Perceive by K E Osborn






“It’s gonna be okay, just be calm and everything will work out fine!” I blow out a puff of air not believing my own words as I look in the rearview mirror, checking to make sure I’m not being followed.

Honestly, though, how the hell is everything going to be fine? How on earth is Noah going to react when he finds out? It was never meant to be like this. I never thought this was possible. He’s going to hate me for sure—I’m prepared for that, I’ve been preparing for that.

But I know he’s going to love her, and that’s all that matters.

Pulling into the cul-de-sac, there are more cars here than I would have expected. For a team that’s supposed to have no one know where they live, they sure seem to be having some kind of get-together with a fair few people at Kace and Lily’s right now.

A gurgle comes from the back, followed by a cute little squeak.

I pull the car up out front of Kace and Lily’s, then turn to the rear of the car to face my baby daughter. Daisy, Kace’s dog who I have practically fostered, shoves her wet nose into my cheek in what I assume to be a sign of support. I pet her head and look back at my daughter. “It’s okay, lil’ Dove, we’re with Dad now. He will look after you.”

Taking a deep breath, I swallow a lump in my throat. He’ll look after her, but not me, because the second he finds out I ran off with his child, he won’t give a shit about what happens to me.

“Let’s go see Dad, hey?”

She makes another little squeaking noise, and I weakly smile.

It’s now or never.

Sliding out of the car, I move to the back and unbuckle Dove from her seat, pulling her tightly into my arms. More for my comfort than anything.

Running from Noah was easy.

Staying away from him was hard.

Having his child without him there was devastating.

Facing him now with Dove and seeing his face when he realizes what I’ve done is utterly terrifying.

My knees shake as I slowly walk up to Kace and Lily’s door. I haven’t seen any of these people, including my best friend, Lily, in so freaking long. I’ve missed them. Missed Lily. Missed Noah. All because I got scared and ran.

Because that’s what I do, right?

I run when I get scared.

Maybe I should run right now?

I take a step back from the door and turn back toward the car, but Dove squeaks, and my chest squeezes. “Shit, you’re right. I have to do this. Thanks, lil’ Dove.”

Taking in a deep breath, I turn back to the door, holding onto Dove so fucking tight I’m worried I might crush her. Slowly, I reach out and knock on the door.

My heart rate spikes, so much I feel like I want to hurl as I rock Dove in my arms. “Breathe, Molly, breathe!”

Suddenly, the door flies open to the sound of laughter in the background. My eyes widen as Noah stands, in all his fucking gloriousness, looking exactly the same as when I left—strong jaw, gorgeous blue eyes, body of a damn god. Instantly, my thighs clench together at the sight of him, but I can’t think of him like that now. I can’t remember all the wild times I had with him. Or the amazing connection I felt with him that made me think maybe I could have started something with him that maybe meant more than I was allowing it to. Back when life was carefree. Back when I was wild and untamed. Back when I was single and unattached.

Back when I wasn’t a mother. 

His eyes widen as he takes in the sight of me. His breathing quickens, then his eyes dart from me to Dove. The tension between us grows thicker as I see the cogs turning in his mind. Noah’s smart—so fucking smart. He’s working the timing out in his mind, frantically trying to put the dates together. But I need to put him out of his misery and just tell him. “Noah, this is…”

Suddenly, two arms slide around his waist from behind in a loving gesture. A small blonde woman wiggles in under his arm, all cozy like she’s intimate with him. My heart leaps into my throat as his eyes widen like he’s been caught doing something wrong.

“Who’s this, baby?” Her southern accent hits me like a sucker punch to the gut.

Of all the scenarios playing out in my mind when I arrived here, I never thought that he would be with someone else. And certainly not a southern belle like her.

Noah clears his throat, obviously trying to gain his equilibrium. “Molly… what are you doing here?”

Another hit right to the heart.

I try not to let his choice of words cut me too deep. I did run off with his child—a child he knows nothing about. His eyes flick from me to Dove, and I try fucking hard to keep my shit together, though the tears are welling in my eyes at just being near him.

“Molly?” he questions.

I stand taller, letting him know I’m completely serious.

“Noah, we’re in trouble, and we need you.”






Next in the Series



The Vindicated Series Book 5

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Confused, enraged, ruined—that’s how I felt when she left that day, and it took every ounce of strength I had not to go after her.


Our connection was a slow burn.


And it had begun to rage.


Until she blew out of town, with no warning, completely extinguishing the flames.


Now she’s here, standing on the doorstep, holding a piece of me I never knew existed. I should be angry. I should be hurt. But there’s no time for that. Threats have been made, and now it’s up to my team and me to bring down the almost untouchable elite coming after them.


I’ve already lost enough time, and I’ll protect them with my life before I go another day without the now most important parts of my world.


Our fire is stronger than before.


And they’re coming for my family.


But we’ll use it to burn them to the ground.




Also in the series:



The Vindicated Series Book 1

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The Vindicated Series Book 2

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The Vindicated Series Book 3

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The Vindicated Series Book 4

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