Perceive by K E Osborn





With quick fingers, I hurtle another dart at the board, slamming it into the green circle around the center. “Damn, almost had it.”

“Fuck, Kenzi, you’re too good at this!” Curtains chuckles, picking up his dart ready to aim as I hear a commotion coming in from the front of the clubhouse.

I turn, watching Brandon and two other men enter the clubroom, it takes everything inside me not to throw the dart in my hand straight into his beady little eye socket.

Man, I really want to right now.

“Keep it together, Kenzi,” Curtains whispers in my ear, obviously seeing a glint in my eye.

Brandon strides over to me like he’s king fucking dick. “Hey, little lady, c’mon… I wanna get out of here before the criminal rubs off on me.” Brandon side-eyes Curtains, and I instantly have my back up.

Who the fuck is he to judge the Malice MC like that?

Especially coming from someone who’s double-crossing The Agency?

What a fucking pile of steaming shit.

“You wanna be careful what you say in here, Brandon, or I’ll practice my aim… on. Your. Face.” I hold up my hand, point my dart at him, and he rolls his eyes.

“Don’t be so dramatic.” He reaches out, grabbing my arm and starts pulling me. “C’mon, we gotta go. I got places I need to be, people I need to see, and all that.”

I scoff, placing the dart on the pool table as we leave. Eli dips his chin at me as we pass him. Falcon watches as Brandon ushers me out the door. “If she doesn’t come back, we’re coming to get her.”

Brandon scoffs, turning up his lip. “Whatever, dirty bikers,” Brandon mumbles under his breath as he shoves me toward a waiting SUV. The two guards traveling with Brandon hop into the front of the truck as Brandon opens the rear, gesturing for me to get in. I turn back to the clubhouse to see everyone has come out to see me off.

For a second, just a brief second, fear washes through me.

What if I never get to come back here again?

What if this is the last time I get to see everyone?

My eyes drop to Falcon, I weakly smile at him, giving him a gentle nod. He winks at me, and I take in a deep breath.

You can do this, Kenzi.

The moon lights the onyx sky, sending the stars into a sparkling frenzy. They twinkle making it seem like nothing sinister is afoot, but I know getting into this car with Brandon is dangerous. Hell, after my first encounter with him in my cell, anything to do with Brandon is damn well dangerous.

“Get in the car.” Brandon pushes me forward, breaking me from my moment, so I slide into the back seat. Brandon snaps the door shut, and I peer out the window at the club.

My family.

Brandon slams his door, making me jump a little with the force, then the car takes off. I place my hand against the window, my breathing quicker than I thought it would be. I know I can be brave, but I didn’t get to say goodbye to them, and that could be the hardest thing about all of this.

The car pulls away, leaving the club in the distance. I turn to face the front seeing a glass partition up between us and the front seat. I guess it’s a protection thing for when The Agency is transporting people.

I turn to face Brandon, who is busy typing away on his cell. The fucker looking more and more like a sniveling weasel the more I look at him. But if this is going to work, I need to keep him occupied. “So, we meet again?”

He slowly peers up from his cell, his eyes full of malice as he curls his lip at me. “You should have kept your stupid fucking mouth shut, Mac.”

“You know Hendrix is the only one who ever called me Mac. Axel and his friends call me Kenzi.”

Brandon widens his eyes for a moment, then he shakes it off, like it means nothing. “You think you’re real smart? Think you’re gonna use me to bargain your way out of this?”

I need to get him to admit it—to say that he’s working with Rix. “Honestly, at this point, Brandon, is there any point to hiding who you really are?”

He scoffs. “Who I really am? I’m a country boy working for The Agency. I love my country, that’s who I am.”

I let out a laugh. “Really? You’re telling me that if I said Rix was contacting me and told me to tell you that he doesn’t like how you’re running things for him, what would you say?”

Brandon flares his nostrils. “I’d say that’s bullshit. Hendrix is happy with how I run shit. Hendrix was right, you aren’t useful anymore, and at this point, you’re merely collateral damage.”

