His Mate to Keep by Ivy Sparks



I cuppedboth of my hands around Merrit’s cheeks. She looked so unimaginably beautiful right now. I ached to kiss her, but I couldn’t do it here with the experimenters watching.

Her eyes radiated such an intense mixture of emotion that I could hardly stand it. I had to do something, so I clasped her to my chest again. Her head slotted under my chin and her bare arms slipped around my waist.

Over her head, I spotted the sentinels watching us behind the glass. How I despised them… I hadn’t felt this volcanic hatred for them since my first days in the lab, but it exploded to catastrophic levels now.

I would do anything to protect Merrit from them. I wouldn’t let them hurt her, and I would never let them use me to hurt her. If I had to do this, I would make sure she didn’t suffer.

The very thought of her suffering made me want to tear this entire facility to scrap. I would break through the walls and rip the experimenters to pieces if I thought for a second it would do any good.

For the first time in months, an insatiable thirst for blood and battle raged through my body. I wanted to fight again. Not just to survive, but to live. To be free. I was going to get out of here and take Merrit with me. I didn’t care what it took.

Right now, though, I had to do this… with her. I had no idea how to start. Just caressing her hair felt like a violation.

Before I could think to stop her, she ran one of her silken arms up my back. Her fingers closed around the back of my head. Her other hand glided around my waist and up my chest. Her touch felt so agonizingly good, I almost tore myself away from it.

She lowered to the padded floor and pulled me on top of her. I stiffened against her efforts, but her fingers wouldn’t let me rest as she explored every inch of my torso and back, tracing the tattoos that marked my heritage. Her hand glided up my neck from the front and then, in a blast of aching pleasure, she dove her face under my chin. Her lips came to rest on my neck under my ear and I groaned out loud.

She nibbled down my neck to my chest. Something terrible was happening and I couldn’t stop it. Her touch changed me in ways I never knew were possible.

She burrowed lower to my stomach. She extended one arm up to my face and stroked my cheeks while she kissed across my ribs. Everything she did drove me out of my mind with more bliss and rapture than I could tolerate.

Her fingers crawled up to my horns. She touched them in a tender, exploring advance that left nothing hidden from her. She seemed fascinated by them, even though they were rather routine for a Kavian. Seeing myself through her eyes reminded me I was more than just a test subject. I was a man, one a female as delicate as she could find desirable.

All at once, she pushed me over onto my back and rose. Her hair scattered over her face, transforming her into an angelic picture of pleasure. A mischievous smirk twisted her lips.

She pretended to pin my arms down, then went back to kissing my chest and stomach. A muffled giggle escaped her as she unbuttoned my pants. It felt like the ultimate act of defiance, her taking pleasure in a task forced upon her by our experimenters.

The sight of her enjoying herself and the sound of her voice electrified me. I shot off the floor and overturned her. I surprised her with my speed and her eyes flew open. She gasped, but when I propped my arms over her, a delicate blush of desire washed over her cheeks.

I gazed down into her intoxicating eyes, and I knew then and there that nothing would stop me from taking her. She was giving herself to me completely, and she showed no sign of being aware that we were being watched. This was just between the two of us—no one else.

A torn piece of fabric left over from her shirt concealed her chest. I dragged my fingertip under it, but I didn’t move it enough to see anything underneath. A tortured shudder went through her when I made contact with her skin.

Her lips quivered as she glanced down at mine. She wanted me to kiss her, but I still held back. When the time came to kiss her, I wanted it to be truly special.

I trailed my fingertip inside her waistband, making her twist on the soft floor. She slid her leg up my side and hooked it behind my back, trying to pull me down on top of her. The sight of her insistent efforts to draw me in built my mounting desire to the breaking point.

She raked her fingertips down my stomach and slithered them into my pants. Her eyes searched mine as she sneaked her delicate hand inside, and the next minute, her hand closed around my rock-hard cock.

