Perceive by K E Osborn



Firstly, we would like to thank Kaylene Osborn for being our wonderful chief editor. Life with this book was a little of struggle street for all three of us, so getting it out there is a real achievement. But we would like to thank you for working so hard on getting Revive out there in time. You’re the best.

To Chantell – Thank you for doing the most efficient and quickest turn around job on Perceive that was possible. I know we stressed you out with this one, but you still did an AMAZING job with your read through and we can’t thank you enough for all the work and effort you put into this book for us. Thank you!

To Nicki – Thank you helping us with the proofing, your help with making this book polished is always appreciated. We couldn’t do this without you. You’re the BEST!

To Carol – Thank you for stepping up last minute to do the final read through. We would be lost without your help. You always step up to the plate when we need you and you manage to consistently find those little idiosyncrasies that we miss. We couldn’t do this without you!

To Kellie – Thank you so much for designing our covers for us. You did such an outstanding job, with Axel’s book and we love how this series of covers is turning out. We can’t wait to show everyone the rest of them!

To Nick Bennett – Thank you for being our Axel. You captured him perfectly, and we couldn’t imagine anyone other than you to be our broken, beautiful secret agent/biker man.

To Reggie – Thank you for taking another amazing photo for our covers. We love our working relationship and we adore the photos we acquire from you. Thank you for always being so amazing to work with. 

Last of all, we want to thank YOU, the reader. Your continued support of our writing careers is both humbling and heartwarming. We adore our readers so much and are honored that you love our Vindicated guys like we do.