He reaches out suddenly grabbing the back of my head and slams me forward into the partition. Pain sears through my forehead, and I fight to breathe through it as a trickle of blood runs into my eyes.

“Oh geez! She’s really going nuts back here, guys. Can you pull in here for a second so I can restrain her properly?” Brandon radios through to the front of the car as I daze in and out.

The car comes to a stop as Brandon pulls me back, his hand still in my hair as he angles my face to look at him. “That’ll teach you for being a cocky little bitch.” He shoves me free as I pant for breaths, feeling nausea roll over me as Brandon climbs out of the car. I need to gather myself because if I don’t take control of this situation, I could be in real deep shit.

I take a second to look at where we’ve pulled over—the entrance to a traveling carnival just outside. It’s obviously closed for the night, but it has me on high alert as Brandon pulls out his gun, walks to the front of the car, aims at the driver’s side door and starts shooting.

I jump, my hands rushing to my ears as he unloads four bullets straight into the guards sitting in front of me.

Holy fucking shit.

Adrenaline courses through my veins, my senses on high alert as he steps in front of my door.

I need to fight!

Instantly, I lay back on the seat, bracing myself as he opens the door. Before he can raise the gun, I slam both my feet straight up into his chest. He flies backward onto the gravel, his weapon scattering out of his hand and skirting along the rough surface. I don’t hesitate, taking this chance to run. I scurry to the other side of the car, my shaking hands fighting with the handle before finally managing to shove it open.

Lights flash in the distance from another car pulling up at speed, but I refuse to stop and take a second look. I have no clue if it’s Axel and the team or whether Brandon has people backing him. Instead, I throw my body out of the back seat of the car and run straight into the creepy, menacing carnival. My heart pummels in my chest, my palms are coated in sweat. Blood seeps down my forehead as I run like fucking crazy to get away from the damn maniac.

Suddenly, blasts of gunfire echo through the chilly night air. I duck, not knowing where the bullets are going or coming from. All I know is, I don’t want to be hit. I jump the rope to enter the carnival as a clown statue bursts apart from a stray bullet as I pass by.

“Fuck!” I keep running.

“I’m gonna get you, little lady!” Brandon screeches, his tone so menacing it sends a chill right through me.

Other voices yell in the distance too, but I’m in such a frantic, haze I can’t pinpoint if they’re good or bad. As I run through the main entrance of the carnival, my eyes dart along the many shadowed areas where I could try to keep myself hidden. The duck game, the ball crawl, I have no idea what would be best. I spin around, an overwhelming sensation running through me when the maze of mirrors catches my attention.

What better way to stay hidden than in plain sight?

My feet slam hard into the pavement, one after another, propelling me faster than I ever thought possible up the red metal stairs to get to the room. I yank hard on the door, over and over, the thin plastic out-of-order sign coming unstuck.


My eyes unconsciously follow the sign as it floats to the ground, my gaze falling on a tool kit strewn haphazardly. Convenient, maybe, but I’ll take it. I grab the large screwdriver sitting right on the top and thrust it with everything I have into the tiny gap around the edge of the door, jimmying it back and forth until it finally pops open, the latch springing free, and I race inside.

It’s dark, my heart hammers in my chest as I try to find my way. Pulling out my cell, I flick on the flashlight trying to figure out what the hell I’m doing. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. My reflection flashes back at me, so many times I gasp seeing the state of my forehead. The cut looks pretty decent, but I can’t concentrate on that right now. I need to get deep enough into this maze that Brandon will have trouble finding me.

“Maaackenzi… where are yooou?”

I tense, my body slamming back against a mirror, while holding my breath.

Without warning, the lights flick on, making the mirrors all light up, seeming like there are even more of them. My reflection shines around the room tenfold, as my head moves from side to side trying to see where he is. That creepy carnival music echoes through the room, making this feel all too fucking real, as movement to my right gains my attention.

“I see you!”