The sensation of her touching me in long, sweeping strokes fired my manhood to a stretched, tight lance. I ached to get inside her, but every moment of delay gave me too much pleasure to end it now.

She questioned me with her eyes as her expert fingers slid down my shaft to my balls. She cradled them for one blissful moment before she went back to stroking up and down my length in a sensational rhythm. I could enjoy this feeling forever and never tire of it.

Her eyes kept darting down to my mouth as she moved her hips in obvious desire. She grabbed my other hand in hers and placed it on her breast. She lunged at me as though to kiss me, but instead, she slipped sideways and her lips grazed my neck again.

The lightning bolt of excitement blasted my brain apart and I couldn’t hold back any longer. My hand closed around her breast, and no force in the galaxy could stop me from pulling her shirt aside. The last fibers ripped and her breasts fell into my grasp. I massaged them gently, taking in the feel of her soft flesh.

I wanted to be inside her, but that wicked little hand around my shaft confounded my best efforts. I couldn’t bring myself to stop her from touching me.

Just when I thought I couldn’t stand the escalating pressure, she released me. She looped her thumbs into my waistband and slid my pants down to my knees. My cock sprang out and strained to reach her, to plunge deep inside her.

This time, she didn’t step back in shock or avert her eyes. Instead, she scooted down underneath me and her mouth breathed heavily against my tip. She then lashed her hot, wet tongue around my throbbing length and buried me in her mouth, sucking me like she had a thirst only my cock could satiate.

I never would have dreamed it could feel like this, but she sucked me in such ravenous mouthfuls that I had no choice but to match her strokes. I leaned into her as I plunged into the depths of her tight little throat.

My desire grew to an explosive pitch, but I wasn’t ready to release yet. I had too much of Merrit to explore first, and I still hadn’t even managed to get all of her clothes off. That body I’d seen during her shower demanded my attention.

I reared up on my knees, her magnificent lips making a pop as my cock escaped them. Drunken, maddening hunger transfigured her countenance when I straightened her up and pushed her hair off her forehead.

She licked the smear off her lip and her eyes swam with hazy longing when she looked at my mouth again. God, she really wanted it! She wanted me. She wanted me to take her to the stars and give her the greatest pleasure of her life.

She locked her eyes on mine when I pulled off what was left of her shirt. I clasped her breasts and fingered her nipples, making her head loll back as she panted in agony.

Those magical breasts found their way into my mouth, and I nipped her tense nipples until she whined in open lust. She gripped the back of my neck and gasped against my shoulder as I devoured her velvet flesh. She tasted so gorgeously good that I couldn’t get enough.

She raked her fingernails up my back when I mouthed the other breast. She tried to reach my cock again, but now it was my turn to drive her crazy with insatiable desire.

I slid her pants down and stood back to admire the body I’d seen yesterday. I leaned her back on the floor and traced my fingertips down her curves exactly the way I imagined.

She shuddered and whimpered and sobbed when I excited the sensitive skin of her stomach and thighs. Fragrant scents came from between her legs, and my nose and tongue naturally migrated that way to find it.

She moaned when I slipped my tongue between her legs. Her juices oozed over her thighs, and I followed it to its source. Now I allowed her legs to fall open to reveal the ripe fruit welcoming me in.

She yelped when I weaseled my fingers into her inflamed channel. She worked her hips to drive me deeper, and her slippery wetness gushed over my hand. I drank her essence in greedy gulps while she screamed and arched her hips into my face.

The look of abject ecstasy in her eyes when I rose above her told me the time had come. Her eyes kept unfocusing, and her eyelids kept slipping half-closed between orgasmic gasps. She writhed and spasmed under me with every nerve at the breaking point.

In the middle of all that euphoria, her hand closed around my shaft again. She tried to pull me inside her, to steer me to her opening. She moved her hips to position herself directly under me, and that insane look in her eyes begged me to fill her up.

I held off, though. Did I really want to do this? I knew I did, but something still stopped me. She wanted me and I wanted her, but some invisible barrier separated us.

