my medications, had extra given to them to see to it even.

The fact that it was only the middle of the month and technically they’d been paid for all of it for my care apparently meant nothing to them.  Nor did the fact that they’d told the social worker they’d keep me until I turned nineteen to help me transition.  They just did it to get more money and trying to fight to get it myself didn’t seem very feasible.

When I went by the next day and asked for some cash to help pay for my inhaler, she shut the door in my face.  I couldn’t afford it and a potential rescue replacement and the room, and so I’ve been using the rescue rather than my maintenance one.

I hadn’t even wanted to go out tonight, on my one free evening.  Usually, I worked them but today I was scheduled for the morning shift, so I finally had one free, but Jenna insisted.  Said that her dad was making her do dinner with him, but Dee would give me a ride to the party, and she’d bring me home.  She never mentioned that Dee would end up getting shitfaced within an hour and the others there would be doing drugs on top of the alcohol.  She also never mentioned that the guys that showed would be expecting payment in kind rather than cash.

It just makes me mad all over again.

Clint shuts off the bike, helping me off it before he grabs my bags moving us into the house.  His free hand is wrapped around mine and I don’t begin to argue when he moves us down the hallway the opposite direction of Jenna’s and the guest rooms.  The only space down this way is an empty room, an office, and then the master suite.

He drops my bigger bag onto a chair inside the suite, shutting the door behind us and not one little bit of me is worried.  Not even when the lock turns with a loud click.

“Take your meds, baby girl,” he tells me, handing over the smaller bag.

“I just need the daily inhaler right now,” I tell him, leaning into his touch when his hand slips up my cheek.

“Did you take your other medication today, last night before the party?”

“No, I didn’t know if I’d be able to swing the next months’ worth and was pushing it,” I admit after a long moment of his eyes staring down into mine, pulling a dark look from him.

“Take your meds like a good girl and then come to bed,” he states, his lips brushing a kiss to my forehead, his beard tickling my skin.

Heat flows through my entire body, pooling deep inside me, and I can’t stop myself from pressing against him.  My arms snake around his middle, burying my face in his chest as the softness of his hoodie, the slight chill of it, calms my heated flesh.

His hands hold me closer, then slip down to my ass, lifting me until my legs twine around his waist again.  He moves us into his bathroom, this time with his hands holding onto my ass, his fingers slipping under the edge of the cut-off material.  I lay my head against his shoulder, my arms still around him, the bag in my hand.  It feels too good to let him go, and I lift my arms until they’re wrapped up and over his shoulders.

I protest when he starts to set me down, at least until my ass hits the cold marble of the vanity.  Clint steps back, taking the bag, setting it next to me then digs out the medicine bottle before opening the pharmacy bag for the new inhaler.

He shakes out a pill, giving me, a glass of water and I almost swallow my tongue when he slips my shoes off my feet.  His jacket I’m wearing goes next, and he stands there staring at me until I use the inhaler.  “Good girl.”

A tingle shoots through me at the words.  It’s almost as sweet as hearing him call me baby girl.  I want to be his girl, even if just for tonight.

My hands slip down to the edge of the open knit sweater I’m wearing.  I start to lift it then stop when he lets out a low protest.

His hands grab it when I let go, lifting my arms so it slides off easily when he tugs it up.  My curtain of long platinum-blonde hair drops, the pink tinted edges of it brighter against the white cami I’m wearing.  A smile hits when he wraps it around his hand, staring down at me, hunger glazing his dark green eyes.

“Clint…”  His name comes out on a husky whisper, my body begging for his touch.

He drops my hair, grabbing up a makeup remover wipe, and his hand gently cups my chin as he drags it over my face.  “I hate when you cake up your pretty face with makeup, baby girl.  I want to see you fresh faced like you just rolled out of my bed all the time.”

“I wear it for work, so guys think I’m older—so they don’t try to be pervs with me,” I admit, letting him clean me up.

“It’s okay not to wear it anymore.  I’m here to protect you, take care of you now.”

“All of me?” I ask when he tosses the wipe into the trash.

“All of you, baby girl, and I love you looking like my good little girl,” he returns, his voice deeper as his hand slips up my neck, tilting my face back further.