I tense all over as a gunshot blasts through the mirror maze. I let out a scream as I hear a mirror shattering, clattering to the ground, but I can’t see it. Panic sets in, but I can’t stand here waiting. I put my cell in my pocket and start to move. Surely, the more I move, the harder it will be for him to find me, right?

“Kenzi… Kenzi, where are you?”

I spin, my head turning every which way as I hear Axel frantically calling out for me.

He’s here!

Relief fills me as I find the strength to put one foot in front of the other. I press on the mirrors as I go trying to find a secret way out.

A shadow of Brandon moves behind me.

He points, aiming his gun.


I duck, cowering as the mirror disintegrates, shattering to the ground, but then I take in a breath as I realize it’s just another illusion. Another near miss due to the fact neither of us can discern a real person from a reflection.

“I’m gonna fucking end you, Mac!” Brandon yells out.

I don’t reply. I don’t want to give him any clues as to where I am. Pushing on a mirror, it moves. My eyes widen, and I step through into another area. But as I step inside, Brandon turns, his eyes light up, and he aims his gun at me. I halt, raising my hands in surrender.

“You think you can outrun me this time, you bitch?” He waves the gun around like a freaking maniac.

“Kenzi! Talk to me!” Axel yells.

I shake my head, fear almost crippling me. I’ve tried to outwit Brandon. I failed. Now, I might never get to see Axel again. “Brandon, we can talk this out—”

Bullshit! You ruined everything. The SO7 is out there, and I know you set me up. You think you’re so smart, but what they don’t know is, I’m the least of their damn worries! You think I’m the only one?” Brandon aims his gun at me, his finger itchy on the trigger.

I close my eyes.

Images of Axel and me entwined with each other is the only thing I want to think of right now.

My last thoughts.

Suddenly, masses of gunfire rain down around me. I duck, my hands moving to my ears to shield me from the excessive noise. My eyes open as I cower in a ball to see Brandon’s body jerk with each gunshot. He lets out a deep, painful roar as the mirrors crash, colliding and splintering all around us. I stay huddled in a ball as I watch Brandon stumble away, leaving a trail of blood behind him, while I shake on the ground surrounded by splintered and cracked glass.

How many years bad luck is it if you break down a house of mirrors?

Suddenly, Axel, Kace, and Tanner step into view, their guns at the ready, looking down at me. Axel bends, hoisting me up against his chest comfortingly while the others step forward, looking for Brandon’s body. I nuzzle into Axel, just needing his warmth right now.

“You took your time,” I tease, even though my heart is still racing.

“Yeah, it took us a minute to get Luca off the carousel outside.”

“Luca’s right at home here with the clowns,” Tanner quips while following the trail of blood.

“I heard that!” Luca yells from outside somewhere.

“Goddammit!” Kace curses, stepping back to where we are as I hear sirens off in the distance. “There’s no body, but there is a substantial trail of blood out the back. We need to get the hell out of here and get a clean-up crew to come in and take over before the police lose their shit and start a panic.”

Axel, wraps his hands around me. “I’ll take Kenzi, you organize the clean-up.”

“Go, get out of here. I’m sure Jack will be calling us in as soon as we all get back.”

Axel grabs my hand and leads me out. With practically all the mirrors gone, it’s easier to see the way out now. Axel rushes with me, Tanner by our side as we exit the mirror maze. I can’t help but notice Brandon’s blood on the way out.

Good. I hope they hit an artery or two.

Axel rushes me toward a waiting car. The car Brandon brought me in with the two dead guards is already gone, and I can’t help but be in awe at how fast the SO7 work. I slide into the rear of the vehicle they have waiting, and Axel follows me in while Tanner sits in the front passenger and Noah drives. We take off.

Axel turns to me, his hand coming up, caressing my cheek. “How’s your head. It looks sore?”

I weakly smile. “It’s fine, honestly. I’m just glad you’re here.” I shuffle closer to him, cuddling into his side. I might not remember my past with Axel, but he makes me feel safe. Secure. There’s something about him that lets me know no matter what happens, if I fall, he’ll be there to catch me.

I can’t remember my past with him, but maybe we just might have a future together.