Her eyes mesmerized me. For the space of a heartbeat, I stared down into the bottomless depths of her heart and soul. I saw myself reflected there, and as if from a great distance, an irresistible force pulled me down to her mouth.

Our lips met in such an aching, yearning union that, for a second, I teetered on the verge of madness. I thought for sure I’d have to break the connection just to keep my sanity.

Then something switched inside me and I was kissing her with everything I had. Our tongues joined in a circular dance of mystical understanding that connected our hearts and minds beyond words. I floated closer, closer, my cock against her throbbing folds, until finally I slipped inside her.

Her steaming wetness clamped around my shaft even more perfectly than her hand. Everything about her flooded me with pleasure and completion. When in this wreck of a life did I ever experience anything like it? I never imagined I ever would, especially not in this lab.

Her hands closed around my ass as I drilled into her with slow, sensual pulses. Her lips directed me in moist, effervescent circles to find every sensitive inch of her. She moved her hips in sync to match mine. Every deliberate stroke sent waves of sensation from my cock to my core.

Without meaning to, I found myself stroking faster, picking up speed. She copied me exactly. Her nostrils flared and an insane light came into her eyes. Her breathing quickened until short, quick bursts puffed from her nostrils at every thrust. The sight of her excitement building made me work even faster, drill into her even harder, and I forgot all about our captors and the fact that we were breeding for them.

I left her sweet mouth and pushed myself up onto my arms. She spread her thighs wide and arched into my driving strokes. Her breaths turned to gasps, then to high-pitched squeaks. She locked her hands around my thighs and pulled me in hard. I had to fight her strength to keep up my rhythm.

Those eyes! Those eyes worked on my instincts as never before. I wanted to touch something so deep inside her that it’d change her the way she changed me. I wanted to propel her out of this world so she would never be the same.

All at once, an overpowering urge gripped me. I had to plant my seed deep inside her, deep where it would grow. Every shred of energy in me compelled me to complete what we started.

Her eyes called to me from beyond time. Do it. Do it now. I want you to. I need you to. Do it.

A flash of adrenaline burned my insides. Explosive passion took over. I couldn’t stop now even if I tried. I felt myself rising to an unavoidable cataclysm as my balls tightened. She jerked and her eyes rolled back in her head. She screamed, and her fingernails pierced my back. Her inner muscles pulsated down my shaft and milked the primal essence from my very bones.

A flush of color covered her skin and a gush of hot juice bubbled out of her smoking cavern. It covered my shaft and my seed erupted from me in a torrential jet of fire. I gritted my teeth and roared at the height of my ecstasy, but she kept pulling me in with all her strength. Her muscles clamped me in a death grip that would never let go. I filled her to the brim, overfilled her, in fact. The mess of juices and seed between us left no doubt that we had finished the deed.

I collapsed on top of her and my insatiable mouth silenced her screams to muffled whimpers. She kept rocking and rotating against me even when the flood ebbed and dripped from her channel. She moaned and bucked her hips, drawing the last blissful climaxes from me.

The blood rushed to my brain. I couldn’t think. I had to keep kissing her. Her eyes hung at half-mast, and every time she tried to keep eye contact, she faded out again into another convulsion of orgasm. Her thighs locked around me so I couldn’t get away, not that I’d ever want to.

I stroked into her for as long as I could. I didn’t want to let her go, but the experimenters had apparently seen enough. That metallic voice squealed from somewhere out of sight.

“Subject Human Female acquired stardate 17490 galvanic skin response elevated beyond normal parameters. Subject Kavian Male acquired stardate 15837 neural response elevated to hazard range. Plasma hormone levels augmented to phenomenal range.”

Merrit’s eyelids fluttered. The voice snapped her alert, and she focused on me for the first time. Did she understand what this meant? Those reports could only mean one thing, and my experience of the last few minutes confirmed it.

She was my fated mate.