“Daddy’s good little girl?”  The words fall, my nipples tightening further, poking against my top and I want his touch on them, on me everywhere.

“Daddy’s baby girl,” he growls, releasing me but just for a moment.  The cami flies over my head, pulling another growl from his throat, and before I know it, he’s tugging my shorts down my legs.  “No underwear?”

“I don’t like it,” I admit, leaning forward, my hands slipping onto his chest.

“From now on, you leave this house you wear something that covers daddy’s pussy.”  His tone is even deeper, and he catches me when I start to fall as he steps back from me.  It’s only for a moment before his hoodie and tee are on the floor, his boots toed off and his pants start to drop.  They catch and my eyes widen when he pushes them off his huge, hard cock.

I was forced to look at ones on the internet with Jenna and the other girls once and hated the sight of every single one.  But none of them can compare to Clint’s length let alone his width.  My jaw drops a bit, my tongue flicking out over my bottom lip suddenly desperate for a taste of it, of him.

“You’ve no idea how long I’ve dreamt of your lips wrapped around my dick, baby girl, but not before I have your little pussy wrapped around it,” Clint states, his hands slipping under my arms, lifting me with ease against him.

He carries me out to his huge bed.  The one I’ve fantasized about laying in with him a million times.  The one that I laid in two months ago touching myself when Jenna left me here alone to run and get pizza.  She was gone for almost two hours.  I didn’t think anything of it at the time, and had raced in here, crawling into Clint’s sheets, touching myself thinking of him.

It’s messy from him sleeping in it tonight, and he lays me down in the middle, staring at my naked body.  The hunger in his eyes increases and I drop my legs open, letting him see what’s his.

“I was dreaming of this when the phone rang, about to fill you up, mark you as mine inside and out.  Every night I go to bed hard, wake up hard, come hard, thinking about you, baby girl.  If I touch you now, there’s no stopping.  I need you too much to stop, Mel.”

“Take what you need, what you want, daddy,” I state, holding out my arms to him.  “I hurt when I think about you, so bad.”

Clint comes down to me, his body resting against every inch of me, his hard cock snug against my pussy.  My breasts meet the hair covering his chest, the sensation igniting me even deeper, and I lift my hips, dragging myself against his hardness.

“You need to get off on daddy’s length, baby girl?” he asks, a smile hitting his lips beneath the mustache and beard he has, and it makes him even more gorgeous to me.

“Please daddy, it hurts so much,” I whine.  My nails dig into his arms when he slides an arm under my hips, lifting me further against his cock.  His hips thrust slowly at first, grinding himself against me, before he speeds up, giving me five hard grinds, and I come with a scream.

He doesn’t stop.  He keeps thrusting against me, a hand wrapped in my hair, his eyes on me.  I’m teetering on the edge of another orgasm when his hips shift, his cock breaching my opening, thrusting into me, filling me.

It makes me go off, the pleasure swallowing the pain of him taking my virginity, stretching me wide as he goes deep.  His mouth is on mine instantly, his tongue tangling with mine as he grunts, shuddering with pleasure for several long minutes.  His thrusts slow as I come down, wrapped in his warm hold.

“You really belong to me now, baby girl,” he says, making me smile, feeling him continue to stretch me as his hips lift slightly.  “You’re not on the pill, are you?”

“No, why?” I ask, letting out a moan when he pulls out of me.  He sits back, his cock glistening in the low light in the room.  There are little streaks of red mixed with the wetness that slips from me, a little trail of it leading straight to his cock.  “You…you came already?”

“Filled you full while I tore through your tight virgin cunt, baby girl.”  His smile grows deeper, and it hits me hard.  “Like I said, you really belong to me now.  You and this fertile little virgin cunt is full of me, going to breed you.  And to make damn sure of it…”

He thrusts back inside me, holding my head with a soft hand, my gaze with his hungry eyes.  He pushes deeper into me, making my hips lift off the bed, my feet digging into it, wanting more.

“Wrap your legs around me, baby girl.  You just lay there and take it like my good girl should.  You let daddy fuck your tight little cunt.  Fill it with his seed.  Breed you.”

Every one of his dirty words makes me tingle and I wrap my legs around him, letting him own me.  I already was his but now, I truly am his and I won’t ever let it stop.